DDA Chapter 5

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Amy - I forgot to say that ALL Moms have things that happen on their watch. I shut the car door on Kathrin's finger when she was 4 and pulled Kristin up from falling at Epcot, dislocating her elbow in the process... Other than creating a chuckle now and then, they are both fine! Matthew will get all the loving you have to give him for those boo-boos over the next few days and then it will be forgotten. At least until 20 years from now when Alyssa says, "Hey! Remember when Mom let you get your fingers caught?!?" ;)

and now, I must get to work or I will have some 'splainin' to do! Have great mornings, friends.
Well, then I hope that it isn't long before your name is off of the license. Will that come in May or before?

Not until I am gone. That's part of the problem! If they were ready to hire another director, they could name someone as such and she could effectively take my place sooner. Since they aren't though (even my "designee" is not getting offered that position, because she hasn't proven herself yet.... she really will exist just to keep things running, at least to start), then I stay the person that is held accountable until I am no longer an employee, or until I am officially on a medical leave. At that point, anything that happens going forward is passed on to my regional director. Anything that is dated during my time though, is my responsibility at least as long as i'm part of the company (and some things for as long as a statute of limiations would allow :rolleyes:).

That's why I want it to happen sooner rather than later, but even May is going to be a stretch if we have any choice -- both to try and get everything as prepared as possible and, more importantly, to get the leave set up and signed off on, etc.

Until then, I'll just keep swimming... :)
You explained your situation very clearly, Jennifer. :) And I can understand your concerns on the issue of your reputation and licensing. Cover your butt and get the h e l l out of Dodge, my dear!

That is the goal... Now just to figure out the logistics.

That's the dilemma! ;)
Amy - I forgot to say that ALL Moms have things that happen on their watch. I shut the car door on Kathrin's finger when she was 4 and pulled Kristin up from falling at Epcot, dislocating her elbow in the process... Other than creating a chuckle now and then, they are both fine! Matthew will get all the loving you have to give him for those boo-boos over the next few days and then it will be forgotten. At least until 20 years from now when Alyssa says, "Hey! Remember when Mom let you get your fingers caught?!?" ;)

and now, I must get to work or I will have some 'splainin' to do! Have great mornings, friends.

My mom pulled my arm out of its socket when I was younger, just trying to "help" me get up from watching TV when we were supposed to be leaving. We didn't know at that point that my joints allowed things like this to happen much easier than you would expect, so she thought I was screaming for nothing and totally scolded me for it to boot! :rotfl:

She definitely felt guilty for quite some time.... I still love her though ;)
Now I see and completely understand your dilemma Jennifer. :grouphug: and :wizard:.
Amy - I forgot to say that ALL Moms have things that happen on their watch. I shut the car door on Kathrin's finger when she was 4 and pulled Kristin up from falling at Epcot, dislocating her elbow in the process... Other than creating a chuckle now and then, they are both fine! Matthew will get all the loving you have to give him for those boo-boos over the next few days and then it will be forgotten. At least until 20 years from now when Alyssa says, "Hey! Remember when Mom let you get your fingers caught?!?" ;)

and now, I must get to work or I will have some 'splainin' to do! Have great mornings, friends.

Thanks. :goodvibes

Alyssa's comment yesterday was, "Remember when Jennifer shut my fingers in the door at Chick-fil-a!" :rotfl:

Which definitely didn't happen the way she thinks it did, but she still brings it up every so often. Sorry Jen...she's scarred forever! :teeth:
Now I see and completely understand your dilemma Jennifer. :grouphug: and :wizard:.

I'm glad. I wasn't trying to drag it out or be obnoxious trying to explain :blush:... it's just that I really do appreciate all of your advice. It's very sound, it's very appropriate, and I agree with it completely. And I will take it, once I'm literally "unstuck" and actually ABLE to do so! :rotfl:

I just wanted to clarify that - for once - I'm truthfully not bringing this upon myself or making it more difficult than it is. :teeth: It's really just a dilemma on its own that I currently feel like I have little control over! ;)
Thanks. :goodvibes

Alyssa's comment yesterday was, "Remember when Jennifer shut my fingers in the door at Chick-fil-a!" :rotfl:

Which definitely didn't happen the way she thinks it did, but she still brings it up every so often. Sorry Jen...she's scarred forever! :teeth:

That's ok... I know she still likes me ;)
Okay, as for the BAD MOMMY award, I was high up on the honor roll.

