Couch to 5k


Jan 31, 2011
I searched and didn't see a dedicated thread, so I figured I'd start one.

Which week are you on and how are you doing? Do you have any tips for other c25kers?

I'm Haley and I am on week 4 day 2. So far it is going great despite a month long break due to injury.
I just finished week 3--one to week 4! Thanks for starting this thread. For now I'm just working toward a local 5K but if I can become a "runner" and make this a long-term habit, I'm going to reward myself with a Disney race. :cool1:
Me!!! I'm on W3 and need to do D3 today. I was supposed to do it yesterday, but my weekend was just too full of stuff.

So, I'll have to either do two days in a row (I know, not supposed to do that) or switch to MWF instead of TTh and either Sat or Sun for my runs.

I really like the program -- I actually look forward to walk/running. :thumbsup2

Friday I did w4d2 with no problem at all. Today was w4d3, which is the same, and I was barely able to finish! It was the strangest thing. I wonder if it was my shoes. I ran today with my orthotics for the first time.

mamacate I went ahead and paid for two local 5ks so I would run them. I am planning on doing the Princess 1/2 marathon in Feb with a huge group of people. I really hope I am able to do it.
How are you guys doing?

I took a jog around the neighborhood today so I could see the storm damage. It was really windy, so it was tough. I had fun though. Today was supposed to be one of my rest days so I didn't time the running and walking parts.
I am toying with the idea of starting this week and doing some 5Ks that are in my parents' neck of the woods (I won't run into anyone I know that way and can maybe convince my niece and nephew to do it with me.)
Thanks for asking Haley! I did w4d1 yesterday. Wasn't easy, but I did it and I'm looking forward to my next run. I started doing some resistance exercises on off days too, and I guess I did them right because I sure can feel it in my shoulders, arms, and pecs!

Haley, I'm a knitter too! Did you see my friend Lee Ann's article in the latest Twist Collective about knitting and running?

I'm on a c25k thread on, and found a bunch of knitters over there too. Funny! I guess we're all getting off the couch!

I have a secret ambition to run the 2012 Princess, but am trying not to get ahead of myself. :) We'll see....

Coyote, go for it! My employer has a 5K that happened last time I was training, but I'm sure as hell not going running with a few hundred of my closest colleagues (some of whom are competitive triathletes). Not gonna happen. I'm only going one town over, but I'm going to be happy and proud of how SLLLLLOW I am. If you haven't read John Bingham's book "Running for Mortals," check it out. It helped me deal with my non-athlete exercise shame stuff.
I'm on week 5 day 1 but stopped because I was sick so I'm restarting week 4 this week.
Week 4 was really hard the first time, hopefully it will be better this time around!

I'm signed up for the Everest Challenge at WDW in May and my goal is the Princess half 2012.
Hello there! I am going to Week 3 Day 3 tomorrow. I am really enjoying this program, but agree with you....I am super slow! I just picked up Marathoning for Mortals, so good to hear you enjoyed it. I am hoping to do a couple 5 ks, maybe a 10k this summer. My long-term goal is the Disneyworld half in January (but to be honest, I am secretly hoping I would be able to do the full then). I just don't think I will realistically have the time to train for the full, but I would love to do it.
Good luck everyone! Thanks for starting this thread...I'm happy to hear there are others at about the same spot as me!
Hi! I finished W3D3 on Monday. I'll do W4D1 tonight, then maybe Friday/Sunday to get back on my schedule.

I had a really good walk/run on Monday -- looking forward to tonight's session. (And you have to know -- I never thought I'd ever be saying anything like that, lol!)
Thanks for asking Haley! I did w4d1 yesterday. Wasn't easy, but I did it and I'm looking forward to my next run. I started doing some resistance exercises on off days too, and I guess I did them right because I sure can feel it in my shoulders, arms, and pecs!

Haley, I'm a knitter too! Did you see my friend Lee Ann's article in the latest Twist Collective about knitting and running?

I'm on a c25k thread on, and found a bunch of knitters over there too. Funny! I guess we're all getting off the couch!

I have a secret ambition to run the 2012 Princess, but am trying not to get ahead of myself. :) We'll see....


Good work! I bet you can do the Princess. Just set you mind to it :)

I hadn't seen that. I'm going to check it out now. Are you on ravelry? I'm myknitography over there.

I'm on week 5 day 1 but stopped because I was sick so I'm restarting week 4 this week.
Week 4 was really hard the first time, hopefully it will be better this time around!

I'm signed up for the Everest Challenge at WDW in May and my goal is the Princess half 2012.

That's great! If you find week 4 gets too be too easy I'd skip the other day(s) and move on to week 5. I had to repeat one day of week 3, but was able to move on after that.

Hello there! I am going to Week 3 Day 3 tomorrow. I am really enjoying this program, but agree with you....I am super slow! I just picked up Marathoning for Mortals, so good to hear you enjoyed it. I am hoping to do a couple 5 ks, maybe a 10k this summer. My long-term goal is the Disneyworld half in January (but to be honest, I am secretly hoping I would be able to do the full then). I just don't think I will realistically have the time to train for the full, but I would love to do it.
Good luck everyone! Thanks for starting this thread...I'm happy to hear there are others at about the same spot as me!

Welcome! It is great to have goals. I signed up (and paid for) two 5ks so I would stay on track. If I paid for a race, I'm going to run it.

Hi! I finished W3D3 on Monday. I'll do W4D1 tonight, then maybe Friday/Sunday to get back on my schedule.

