At first they didn't want me to come, now they don't want me to leave! April 2021 F&G TR (Updated 9/6!)

Joining in! Yikes to that crazy travel day but yay to the Yacht Club and fun at Epcot! It looks like you had some great nibbles and drinks. I adore F&G and how fun that you were there for Dapper Day!

:welcome: thanks for joining in! Yeah getting down to Disney this trip was quite the challenge! It was so nice to finally be there though, and seeing Epcot all dressed up for F&G is always such a treat!

Glad you finally made it :)
The scallops look delicious!!

Haha, thanks! Those scallops were amazing, such amazing flavors, and with bacon it's hard to go wrong!
Day 1, Part 6: An Evening in Epcot!

After a nice 1.5 hour nap I was finally feeling more alive again so started to get ready to head back over to Epcot.

I got back to the park around 8:20, and was shocked to see how crowded it was! I mean, I guess it makes sense being open the latest, but I figured on a Sunday evening it would have calmed down a bit.

I decided since I was at a theme park it would make sense to go on a ride or two, so I made my way over to one I was certain would not have a wait, Living with the Land!

I was right, there was no wait, however there were more people than expected and there were groups in every row of the boat. That was a rare sight even before covid!

It was a nice ride to start with, always enjoy that one, although the plastic between rows is awful. It makes it so hard to see. At least I still got the smells though, omg, I don’t know what it is with the water smell on Disney rides, but I love it!

Not a great picture, but this gives an idea of how bad the plastic between the rows is.

Mmmmm, tequila :drinking1

Once off the ride it was around 9, so I figured being the last hour of the park being open the posted wait times were probably inflated, so I decided to check out Soarin’. Plus it was an easy commute from LwtL. 😊

The posted wait was 45min, but I hoped it would be less, and I thought it would be when I first got in line. But I quickly realized that 45 minutes might be accurate. I’m not sure why I never noticed this before, or maybe this is new, but they have three queues there, two standby and one in the middle for DAS/Childswap/etc. Well, the one line on the far right was packed with people, so I though I had lucked out being sent to the line on the far left, but while a shorter line, it didn’t move nearly as much as the other one.

It took a while to get to the front of the line, and I was getting a bit perturbed as we neared the preshow area when a CM kept coming through the line looking for parties of 4 and having them cut to the front. They did this about half a dozen times, all the while the line in front of me didn’t budge.

So needless to say, I was starting to get a bit grumpy. :rotfl:

Finally they stopped looking for parties of 4 and the line started moving again. We got to the part where the CM assigned people to rows, and I could tell that once again I’d be in section C, row3. Ugh. Stupid crooked Eiffel Tower.

Well, I think the CM caught the look of despair on my face, and when he got to me, he undid the metal chain in the stanchion in front of me and goes “For you, Row 1, Section B.”

I. Was. Floored.

Seriously, made my night, which of course I told the CM. I was so giddy after that!

The ride was awesome, I love being in B1!

Also that ride was the first time that day that I fully relaxed. My HR all day was over 90, which is high for me while not moving, usually I’m around 60, but once I got off Soarin’ it was back down in the 60s and I just felt so much better. It was like my body finally realized that I was on vacation!

So the wait ended up being 40 minutes, which isn’t horrible for Soarin’, but wasn’t the low wait I was hoping for in the last hour of the night.

After Soarin’ the park was getting close to closing so I made my way out, and boy was I ready. I was exhausted at that point and with an early morning planned the following day I was ready for bed!

I did get this shot on the way out, I love how the new addition to France looks, and even like the way the skyliner looks!

Up Next: Did They Forget to Send Our Bus?
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Loving your report so far! I agree, the smell of Disney water is the best!

Shame you didn't get a photo of hot pilot! 😉 What a wild ride!
Loving your report so far! I agree, the smell of Disney water is the best!

Thanks and :welcome: ! I don't know what it is with the smell of their water, but every time I get that first whiff of it, it's pure joy :rotfl2:

Shame you didn't get a photo of hot pilot! 😉 What a wild ride!

OMG I know! I so wish I had. Seriously, a hot guy in uniform who is also ridiculously nice and funny? Sign me up for that!
We were there at the same time! There were a bunch of us there that week. Great minds, right? :rotfl2:
Yes lol! I tried meeting up with a bunch of "old" friends but our schedules just didn't mesh. I think this trip I had the least DISmeets I've had in about 5 years lol!

I detest that plastic on LTWL; unless you get in the first row it really affects the ride.
When I wrapped up there I decided it was time for some retail therapy.
I feel like once we go ahead I am going to buy everything!

It makes it so hard to see. At least I still got the smells though, omg, I don’t know what it is with the water smell on Disney rides, but I love it!
So true!!!

Well, I think the CM caught the look of despair on my face, and when he got to me, he undid the metal chain in the stanchion in front of me and goes “For you, Row 1, Section B.”

