Dis Dieters, weight loss and support. June 09 final week pg 18 post 257

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1 lb off this week and that means.....I got my stone sticker :banana::banana: I thought my DS5 got excited about stickers but I was positively beaming like a cheshire cat.:ccat:

Thank you everyone for your support :thanks:


Well done on gaining that long awaited stone sticker Louise! You have done really well!

Right ladies (and gents, if we've still got any with us) I am back with a vengeance.

Sorry for my absence - things have been so busy at work (and home) over the last couple of weeks, I haven't had time to think let alone post. Well done to anyone who has lost over the last couple of weeks :)

Personally, I have gone off the rails a little bit - because I couldn't weigh in last week, I went a bit overboard while I was away with cooked breakfasts and 2-course meals as well as ice cream, chocolate, cakes (you name it). Despite giving myself a serious talking to and getting back on the straight and narrow on Sunday, it was a case of too little, too late and I have put on 1 1/2 lbs in the last 2 weeks.

I really need a good kick up the bum as I've only got 15 more weigh-ins before my holiday and I really want to lose at least another stone by then. i know it's possible but I just need to get back in the right frame of mind (which I'm not at the moment). I know you guys can give me the serious kick that I need so bring it on ;)

Good luck for the coming month everyone - personally, I am aiming to lose at least 4 1/2 lbs by the end of July :goodvibes

You will soon lose that 1 1/2 lbs - good luck for July!

Good luck Joh, I'm re- joining ww tonight and have started at the gym this week, i have put on at least 10lbs if not more in the past few weeks.:eek:
so heres a big kick up the bum from me to you, sure you will make your target for July :wizard:

Good luck Jeanette :hug:
:yay: Well done to everyone who has lost or STS this week :yay:

:hug: Hugs to those who have put on this week & :wizard: Good Luck for next week

I am shocked to have lost 2lbs this week, I am now 9st 6lbs :faint: (I think this was due to spending 2 hours gardening in the sweltering heat yesterday) I reached 9st 6lbs last year for one whole week :rotfl2: so my aim is to at least STS next week

:wizard: Good Luck for this month everyone:wizard:
ive STS this week, am really pleased at that :cool1:

Well done Nat :woohoo:

I am shocked to have lost 2lbs this week, I am now 9st 6lbs :faint: (I think this was due to spending 2 hours gardening in the sweltering heat yesterday) I reached 9st 6lbs last year for one whole week :rotfl2: so my aim is to at least STS next week

:wizard: Good Luck for this month everyone:wizard:

Mandy that is amazing :woohoo: I would love to be where you are this time next year.
ive STS this week, am really pleased at that :cool1:
well done nat.xx :cool1:

I am shocked to have lost 2lbs this week, I am now 9st 6lbs :faint: (I think this was due to spending 2 hours gardening in the sweltering heat yesterday) I reached 9st 6lbs last year for one whole week :rotfl2: so my aim is to at least STS next week
well done mandy, why did i put off my gardening :rotfl:

Well I have managed to lose another 1lb which takes my June total loss to 6lbs which is ok I suppose - still have to lose 1 more lb to hit my pre-holiday target of 10 and a half stone and I have 3 weeks to go so hopefully I will make it.
well done, youre doing great. Im sure youll meet your holiday target. :thumbsup2

must try harder is my motto for July! I have had a bad couple of months and my hols are fast approaching.
Has anyone done a tesco diet? or any other online diets. I am desperate to do something different as I seem to get stuck in a rut :confused3
what diets have you tried so far? What way of dieting do you like?

1 lb off this week
well done louise.xx:)

Right ladies (and gents, if we've still got any with us) I am back with a vengeance.
I have put on 1 1/2 lbs in the last 2 weeks.
I really need a good kick up the bum as I've only got 15 more weigh-ins before my holiday and I really want to lose at least another stone by then. i know it's possible but I just need to get back in the right frame of mind
welcome back joh, youve got a great holiday planned as a fab incentive.
1.5lbs is too bad of a gain, im sure youll soon lose that.

welcome back netty, good luck with ww im sure you havent gained that much :wizard:

Well i lost 2lbs today, great start to july :banana:
heres to a fab month to everyone.xxx :wizard::wizard::wizard::wizard::wizard:
Mandy - you have inspired me to start again - properly - do you mind me aksing what your BMI is now? - it must be pretty good :worship:
...I've stayed the same this week :)
Oops, I forgot to mention that I STS last week :)
Well done, Gaynor and Mandy... :goodvibes

I had a terrible week this week, if it didn't move fast enough I ate it :rolleyes1 and the result is that I put on 2lbs :headache: Hope I can get back on track this week :thumbsup2
Awww we all have weeks like that, Jen - hope this week is going better for you... :hug:

I've lost 1lb. I tried really hard and am a bit disappointed but it is "that" week;) so that's probably why...

