DDA Chapter 5

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I've ironed a couple dozen shirts today. Thankfully most came out well. For some reason a few stuck to the parchment paper and some color pulled off :scared: I haven't decided how to handle it yet. Maybe a little fabric touch up paint :confused3
Post some pictures when you can Deb. Not sure how to correct the problem though.
So I finally got to frame ny pins. I went to Michael's & found a 16x20 frame. It had a large mat inside & a cardboard backing which is what I was looking for. I got 2 at $17 each on sale. Michael's didn't have fabric so I stopped at AC Moore to check, they had none..so then I ran to Walmart & got some plain black fabric for the background.

It took awhile to get the pins in a line & I have holes in my fingers now, but I am happy with the way it turned out. As you can see there are about 70 pins in there & thats 10 years of collecting so not that many relatively. Dana doesn't think so..he thinks I have too many!:laughing:

With the glass in I think it's too heavy to hang on the wall now!:confused:

I decided that the grocery story .5 mile away was a better choice. It was coming down harder than I thought and I wasn't going to go any further. I didn't think Mom had any money with her so I didn't want to ask her to bring it home. It was good for her though as I gave her my gloves so that her fingers don't freeze when scrapping her windows to come home. It's coming down quickly now...at least 4-5" and it only started in earnest 2 hours ago.

Yuck! We are supposed to get a little snow this week, but hopefully nothing major. I'm done with big snow storms! I hope yours stops soon, and then clears up quickly!

So I finally got to frame ny pins. I went to Michael's & found a 16x20 frame. It had a large mat inside & a cardboard backing which is what I was looking for. I got 2 at $17 each on sale. Michael's didn't have fabric so I stopped at AC Moore to check, they had none..so then I ran to Walmart & got some plain black fabric for the background.

It took awhile to get the pins in a line & I have holes in my fingers now, but I am happy with the way it turned out. As you can see there are about 70 pins in there & thats 10 years of collecting so not that many relatively. Dana doesn't think so..he thinks I have too many!:laughing:

With the glass in I think it's too heavy to hang on the wall now!:confused:

I think it looks excellent! I hope you can get it to stay on the wall! :)
Anne Marie - That looks cool! Wow. Only 70 pins? Dana has no clue, does he?
DS has over 200 - I think around 250 after the December trip. I'm not sure how many DH and I have. I would think about 200 each if not more. And we each have about 130 more to trade in August so I would estimate we will all have 350 or more by the time we get back.
I couldn't believe how heavy the ones from Disney Shopping were after I put them all in a bag.:scared: And the ones from Disney Store are certainly not lightweight this year, either! I haven't ever really thought about framing our pins. I guess if I ever frame them I better have a really sturdy wall in mind, huh?

DH called to tell me he has the paperwork to fill out so he can move forward in applying for the promotion. He has to turn it in by Saturday. He also has to have a resume, which means I will have to create one for him.:headache: I don't think we ever finished one for him to begin with, but whatever we had was on the computer that crashed. I don't even like having to update my OWN resume, let alone write one from scratch for DH. He said maybe he should just go to a service. He was joking, but it isn't really a bad idea!
So I finally got to frame ny pins. I went to Michael's & found a 16x20 frame. It had a large mat inside & a cardboard backing which is what I was looking for. I got 2 at $17 each on sale. Michael's didn't have fabric so I stopped at AC Moore to check, they had none..so then I ran to Walmart & got some plain black fabric for the background.

It took awhile to get the pins in a line & I have holes in my fingers now, but I am happy with the way it turned out. As you can see there are about 70 pins in there & thats 10 years of collecting so not that many relatively. Dana doesn't think so..he thinks I have too many!:laughing:

With the glass in I think it's too heavy to hang on the wall now!:confused:


That looks really nice. Maybe you could find an easel to put it on in a corner?
Post some pictures when you can Deb. Not sure how to correct the problem though.

I had some fabric paint down in my craft supplies. I dabbed a bit on the white spots and it looks better. It isn't a perfect match as it is hard to exactly match reds, but it'll have to do. I'll try to get pictures when the kids get home.

