DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

How does anybody get to a place where the only option is to take a gun into a school?

I've seen too many kids attempt or succeed at killing themselves....

But the schools are really wonderful at helping... themselves.... by doing the least they can... or less.
I've seen too many kids attempt or succeed at killing themselves....
But the schools are really wonderful at helping... themselves.... by doing the least they can... or less
I wasn't suggesting for a minute that bullying is a minor thing at all, hope you didn't it that way. It sounds terrible what your girls went through.

I'm just trying to get my head around it, that this was the go to option.
I actually prefer it to the Holy Grail. :duck:

Yup, you're wrong

Bite your tongue. Nothing Python did was better than the Grail.

::yes:: Such an irreverent movie, but can't help to watch, quote, laugh. I'll move to Castle Anthrax any day. :lmao:

How does anybody get to a place where the only option is to take a gun into a school?

I know things can be bad. Schools refuse to help solve the problem.

No... not justified and yet..... Both my girls were bullied to one extent or another. We had to involve the police and move one out of the city in one case.

Sadly, some parents don't have the ability to do that. Or, they don't know what the kid is going thru.

But the schools are really wonderful at helping... themselves.... by doing the least they can... or less.

::yes:: Whatever is the least amount we can do to get out of doing what is right.

I wasn't suggesting for a minute that bullying is a minor thing at all, hope you didn't it that way. It sounds terrible what your girls went through.

I'm just trying to get my head around it, that this was the go to option.

I understood what you meant. I don't get it either. I was bullied badly in school. I was one of the two fat guys in elementary school, in a class of around 30 - 35 children. We had guns in the house. Thankfully, it stopped in HS. I like to think it was the Grace of God that helped me survive and not turn to violence.
Happy Friday Eve Dads! Stick a fork in the Blackhawks and the end of the longest current NHL playoff seasons streak. Never say never but would take one helluva run.
Hi Mike, and everyone. Sorry, don't know some of you, I don't get over here to much and kinda lost touch here on the Dis boards. I stopped in to talk to a friend on another thread and when I sign up on the dis, the dads page comes up. Good to see you guys.
We are all doing fine. Heading down in 37 more days. Stopping in Bradenton fl.to visit the in-laws for a few days and then off to the Poly. for our 33rd wedding anniversary.
Plans are well on there way for our annual two week vacation at the Boardwalk, hurricane or no hurricane.
Last few years, it's just been the two of us going. dd goes down once a year to meet up with her college program friends. She has more fun with them alway. Lol
I was just doing our adrs for September and geez, I have to make 21 of them.Every year the list keeps getting longer and longer of must does. ( Not one at CrackerBarrel) lol
Work has been crazy for all three of us. DD is working for a medical company and is doing well. There has been hints of an engagement being tossed around...... He graduates in May from Penn state and has started looking for a job. He is a pharmaceutical engineer. I ask him what is that, a drug dealer? Lol He designs pill bottles. Lol
He's a good kid, I have no idea how he puts up with her crap but he does.
Anyway, hope all you guys are doing well. I didn't get past the end of the last page. Lol
Have fun !!!
Enjoy the trips and best of luck with any potential wedding stuff for DD. Our DD married last June and it definitely had its ups and downs but was a great day and a great party.
Hello mate, enjoy the Poly. Keep the chairs warm I'm over there start of April.
For the Disney Institute trip in a couple of weeks we are at the Grand Floridian, where the classes are held, and have a breakfast and dinner booked for Kona so will warm up some bar chairs for you.
Yup, you're wrong
Yeah, in that match up I wan't gonna call on you to help me out mate, i know where your devotion lies.
But you're still wrong. :thumbsup2
Bite your tongue. Nothing Python did was better than the Grail.
Shall we put it to a vote?
See, now you've all ganged up on your little cultural imperialism clambake, like some kind of cinematic NAFTA, I'm gonna come out swingin'. Its not even the second best movie.
Just let me get 838 Male Brits into Disney, get them on the boards, get Randall to give them numbers, and then we can vote. Until then I'm gonna filibuster for the sake of my country's pristine comedic heritage.
Dude. For shame.
I wasn't suggesting for a minute that bullying is a minor thing at all, hope you didn't it that way.

Nope. Didn't take it that way at all.
Was more an observation on your comment about what could drive a kid to that.
The thing that can drive them to kill others is the same that drives them to kill themselves, I suspect.

It sounds terrible what your girls went through.

Not a fun time.

I'll move to Castle Anthrax any day. :lmao:

Hear, hear!

Schools refuse to help solve the problem.

Our principal even went so far as to lie to us to get out of doing anything.

Sadly, some parents don't have the ability to do that. Or, they don't know what the kid is going thru.


::yes:: Whatever is the least amount we can do to get out of doing what is right.


No kidding.

I was bullied badly in school. I was one of the two fat guys in elementary school, in a class of around 30 - 35 children. We had guns in the house. Thankfully, it stopped in HS. I like to think it was the Grace of God that helped me survive and not turn to violence.

:hug: Sorry to hear that. That sh!t don't fly here.
See, now you've all ganged up on your little cultural imperialism clambake, like some kind of cinematic NAFTA, I'm gonna come out swingin'. Its not even the second best movie.
Just let me get 838 Male Brits into Disney, get them on the boards, get Randall to give them numbers, and then we can vote. Until then I'm gonna filibuster for the sake of my country's pristine comedic heritage.

