DDA Chapter 10

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Good Morning.

We had thunder storms all night. Colby even woke up :scared: At first he thought he'd had a nightmare, but then he said it may have been the thunder. He ended up on the cushion in our room and is still sleeping in this morning. So far I'm feeling much better, at least emotionally. I must get my kitchen in complete order as the pest guy will be here tomorrow. That means everything in tupperware containers :headache: That is the big reason that I have put off grocery shopping. The less we have in the house the less I have to find homes for. Of course I NEED to go grocery shopping soon especially since we are camping this weekend and I've put Nothing...Nada...in the camper. I'm excited that I don't have to venture out today until I head to work. That is rare these days :goodvibes
Jennifer. Hunter had a milk protein allergy as an infant. He started getting repetitive ear infections at around 10 months which is when he weaned himself from breastfeeding. Our old school doctor said that it was fine for him to go straight to whole milk. Eventually we switched him to lactaid drops in his milk which apparently changed or eliminated the protein. The ear infections disappeared and eventually the allergy did too :thumbsup2 I was definitely not a lactose allergy, but a protein in the milk. I remember the drops being expensive, but not having a screaming child was priceless :goodvibes Good Luck :hug:
Thanks for the encouraging words, Deb. I hope you enjoy your day (mostly) at home, and that you and your family are able to get some rest! :goodvibes
How is your Wii fitting? :)

We are on our 31st day, and I continue to get "fitter" I think. ;) My Wii-Fit Age is still in the late 30s and early 40s so for a 57 year old, still-overweight woman I cannot really complain. I find my posture is better and my clothes fit better, but my weight is still staying fairly level, which does not make me particularly happy. I was hoping that this would jump start my metabolism again, but it does not seem to be happening. I think I need to use the beginning of the school year to start something new... just don't know what that might be yet.

Are you able to do much with yours yet?
We are on our 31st day, and I continue to get "fitter" I think. ;) My Wii-Fit Age is still in the late 30s and early 40s so for a 57 year old, still-overweight woman I cannot really complain. I find my posture is better and my clothes fit better, but my weight is still staying fairly level, which does not make me particularly happy. I was hoping that this would jump start my metabolism again, but it does not seem to be happening. I think I need to use the beginning of the school year to start something new... just don't know what that might be yet.

Are you able to do much with yours yet?

My SIL picked up a Wii Fit yesterday. She says that he Wii won't recognize the disc so she is waiting to call the west coast for help. I did tell her to make sure she has the mat in the right direction :thumbsup2
Good morning, DDA!

Is it naptime yet? I am already exhausted from clearing everything off the stupid counters! :headache: And since my table is buried under the kitchen debris i am not going to make much progress on the laundry. I guess I could try to fold it on the bed, but the bed is surrounded by suitcases that are still full. I need to go get groceries later, and I need to hit the post office to mail a check to our pet sitter. I think my library books are overdue, too. :rolleyes:

I should add the bank to my errands. We came home with money left over. Which is just criminal. I had money AND clean clothes so I shouldn't have had to come home!
Jennifer - My first little charge was on Nutramigen, and it was expensive back then (14+ years ago). I didn't start my job with her until she was 7 mos. so I don't know what process they went through to put her on that formula. Her brother did fine on plain formula. :confused3 I hope the Dr. has some suggestions for you! :wizard: I guess you could try the Nutramigen and just see if it helps. If not, then you know you haven't found the root of the problem!

I called the Dr. back about DS's well check since they never called me yesterday. They can see him Friday afternoon. Not the best for our schedule, but we'll make it work.
My sister has this, unfortunately it was never diagnosed until last year. So when my mom and the doctors just thought she was colicky and a fussy baby, turns out she was/is allergic to milk (proteins).

The pediatrician is really leaning towards milk protein allergy.

pixiedust: pixiedust: pixiedust: for the girls.
Speaking of non-sleepers, please say a prayer the next day or two if you wouldn't mind that something works for my girls.
Will do! For quick (and cheap) answers for sleeping and formula.
Today is Leighanna's first day of First Grade.:sad2:
Already? Our school's here don't start until after Labor Day (because of all the fairs and 4H...no one would be in school for the first week then!)
I can't believe she's in first grade already! Kids grow so fast!
Jennifer-I'll be praying for relief for your two little sweet peas. I can just imagine the heartbreak you go through each night hearing them crying.

Deb-that must have been some set of storms. Enjoy your home time today

Tom-dang kids...they keep growing up:goodvibes Glad Leighanna was thrilled with her teacher.