So I finally got to frame ny pins. I went to Michael's & found a 16x20 frame. It had a large mat inside & a cardboard backing which is what I was looking for. I got 2 at $17 each on sale. Michael's didn't have fabric so I stopped at AC Moore to check, they had none..so then I ran to Walmart & got some plain black fabric for the background.

It took awhile to get the pins in a line & I have holes in my fingers now, but I am happy with the way it turned out. As you can see there are about 70 pins in there & thats 10 years of collecting so not that many relatively. Dana doesn't think so..he thinks I have too many!:laughing:

With the glass in I think it's too heavy to hang on the wall now!:confused:


That looks really good. Very symmetrical which always pleases my eye :thumbsup2 Use some good anchors and hit a stud and you'll be fine. Think of how much mirrors weigh or even TV's and those are hung from walls all the time.
Oh, my. Princess has been in bed for 30 minutes and she has done nothing but cough the ENTIRE time. I gave her a dose of Delsym earlier but apparently that isn't helping. And it is 12 hour dosing!

I wonder if she has that asthma cough that DS used to have? From the frequency of her cough it sure sounds like it! She may have to go to the doctor tomorrow if it doesn't get better. I just took her 2 weeks ago and he said she just had a virus, but her cough wasn't persistent like it is now.
That looks really nice. Maybe you could find an easel to put it on in a corner?
That sounds like a great idea!

I had some fabric paint down in my craft supplies. I dabbed a bit on the white spots and it looks better. It isn't a perfect match as it is hard to exactly match reds, but it'll have to do. I'll try to get pictures when the kids get home.
That looks really good. Very symmetrical which always pleases my eye :thumbsup2 Use some good anchors and hit a stud and you'll be fine. Think of how much mirrors weigh or even TV's and those are hung from walls all the time.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!

Oh, my. Princess has been in bed for 30 minutes and she has done nothing but cough the ENTIRE time. I gave her a dose of Delsym earlier but apparently that isn't helping. And it is 12 hour dosing!

I wonder if she has that asthma cough that DS used to have? From the frequency of her cough it sure sounds like it! She may have to go to the doctor tomorrow if it doesn't get better. I just took her 2 weeks ago and he said she just had a virus, but her cough wasn't persistent like it is now.
Poor little thing.

Looks great Anne Marie! And if a big screen tv can hang on a wall, I'm sure your pins can!
True! Thanks!

I think it looks excellent! I hope you can get it to stay on the wall! :)
Here are some photos.

These are the 4th of July shirts. I made 11 of these



These are the ones that I had to touch up. Hopefully you can't tell where.
These go with the swirl mickey top that I made.

These are the shirts to match the AK shirts I made for Chris and I

This is Logan's Birthday shirt

I think I've had enough creativity for one day :lmao:
Anne Marie - So if you point out to Dana that there are something like 30,000 different pins will he let you get more?:rolleyes1

Deb - The shirts look nice! :thumbsup2

Momboss called and I told her Princess is just coughing nonstop. She said to call the Dr. and see what they suggest. But their Dr. doesn't seem to have a timeframe for returning calls, which irritates me. DS's pedi calls back within an hour of when you leave a message.

I don't think Princess is going to nap today. I went in and rubbed her back until she looked drowsy but now she is talking to herself, which will lead to her shouting for me to come get her.
Just a fly by post to say we are having a magical time as usual. I hope to be on later tonight to fill you in on our trip so far. We are off to 1900 Park Fare for dinner with the stepsisters and stepmother. We had our segway tour this morning. Bad weather is on its way in tonight. Hopefully, it will pass quickly. If not, I'm still at Disney and a little bad weather isn't going to dampen my mood! :lmao: :cool1: :cheer2: :dance3:
Just a fly by post to say we are having a magical time as usual. I hope to be on later tonight to fill you in on our trip so far. We are off to 1900 Park Fare for dinner with the stepsisters and stepmother. We had our segway tour this morning. Bad weather is on its way in tonight. Hopefully, it will pass quickly. If not, I'm still at Disney and a little bad weather isn't going to dampen my mood! :lmao: :cool1: :cheer2: :dance3:

