"Baby" and "Taken" in VMK, express your opinions.

The whole taken and bay be thing...I do think that this is allowed no matter how annoying it can be (which is why I either leave the room or just ignore it). But the thing that SHOULD NOT be allowed is when some players say things like "I need a bad boy/girl". I have seen this COUNTLESS times. Just today on Mainstreet while people watching with Briar_Beauty, some boy says "I need a bad girl it doesn't matter if you're taken". Since Briar and I were there to mingle I walked up to him. He asked me if I was a bad girl and I said "No and I'm taken by Donald". Then Briar walked up and a few other female players and we started telling him he shouldn't talk like that because of the kids. Then he says something a long the lines of "mummy shouldn't let kids play vmk because we do talk like this". And what's sad is maybe he's right. I have witnessed a lot of things on VMK that kids shouldn't see. People saying "let's make out", the whole bad thing, once i even saw a boy telling her "take off your dress"!!!! Not to mention the normal "I hope you dead". Now I am not saying I am against taken, because some of the 'couples' are innocent and just want someone to chat with on a normal basis. But I AM against those things. They really are something VMK should put a stop to. I know I wouldn't want my little girl innocently playing VMK when out of nowhere a boy walks up to her and says "if you're a bad girl go to my room" :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:
California_Dreamin said:
The whole taken and bay be thing...I do think that this is allowed no matter how annoying it can be (which is why I either leave the room or just ignore it). But the thing that SHOULD NOT be allowed is when some players say things like "I need a bad boy/girl". I have seen this COUNTLESS times. Just today on Mainstreet while people watching with Briar_Beauty, some boy says "I need a bad girl it doesn't matter if you're taken". Since Briar and I were there to mingle I walked up to him. He asked me if I was a bad girl and I said "No and I'm taken by Donald". Then Briar walked up and a few other female players and we started telling him he shouldn't talk like that because of the kids. Then he says something a long the lines of "mummy shouldn't let kids play vmk because we do talk like this". And what's sad is maybe he's right. I have witnessed a lot of things on VMK that kids shouldn't see. People saying "let's make out", the whole bad thing, once i even saw a boy telling her "take off your dress"!!!! Not to mention the normal "I hope you dead". Now I am not saying I am against taken, because some of the 'couples' are innocent and just want someone to chat with on a normal basis. But I AM against those things. They really are something VMK should put a stop to. I know I wouldn't want my little girl innocently playing VMK when out of nowhere a boy walks up to her and says "if you're a bad girl go to my room" :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:
Well said, my friend! I agree with you entirely. :thumbsup2 And I honestly don't think I will ever forget this VMK moment. When the boy said he needed a "bad girl," I literally laughed out loud because I was so shocked to witness a VMKer say that. Those words are not something I, or any parent, would expect to see floating around on VMK, which should be an environment that is safe enough for their kids to engage in. Sadly, this isn't the first time I've been involved in situations like these.

I'm embarassed to admit this, but during my first week on VMK, I was speaking to a boy whom I did not know in a guest room. "Taken" was a new concept to me, so I began making fun of the fact that I've seen other VMKers speaking of "making out." I don't remember what my exact words were, but later I was sent a pop-up message from VMK, warning me of my actions and the possible consequences if they continued (obviously, a temporary ban). It seems there's always a loophole, for instance, subsituting vulgar language with more subtle words, such as "beach." :sad2: I'm sure some acts go undetected and slip through the cracks, but it's at least nice to see that staff is taking the initiative to warn others who publicly act this way while on VMK. They're very much interested in the well-being of the VMK community, from young to old. So, if VMKers do so choose to cross that apparent line, the staff will most likely address it.

