
I would buy your house with those colors Tia!

I am so jealous...I want to paint already. 7 months is a long time with white walls.

Oh wait, I forgot I DON't paint, neither does my DH. We ARE in trouble. We use to have a young ex-con who painted our townhouse whenever the mood struck me for dirt cheap. Can't find him anymore.....:eek: What are we going to do?
::drum roll please:: "TA-DA" Here it is.....The painted kitchen! So, what do you think?

:tongue: JUST KIDDING! :tongue:

That is our primer! :p We're painting the Knock-Out Red this morning. ;)
Lauren, I need to find myself one of those dirt cheap ex-cons to come and do our house.....I HATE painting! DH doesn't mind it, but it takes soooooooo long. And the clean-up is H*LL! :rolleyes:
Well Tia...that picture woke me up in a hurry ;)

I can't wait to see what it looks like when it is finished.
Wow....the primer pink-looking. I had white walls to work with, so it was fairly easy with no primer.....but I still hate painting. And cleaning house. And mowing the lawn. :rolleyes:
It is PINK and we're cursing ourselves for not making them tint it RED instead, because we're going to have to put a second coat of RED for sure.....the pink wasn't much better than the cream color we had under it. :rolleyes:

It's looking REALLY COOL!!!! :cool: :bounce:

Have to charge camera and then I'll put up a pic. :)
I like the yellow and orange...can't wait to see the red! I showed the pics to my DH and he just mumbled something I couldn't really understand, so I don't think I'll be doing anything in those colors any time soon!!! LOL Also love the bathroom!
I saw PINK and I'm thinking, what is she thinking! Maybe it's just a bad picture, no, its pink. SHe wouldn't paint it pink, not with yellow and that pretty orange colr. would she? )I need to learn how to read further BEFORE jumping to conclusions!:jester:

Can't wait to see the real color. It is very striking, it will look great! Can't wait to see it!
Okay, the camera is charged, and the walls are RED, but DH is at work and I don't know how to get the photo from the camera to the computer :rolleyes: I will work on that a little later today! :bounce:

I haven't taken the tape off yet, and I have cleaned up, so I'll give you a quciky this afternoon, and when I clean it up and put everything back in it's place (MINUS all of the old nic-nacs :rolleyes: ) I'll take a FINISHED PHOTO! :)

LOL about the pink you guys.....exactly what DH wanted you to think. :D ;) :D ;)
Here is the un-finished product. :( The second coat went on fine with the roller, but the areas that had to be done by brushes (all the trim!) is still PINK! :mad: So, we're going to put on a 3rd coat in the trim areas and hope that it all blends in by morning. :rolleyes:

Gotta get it done before Monday Night Football starts!!! :bounce:

I'm standing in the Orange eating nook and looking towards the kitchen. Beyond the kitchen (through the archway) is our formal living room.....this one is going to be Purple/Plum colors! :bounce:


Wow, Tia, you two have been really working at this. Looking good! Can't wait to see the purple and plum! Purple's got to be my favorite color. Matches my eyes (yeah, right!) :rolleyes:
I cannot see it:(

My DH upgraded my computer this past week, now all I see is little red boxes in places where I should see pictures.
Tia, it looks awesome. I wish I could convince DH to do things like this! I would love it! Bright, brilliant, dynamic! Can't wait to see the purple and plum! :)
NOW I can see it!!!

I LOVE it!! I also like those pineapples on the shelf. Do you still need those, cause I have a spot picked out for them!!!!
:) Thanks you guys. :) The purple and plum rooms are going to be MY FAVORITE! :D

LOL Lauren! ;) I love my fact, I'm thinking about doing a tropical fruit motif in here.....which means I need to do away with all of these teacups and saucers, teapots, pastel dishes, pastel nic-nacs, etc. :rolleyes: Shhhh, haven't told DH about this yet! ;)
Tia, it's okay, you can tell US the truth. You are really decorating around Mickey, aren't you? The mouse colors are all there, a little black accent here and there, and you're all set! in the world! Uh-Oh, better warn your DH!;)


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