Can't wait to hear more :thumbsup2
Hi, Vicki! Glad it is going well! :goodvibes

DS just called. He said the poor teacher spent the entire class today ranting at the people who didn't turn in a project. She spent the whole class yesterday calling the kids up one by one to talk about the projects, so the kids KNEW this was coming! He said some people (like his friend) didn't turn in anything AT ALL. This is the same kid who didn't have his Science Fair project done when we went to dinner for DS's birthday, and the projects were past due at that point. Other people turned in a little crap piece of construction paper. I asked him who else turned in a good project but he didn't know. I guess they weren't out where you could see them. He did say some of the people used the board as a platform and built the project going upwards. Never would have thought of that! Maybe that's what Deb meant, but even after she posted about the mountain and the flag I still pictured it with the board standing upright.

The teacher said not to use a tri-fold board because those are too big, and not to use regular poster board because it curls up. That's why I had it in my head that it was supposed to be upright. Maybe the teacher will be more specific in her directions next time!:rotfl2:

I guess I am surprised that people didn't turn in ANYTHING because they had a LONG time to finish this thing. She assigned it back at the end of January and I thought it might actually be due on FEB. 4, but DS assured me it was March.

Kevin had the internet shut down for most of the weekend, hooking up our new computer. I finally got caught up today, but now with the start of the new thread, I'm going to "cheat" and send :grouphug: and :wizard: to you all.

Matty got his fingers caught in the door at our community center this morning. I was RIGHT THERE. I had moved his hand, but he moved again, and now he has blood blisters around the tips of his ring and pinkie fingers. It just set a "blah" tone to my Monday, and I felt like the crappiest mommy every time he said "boo boo" today.

Amy :(

You're not a bad Mommy, things like this happen. :hug: I have found that little boys have a lot more of these accidents than little girls, Brandon has had waaay too many.

I have seen other threads where the WMs actually make a post, close the thread and start the new one. It's never at exactly 250, so they might get to us eventually. It's probably less confusing though to just keep doing it this way!

I'm so sorry I just pop in for 2 seconds at a time without acknowledging everyone. I am EXTREMELY overwhelmed at work (as usual, considering I still don't have any help). I am now dragging it all home, dragging it into my pregnancy (which is only fair actually, since it's playing a direct role on how I'm eating, drinking, sleeping, etc), dragging it into my potential skills as a mother....... ugh. Needless to say it has the household in quite a tizzy.

I know I've alluded to these things here, but the problem is that I am singly responsible for the accreditation of our agency with Ohio govt bodies, Federal govt bodies, our accrediting body, Medicaid and Medicare, etc. Just me. Me and my RN license and my future, responsible for countless clients, staff members and our local portion of a 2 billion dollar a year company. It's a job I totally thrived in before, and could still do well, but I have 2 little lives to take care of (plus my big life, which is SERIOUSLY neglected). I have "cut back" to 45ish hours, which is still too much with everything else going on, but this leaves a major problem -- I am putting all of us, and my livelihood, at risk by leaving lots of important tasks for "the next day" (which often turns into 2+ weeks of non-compliance).

I feel like it's such a catch 22. There is no doubt in my mind that myself and these babies have to take priority, and I don't care what anyone really has to say about that :rolleyes: .... but I also have a lot of responsibility that, while my name is still on all of these things as director/administrator/board member/whatever, I simply cannot let go.

This, of course, leads me to the prospect of leaving my job early. I have brought my concerns to Maxim and they, maybe just because they are men :confused3 , are extremely hypocritical, no matter how inadvertent. In the same breath, they freak out about me possibly going on bedrest, not taking care of myself and the babies, etc and then pile more on and expect me to work longer hours. I'm thinking they don't sense that work and our well-being are tightly related. :sad2:

So fine. Kyle and I talk, make a decision to tell them I'm finished working in May. Aside from financially (which, honestly, I know always works out one way or another), I'm thrilled with this prospect. It will (hopefully) give me a little time to myself to actually clean the house once before the babies come and we destroy them with how filthy it is (trust me -- I'm not complaining about laundry, or "stuff" lying around .... you all will just tell me that won't change ;) I'm talking it's not fit for an adult to live in, let alone 2 pre-term infants).