I lost 1lb which i'm a bit disheartened about as I did so much exercise last week...
Sorry you're disappointed with your losses, Joanne and Claire - every bit helps tho... :thumbsup2

I will be joining you all on monday!
i have started at the gym today, had to go as had a referrral from physio so hoping that i will keep up my will power both at the gym and on the diet!
thinking of going back to weight watchers this time instead of slimming world-just for a change...:rotfl2:

Yay, Jeanette!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: Welcome back, hun!!! And best of luck...
I hopped on my scales yesterday and I'd lost 1lb, not much, but better than none at all! :thumbsup2
A pound is a pound, no matter how small... :goodvibes :thumbsup2

I lost 0.6kg which I'm pleased with. DD and I are off to London on Thursday for a 4 day trip, I won't be tracking then - just relying on making healthy choices so it will be interesting to see how I get on next weigh day...
Well done, Jakki! You're an inspiration, hun!!! :worship: Hope you're having a great trip...

Well I have managed to lose another 1lb which takes my June total loss to 6lbs which is ok I suppose - still have to lose 1 more lb to hit my pre-holiday target of 10 and a half stone and I have 3 weeks to go so hopefully I will make it...
You'll do it, Sarah!!! :yay:

1 lb off this week and that means.....I got my stone sticker :banana::banana: I thought my DS5 got excited about stickers but I was positively beaming like a cheshire cat.:ccat:
Brilliant news, Louise!!! :woohoo:
...I have gone off the rails a little bit - because I couldn't weigh in last week, I went a bit overboard while I was away with cooked breakfasts and 2-course meals as well as ice cream, chocolate, cakes (you name it). Despite giving myself a serious talking to and getting back on the straight and narrow on Sunday, it was a case of too little, too late and I have put on 1 1/2 lbs in the last 2 weeks....I am aiming to lose at least 4 1/2 lbs by the end of July...

It happens to us all, Joh! Tho' 1.5lbs over a couple of weeks isn't too bad and will disappear in no time... I'm sure you'll have lost the 4.5lbs by the time August rolls around... :goodvibes

...I'm re- joining ww tonight and have started at the gym this week, i have put on at least 10lbs if not more in the past few weeks.:eek:
Good luck, Jeanette - I bet you'll get rid of those 10lbs in no time... :cool1:

ive STS this week, am really pleased at that :cool1:
Well done, Nat!!! :cheer2:

...I am shocked to have lost 2lbs this week, I am now 9st 6lbs :faint: (I think this was due to spending 2 hours gardening in the sweltering heat yesterday) I reached 9st 6lbs last year for one whole week :rotfl2: so my aim is to at least STS next week...
Brilliant result, Mandy!!! :worship: I'm confident you'll STS at the very minimum over the next week... :thumbsup2

...Well i lost 2lbs today, great start to july :banana:
Another great result, well done!!! :yay:
Good morning, everyone! :wave: Weighed in this morning and I have lost a crazy 3lbs this week!!! :eek: I don't know why/how as I haven't been exercising much and I'm still riddled with hayfever and sinusitis!!!

Anyway, I have and the upshot is that I've decided to quit for the time being.

Basically, I'm now losing weight from the places I don't want to yet I still have no waist and a flabby belly!!! :faint: I guess the combo of having had 3 babies who weighed a total of 29lbs 4oz and the onset of middle age spread is taking it's toll on my midriff... :rolleyes: :sad2: :scared:

On the positive side, I have lost 26lbs since last August (when I was horrified by our holiday photos :rotfl: ), my BMI is under 23 and I weigh less than I did in the 6th Form... ;)

I'm off to Spain on Tuesday for the rest of the month so it's a logical break and I hope you all have a wonderful weight-watching, fabulous fat-busting July and I'll check back in August... :wizard::wizard::wizard:
I am shocked to have lost 2lbs this week, I am now 9st 6lbs :faint: (I think this was due to spending 2 hours gardening in the sweltering heat yesterday) I reached 9st 6lbs last year for one whole week :rotfl2: so my aim is to at least STS next week

That's fantastic Mandy - I can only dream of being that light :cool1:

Well i lost 2lbs today, great start to july :banana:

great start to the month Nicky :thumbsup2

Good morning, everyone! :wave: Weighed in this morning and I have lost a crazy 3lbs this week!!! :eek: I don't know why/how as I haven't been exercising much and I'm still riddled with hayfever and sinusitis!!!