Howie was 2 1/2 yrs old and he fell against the coffee table we had. Who knew that sharp corners are not good. He looked terrible, such colors on his cheek and eye. It did some inside damage cause he has a lopsided smile now.

I was also pregnant (very) with Guenna at the time. You can imagine the looks I got.

Then when Guenna was about 18 mos, she had two black eyes in the space of 2 weeks. One was from falling forward on the old staircase and she found the one and only nail sticking up on one step!!!!
Jennifer - So what if you gave them your notice tomorrow? Told them you will stay for 2 more weeks and then you are out, finished, never coming back? I know you aren't looking to make that rapid of an exit, I'm just curious. I understand that you are responsible for the things that happen during your tenure as an employee, but what if you turned in your notice and left now? What's the worst thing that could happen? If you have reports or whatever that aren't complete do they have recourse to come after you retroactively?

Princess is still coughing to beat the band, but Dadboss said she slept pretty well last night. No swimming lessons for us today. We do have a few errands to run, but other than that we have a quiet day.
I had a charge who was bruised across the ENTIRE span of his forehead from three separate things that happened one after the other.
He fell at the playground when he was with me and had a HUGE goose-egg over one eyebrow. The next day he was running through the house (which is a BIG no-no) and fell and caught the middle of his forehead on the edge of the little table in the kitchen. The day or so after that he was outside with his dad and fell on the deck, banging the other end of his forehead. And of course I was the one who had to take him out in public!:scared:

I had another charge who was in the shower with his mom AND his sister. He fell and split his head open on the marble. He had to go get stitches. This is why a shower is NOT a clown car - it isn't a contest to see how many people you can cram in there at once.:rolleyes:
Well, the snow is finally earning Rachel her snow day. I forgot that they had early release today so they would have been on their way home during this bulk of the storm. Too bad it couldn't have held off until Mom got home from work. Oh man, I need to get to Wal-mart for some bread too. I totally forgot, but Dad won't have lunch today if I don't. Guess I'd better go before it gets too bad.
Oh "bad" mommy stories I love them:lmao: (mainly because I have a ton;) )

Cassidy was prone to eye infections when she was younger because.........she got hit with the car door in both eyes in the span of about 2 weeks. Both of those were bad daddy stories but it was mommy who had to explain that he did it to her twice.

The one I still feel guilt over is letting Abi go a whole weekend with a broken arm....oh the guilt on that one.

My mom should be feeling the most guilty....she closed and locked the door on my thumb when I was about 13 and was yelling at me to hurry up when I calmly told her I needed her to open the car up. Took her about 2 minutes to realize why I needed the car open. :rotfl: Too bad she doesn't give into mommy guilt anymore. ;)

Jen- I am sorry stuff has hit the fan at work...I understand the need to cover your butt. I also think we get so used to the known that no matter how cruddy it makes us feel we don't want to leave the "comfort" and go into the unknown. I will be praying for you and for peace of mind and serenity. Take care of you and those precious pumpkins!!
Drive safely, Tia!

I hope DS has a good day today. I saw a kid getting out of a car in carpool this morning with a board, but I think he must have a different teacher. He had a map of the US with no text or anything. It was a 3D map, but DS's class is actually called "World Cultures" so they haven't studied ANYTHING about the US. I would love to see what the other projects look like.
Jennifer - So what if you gave them your notice tomorrow? Told them you will stay for 2 more weeks and then you are out, finished, never coming back? I know you aren't looking to make that rapid of an exit, I'm just curious. I understand that you are responsible for the things that happen during your tenure as an employee, but what if you turned in your notice and left now? What's the worst thing that could happen? If you have reports or whatever that aren't complete do they have recourse to come after you retroactively?

Princess is still coughing to beat the band, but Dadboss said she slept pretty well last night. No swimming lessons for us today. We do have a few errands to run, but other than that we have a quiet day.

