Allentown PA, July 15th, 2006 Who's Comin?!?!?!

I just found out about this meet and I am very upset I will not be able to attend. I will be home home the shore on Sunday!!!

This meet is is only 20 minutes from my house. To everyone that can come have a great time!!!
Hi guys!! I'm SO excited for this year's meet! I've been talking to Fred Block (the man behind the entire event!) and there are some really fun things he has planned!

I had an incredible time last year, and met so many wonderful people! I hope to see lots of you there!! This one's gonna be even bigger and better!!!! Come one, come all!!! Come solo (you won't be alone for long, I promise!), or bring the whole family! (there will be events and things to do for the kiddies, too!)

You don't have to be a "DIS'er" to go! There will be people from the community, as well as may others, including Magical, passporter and more! Plus, there will be great guests, like Deb Wills, Mike Scopa, Steve Barrett, Chris Carlson and more!

Be sure to check out the DisMeets web site for more info!

See YOU in Allentown!!!!
Hi Lou!

My son is SOOO thrilled you're going to be back this year. Are you doing another trivia contest? That was my son's favorite part of the entire day (liked that even more than the food, LOL). He's been studying your book since last year! Can't wait!!!!

Jessica :wave:

I'll definitley be doing some type of trivia while I'm there (and please thank your son for such a nice compliment!!)

Tell him to come on over and say hi, and I'll test him on what's he's learned... who knows, maybe I'll give him a personal trivia question quiz for a prize! (and let him know I should have Volume II with me!) ;)

See you there!!!
Yeah, I'm REALLY excited about this one (OK, and a little tired, too, as I'm in the final editing and proofing stages now with my editor/publisher)!

You can read more about it here (I was gonna post a pic of the cover, but wasn't sure if that was kosher)

Yeah, that's my daughter on the cover! (Princess Marion!)
I Love It!

I bet you're exhausted...
I can't wait to see you and the family again....
and say hi to your wife for me please...
are you staying over saturday night?

See you in July!
Looking forward to seeing you as well!!

Yes, we'll be staying from Friday until Sunday (possibly Monday?... I may need some extra sleep by that point) LOL
Who else is coming...

We've got the site up and running quite well,

registration is going great,

Click the link in my signature to register,

Ask any questions I will reply...

See you in Allentown!

Hi Colleen

I had pre-registered, and went in again today, but the Paypal button was greyed out. Is that not available yet?
The payment window will be opening soon...

Fred is testing the process to make sure it works first.

~For all those interested and for the quickest access to information be sure to register~

Emails are going to those registered first, then the details come out on the information boards.
My sister and I are coming!! She still has to make final plans for a sitter (her son is autistic and can't take any large crowds) but then I will be able to pay in full! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone! :sunny:
Glad to have you coming LindaMary! Anyone else looking for a meet?

We're in full flow of preparations, the guest list is awesome...check it out!

the link is in my signature :teeth:
We are coming. I am only debating whethor to bring the 3 children or not.

Was there alot to keep the children busy last year? They are 12,11, and 6 and love Disney too. My 11 year old son loves the Trivia Book.

Thanks for sharing.
We are coming. I am only debating whethor to bring the 3 children or not.

Was there alot to keep the children busy last year? They are 12,11, and 6 and love Disney too. My 11 year old son loves the Trivia Book.

Thanks for sharing.


"Hi" from a fellow NE PA resident! My son was 11 for last year's meet & he really enjoyed himself. In fact, he was sorry we hadn't rented a room - he didn't want to go home! He really loved the trivia contest. Plus he brought home many goodies. The kids all seemed to have fun. Fred seems to have a lot more planned for this year. It should be another great party!

Jessica :wave:
Mickey's Sister said:

"Hi" from a fellow NE PA resident! My son was 11 for last year's meet & he really enjoyed himself. In fact, he was sorry we hadn't rented a room - he didn't want to go home! He really loved the trivia contest. Plus he brought home many goodies. The kids all seemed to have fun. Fred seems to have a lot more planned for this year. It should be another great party!

Jessica :wave:

I teach in the Poconos at NCC and live in Wilkes Barre. We booked Saturday night. I am looking forward to it.
~Well said Jessica...thank you~

Lisa, I can almost guarantee they'll have a good time :)

~We're doing a whole room designated for the kids this year~

Be sure to register, the link is in my signature for all the details and timely updates of all the goings on :wizard:
For what it's worth, I took my daughter last year when she was (Lou does the math) one and half, and will be taking both my children (2 1/2 and 1 yr) to the meet this year as well.

Also, this year, Fred will have a dedicated children's area with supervision attached to the main room! I interviewed him on our most recent podcast, which went up on Sunday, and he describes it in more detail.


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