Chili? Love it? Hate it? Beans or no beans?

Wow...saw this and had to comment.

First off...I hate chili. There, I said it :)

I moved to TX over 26 years ago and got dragged to a bunch of chili cook offs when I first got here. If it weren't for all of the beer, I probably wouldn't have kept going. As for the chili, everyone I met...including my husband and my FIL...had all kinds of thoughts about chili but seemed to have one thing in common. That common theme- beans have no place in real chili. The main reasons I've heard is that it's been deemed a cheap filler that also compromises the flavor. As a non-chili person, I couldn't really care less, but even our kids have learned to ask if there's beans in the chili before ordering. They're not jerks about it, but they will go with something else if the answer is yes.
This popped up in my news feed today and I had to bring it here:

Costco's Chili Stirs Up Debate on TikTok, Regarding 1 Controversial Ingredient

Here is the key part...
A Huffington Post article from earlier this year, which was titled "It's Criminal To Put Beans In Your Chili If You Live In Texas," explains that chili should be a simple mix of beef and spices — nothing less, nothing more.
Basically there is 49 other states, so 49 to 1 says "Chili" can contain beans. ;)


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