But then I realize I will be 30 weeks along at that point, probably measuring "45 weeks" and more uncomfortable than I can imagine right now. I'm still feeling insanely overwhelmed with how to balance work UNTIL that point (because, as I said, I'll still be held accountable). I'm more overwhelmed because a) it's less time to train my "designee" for while I'm gone (don't get me started on her.... I knew she wasn't going to work out from the beginning, but nobody listened to me :rolleyes: ). It's going to cause a huge rift, however temporary, in the working relationship I have with Eric because he is panicking, and maybe rightfully so since he didn't hire an adequate replacement (and/or help along the way).

And then there's the possibility that I won't even make it that long.... in which case, I want to leave even earlier! :rotfl:

I know this might seem petty. I haven't done a very good job of explaining the crap I've put myself through over all of this, but those are the surface details. If you are anything like me, you can extrapolate how this is making me feel as a wife, as the mother of these baby girls, etc. :sad1:

*sigh* Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. I might not be around much more until I can get this straightened out (in my head, that is). My task list is so daunting right now at work, that when I eventually make it home I just sit and marvel on the couch at how much I still have to do and how the heck I'm going to manage. I worry nonstop about the 7 auditors that are due to walk in at any minute (we might be down to 6... I can't keep track) that could shut us down and/or cost me my job. Unhealthy, yes, but it's what I'm up to these days ;) I'm working on snapping out of it though, and then I'll be a better DDA member :). At least in less than 2 weeks, Kyle is off of his horrific schedule and can help out more, too, especially emotionally. He's on vacation then. I'm supposed to be taking some as well, but I have a hard time justifying that.

Until then, take care! I'll keep up the best I can, and look for welcome breaks when I allow myself to spend some time here! :grouphug:

:grouphug: Jennifer, I will join the rest of the group in saying that you, Avery, and Elise are your number one priority. I also think you should treat yourself and hire someone to give your home the cleaning you want it to have, you deserve it.

Oh "bad" mommy stories I love them:lmao: (mainly because I have a ton;) )

Cassidy was prone to eye infections when she was younger because.........she got hit with the car door in both eyes in the span of about 2 weeks. Both of those were bad daddy stories but it was mommy who had to explain that he did it to her twice.

The one I still feel guilt over is letting Abi go a whole weekend with a broken arm....oh the guilt on that one.

My mom should be feeling the most guilty....she closed and locked the door on my thumb when I was about 13 and was yelling at me to hurry up when I calmly told her I needed her to open the car up. Took her about 2 minutes to realize why I needed the car open. :rotfl: Too bad she doesn't give into mommy guilt anymore. ;)

Jen- I am sorry stuff has hit the fan at work...I understand the need to cover your butt. I also think we get so used to the known that no matter how cruddy it makes us feel we don't want to leave the "comfort" and go into the unknown. I will be praying for you and for peace of mind and serenity. Take care of you and those precious pumpkins!!

I hear ya on the "comfort" part, starting over after more than 20 years is a very frightening concept for me.

So I finally got to frame ny pins. I went to Michael's & found a 16x20 frame. It had a large mat inside & a cardboard backing which is what I was looking for. I got 2 at $17 each on sale. Michael's didn't have fabric so I stopped at AC Moore to check, they had none..so then I ran to Walmart & got some plain black fabric for the background.

It took awhile to get the pins in a line & I have holes in my fingers now, but I am happy with the way it turned out. As you can see there are about 70 pins in there & thats 10 years of collecting so not that many relatively. Dana doesn't think so..he thinks I have too many!:laughing:

With the glass in I think it's too heavy to hang on the wall now!:confused:

Looks great Anne Marie

Just a fly by post to say we are having a magical time as usual. I hope to be on later tonight to fill you in on our trip so far. We are off to 1900 Park Fare for dinner with the stepsisters and stepmother. We had our segway tour this morning. Bad weather is on its way in tonight. Hopefully, it will pass quickly. If not, I'm still at Disney and a little bad weather isn't going to dampen my mood! :lmao: :cool1: :cheer2: :dance3:

Glad youu're having a good time, can't wait for the trip report.

Deb, the shirts looks great, I especially like the 4th of July ones.
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