I. Was. Floored.

Seriously, made my night, which of course I told the CM. I was so giddy after that!
I love stories like this! Glad you ended on a high note.
Fun EPCOT evening. Totally agree about those plastic dividers ... hope they can get rid of those soon. Awesome for Soarin seating perfection. I'm honestly at the point I don't even want to ride unless I can be guaranteed front row center, which obviously isn't a thing they do. The distortions make me crazy! And I kinda miss the old movie.
Yes lol! I tried meeting up with a bunch of "old" friends but our schedules just didn't mesh. I think this trip I had the least DISmeets I've had in about 5 years lol!

That's too bad! Do you think it's harder these days to have meet ups with having to have the park reservations?

I detest that plastic on LTWL; unless you get in the first row it really affects the ride.

Me too! It's so bad, I cannot wait for them to get rid of it. Hopefully soon!
I feel like once we go ahead I am going to buy everything!

It was really hard not to buy more. The only thing stopping me was only having carry-on bags this trip so I couldn't fit any more merchandise, but I did have a moment where I considered buying a suitcase to bring more stuff home! Yes, I have a shopping problem. :rotfl2:

So true!!!

I wish they could bottle up that scent, it makes me so happy!

I love stories like this! Glad you ended on a high note.

It was so amazing, I was shocked when he did that. I really think he saw that I was fading fast and wanted to brighten up my night, and it definitely did!
Fun EPCOT evening. Totally agree about those plastic dividers ... hope they can get rid of those soon. Awesome for Soarin seating perfection. I'm honestly at the point I don't even want to ride unless I can be guaranteed front row center, which obviously isn't a thing they do. The distortions make me crazy! And I kinda miss the old movie.

Yeah, the plastic needs to go. It really takes away from the ride.

I cannot believe how awesome that CM was to put me front and center on Soarin'. It makes such a difference in the ride experience! And yes! Totally agree about the old movie, I liked it much better.
Day 2, Part 1: Did They Forget to Send Our Bus?

I was up bright and early this morning, at 5:20! Actually I woke up at 5:00, but didn’t feel like moving for 20 minutes.

It is funny how for the past year I haven’t gotten up before 7, but when I’m in Disney I am wide awake at 5! It’s just so exciting!

I made it down to the buses at 6:23 so I could catch the first bus over to AK. There were already four other families there so I got in a sort of line behind them. We weren’t very organized, and after a while other families came down to wait and one of them decided to organize us and put us in our correct lines. :rotfl2:

Yeah, apparently most of us totally missed the sign on the way to the bus stop saying MK wait to the right, AK wait to the left. (or perhaps it’s the opposite…didn’t write that info down in my trip notes. So if you’re going don’t follow this, do what I didn’t do and actually read the sign!)

At 6:35 I saw an AK bus coming down the main road and turn in front of the convention center, so I assume that bus was heading towards the BC, but I figured if their bus was there, ours should arrive any minute. Well…I was wrong.

No bus showed up at the YC this morning until 6:50, and that was for the MK. :sad:

I was getting a bit frustrated, the park’s scheduled opening that morning was 8, so I knew it would be actually opening around 7:15, so a delayed bus really could throw a wrench in my rope drop plans.

Finally at 7, the AK bus arrived. We all piled in, and were off.

We arrived at AK just before 7:15, and the park was already open and looked like it had been for a few minutes since there was no line for temp check or at the tapstiles. Like most of the people heading into the park I booked it over to FoP, hoping I wasn’t too late for a short wait.

When I got to the line the posted wait was 30 minutes, but in the end it took 45 minutes to get on the ride. Not horrible for FoP, but not the short wait I had planned. Stupid late bus.

The silver lining with having to wait is I got to check out the standby line for the first time ever!

Not sure why, but I totally loved these little guys.

FoP was amazing as always, and oddly wet. Haha! I 100% do not remember getting sprayed on that ride before, and this time I was getting a face full of water during certain scenes like with the wave and that whale thing jumping.

Oh, and the craziest thing happened when boarding the ride. I was behind a family of 7 (there were SO many large family groups there this week!), so the CM had them go into the first ride room (with seats 1-8) and then had me sit in #9 in the second room. The only other people in the room with me were these two women from Texas, so you would think with there being 8 seats, they would have sat at least one seat away from me. But nope, the two of them sat right next to me. Um….ok….

I mean, it didn’t bother me too much, but I just don’t understand if you can have more personal space why wouldn’t you take it? So strange!


After FoP I made my way (i.e. hustled) to the safari! The line looked bad, it wrapped around backstage, but in the end was only about a 15 minute wait. I did end up getting rammed into by a stroller while in this line, I really wanted to tell the woman doing it that if the stroller is hitting me, there’s a solid chance she is not following the 6ft distancing markers….but I chickened out.

Since the line is outside I wasn’t overly concerned about social distancing, but it was really annoying to have her keep slamming her stroller into me!

