Couch to 5k

So I tried week 5 day 1 today, just to see if I could do it, and I DID!!!!!

I was able to run the first 5 minute run segment at 4.5 miles/hour and the last 2 run segments at 4 miles/hour. I did have to stop once, felt a little light headed but was able the finish the entire time. I'm so pleased!

Now if I can just keep up that pace for the Everest race I'll be happy!!
I did Week 3 Day 2 today and I was huffing like a steam train during the 3 minute segment! Does anyone else end up breathing really hard? I finish the segment but I am huffing and puffing about half way through it. Does that mean I'm going through the program too quickly?
I did the huffing too. How is your speed? You might need to drop it down a bit. Also watch your posture, I tend to slouch a bit when I get tired and it's makes it harder to breathe.
I think I heard that you should be able to still carry on a conversation while running.
I am thrilled to have found this post!
I began running (if I can even call it that) today and it really didnt go well but I pushed thru. Oh how I dislike cardio, I hope that changes. I plan to officially begin the program on Monday, as my kids have a track class M/W so I have no excuse when I drop them off!
Looking forward to following to cheering everyone on!
I was happy to stumble on this thread! I'm in Week 5 of the program right now, but I use it more for guidelines and often repeat weeks. I used to run 5-6 miles a day almost every day before getting injured really badly. Once you lose your cardio endurance it's so hard to build it back up!:confused3

It's slowly beginning to become less and less painful though. I even get into "the zone" sometimes. I can't wait until I can run for 20 minutes straight with ease! It's just so hard to stick with it through the beginning.

My goal is to run the Neverland 5K without stopping. It's a pretty modest goal, I wouldn't dream of aiming for the half marathon, but it's something!
I just finished W3D3 and it went much better! I slowed down and didn't huff as much :).
Week 1 almost finished doing second time...I seriously am considering doing each week twice. I hope this will make week 2 easier, anyway. On a very happy note, our weather is beautiful today!!! I'm hoping we've passed the rainy, windy spring weather period and are turning to regular sunny, wonderful spring weather. Trees are starting to bloom, bulbs are emerging and May is tomorrow! Happy Spring and Training everyone!
OMG!!! I just finished W5D3. I ran 20 minutes without walking. I don't think I've EVER done that. I didn't want to get on the treadmill. I hated it. But, I got on it anyway.

THIS is the shining example of "If I can do this -- YOU can too!"

So proud of everyone here doing the C25K!!!

Amazing feeling right? That first time I did 20 minutes I was in shock, I really figured there was no way going from 8 minute runs to 1 20 minute run. But I did it too. Good for you:cool1:

So I tried week 5 day 1 today, just to see if I could do it, and I DID!!!!!

I was able to run the first 5 minute run segment at 4.5 miles/hour and the last 2 run segments at 4 miles/hour. I did have to stop once, felt a little light headed but was able the finish the entire time. I'm so pleased!

Now if I can just keep up that pace for the Everest race I'll be happy!!

:cool1: Feels good.

Today was week 7 day 3 and I finally got outside since I am mostly doing it on the treadmill because of kids and weather. My run pace was so slow, but I ran 25 minutes straight with some hills and all. I really didn't think I was going to be able to do it, I kept saying okay when you get to this you can walk for 1 minute, but then I said, well it's only 10 more minutes, it's only 5 more...and I did the full 25. :woohoo:Then I did yardwork and some other stuff and right now I can barely stand up, legs are just killing me. :laughing:
I just finished W3D3 and it went much better! I slowed down and didn't huff as much :).

YAY! I found my ankles ached a lot at first and then realized I was going too fast. When I slowed down they didn't bother me anymore. Also tying my shoes a little tighter helped. Takes awhile to make all the little adjustments and get the feel right.
I just finished W3D3 and it went much better! I slowed down and didn't huff as much :).

WOOHOO!!!!!! :thumbsup2

Amazing feeling right? That first time I did 20 minutes I was in shock, I really figured there was no way going from 8 minute runs to 1 20 minute run. But I did it too. Good for you:cool1:

:cool1: Feels good.