If I truly quit, then a lot of things they could not do anything about. There are still some things (anything I've signed my name to) that I could be responsible for in the long run, if they required court, nursing board, state or federal intervention, etc. That's true for any healthcare professional, some number of years after providing (or overseeing) care. Most things though, would be out of my hands. {Ahh, that sounds nice :)}

That being said, I can't just quit that suddenly for obvious family/financial, etc reasons. I have benefits, however poor, that I'm counting on at least for a few weeks when I leave. I have the paychecks prior to that (which I at least need a few more of! ;)), and I can't even consider leaving (unless it is truly medically emergent and ordered by my MD) without having my FMLA and leave stuff in place. I started work on that today, so that I will at least feel I have the option if things ever get that bad! :) Not that I could still truly walk away (or I'd forfeit all of that anyway), but I would at least be able to start the process of leaving.

It will all come together... I just have to do my part (and my best) to try and get all of my stuff taken care of so that I CAN leave when I need to - whenever that ends up being!
Drive safely, Tia!

I hope DS has a good day today. I saw a kid getting out of a car in carpool this morning with a board, but I think he must have a different teacher. He had a map of the US with no text or anything. It was a 3D map, but DS's class is actually called "World Cultures" so they haven't studied ANYTHING about the US. I would love to see what the other projects look like.

I decided that the grocery story .5 mile away was a better choice. It was coming down harder than I thought and I wasn't going to go any further. I didn't think Mom had any money with her so I didn't want to ask her to bring it home. It was good for her though as I gave her my gloves so that her fingers don't freeze when scrapping her windows to come home. It's coming down quickly now...at least 4-5" and it only started in earnest 2 hours ago.
I decided that the grocery story .5 mile away was a better choice. It was coming down harder than I thought and I wasn't going to go any further. I didn't think Mom had any money with her so I didn't want to ask her to bring it home. It was good for her though as I gave her my gloves so that her fingers don't freeze when scrapping her windows to come home. It's coming down quickly now...at least 4-5" and it only started in earnest 2 hours ago.

BLECH! :eek: Be careful, Tia!
Tia - Stay warm!
We got a little sleet & snow last night but it really only stuck in the grass and on car roofs. It is sunny and cold today.

In other news, my bosses wanted to try a new dry cleaners. I suggested we go to the one where my old bosses took their stuff. The lady there is really nice. She told me my old bosses are on their third nanny since I left. :rolleyes: Wow. 3 in 8 months is a lot! I really need to call them and see if I can pop in and visit. Apparently Brother is just a terror everywhere he goes. I feel bad for him, because he is a sweet little boy. He loves routine and structure, and he loves to know that he has boundaries. I am sure the "free for all" atmosphere is just too much for him.

The optical place called and said one pair of DS's glasses are ready. I guess I should have DH take him over there after school to get them. I won't make him wear them to school until after Spring Break, but I want him to start getting used to them now. Maybe he will WANT to wear them to school! (Yeah. And maybe the moon will fall out of the sky.)
Okay, as for the BAD MOMMY award, I was high up on the honor roll.

Howie was 2 1/2 yrs old and he fell against the coffee table we had. Who knew that sharp corners are not good. He looked terrible, such colors on his cheek and eye. It did some inside damage cause he has a lopsided smile now.

I was also pregnant (very) with Guenna at the time. You can imagine the looks I got.

Then when Guenna was about 18 mos, she had two black eyes in the space of 2 weeks. One was from falling forward on the old staircase and she found the one and only nail sticking up on one step!!!!

Nick fell down our stairs when Hunter was about 5 weeks old. Nick was 26 months old. I think he may have tripped over the dog, but who actually knows. Anyway he broke his leg. He was in a cast for 3 weeks. The day that the cast came off he was at my parent's house and fell down their cellar stairs. Off to the doctors for another x-ray, thankfully he was ok. I thought for sure that they would haul me off to jail for child neglect :rolleyes1
Jennifer - Well, take comfort in the fact that if you HAD to leave now you could and there is nothing they could do to you!:rotfl2: That thought alone might get you through the next couple of months! You might even threaten them with it if you want them to get moving on getting things in place.
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