The safari was amazing, a bunch of the animals were right up next to the truck, and our driver stopped for long periods when the animals were close for us to take it all in. It was also super nice having an entire row to myself, it was fun sliding from side to side to be able to see all the animals!

Once again I wasn’t a fan of the plastic between the rows, but it wasn’t as bad on the safari as it was on LwtL.

Up Next: A Yeti, Some Dinosaurs, and an Octopus
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We had the front row twice on Lwtl so that really helped.

I love the bus leader, we had one of those on our HS morning, lol

We had the back row of the Safari and it was really bumpy but we could turn around and look out the back.

Every time we visit WDW, Andi brings up her ankle scar from a stroller, she hates seeing a stroller getting close, lol 😂
We had the front row twice on Lwtl so that really helped.

Nice! I kind of wish I had requested the front row, oh well, if they still have the plastic in September I'll request it!

I love the bus leader, we had one of those on our HS morning, lol

Yes! Haha! It was nice actually having someone bring order to our attempt of lining up. Glad at least some people notice the signs. :rotfl2:

We had the back row of the Safari and it was really bumpy but we could turn around and look out the back.

I've heard from CMs that the back row is the best row for exactly that, you can look out the back. Never been back there so no idea, but at least the plastic on that ride isn't as bad as with LwtL. Annoying, but you can see through it better.

Every time we visit WDW, Andi brings up her ankle scar from a stroller, she hates seeing a stroller getting close, lol 😂

I don't blame her! People use those things as battering rams in the parks and it hurts when they slam into you!
I decided since I was at a theme park it would make sense to go on a ride or two, so I made my way over to one I was certain would not have a wait, Living with the Land!

I was right, there was no wait, however there were more people than expected and there were groups in every row of the boat. That was a rare sight even before covid!

It was a nice ride to start with, always enjoy that one, although the plastic between rows is awful. It makes it so hard to see. At least I still got the smells though, omg, I don’t know what it is with the water smell on Disney rides, but I love it!
LwtL is always the perfect way to start a trip!
Well, I think the CM caught the look of despair on my face, and when he got to me, he undid the metal chain in the stanchion in front of me and goes “For you, Row 1, Section B.”

I. Was. Floored.

Seriously, made my night, which of course I told the CM. I was so giddy after that!

The ride was awesome, I love being in B1!
Love that!
I did get this shot on the way out, I love how the new addition to France looks, and even like the way the skyliner looks!
Such a pretty shot!
Oh, and the craziest thing happened when boarding the ride. I was behind a family of 7 (there were SO many large family groups there this week!), so the CM had them go into the first ride room (with seats 1-8) and then had me sit in #9 in the second room. The only other people in the room with me were these two women from Texas, so you would think with there being 8 seats, they would have sat at least one seat away from me. But nope, the two of them sat right next to me. Um….ok….
What is it with some people?
Since the line is outside I wasn’t overly concerned about social distancing, but it was really annoying to have her keep slamming her stroller into me!
Oh I would have had to say something. That is not cool at all.
The safari was amazing, a bunch of the animals were right up next to the truck, and our driver stopped for long periods when the animals were close for us to take it all in. It was also super nice having an entire row to myself, it was fun sliding from side to side to be able to see all the animals!
Sounds like the best safari!
LwtL is always the perfect way to start a trip!

It really is, always a classic!

Love that!

It was pretty amazing, what an awesome CM!

Such a pretty shot!

Thank you!

What is it with some people?

Seriously! I guess they're just oblivious. :confused3

Oh I would have had to say something. That is not cool at all.

Yeah, I should have. The woman did apologize once, so she clearly knew she was doing it, why she continued to do it is beyond me!

Sounds like the best safari!

It was great! Loved how long we stopped when the animals were close!
Ok, this is too funny I just have to post. So, I think most of you know by now that I have issues with my flights getting to my destination at the originally scheduled time. Well, my bad luck just hit again! I just found out my flight down to Orlando in September (which I booked yesterday!) just changed from arriving at 9am to not arriving until 7pm! The powers that be clearly do not like me arriving at Disney in the morning! :rotfl2:

Ok, off to find a different flight! At least this time I have the opportunity to find a different flight down. :rotfl:
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I had the same thing happen to us when we went to AK - good intentions to get there early but 10-15 minutes makes a HUGE difference in that FoP line!

We have some flights booked for this summer and fall and they are changing almost weekly. I feel a little crazed trying to keep up!
Ok, this is too funny I just have to post. So, I think most of you know by now that I have issues with my flights getting to my destination at the originally scheduled time. Well, my bad luck just hit again! I just found out my flight down to Orlando in September (which I booked yesterday!) just changed from arriving at 9am to not arriving until 7pm! The powers that be clearly do not like me arriving at Disney in the morning! :rotfl2:

Ok, off to find a different flight! At least this time I have the opportunity to find a different flight down. :rotfl:
You are jinxed! You should have gotten the name and # of that pilot on your last flight down and texted him for his schedule and/or other tips! :rolleyes1


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