Today was week 7 day 3 and I finally got outside since I am mostly doing it on the treadmill because of kids and weather. My run pace was so slow, but I ran 25 minutes straight with some hills and all. I really didn't think I was going to be able to do it, I kept saying okay when you get to this you can walk for 1 minute, but then I said, well it's only 10 more minutes, it's only 5 more...and I did the full 25. :woohoo:Then I did yardwork and some other stuff and right now I can barely stand up, legs are just killing me. :laughing:

Oh it felt good, and I noticed my recovery time wasn't as long either. I sat down outside (nice and cool) for a bit and felt really good in about 5 minutes.

I'm nervous doing the 20 minutes on Monday but I think I will do ok.

And I looked up the times for the Everest 5K last year and some of the times there are totally doable for me. Let's just hope I don't mess up the scavenger hunt part!! LOL
It's so good to hear that everyone is doing so well! Today my old injury (in the middle of one of my feet) started acting up and I had to take an extra break. :headache:

I think part of the problem is that I have a bad heel-striking habit, but running on my forefoot feels so weird. I've been making an effort to try and do it every so often because it definitely relieves the pain when I do. Oh well. Hopefully my next run will be better!
Wow, I am so inspired by all of you running 20/25 minutes straight. :worship: I just finished week 1.
Joing this thread! DH and I are beginners to the Couch to 5k program. We're adding in some cross training and just bought a gently used treadmill (works just fine) and an elipical trainer (looks like new) at garage sales this weekend! Our goal: the WDW half-marathon in January 2012.
Once again it rained...halfway through my run-walk it started pouring! Too I did the rest on the elliptical - I find it hard to find the beat while on the elliptical, but I was sweating and that is what matters most! Feeling good and proud of myself that I am keeping on with this program. Way to go everyone!!! :goodvibes
The DH and I haven't run at all since last Tuesday! :headache: So, we've committed to getting back at it again tonight. I sure hope it goes better this time around than last. I'm trying to decide if I want to pick back up with W4D2, or if I should just repeat week 3 again. I guess we'll see!

Keep up the great work, everyone!:thumbsup2 It's so nice to be able to come here and share with all of you!
The DH and I haven't run at all since last Tuesday! :headache: So, we've committed to getting back at it again tonight. I sure hope it goes better this time around than last. I'm trying to decide if I want to pick back up with W4D2, or if I should just repeat week 3 again. I guess we'll see!

Keep up the great work, everyone!:thumbsup2 It's so nice to be able to come here and share with all of you!

I'm in the same boat - I don't know whether to do week 4 over again or if I should try to pick up week 5 as though I hadn't been away from the treadmill for nearly a week. :confused3 It certainly helps to know that a lot of us find ourselves delayed and pick up and go on anyway! :)
I'm in the same boat - I don't know whether to do week 4 over again or if I should try to pick up week 5 as though I hadn't been away from the treadmill for nearly a week. :confused3 It certainly helps to know that a lot of us find ourselves delayed and pick up and go on anyway! :)

I agree!! It's good to have each other's support and to know that we're not all "perfect" when it comes to keeping our running schedules!
Hi All, I was in the mood to share my story thinking maybe it might inspire somebody else. This picture is from the Disney Magic pre-C25K.

This photo is just after running my first 5K some time later.

It sounds cliche, but if I can do it, anyone can. I weighted 270 at my heaviest. I hadn't run since high school. A simple app on my iPhone has changed my life. I have stayed with the running, although I still only do 30 minutes. Feel free to PM me if I can answer any questions or help in any way.

Good luck to everyone wherever they are on their journey to better health. :hug:
You look great Marc!!!! Thanks for sharing your story!

I don't have any pics to share yet. DH says my stomach and butt are better but I don't see it, on the scale anyway. I am down one pants size since starting but I haven't really made any huge changes food wise. I guess it's time to do that.

Off to do my first 20 minute run. I'm askeered! :scared: LOL


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