Couch to 5k

How are you all doing? I am sick again, so I will be delayed. I don't know when I will get to finish week 5.:confused:
I'm doing pretty well so far. I'm still healthy so far, and gradually building up endurance. Starting week 3 this week... :)

I hope you get well soon and are able to ease back in to the week you were on (or back up just a little).
Just started C25K today and am doing it with my son (12) so that he will have something other than team sports entrenched in his fitness lifestyle and we will both have a cheerleader. He is much more fit than I (no kidding)! I believe I will have to repeat week 1 at least once - I walk a lot and can sustain a fast pace walking, however running has never, ever been my strong suit even as a kid. We have to go back out and finish day one, though because half-way through it started pouring. The weather-forecaster misled us ;). Glad you started this thread and I would love to hear others first and second week experiences.

Thanks for the tip about being well-hydrated...I do drink a lot, but I suspect if I don't up my intake it will be headaches every time for me.

I'm also doing C25K, and I've done every week twice. It just seems to work better for me. For me, I have a week that's new/hard, and then an easy week (as I've already done it-it's really just in my head :)) I know it'll take a lot longer, but I've gone farther than I ever have before (I tried doing C25K last year, only doing 1 week for each level, and I ended up quitting after the 2nd week.) I'm now in my second week of doing "week 4." I've also always hated running (even as a kid.) I still can't say I like it, and some days are better than others, but I'm doing it, so I'm happy.
I'm also doing C25K, and I've done every week twice. It just seems to work better for me. For me, I have a week that's new/hard, and then an easy week (as I've already done it-it's really just in my head :)) I know it'll take a lot longer, but I've gone farther than I ever have before (I tried doing C25K last year, only doing 1 week for each level, and I ended up quitting after the 2nd week.) I'm now in my second week of doing "week 4." I've also always hated running (even as a kid.) I still can't say I like it, and some days are better than others, but I'm doing it, so I'm happy.

Thanks for your feedback...I will be open to repeating any of the weeks as I am in no hurry to complete this and really want to be successful at it. I hope to come to love it, at least the increased stamina, decreased waistline (among other areas) and bonding time with my son. So far so good, although I have realized that I need to schedule the time in because looking at any week and saying Monday, Wednesday and Saturday will work doesn't mean it is going to happen...I need to actually look at time of day and what is realistic, even looking as far as two weeks in advance. This is for sure turning into an experience :).
I like the idea of repeating weeks twice before moving up. Sometimes the increases seem like too much otherwise. :)

Good luck with scheduling your realistic workout days! It's definitely a challenge... :scared1:
I started this hardly being able to run 30 seconds without thinking I was going to collapse and die in a heap! Some friends signed up for a 5k in June and convinced me to join them, but I am so not a runner, never have been. I told them I would wait till the end of April and see how I felt about my ability to actually do it.

So far so good. I am really constantly surprised when I complete a session without a problem that I thought, "there is no way I can do this!" But so far, I've done them all, no repeating and the only time I shaved 30 seconds off a run was the first time I did 5 minutes. I have the C25K App on my iPhone and love that it just tells me when to run and walk, I don't have to keep looking at the time. So far I am stuck on the treadmill because of the ridiculous winter weather this year here in Upstate New York, but I did get outside once. It's different and I ran slower outside, but that's okay, I'm not aiming to win anything, just finish it running. I'm actually starting to like running :laughing:never thought I'd say that, and the feeling when you're done.

Maybe I'll be heading to the Princess Half someday! :eek:

:goodvibes Good vibes to everyone. Keep running!!!
I started today! Used the treadmill and added extra 5 min walk at the end since I ran so slow.
I'll do week 1 again next week since I'm starting mid week and need to start slow to take care of my back, (herniated discs).
Wish me luck!
I started today! Used the treadmill and added extra 5 min walk at the end since I ran so slow.
I'll do week 1 again next week since I'm starting mid week and need to start slow to take care of my back, (herniated discs).
Wish me luck!

Good for you! Definitely be careful of that back... :)
Hello! I am soooo glad that I found this thread! I am actually starting this Monday! I have a 5k scheduled on June 11...I know I wont be done with the training, but Tony Horton is The Marshal of the I had to book it! I am also scheduled for a 10K in I plan to get at least 2 5ks under my belt this summer! So glad to be here with you guys!

~Stephanie :flower1:
Glad to find this thread! I started last week (have done 2 days of week 1). I haven't been able to complete either, so will probably repeat the week. I am SO not a cardio person, but I want to be able to do this. I also started Weight Watchers last week (I weigh in today... wish me luck... ). I have about 40lbs to lose, so will be using the C25K to get moving.
OMG!!! I just finished W5D3. I ran 20 minutes without walking. I don't think I've EVER done that. I didn't want to get on the treadmill. I hated it. But, I got on it anyway.

