And they're off! Live trip report

We will probably try the self-serve kiosks in July but hope to beat 75 mins to leave airport, I would like to be in the hotel by then, I am used to arriving indirect which is far quicker, we will see:goodvibes

Yes. We have only ever flown direct once before and had horrendously long wait in immigration then. It wasn't a case yesterday of choosing to try the kiosks. Because we had been to the US before and were und visa waiver, we were directed to use them.

They are quite easy to use. Just an automated version of the iteraction with the immigration officer at the desk. It scans your passport, takes your fingerprints and your photo, even recognising if you're short like me and adjusting the height to suit. My transaction failed (probably because I have a new passport) so we then had to go to a desk anyway, but it was all still pretty quick.

Ate last night at CiCis Pizza, as we had a coupon. It was ok for something quick and cheap, but not sure we'd return.

Going to Cracker Barrel for breakfast this morning and will probably head for Downtown Disney and Celebration after a supermarket trip.
Ate last night at CiCis Pizza, as we had a coupon. It was ok for something quick and cheap, but not sure we'd return.

Going to Cracker Barrel for breakfast this morning and will probably head for Downtown Disney and Celebration after a supermarket trip.

We ate at CiCi's years ago just after they opened at LBV, felt same as you, OK for something quick & cheap but never been back, we would rather goto sweet Tomatoes.

We don't eat many breakfasts but I like Cracker Barrel if we do.
Just loaded this photo of the hired car as a test

Had really good first day, although the weather could be a little warmer.

We both went for the Momma's Pancake Breakfast in Cracker Barrel this morning after a reasonable nights sleep. This was followed by a trip to Publix to stock up on groceries etc. After unpacking the shopping we went to DTD which has changed a lot over the years, particularly Pleasure Island which is being redeveloped.

Guest Services were able to quickly convert our old paper tickets to new plastic ones and this evening we have booked our fastpasses for four parkdays. I also managed to sample a maragarita as we had a relax by the waterfront.

DH fancied a shake from Beaches and Cream so we went over to the Yacht Club.No tables available so we had to have a takeout before stroling around the Boardwalk.

We also managed to visit Celebration and had a walk around the lake before going to eat at Sweet Tomatoes.

Early start in the morning as we are going east to go on a Dolfun tour from Melbourne. Will probably go to Port Canaveral and possibly Cocoa Beach too.
Just loaded this photo of the hired car as a test

Had really good first day, although the weather could be a little warmer.

We both went for the Momma's Pancake Breakfast in Cracker Barrel this morning after a reasonable nights sleep. This was followed by a trip to Publix to stock up on groceries etc. After unpacking the shopping we went to DTD which has changed a lot over the years, particularly Pleasure Island which is being redeveloped.

Guest Services were able to quickly convert our old paper tickets to new plastic ones and this evening we have booked our fastpasses for four parkdays. I also managed to sample a maragarita as we had a relax by the waterfront.

DH fancied a shake from Beaches and Cream so we went over to the Yacht Club.No tables available so we had to have a takeout before stroling around the Boardwalk.

We also managed to visit Celebration and had a walk around the lake before going to eat at Sweet Tomatoes.

Early start in the morning as we are going east to go on a Dolfun tour from Melbourne. Will probably go to Port Canaveral and possibly Cocoa Beach too.

Thanks for the report.
What was the fast pass availability like for the parks. Just asking as we will be staying offsite and still not decided if we are going to Disney this time. One of the deciders will be if we are confident we can book some good fastpasses at the 30 day mark.
Thanks for the report.
What was the fast pass availability like for the parks. Just asking as we will be staying offsite and still not decided if we are going to Disney this time. One of the deciders will be if we are confident we can book some good fastpasses at the 30 day mark.

Had no problem getting fastpasses for all 3 rides we wanted at each park. Happy enough with the times too. We aren't going to the first one till Tuesday.

Just had some Cheerios and coffee this morning and will be leaving shortly for Melbourne. It has rained overnight and still looks very cloudy.
Should also have mentioned that there is a bear in the vicinity of Emerald Island. We have a leaflet warning 'This is Bear Country' and some do's and dont's, including what to do if we see a bear on our property!

Until now, we hadnt realised there were bears in Florida. Am hoping one doesn't try to get in the house! It was scary enough a couple of years back when a raccoon tried to get in!
Just signing up :goodvibes

I wouldn't like to think there was a bear nearby either, so hopefully it won't be there to greet you when you get back today!
Sounds like you are having a lovely time, look forward to reading more only 29 days for us. :banana:

First time I have ever used a dancing banana :upsidedow

Rather chilly boat trip but enjoyable. Just had nice lunch at Port Canaveral with margaritas!
Margaritas sound good.

I didn't realise there were bears in florida.

When we stayed in a tent cabin in yosemite there was no way I was going out to the toilet block alone in the night.

On the way in they showed you a childs carseat that had been attacked by a bear - apparently the bears go for them as they know food will be stuck on them. Bears also like toothpaste apparently.
Weather definitely on the chilly side. Hoping it warms up. It was less than 70 degrees F today and there was a cood wind while we were on the boat. Saw quite a few dolphins. Nice lunch in Grills at Port Canaveral and then we called into Millikans Reef to listen to the live band for a while.

Ate tonight at Texas Roadhouse. Very busy but we were seated within 5 minutes of arriving. Good steaks and very good service.

Having some probs with my new android phone so no photos at the moment. Hope to find a solution soon.

Had plans to go to New Smyrna Beach tomorrow but it probably won't be warm enough for a day on the beach, so we may be shopping and going to the World of Chocolate!
Margaritas sound good.

I didn't realise there were bears in florida.

When we stayed in a tent cabin in yosemite there was no way I was going out to the toilet block alone in the night.

On the way in they showed you a childs carseat that had been attacked by a bear - apparently the bears go for them as they know food will be stuck on them. Bears also like toothpaste apparently.

Yes. We have been warned to bring inside all lotion, bug spray, sun screen and anything with an odour or perfume and not to leave them in our car.
Hope it warms up soon

We've never neen to texas roadhouse - always looks popular when we go past. Will have to go next time.


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