Anonymous Christmas Card Exchange sent/received

mommaU4 said:
:confused3 I'm not sure if you sent me one, but if you did, I haven't received it yet.

I did get two of them yesterday and I must be overly tired today because I cannot seem to get these.

One is with a cat on top if a big ornament and inside the only clue is a big green question mark.

The other says "Merry Christmas, I live in a place of fish, but there is a French twist."

I am stumped. :confused3

Did you keep the envelopes? If so, the postmark may or may not help you.
Guys, don't rely on the postmark for your answers. Remember this is Anonymous exchange, so who knows what some people may have done to throw you off the scent.

Do, try to go on the clues and nut it out. I know that some are easier than others, but the tough ones can be quite fun.. kinda makes it all worthwhile as when you finally figure out who it is.. you get a real sense of satisfaction.:)
None today so I'll have a look at the previously received to see if I can work it out :goodvibes
clhcpaca said:
I have received more cards from......


Thanks all for the lovely cards. Some of the clues are not easy. :confused3 but I think that I got them all right. :rolleyes1

Cindy :wave2:

Quasi123 said:
Sorry, but I didn't send you one. Guess again!

Looks like you need to take another look at the card you thought was from Quasi123. Better get sleuthing!:goodvibes
mommytotwo said:
Nope, it was to someone in California and New Jersey.

Have you checked back about 3 pages? I'm sure someone said they got a card from you:)
I think I may have received a card from Aisling, but not sure, because the clue is "my name begins with A and has 5 letters" but Aisling has 7 letters. But it is from NYC.

KatelynnsAuntie said:
I think I may have received a card from Aisling, but not sure, because the clue is "my name begins with A and has 5 letters" but Aisling has 7 letters. But it is from NYC.


That one is a puzzle , there are a few whose names begins with A and a couple of those do have 5 letters. But as you pointed out if it was Aisling.. that is definately more than 5 letters. Unless of course she made a mistake in how many letters in her name:teeth:

So, Aisling, was it you??? Fess up if you're guilty as charged:rotfl2: We promise not to tell the whole world you made a mistook if it's you..:teeth:
Important note

Please do try to sleuth out your clues. The postmark may or not be a guidline. Don't assume that because the postmark says eg. California or even Florida (Disney is both states) that the person who actually sent the card is from those places..

They may well be passing through on their way to somehwere or done something else sneaky to throw you off the scent.

That's when we need to look closely at the clues, to see if there maybe anything in those clues that triggers something about someone.

Don't forget to check siggies, avatars, tags and profiles to help solve your clues;)

Have fun though:rotfl:
Quasi123 said:
I got 4 cards in the mail today! It has taken me awhile to figure this out but think they are from:

Jenny L

Thanks for the great cards. Am I right?

You found me out!! :cheer2: It was my first time with the exchange and I was not sure if my clues were too easy or too hard but it was sure a lot of fun.
I just got home last night from Disney so I wont get my mail tomorrow and then I will post who I got the cards from. Very exciting. It seems like a lot of fun.
I received a few cards yesterday. I am going to take a guess and say they are from......

Mrs. Dazzle
Niteowl 71
and the last one has me stumped.."I have the cutest button nose." :confused3 I'll keep on sleuthing.

Thanks to everyone for their beautiful cards!!

I am taking a little trip this week and will post if I receive additional cards when I return home.
Nutsy said:
Did you keep the envelopes? If so, the postmark may or may not help you.
I did but that didn't help much.

I'm going to take a guess and say one was from Cruisin??? :confused3

And maybe one from Cyrano?? :confused3

Hope those are right!! lol

Also, I am waiting to hear from 8 people to say they got mine, then all will be accounted for. :)
ilvsocr00 said:
I received a few cards yesterday. I am going to take a guess and say they are from......

Mrs. Dazzle
Niteowl 71
and the last one has me stumped.."I have the cutest button nose." :confused3 I'll keep on sleuthing.

Thanks to everyone for their beautiful cards!!

I am taking a little trip this week and will post if I receive additional cards when I return home.

Enjoy your trip Suzanne:goodvibes
I've got mail!!

Thank you DisneyCP2002 and Clhcpaca and one other who I'm pretty sure I know who it is.. just need to make certain before I post an acknowledgement.;)
Yup::yes:: I was correct with my first assumption....'re very cheeky and very sneaky.. thanks so much for the lovely card..


Where oh where are all my cards??? They should have landed by now and at least some should have arrived in mail boxes.

Are my clues too hard? I have to wonder:confused:

Or are the cards just slow to arrive at their destinations??????

Come on Mr Postman

Be like Elvis.. GO MAN GO!!!
I have recieved a few cards since I posted last, but I have been sick and haven't had much computer time. So I will have to take a peek at em in a bit and post who I think they are from! Just know that if you sent to me your card may be here! ;)


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