many DVC DINK's


Just Earned My Ears
Jan 9, 2007
Hi all,

DW and I are DINK's (Double Income No Kids) and huge Disney fans. We bought into DVC this past January and are truly loving it. I'm curious to see how many more like us there are out there and also if any of you are local to Orlando like us. I thought it might be fun to start a social group for local DVC members (if there isn't one already). :)
We are mostly SINK's, but I do contract work occasionally, does that count? We bought in back when VWL was built, 7 years ago sound right? Hard to believe it has been that long.
We used to live in S FL, but moved 11 years ago.

Good luck with the social group! Sounds fun :yay: .
We're DINKs right now, and will be DINKs again once my wife graduates from vet school. Not local though!
We're actually TINK's! Triple Income, No Kids. :rotfl: It's me and my parents. I'm the 23-year-old "kid" with the full-time job. The three of us bought into DVC together.
Okay, modifcation No. 2......all DINK's, SINK's, TINK's and any other _INK's ;) furry four-legged kid here (a beagle who is WAY spoiled).
DH and I are DINKS, though in about 2 - 3 years we hope to lose the NK part. We're in MD, and all the kids for now are of the furry variety.
We're DINKS for life....we just celebrated DH's 50th birthday at Disney. We bought our first DVC contract in 2001 (have 3 now). Also have two furry K's.
DINKS here too. Not local though but hoping to be some day too. We also have 1 very spoiled cat.

OT- RSoxFan I love your signature line "I interview boyfriends by bringing them to WDW."

DD did just that when DBF came along on 2 WDW vacations with our family. The boy figured out real fast that he had better love WDW!!! He bought her SSR as a wedding present. What a great guy! Good luck to you, look for the right one.

They are Dinks.
We are DINKS too. No furry friends at home either (though I am trying desparately convince DH for a dog). Unfortunately, we are not local to Orlando either.
We are DINK's who will be celebrating our 20th anniversary next May. We've owned at DVC since 2002 when we bought BCV sight unseen after a magical first-time visit to WDW in May 2002. We've traveled extensively over the years, and never had we found such a wonderfully peaceful (sounds weird) and beautiful vacation where we really felt we were ON VACATION. Our first visit was at AKL, so it's nice to have villas there now.

We have three cats and two dogs who think they own us--and they do....
OT- RSoxFan I love your signature line "I interview boyfriends by bringing them to WDW."

DD did just that when DBF came along on 2 WDW vacations with our family. The boy figured out real fast that he had better love WDW!!! He bought her SSR as a wedding present. What a great guy! Good luck to you, look for the right one.

They are Dinks.

Thank you so much. That's so sweet! Your DD is very lucky to have found a guy like that. That is one heck of a wedding gift. :woohoo:
Dinks here also My DW and I bought 2003 and love it. I should say we were not Dinks untill about 2 years ago.
How about PINKS...Pensioners? You don't have to be young to love Disney, just young at heart.

We bought BWV in 99 and I retired last year, so now we get to go at least 2 or 3 times a year as opposed to the 'once every two years' trip we used to take while I was working.

jeankeri...very funny!


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