You go ahead and get those Brits.
1. All are welcome.
2. They'll all agree with me.

Dude. For shame.
Oh, I'm fully aware it's not Python... but it's Python-esque.... with some of the same people.
Only reason I included it. And it's awful.
I just hope Norm can cope with all the Dole Whips coming in. By my reckoning there are approximately 699,000 on their way......

He better turn them around quick! I'm nt standing by the mailbox forever...

Hey guys. Today was a good day. Two college friends live in West Palm and a few times a year we meet in the middle for lunch. Catching up and retelling tall tales is always fun.

We are all doing fine. Heading down in 37 more days. Stopping in Bradenton fl.to visit the in-laws for a few days and then off to the Poly. for our 33rd wedding anniversary.
Plans are well on there way for our annual two week vacation at the Boardwalk, hurricane or no hurricane.
Last few years, it's just been the two of us going. dd goes down once a year to meet up with her college program friends. She has more fun with them alway. Lol

Great trips. Know what you mean with her preferring to run around with friends. Mine is the same way.

There has been hints of an engagement being tossed around...... He graduates in May from Penn state and has started looking for a job. He is a pharmaceutical engineer. I ask him what is that, a drug dealer? Lol He designs pill bottles. Lol
He's a good kid, I have no idea how he puts up with her crap but he does.
Anyway, hope all you guys are doing well.

Wow, that is news. Congrats if it happens. One question, has he ever spent any time with you?

Sorry, gaffer.

My second favorite Python is the "Twit of the Year" contest from the show.

For the Disney Institute trip in a couple of weeks we are at the Grand Floridian, where the classes are held, and have a breakfast and dinner booked for Kona so will warm up some bar chairs for you.

Not bad, not bad at all.

See, now you've all ganged up on your little cultural imperialism clambake, like some kind of cinematic NAFTA, I'm gonna come out swingin'. Its not even the second best movie.
Just let me get 838 Male Brits into Disney, get them on the boards, get Randall to give them numbers, and then we can vote. Until then I'm gonna filibuster for the sake of my country's pristine comedic heritage.

There there sonny, calm down. All is well in the world. Here, have a lolly.

Ooo, a Monty Python park with a Castle Anthrax. John Cleese will do anything for 50 quid since his ex took him to the cleaners. This could be a plan.

Brilliant! The castle with the wedding scene would also be a hit.
There there sonny, calm down. All is well in the world. Here, have a lolly.
Hmph. Go on then. What flavours you got?
Brilliant! The castle with the wedding scene would also be a hit.
A restaurant that only serves Spam........Mr Creosote's Signature Dining Experience (with the waffer thin mint).......The Dead Parrots Tiki Room......The Queen Victoria Stakes Ride... Fawlty Towers Hotel....the possibilities are endless.
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Forgot to mention. You may have seen an ad on Facebook where they take a photo and etch it on a medallion. Ordered it in November, got it yesterday. Looked Ok and she liked it. After a bit she came to me and asked what I had inscribed on the other side. Somehow "Love You" became "Lou You." She just left she yelled, "Lou You." I think that became her favorite Christmas gift.
And just like that, we are booked on a cruise in June 2019. Carnival, leaving from Mobile for 5 nights to Cozumel and Costa Maya.

For the Disney Institute trip in a couple of weeks we are at the Grand Floridian, where the classes are held, and have a breakfast and dinner booked for Kona so will warm up some bar chairs for you.

Kona is always great. Unless you eat there with a Brit who doesn't like Holy Grail. :lmao:

Yeah, in that match up I wan't gonna call on you to help me out mate, i know where your devotion lies.
But you're still wrong. :thumbsup2


Nope, you're still wrong. I fart in your general direction.

Cheers Chief, there's a reason why you are in a position of responsibility round here. :worship:
I just hope Norm can cope with all the Dole Whips coming in. By my reckoning there are approximately 699,000 on their way......

I'll send 100% of the ones i receive your way. I wouldn't count on any from non Holy Grail fans.

He better turn them around quick! I'm nt standing by the mailbox forever...


:wave: CBO.

Ooo, a Monty Python park with a Castle Anthrax. John Cleese will do anything for 50 quid since his ex took him to the cleaners. This could be a plan.


Which is why Holy Grail is a better movie. You can design a theme park around it. :lmao:
Hey guys. Today was a good day. Two college friends live in West Palm and a few times a year we meet in the middle for lunch. Catching up and retelling tall tales is always fun.

Great trips. Know what you mean with her preferring to run around with friends. Mine is the same way.

Wow, that is news. Congrats if it happens. One question, has he ever spent any time with you?

My second favorite Python is the "Twit of the Year" contest from the show.

Not bad, not bad at all.

There there sonny, calm down. All is well in the world. Here, have a lolly.

Brilliant! The castle with the wedding scene would also be a hit.
Yeeesss, and he keeps coming back. Lol
Forgot to mention. You may have seen an ad on Facebook where they take a photo and etch it on a medallion. Ordered it in November, got it yesterday. Looked Ok and she liked it. After a bit she came to me and asked what I had inscribed on the other side. Somehow "Love You" became "Lou You." She just left she yelled, "Lou You." I think that became her favorite Christmas gift.


And just like that, we are booked on a cruise in June 2019. Carnival, leaving from Mobile for 5 nights to Cozumel and Costa Maya.



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