Elizabeth-hope you get settled back in to a routine soon. I agree clean clothes and money means you should have stayed in Disney World!!
Morning everyone!
Tom-Nice to see you! cant believe she is in first grade
Jennifer-I hope everything goes well at the dr today for the girls

I just woke up a bit ago and am just relaxing today--i have the house to myself for a couple of hours and am plannin on enjoying it. i think i have been overdoing it a bit so today looks to be low key
Anne Marie just texted - she's at MK at Columbia Harbor House. Said it was raining and the park was empty but is having a blast.

I see a Dole Whip in the future! :rotfl:
I forgot to tell you all...on Sunday our church mentioned that there would probably be staff layoffs in the next month to help cover shortfalls in the budget. So God worked in my not getting the job there.

We went out last night to get last minute things and found Abi a pair of shoes:cool1: .....out of about 60 pairs she's tried on this weekend:sad2:. So I didn't get to get a contract ready for her. We will do it tonight.

I did get to talk to Cassidy about her boyfriend....well he was her boyfriend until they went on their "date" yesterday afternoon. She said why can't I find a cute, nice boy? I said I don't know...and I truly don't because she has plenty of boys that are friends but none that like, like her.

We also said that when she asks me how I am every day that if I answer "I'm not in jail" than it's been a good day:rotfl: . I told her that either means I have hidden the evidence well or I haven't followed through with what went through my head. :rotfl2:
I forgot to tell you all...on Sunday our church mentioned that there would probably be staff layoffs in the next month to help cover shortfalls in the budget. So God worked in my not getting the job there.

We went out last night to get last minute things and found Abi a pair of shoes:cool1: .....out of about 60 pairs she's tried on this weekend:sad2:. So I didn't get to get a contract ready for her. We will do it tonight.

I did get to talk to Cassidy about her boyfriend....well he was her boyfriend until they went on their "date" yesterday afternoon. She said why can't I find a cute, nice boy? I said I don't know...and I truly don't because she has plenty of boys that are friends but none that like, like her.

We also said that when she asks me how I am every day that if I answer "I'm not in jail" than it's been a good day:rotfl: . I told her that either means I have hidden the evidence well or I haven't followed through with what went through my head. :rotfl2:

Ugh. DS needs shoes. This week. :rolleyes:

I tried to explain to Diva about cocky boys. They are so enamored with themselves that they don't care about anything else. And the cuter they are, the worse they behave. The unattractive boys are the genuinely nice ones most of the time. And which ones do the girls want? :sad2: Girls tend to think that getting a cocky boy to notice them means they have some sort of validity. Problem is, the cocky boys aren't that discriminating. They "collect" girls, and they don't care who the girls are or what they look like or anything else. The boys just want to be adored by as many girls as they can amass! :rotfl2: Diva had a crush on some boy who was going off to boot camp. He was being a jerk to her right before he left, and she was going on about how he was going to be sorry he let her slip through his fingers. Um, no, he won't. Boys don't operate that way. But teen girls don't see that. :rolleyes:

I am sorry the job market is still giving you such a fit. I hope something good happens soon! (And I hope you continue to stay out of jail!)
Holy cow! Having counters ripped out is LOUD! :scared: Hopefully they will finish quickly so I can go do my stuff before it gets too late. DH is on his way home now, so I can leave when he gets here.
We are on our 31st day, and I continue to get "fitter" I think. ;) My Wii-Fit Age is still in the late 30s and early 40s so for a 57 year old, still-overweight woman I cannot really complain. I find my posture is better and my clothes fit better, but my weight is still staying fairly level, which does not make me particularly happy. I was hoping that this would jump start my metabolism again, but it does not seem to be happening. I think I need to use the beginning of the school year to start something new... just don't know what that might be yet.

Are you able to do much with yours yet?

I am, yes! I'm really enjoying it, although I don't get to do it as much as I'd like. I'm lucky if I get a body test in every day, but my goal is 10-30 minutes of at least something else... that probably happens only every couple of days :blush: It's really enjoyable though! I'm not doing it enough to see results, but I'm maintaining my weight so I suppose that's ok. I'm glad you're seeing results... and what a great fit age!
Hmm... I multi-quoted a few other things from the last couple of pages. :confused: I can't go back just yet, so I hope you all are doing well. Thanks for all the encouragement. And I'm so jealous that Anne Marie is in the MK. If it's going to be this hot here, we might as well be somewhere better, and I can't think of another place I'd rather be. Well, except maybe Epcot, but the difference is really minute ;)

Take care!
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