Another TR :) my solo trip: parks, friends, and lots of Give Kids The World

We had a similar experience with Thomas Cook last month. An hour to check in, no online option.
Hi from a very hot very clammy Orlando :)

Glad to finally get here, flight was not too enjoyable, had a 120mph head wind the whole way over, so even though we left on time we still ended up being ten minutes late, flight time was about three minutes short of ten hours. Never known it to take that long.
Luckily our plane managed to beat the thomson flight in, so immigration took about 50 mins to clear. Feel sorry for the people behind us on the other flight. Got extra questions from immigration and extra customs screening because I'm travelling on my own, but didn't add more than five or ten minutes extra.
Not much traffic on the I4 on the way down, landed at 2.55 ish, and was checked in and in the room by 5 :)
Just done a quick trip to publix, now off to MK for the evening, got a few fastpasses and going to try stay up long enough to see wishes.
Well I made it to MK about 6.30 ish, and so far used two of my fastpasses. I've got a fastpass for 7DMT at 10 but don't think I'm going to last that long. Been up since 5am UK time and it's now 1am UK time so gonna call it a day in a bit. My hotel room overlooks the pool so might just sit on the balcony or watch a bit of tv. Maybe 5 hours on arrival day was a bit ambitious!
I've been on jungle cruise, haunted mansion and now walking through the space mountain queue.
Gonna head back to the hotel after this, chill out and get an earlier night. Will probably stop past chequers burgers for dinner.

Epcot tomorrow morning :)

If anyone's got any questions they want answering I'll do my best
Wow, I can never hit the parks after a flight. Hope you got some sleep and are ready for another great day.:)
Hello from a very hot Epcot :)

Quick tip for people, robinsons now sell those little squeeze bottles of concentrated squash. Get one and shove it in your bag, they're tiny so don't take up much space, but they make the water over here drinkable. I've been getting free cups of water from the quick service places and putting the squash in. Saves loads of money buying drinks

Set off from the hotel about 8am, managed to sleep in til 6 which is a lot later than I normally wake up first morning. Plan was to go to Walmart for a quick look around then come to Epcot but it lost and ended up here at 8.20 instead. I'm just heading back out of Epcot now, but in 4 hours I've done test track, nemo, turtle talk, soarin, captain eo, walked round world showcase, and mission space.

Heading to AK for a few hours now :) Queues aren't too bad at the mo, I had FP for nemo, soarin and mission space so that's helped me get round them so quick.
Oh and forgot, got into character spot with no wait, and found the training spot near American adventure so got loads of photos with the characters :)
Very jealous. I love doing World Shiwcase on my own. I usually pack the family off for half to day to indulge myself there
Oh and forgot, got into character spot with no wait, and found the training spot near American adventure so got loads of photos with the characters :)

I have only read about those. Hope to get to one this trip coming. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Sometimes they're at the American pavilion as sometimes they're at the huge gate between uk and Canada. Keep an eye out :)

Well today turned into a busy day, after Epcot I headed to AK and got there about 1.30. Snagged a fastpass for kali, and headed over there. The queue ground to a halt because apparently someone on the ride decided to take off their seatbelt halfway through the ride, so we got it drilled into us to keep it on no matter what. As usual I ended up going down the hill backwards, happens EVERY SINGLE TIME... I've never known kali to leave people so wet before, normally I end up soaked because of that hill, but I think only two people on the raft escaped slightly damp, the rest of us were soaked

Headed to Everest after that, started raining halfway there but I was soaking anyway so didn't really care. Used single rider queue and got on in less than five mins. I was going to ride dinosaur after that but it was showing as 60 min standby, even though the app was showing a lot less than that. I was going to go back to the hotel at that point to get dry clothes, but changed my mind when I got back to the car, and ended up at:

Got to Hollywood studios about 3.30, managed to snag a fp for toy story (that's a plus point for the new FP system, with the legacy FPs there was no way in hell you'd be able to get a FP at 3.30. While waiting for that, I rode tower of terror then used single rider for rock n roller. Headed over to toy story at that point, took a quick loo break and by the time I got back out it was chucking it down :( I'd only just dried off at that point so wasn't too keen on getting soaked again, but made a dash for it, as I was only about 20ft from the FP+ entrance. Still ended up soaking wet though, and by the time I got back out again it was torrential. Gave it ten mins to calm down which it didn't so decided to just head back towards the exit. Left the park about 5.30 (about 20 mins of my time in the park was spent hiding in the photo shop near the entrance, hiding from what could only be described as a monsoon).

Decided to leave MK for the time being as it was rubbish weather so went for a wander around target on the 192, then grabbed take out from Golden Corral for dinner. For anyone who's curious, it's only $5.99 per kilo :)

Now sat in the hotel, trying to decide whether my quest of doing all four parks in one day is worth me going out in this weather. It's been consistently thundering for about two hours now and still chucking it down. If it was any other park I'd probably be a bit more enthusiastic to go, but I think MK is a bit of a pain to get to in the car (tram plus ferry/monorail). Doesn't look like the rain is gonna stop any time soon either. Argh, decisions decisions! So close yet so far...
Well after a couple of hours sitting in the hotel room I decided to make a break for it and head to MK. Luckily it had pretty much stopped raining by the time I got here and it's only lightly spitting now.
I'm not planning on doing much here as I've been in parks since 9am this morning and I'm getting pretty tired, but rode big thunder, buzz lightyear and now on the peoplemover. Going to watch wishes then head back to the hotel.
They've cancelled the first Main Street parade because of the weather, not sure if the second one will be going on or not but I'll be gone by then.
Got my birthday button on the way in, as I'm technically now 34 by uk time, but I've had a good day ringing it in, even if it has been really tiring

Oh and I managed to get my highest ever score on buzz, I got about 700k :)
I'm so incredibly indecisive. After saying all evening that I'd be leaving after wishes, I ended up staying, went on stitch, the carousel and watched the electrical parade.
I started at Epcot at 8.30 this morning, and left MK at 11.30 this evening. It's been a long day but I managed to finally do it :)
Back at hotel now, feet are killing and my back is aching. Quiet day tomorrow I think ;) supposed to be at HS early as I've got fastpasses booked, but I went on two of those three today so might give it a miss
Wow what a day you've got some stamina! Happy Birthday and following along with your amazing trip :cheer2:
Happy Birthday! What a great place to be on your birthday.

Your report was the first I saw that you got TSM Fastpast on the day. That is very hopeful news. Hope you stay dry today.


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