Well done Karen - hope you have a great holiday :)
Good morning, everyone! :wave: Weighed in this morning and I have lost a crazy 3lbs this week!!! :eek: I don't know why/how as I haven't been exercising much and I'm still riddled with hayfever and sinusitis!!!

Anyway, I have and the upshot is that I've decided to quit for the time being.

Basically, I'm now losing weight from the places I don't want to yet I still have no waist and a flabby belly!!! :faint: I guess the combo of having had 3 babies who weighed a total of 29lbs 4oz and the onset of middle age spread is taking it's toll on my midriff... :rolleyes: :sad2: :scared:

On the positive side, I have lost 26lbs since last August (when I was horrified by our holiday photos :rotfl: ), my BMI is under 23 and I weigh less than I did in the 6th Form... ;)

I'm off to Spain on Tuesday for the rest of the month so it's a logical break and I hope you all have a wonderful weight-watching, fabulous fat-busting July and I'll check back in August... :wizard::wizard::wizard:

well done:banana:
think exercise may be the key to getting rid of your belly.

Have a lovely holiday.xx:cool1:
Well I have managed to lose another 1lb which takes my June total loss to
6lbs which is ok I suppose - still have to lose 1 more lb to hit my pre-holiday target of 10 and a half stone and I have 3 weeks to go so hopefully I will make it.

Well done on the loss, I'm sure you'll get rid of that pesky 1lb in 3 weeks!

1 lb off this week and that means.....I got my stone sticker. I thought my DS5 got excited about stickers but I was positively beaming like a cheshire cat.:ccat:

Thank you everyone for your support :thanks:


Well done Louise :thumbsup2

Right ladies (and gents, if we've still got any with us) I am back with a vengeance.

Sorry for my absence - things have been so busy at work (and home) over the last couple of weeks, I haven't had time to think let alone post. Well done to anyone who has lost over the last couple of weeks :)

Personally, I have gone off the rails a little bit - because I couldn't weigh in last week, I went a bit overboard while I was away with cooked breakfasts and 2-course meals as well as ice cream, chocolate, cakes (you name it). Despite giving myself a serious talking to and getting back on the straight and narrow on Sunday, it was a case of too little, too late and I have put on 1 1/2 lbs in the last 2 weeks.

I really need a good kick up the bum as I've only got 15 more weigh-ins before my holiday and I really want to lose at least another stone by then. i know it's possible but I just need to get back in the right frame of mind (which I'm not at the moment). I know you guys can give me the serious kick that I need so bring it on

Good luck for the coming month everyone - personally, I am aiming to lose at least 4 1/2 lbs by the end of July

Good Luck with getting it all back on track, and here's to the 1st goal of 4.5lbs gone!

ive STS this week, am really pleased at that

Well done Nat, must be so pleased with the STS's at this point!

Well done to everyone who has lost or STS this week

Hugs to those who have put on this week & :wizard: Good Luck for next week

I am shocked to have lost 2lbs this week, I am now 9st 6lbs (I think this was due to spending 2 hours gardening in the sweltering heat yesterday) I reached 9st 6lbs last year for one whole week :rotfl2: so my aim is to at least STS next week

Good Luck for this month everyone

Fantastic Mandy! Well done!

Well i lost 2lbs today, great start to july :banana:
heres to a fab month to everyone.xxx :wizard::wizard::wizard:

Well done on the 2lb loss - good luck for the rest of July!

Good morning, everyone! :wave: Weighed in this morning and I have lost a crazy 3lbs this week!!! :eek: I don't know why/how as I haven't been exercising much and I'm still riddled with hayfever and sinusitis!!!

Anyway, I have and the upshot is that I've decided to quit for the time being.

Basically, I'm now losing weight from the places I don't want to yet I still have no waist and a flabby belly!!! :faint: I guess the combo of having had 3 babies who weighed a total of 29lbs 4oz and the onset of middle age spread is taking it's toll on my midriff... :rolleyes: :sad2: :scared:

On the positive side, I have lost 26lbs since last August (when I was horrified by our holiday photos :rotfl: ), my BMI is under 23 and I weigh less than I did in the 6th Form... ;)

I'm off to Spain on Tuesday for the rest of the month so it's a logical break and I hope you all have a wonderful weight-watching, fabulous fat-busting July and I'll check back in August... :wizard::wizard::wizard:

Well done on the loss. And I hope you enjoy your break before getting back into things later this year!

Weigh in on Sunday for me - not sure what it'll be this week. Can't make up my mind if I've been good or bad this week :laughing: Will just have to wait and see!
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