Asta la Bye Bye !!

Well folks, I got an extra day off work, we switched Rick's flight to tomorrow nite, and I am on the road!!!!! Will stop South of Atlanta tonite and should be there by checkin time tomorrow!!! See ya'll soon!!
Carol that's great. Deb see you tomorrow. We got in about 8 last night I tried to get the MH set up, was very tired and went to sleep early. We are in 402 great site, haven't done much looping yet. Met up with we4mickey or her sister get them both confused, really nice people. Homebrew came by and Tigerinbama. We need to still meet Rog and Frank so stop by and say HI.
Carol that's great. Deb see you tomorrow. We got in about 8 last night I tried to get the MH set up, was very tired and went to sleep early. We are in 402 great site, haven't done much looping yet. Met up with we4mickey or her sister get them both confused, really nice people. Homebrew came by and Tigerinbama. We need to still meet Rog and Frank so stop by and say HI.

Hey Lorna, how you guys doing. We are supposed to get there on Thursday. Got some brake problems with the old moho, but hope to have them fixed and ready to go tomorrow.
Richy must be doing well, which is good to hear.
Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue. Patience is a virtue.

I am patiently awaiting UPS to arrive with paychecks so I can VAMOOSE and start my vacation!!

♪♪All my bags are packed
I'm ready to go.
I'm standing here
at the door,
I want to go but
UPS is holding me up!!♪♪
if anyone has a ez-go series cart (non dcs/pds) and wants to get around 21-24mph just with a motor swap get with me. I will be arriving the 30th fast little motor if you want to buy it i will swap the motor on the spot you will be happy:thumbsup2
Well Frank, were they biting this morning??

As a matter offact, we did okay, :thumbsup2
John, Karla and I fished the marina dock , got there at 5:AM and fished til they opened for bizz. Then went fish'n to another spot briefly and Rog came at that fish'n hole.
Between all, we prob caught 17 to 20 swimmers, pretty nice too, :thumbsup2

We passed and spoke to Deb for a moment a few minutes ago, she brought the GEM and is going after the MH.

Will post later.
Just pulled the camper out of the garage and getting packed up to go!!!!!

We should be there by this time tomorrow!!!!

I cant wait!!! Stocked up on tons of candy and even got the dog a Snow White costume!!! Though we were debating just putting a pony saddle on her so she could carry Timmy around!!!

Not sure what loop we'll get stuck in yet, but I'll have a sign out :-)

See y'all tomorrow!!!!
Hey everyone! It was GREAT to meet "y'all" (that's my new word that I am going to use up here in New England just to confuse all us northerners). I had such a blast with everyone. "Y'all" are some of the nicest, funniest people I've ever met and I can't wait for the next time we can get together. Denise - I'm sorry I wasn't able to stop to say good bye before I left. That whole 5:00 am fishing thing (or should I say "5:00 am sitting on the dock chit-chatting because it was pre-coffee and I was not functioning very well and couldn't fish" thing) really threw me for a loop and I had to go back to the cabin and sleep.
Frank and John - thanks for inviting me - next time I promise I will actually pick up a pole and fish!!
Hoping you all have a GREAT rest of your vacation, please do me the honor and raise your glasses (or big red cups) for a toast for me, and have a safe trip home! :goodvibes
Karla, it was a pleasure to meet you, you are a real sweety We are sorry you had to leave, that sucks. Know what else sucks,,WE have to leave in the morning, :surfweb::sad1:

Got to meet the greatest buncha folk ever ! Actually,,,they were a buncha fiends !:lmao: (and one crazy person)

I still have, and hope to meet Donnie and Pete before we leave,, went look'n for them today,,missed,, try again this evening.

Yes,, the fish'n has been, very decent,,VERY fun,, I' have gottn to fish with Pirate Jeff, BDR, Rvusa, Scott, Denise Matt ,Erica, and sorta Karla. All good fish'n buddies,:thumbsup2

I / we, wil post some picks when we get home and some reports,,we just been so busy hadnt had time here at the Fort.

Talk atcha ya'll when we get back to Tennessee,,MAN I hate leav'n home !!
Have a safe drive home Frank....and everyone who is traveling this weekend.
We made it home 11pm last night. How bitter sweet. Missing The Fort and the Fiends, glad the drive was over. Got The TT unpacked came in to post while waiting for the TT fairy :wizard:to come by and clean, guess she is busy. :lmao: I'll get some pix and my version of a TR posted as soon as I get some of the million things done I need to do. :laundy:
Welcome home Denise! :wave:...glad to have you back on the boards...although I'm sure you'd rather be at the Fort.I'm looking forward to reading your trip report. :thumbsup2

:wizard: As far as the travel trailer Fairy's hard to get good help these days. :laughing:
So sorry to see the trips coming to an end, but glad to have all my fiend friends home safe, too. :)
Welcome Home!!!!!:cheer2:

From what I have been reading here and on FB, it sounds like everyone had a great time. :wizard:

So sorry we missed it :sad1:

Waiting for a full trip report popcorn::

DS is now at his house going to load my pix to photobucket for me since he has high speed cable internet. Hope it works. popcorn::

Back to my regularly scheduled laundry and cleaning. :sad1:
Do you suppose the dust fairy comes to live at your house when you're gone on vacation? :upsidedow
The only fairy that ever visited me while on vacation is the one that breaks water pipes in your crawlspace. That fairy sucks.


Glad you made it home safely, Fred and Diane!;) i enjoyed spending time with yall. Very nice people!


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