I had a really good walk/run on Monday -- looking forward to tonight's session. (And you have to know -- I never thought I'd ever be saying anything like that, lol!)

I never thought I'd like running either. I felt really great about myself when I left the gym today. Good job!

I did week 5 day 1 today. It really wasn't bad. Since I am past the halfway point now I KNOW I can do this.

I ended up running twice in my neighborhood yesterday. I maybe shouldn't have since it wasn't a training day, but it was fun. It was a lot harder to run in the cold and wind than on a treadmill. I'm also not used to hills, but I was fast outside. It was a nice surprise.
I forgot to mention something. I think I figured out why some of my runs that should be hard are easy, and why the "easy" ones are hard. When I am well hydrated running is easier. It hit me today. I drank a lot of water yesterday and today wasn't bad at all. I didn't drink a lot of water on Thursday, so Friday's run was tough.
I forgot to mention something. I think I figured out why some of my runs that should be hard are easy, and why the "easy" ones are hard. When I am well hydrated running is easier. It hit me today. I drank a lot of water yesterday and today wasn't bad at all. I didn't drink a lot of water on Thursday, so Friday's run was tough.

I'm noticing that about my runs too. I'm terrible about drinking enough water over the course of the day, but I'm going to have to get better at it.

I'm doing the C210K program (probably should have started with C25K first) and training for my first half-marathon (the Disney Half) in January. I never imagined myself running and never imagined actually enjoying running before. Who knew?!
Maybe I should have had a good, long drink of water before my W4D1 yesterday. It was tough -- the first 5 minute run just about did me in. But, I sucked it up and finished. Felt pretty good about it too. ;)

I'm also reading a book called "Younger Next Year for Women." It talks about how you need to exercise at least six days a week in order to not get old and frail for the last third of your life. I highly recommend it if you are "of a certain age," lol.

Even if you're younger than I am, I think if you start exercising early, it will be so much easier than if you do like me and slack off the older you get and then try to start back up. That's the wrong way to do it!!!! That's where I got the determination to suck it up and keep going -- trying to not decay. :rotfl:
C25K graduate here.

I just wanted to stop in and say congratulations for taking the initiative to get going with the program and best of luck as you plug through.

When I went through, I used some podcasts that another C25K finisher put together; they're mainly electronic/ambient style music with voice prompts and tempo changes based on what you're supposed to be doing. They're available here:

Keep plugging y'all. It does get easier. I've got 3 or 4 5Ks under my belt now, am running 15+ miles a week, and have three races on my docket for the next 6 months...Warrior Dash North Texas, Tough Mudder Colorado, and the Wine & Dine Half. If I can do it, y'all can too. One day at a time!
I'm noticing that about my runs too. I'm terrible about drinking enough water over the course of the day, but I'm going to have to get better at it.

I'm doing the C210K program (probably should have started with C25K first) and training for my first half-marathon (the Disney Half) in January. I never imagined myself running and never imagined actually enjoying running before. Who knew?!

I'm still trying to get to the point of enjoying it.

Maybe I should have had a good, long drink of water before my W4D1 yesterday. It was tough -- the first 5 minute run just about did me in. But, I sucked it up and finished. Felt pretty good about it too. ;)

I'm also reading a book called "Younger Next Year for Women." It talks about how you need to exercise at least six days a week in order to not get old and frail for the last third of your life. I highly recommend it if you are "of a certain age," lol.

Even if you're younger than I am, I think if you start exercising early, it will be so much easier than if you do like me and slack off the older you get and then try to start back up. That's the wrong way to do it!!!! That's where I got the determination to suck it up and keep going -- trying to not decay. :rotfl:

Six days! That's crazy. I found that I am having to back off this week. I was feeling super run down from the extra workout days.

Congrats on finishing! It is an amazing feeling to know you did something you never thought you could.

C25K graduate here.

I just wanted to stop in and say congratulations for taking the initiative to get going with the program and best of luck as you plug through.

When I went through, I used some podcasts that another C25K finisher put together; they're mainly electronic/ambient style music with voice prompts and tempo changes based on what you're supposed to be doing. They're available here:

Keep plugging y'all. It does get easier. I've got 3 or 4 5Ks under my belt now, am running 15+ miles a week, and have three races on my docket for the next 6 months...Warrior Dash North Texas, Tough Mudder Colorado, and the Wine & Dine Half. If I can do it, y'all can too. One day at a time!

Thanks for the info and congrats to you! Good luck with your upcoming races :)

Today was very tough for me. I ran outside in my neighborhood. I think I prefer the treadmill for now. It was too hilly for my liking. I should have had more water yesterday. I am going to try to do better today and tomorrow so maybe Sunday's run will be great.
Just started C25K today and am doing it with my son (12) so that he will have something other than team sports entrenched in his fitness lifestyle and we will both have a cheerleader. He is much more fit than I (no kidding)! I believe I will have to repeat week 1 at least once - I walk a lot and can sustain a fast pace walking, however running has never, ever been my strong suit even as a kid. We have to go back out and finish day one, though because half-way through it started pouring. The weather-forecaster misled us ;). Glad you started this thread and I would love to hear others first and second week experiences.

Thanks for the tip about being well-hydrated...I do drink a lot, but I suspect if I don't up my intake it will be headaches every time for me.
great to find this thread!

My wife and I are on W3D2 - would have been a little further along if not for some crazy weather here in NY.

good luck to everyone trying this - stay focused and positive!


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