While I don't quite understand it, I don't have a huge problem with either "bay be" or "taken," as long as it's toned down to a certain notch, so others can enjoy VMK comfortably while in their presence. I was a kid; I've been there. I liked to dress up and mimic the pretend housewife. However, in both cases, when members start taking it too seriously and/or attempt to engage promiscuously or wrongly with others, that's the last straw for me. Let's keep VMK fun for all ages! If it takes the staff to disapprove "bay be" and "taken" in order to maintain this level of comfort, then maybe it should be done. :)
VMK Is A virtual game as 1 of you said.
REAL Life is different in case you didnt know..
If you truelly like someone in real life, its real.
In a virtual game, they could be criminal, they can be from japan if you were in the US
So you just let them come in and be your boyfriend and girlfriend?
I SAW 1 TIME THIS GIRLS "Boy" was really another girl.
And you say taken is fine!!
I am getting beyond mad, at every little thing that has to do with taken and baby in VMK.
Were is the magic in it.
You go to disney your not going to be asked are you taken? Or will you be my mummy or duh duh.
GET REAL!!!!!!
The whole thing is stupid and I bet walt wont feel good if he saw all of it in VMK.
I have been against taken since almost forever I played VMK.
Same with baby.
Staff allow it right? Then they are babies. I thought VMK was G rated. Having a girlfriend or boy is pretty much PG or PG-13, and baby that goes up to R
CpnJack, ordinarily on this topic I would stand up for you, but I am going to ask this thread be closed because I don't want to have to pick a side and this is a hot headed debate, not a rant.
Cpt.JackSpearow said:
VMK Is A virtual game as 1 of you said.
REAL Life is different in case you didnt know..
If you truelly like someone in real life, its real.
In a virtual game, they could be criminal, they can be from japan if you were in the US
So you just let them come in and be your boyfriend and girlfriend?
I SAW 1 TIME THIS GIRLS "Boy" was really another girl.
And you say taken is fine!!
I am getting beyond mad, at every little thing that has to do with taken and baby in VMK.
Were is the magic in it.
You go to disney your not going to be asked are you taken? Or will you be my mummy or duh duh.
GET REAL!!!!!!
The whole thing is stupid and I bet walt wont feel good if he saw all of it in VMK.
I have been against taken since almost forever I played VMK.
Same with baby.
Staff allow it right? Then they are babies. I thought VMK was G rated. Having a girlfriend or boy is pretty much PG or PG-13, and baby that goes up to R
Aww, that seems a bit harsh. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, even those who are not against "taken" and/or "bay be," and nothing much can be said or done to change how a person feels in their own right mind.

For the record, pretty much every VMKer comes in contact with strangers during the game. That's the magic and appeal of VMK, being able to meet unfamiliar faces and form new friendships. Here's a thought... :scratchin You and I are strangers, correct? We've never formally met, yet we are conversing in this thread on DIS. For all you know, I could be a "criminal from Japan." What difference would it make if I did "taken" or "bay be" or even both? So, as you hopefully can see, I don't believe the thought of these strangers being potential threats to VMK applies to the statement you made, considering many of those who don't entirely support "taken" or "bay be," such as myself, can be labeled complete strangers, as well. You're taking a risk either way, whether you ask someone to be your friend, "bay be," or "girl/boy."

Besides, every young girl or woman, I'm sure, remembers playing house with the neighborhood kids as a child, just as every young boy or man has the memory of engaging in laser fights with his best pals. VMK, for some, is another form of pretend, but instead in a more updated virtual setting. Everything is fun and games until, as I mentioned in my previous post, someone crosses the line, therefore upsetting or disturbing others in the community. Most of the VMKers I know who actually do "bay be" or "taken" play innocently, but there is the occasional sour apple out there who won't mind bending the rules a wee bit. In that case, he or she should expect and be prepared for a message from the staff regarding his or her past actions. I am sure this is a major concern of theirs, seeing how I received a warning for what I intended to be a joke at least five minutes after I had said it. The issue is not being taken lightly or completely ignored, rest assured. :goodvibes
Cpt.JackSpearow said:

Ok so everyone here knows about baby and taken right?

Here is the VMK Values
Use ANY hacking, scripting or editing program with the game.
Steal other Players' credits or in-game belongings.
Describe sexual acts to other Players.
Pester people who don't want to talk to you.
Swear or use sexually graphic or racist terms.
Ask other Players for their passwords, e-mail addresses, telephone numbers or other personal information.
Type your password anywhere except in the Disney registration and log-in pages, or in the Contact Us section.
Give away, trade or sell your VMK Character.
Break the law in the game or talk others into breaking it.

The breaking the law pretty much goes with the other bold.

Ok so you all think baby, and taken is cute. Have you ever realized what is so bad about it? Probably not.

You all think myspace, xanga and other chat is bad because of predators and sexual harrasment.Then what is VMK? Some safe childs game? WRONG and all of you may think I am wrong. No offence to adults, but half of them out there sexual predators.. and you think taken is OK!?!?!Disney has no idea what VMK has turned into, I tell you if I never been to disney before and played VMK with all the taken and baby I would not go to disney AT ALL. This stuf in the game messes up VMK magic not to mention you dont even Know who you are taken with and its also sexual graphic and sexual acts. Isn't the game supposed to be for 8-14 year olds? YES, then why is everyone doing teen stuff like taken, going out, go to the movies, make out. THAT IS NOT DISNEY SPIRIT OR ANYTHING LIKE WHAT DISNEY IS. Same thing with baby. Are you a baby in real life? No, but I know its playing house which is fine, NOT. Once again you dont even know who your mummy and duh duh are in real life. They can be predators. Just think of what this does to disney magic and what walt would say.

