clean out your disney stash and make someones day (picture added -hopefully)

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DIS Veteran
Aug 9, 2006
As many of you know - I am a clinical social worker working with people with mental retardation and special needs. :goodvibes Last year we took a group of 13 individuals with special needs to disney - well we just booked it again - 13 people!!!:woohoo:
I waited till the last minute:scared1: to make 13 autograph books, 39 matching shirts and 13 goody bags for the plane.
Well this time - I am starting early!!
If you would like to look through your stash and get rid of the scraps of disney paper, random disney stickers, last disney bottle cap you will never use (i made the cutest bottle cap necklaces for the group last year). ANYTHING!!! I use all kinds of random stuff to make thier autograph books - some of the people still bring in thier books to the program on a weekly basis to show people.:goodvibes
I am also trying to stock up on the disney mcdonald's happy meal toys that are comming out next week to add to the goody bag/ keep busy on the plane bags! So if you have anything or would like to contribute and clean out your stash at the same time! Our crew would be very appresative of it!!!:flower3:
Jennifer :grouphug:

And if you needed inspiration to clean out your stash - here is the good looking group from last year!!!


(wow - do I look different :eek: - I have lost 32lbs since then!!!anyway) notice the DIS-Green shirts i made us for the MNSSHP - we were very BRIGHT! :cool2: good way of keeping track of everyone!)
This is near and dear to my heart.

Please PM me your addy.

Also, what size autograph books are you going to make, I would love to help out with some things for them.
I'll go through my stash this weekend...
Love the meaning and reason behind this!!!! :)
Can't wait to hear about this year's trip!!!
Jenn, I have a red 12 x 12 CM album for you.:goodvibes
Oh please pm me your addy. I know I have some things that you can use. This is so wonderful. As a mother of a severly disabled child I know how wonderful disney is with special needs individuals.

I'm here... I'll check back in after the basket raffle... I have to head out the door now!!! I'm the impatient one remember! LOL
I have goodies too! PM me your address as well!
ok so you guys are overwelming me with your generousity!!!!
i added some pictures of our group from last year - sorry they are so big but i counldnt figure out how to resize.
any way
Send me a PM ~ I'll go through my stash too!
Wish I was home to cricut you some stuff for your autograph books :( If you're going to do it again next year, I *Will* send you some before then.
I'd definitely love to send some stuff! PM me your address. When is the trip? I can imagine how rewarding and fun that trip must be!
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