THIS is the shining example of "If I can do this -- YOU can too!"

So proud of everyone here doing the C25K!!!
Way to go Wickey's Friend! w5d3 is scary, but such a rush when you pull it off.

Congrats! What an accomplishment!
I, too, am glad to have found this thread! My DH and I are currently doing C25K for the 3rd time. We've never been able to finish though, so I really hope to this time. Last year, we'd made it all the way up to week 6 when I had to start my training for the Princess Half. I decided to start the C25K again to try and build a more solid foundation in hopes of being able to run longer distances! I'm planning on doing the Disney 1/2 in Januaury, so my plan is to move on to the Bridge to 10K before starting the training for the 1/2.

We did Week 4, Day 1 last night, and it was TOUGH! I had a feeling going in that it wasn't going to be a good run, and I was totally right. I almost finished, but the last 5 minutes got me. I was having a really hard time breathing, so I stopped after about 2 minutes into the last 5 minute run. I have no idea why I had such a hard time, as this was the first run that I've really had any trouble with. Needless to say, I was very disappointed in myself. And of course, as we were doing our cool down walk, I stepped off the side of the path and fell...scraped my knee up pretty good, but it's nothing that will keep me from trying again! I just hope that my next one goes a little better!
We did Week 4, Day 1 last night, and it was TOUGH! I had a feeling going in that it wasn't going to be a good run, and I was totally right. I almost finished, but the last 5 minutes got me. I was having a really hard time breathing, so I stopped after about 2 minutes into the last 5 minute run. I have no idea why I had such a hard time, as this was the first run that I've really had any trouble with. Needless to say, I was very disappointed in myself. And of course, as we were doing our cool down walk, I stepped off the side of the path and fell...scraped my knee up pretty good, but it's nothing that will keep me from trying again! I just hope that my next one goes a little better!

We 4 was tough for me too, I repeated it the following week. I stopped running for about 4 weeks so I'm starting back up at week 4 again. I finished Week 4 day 1 Sunday, today is week 4 day 2. We'll see how it goes.

DS14 and I are running my first 5k next week at Disney. I really hope I can keep up!!
I, too, am glad to have found this thread! My DH and I are currently doing C25K for the 3rd time. We've never been able to finish though, so I really hope to this time. Last year, we'd made it all the way up to week 6 when I had to start my training for the Princess Half. I decided to start the C25K again to try and build a more solid foundation in hopes of being able to run longer distances! I'm planning on doing the Disney 1/2 in Januaury, so my plan is to move on to the Bridge to 10K before starting the training for the 1/2.

We did Week 4, Day 1 last night, and it was TOUGH! I had a feeling going in that it wasn't going to be a good run, and I was totally right. I almost finished, but the last 5 minutes got me. I was having a really hard time breathing, so I stopped after about 2 minutes into the last 5 minute run. I have no idea why I had such a hard time, as this was the first run that I've really had any trouble with. Needless to say, I was very disappointed in myself. And of course, as we were doing our cool down walk, I stepped off the side of the path and fell...scraped my knee up pretty good, but it's nothing that will keep me from trying again! I just hope that my next one goes a little better!

When I first started week 4; I left off the last 5 min. run. I didn't do it on purpose, but I must have written it down wrong. I noticed about a week and a half in on my week 4 (I do each week for 2 weeks.) As soon as I noticed, I started doing the whole thing, and it hasn't been a problem, but I think it would've been a lot harder, had I gone straight from week 3 to week 4 with running a total of 16 mins. right from the start.

I'm about to start week 5, and the first day I think I'll be fine doing, but the second and third day look scary:scared1: It'd be pretty awesome to be able to run for 20 mins. straight though. I know I'll get there.
Hi all,
I have been sick and didn't run for 9 days, but finished Week 4 Day 3 last time. I started again today, but repeated W4 D3 again....week 5 seemed so daunting after not being at it for so long.
Keep up the good work everyone!!
Well, I haven't gotten off Week 1 yet...having a hard time scheduling and our weather has been uncooperative to say the least. I either need to start running in the rain (not good for the iPod) or I need to use the elliptical in the basement for when the weather is crappy. Has anyone tried doing C25K on an elliptical? I'd be interested to hear what experiences have been and any suggestions anyone has on scheduling. I'm a true beginner, so I'd be grateful for any help getting myself sorted out!
Hi guys! I restarted Week 3 this week and I am thinking about signing up for a 5K in June. I figured that I would probably walk/jog it anyway so I don't have to finish the whole C25K program to do the run.

I will do W3D2 today but it's kinda chilly out right now. I'm thinking about doing it on a treadmill at the YMCA.

BTW, there are a few C25K podcasts on iTunes!


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