DDA Chapter 13

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so this week is homecoming at Cassidy's school...and they have the lamest spirit week on record I think.
Today was the best as dress like an animal...Cassidy went as a duck.
Tomorrow is dress as on safari :-)confused3 ).
Wednesday is green day.....I asked Cassidy if that meant recycling that kind of thing...nope actually just the color green.
Thursday is animal print day...I told Cass to wear her plaid dress and it could be a plaid a pus.:lmao: She just told me I was weird and left the room. :rotfl2:
Friday is class tshirt day.

Saturday night was the Homecoming dance at Garrett's School. It was called Neon Nights & they were to dress in neon colors if they wanted to.
I haven't even started yet! I'm not sure what Riley wants, but Garrett has quite the list. He would like an Ipod, a laptop, BMX bike, custom skateboard, I could go on :rotfl:

I miss them being little & not being so picky.

I miss them being little and me being able to tell them what THEY want for Christmas:rotfl:

I do also have to figure out what my make for them gift will be. I just can't think of anything.
Saturday night was the Homecoming dance at Garrett's School. It was called Neon Nights & they were to dress in neon colors if they wanted to.


Speaking of pictures, do you think I would actually use my video camera if I took it on the cruise? Usually I take it with us, but don't carry it around all day resulting in very few videos. I'm thinking that carrying it on the ship wouldn't be too bad :confused3
There are a couple of different threads on the CB, about Halloween.

The second ask what do you hand out? I give out treat bags with bite size candy and gum, and the bags must have at least one chocolate item. This year its peanut M&M's.

Mmmmm, I need to come to your house!
Does anyone have their Christmas Ornament for the exchange yet? I hope the stores get Christmas items out soon, because I don't .

No, I am hoping to get mine while at Disney :thumbsup2
well at least Virginia is not picky. Olivia is not to picky yet. SO I can give them clothes. I found the stuff I wanted to give Virginia for her Birthday.
On Halloween we will probably stay in and watch movies. As for trick or treaters...as long as they are respectful we will give to all. Though I do turn off our porch light at 9....because seriously...that's somebody's bedtime.

Cassidy is going to be Meg (from Hercules) and there is talk that they will get to wear their costumes to the football game the night before.
Abi has never been into trick or treating so I think she's relieved she's too old to dress up for halloween.
A ha! I KNEW there had to be more than 5 or 6 pages! ;)

I hope they sleep for the next 10 hours! :goodvibes

Thanks ladies! We ended up just feeding them before we fell asleep even though they were hardly stirring, so as not to get woken up just a few hours later. :teeth:

Oh, tomorrow won't be bad. Play group is Wednesday. But DH is on a convenience store route again this week so I will more than likely have to go get DS from school. He gets out at 3:30, and play group starts at 3:30. Luckily I don't have to attend play group, I just have to suggest a location. :rolleyes:

DS has a football game Tuesday, so that will be tricky. I will have to go get him and give him some dinner and get him back to school by 5 PM, then I will have to take Princess back home. From there I will have to go get DS from the game, and hopefully I will run across DH at some point.

It's going to be a busy week!

I hope it goes quickly for you!

Good morning. :)

I knew I would pay for staying up to watch the game.
Why do I do this to myself?

Because it was a GREAT game!

Hi, all! Sorry I haven't been around. Life's been busy, and I'm in a funk that I don't want to spread around. I don't have a reason for it, so it must just be the time of year, TOM (sorry, Tom, not you!), and yucky weather all rolled together.

:hug: I hope your funk passes soon!

You early shoppers make me look pitiful. I bought my first Christmas present yesterday. I got Alyssa We Cheer for the Wii. It comes with little pompoms that attach to the controls. She'll love it!

That sounds absolutely adorable!

About 2 weeks ago my gum on the lower left started bothering me. I thought maybe it was just irritated & would go away. Nope not gonna happen :rolleyes: My jaw is now very tender to the touch & my gum has a bump on it, I am sure I have an infection. So I get to see the Dentist this afternoon. Luckily I have not had any pain & if I am lucky I will not come home with one less tooth.

Yikes! I hope the appointment went well, and you don't develop any more irritation or any pain!
My kids aren't getting as much as usual this year. The only games they play now are video so I don't want to buy a bunch of toys. They hate getting clothes as presents so I've just been restocking their closets when they need things :confused3 I have already hoed out so many toys and I've vowed not to refill their rooms.:thumbsup2

I told both boys they will not be getting as much either, one nice item & a few small ones.

I try not to buy clothes either, but I somehow always manage to get some lol

Speaking of pictures, do you think I would actually use my video camera if I took it on the cruise? Usually I take it with us, but don't carry it around all day resulting in very few videos. I'm thinking that carrying it on the ship wouldn't be too bad :confused3

Garrett did not dress in neon, he chose to go in a dress shirt. Sorry no pictures :blush:

We took our video camera last Dec. & hardly used it. We had good intentions though.
A picture is worth a thousand words, right? How about 4?!?!

Aaaagh! :faint:

There are a couple of different threads on the CB, about Halloween.

One asks do you open your door to trick or treaters? Of course I do, I love seeing the costumes, especially the ones that make them. Also people did if for me when I was young, so I do it now that I am the adult.

We now go to a Halloween-type party instead, so leave candy out in a bowl. Before this though, we just sat on the porch!

Does anyone have their Christmas Ornament for the exchange yet? I hope the stores get Christmas items out soon, because I don't .

I just picked one up today, at JCPenney! :thumbsup2

The number 13 doesn't bother me, but I'll answer each post separately instead of multi-quoting for you. :)

Ahh, there's an idea! :) (Although, Elizabeth, I must admit -- with your interest in the "dark and twisty", I would have pegged it as your favorite number!)
On Halloween we will probably stay in and watch movies. As for trick or treaters...as long as they are respectful we will give to all. Though I do turn off our porch light at 9....because seriously...that's somebody's bedtime.

Cassidy is going to be Meg (from Hercules) and there is talk that they will get to wear their costumes to the football game the night before.
Abi has never been into trick or treating so I think she's relieved she's too old to dress up for halloween.

Ours is off by 8pm
For those of you that have done a cruise. What item did you forget and wish you hadn't? I'm compiling a list of things that I still need to pack and want to make sure that I don't forget anything. Of course I am pack light, which means selectively, but I don't want to forget anything important either. Lots of lists have binoculars, but I really don't know that we'd use them :confused3


Nothing, because I always pack everything I own :rotfl:
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