I dont know who said it best here in this thread but this topic like all other hot debatable subjects have been beat to death. Taken is not against values if you keep in in check. If you dont like people who do taken stay away from public areas, stay in your rooms and boot who ever offends you. I dont agree with people who come in my rooms pretending to be animals or come strolling in with their families but its a free world, I am not there to judge anyone! You have to respect everyones views on how they enjoy vmk. And what does that mean that half of adults who enjoy vmk are predators?? Some of my best friends on vmk are big peeps, and trust me they have kept me from making some major mistakes.....directed me even in real life situations and have been more of a true friend than that 8-14 group you keep referring to. Yes you need to be extremely careful on vmk and respect values at all times but you cant go through life being disrespecful of others views, and suspicious of everyone. As long as you dont hand out personal info, you will be safe.

My problem on vmk is people who harrass others which I am currently going through. People who are mean to other players. Those who cant take a few minutes out of their busy vmk experience to help others with quest. The so called " rich" traders who cant be bothered trading with people who are starting out and have none of that precious rare.....and even have the nerve to list their rooms as " for rich ppl only". People who report for every reason under the sun and try to have others banned for their own selfish reasons and you know who you are here!!

I respect your views yet I have my own but do they have to be out for public laundry washing?

Have a magical day :woohoo:
valeriesunshine said:
I recently asked myself why this was allowed and when I spotted a CL I asked them why It wasn't against VMK values. She told me it was allowed as long as it doesn't go to far. My friend im not saying names, likes to make guy accounts and find girlfriends on it. I find this very disturbing and every other day or so I go on the account to change the signature. Everytime I do this I find many mails form at least eight different girls saying " I Love you bay be." (gag me)

I mean if the taken thing took place in real life you would go up to some random person in the streets and ask "Do you want to go out?" (again gag me) which I find totally stupid. Plus you don't know who the person is. Heck they could be a 46 year old dude murder rapist or something! I mean come on people! Don't be so stupid.
that happened to me on 1 of my accounts with the bay be thing and i didnt even do t on that account and in my sig i had no bay be or takn in it so then i just never go back on that account
Cpt.JackSpearow said:
VMK Is A virtual game as 1 of you said.
REAL Life is different in case you didnt know..
If you truelly like someone in real life, its real.
In a virtual game, they could be criminal, they can be from japan if you were in the US
So you just let them come in and be your boyfriend and girlfriend?
I SAW 1 TIME THIS GIRLS "Boy" was really another girl.
And you say taken is fine!!
I am getting beyond mad, at every little thing that has to do with taken and baby in VMK.
Were is the magic in it.
You go to disney your not going to be asked are you taken? Or will you be my mummy or duh duh.
GET REAL!!!!!!
The whole thing is stupid and I bet walt wont feel good if he saw all of it in VMK.
I have been against taken since almost forever I played VMK.
Same with baby.
Staff allow it right? Then they are babies. I thought VMK was G rated. Having a girlfriend or boy is pretty much PG or PG-13, and baby that goes up to R

so it was a girl and a girl SICK
even tho it is not against vmk values, i do not really like when ppl do those kinds of things. vmk is a kid's game.

on the other hand, as long as people dont take it too far, i think it is harmless to other people.

How bad could it possibly be if VMK hasn't changed the words yet. People say it is ok only if it doesn't go to far. If it goes to far, staff members will ban the people.
valeriesunshine said:
I recently asked myself why this was allowed and when I spotted a CL I asked them why It wasn't against VMK values. She told me it was allowed as long as it doesn't go to far. My friend im not saying names, likes to make guy accounts and find girlfriends on it. I find this very disturbing and every other day or so I go on the account to change the signature. Everytime I do this I find many mails form at least eight different girls saying " I Love you bay be." (gag me)

I mean if the taken thing took place in real life you would go up to some random person in the streets and ask "Do you want to go out?" (again gag me) which I find totally stupid. Plus you don't know who the person is. Heck they could be a 46 year old dude murder rapist or something! I mean come on people! Don't be so stupid.
Yes I agree, you don't know their age! That's why I'm afraid, one of my friends (Blaketheking) said he was 10 and he lives in Kankakee (which he told me he moved this Summer he didn't say where) I'm thinking how do I know if this boy is 10?! He can be in his 40's for all that I know! :confused3


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