About this cricut...

ok what are these skittles things that everyone is talking about????

is it something that i have to have?????:;)

someone please post a pic of them and what do i use them for????

as for needing them, well, who am I to say......:rolleyes1 but they look awfully cute in little jars all sorted by color. :teeth:
wow -- that's weird. I know the other person with that avatar, too! Freaky!

Anyway, I guess I need some skittles, too. I'm picturing them like those old red bingo chips. IS that kind of what they look like? I'm going to have to head over to the Cricut board to lurk around for some more scoop! Thanks!

the image was actually made by someone here, one of our Digi Scrappers I think. I asked her if I could borrow it and use it for my campaign on the cricut boards to get the DS for Macs. And the other girl(name escapes me) asked if she could borrow it too.
ok what are these skittles things that everyone is talking about????

is it something that i have to have?????:;)

someone please post a pic of them and what do i use them for????

Yep, gotta have 'em.. their collector's items for the jars in your scraproom to make your room look pretty and uncluttered!!!
Here are some more pics...

Like PrincessNancy96said.....
Skittles make your jars look pretty!


This helps give you an idea of the size they are.
rofl bernardandmissbianca... I was just thinking that I needed the cute light blue ones... I have only seen the green, purple/pink, blue/white and white ones though. I bought the cute $ square jars from ac moore with the cork tops, they look very cute filled up. :) maggie
I have the blue on the right. very cute!
I need to find another Michael's to see if I can find some more colors.

As for the jars, I was at ACMoore today I will not go back, I will NOT go back.....

who told me they were seasonal and new ones will be out? You or hopemax?
I'm the enabler this time. But I'm sure there will be lots of posts on the cricut board when new colors show up.
what was the original price on these cute little things anyhow? maggie
OMG i do have to have those!!!!! and how do i attach them to the page?? and you say michaels huh???:rolleyes1
PO3 - I have some of the clear and light blue ones I can share with you. I certainly don't need a huge bag of them!
so do i need sharpies to color them too?? and are they in the scrap department? because i was just there sat and i did not see them. do they have a REAL name??
now i'll be skittle crazy.......:scared1:
so do i need sharpies to color them too?? and are they in the scrap department? because i was just there sat and i did not see them. do they have a REAL name??
now i'll be skittle crazy.......:scared1:

yes you need sharpies to color the bottoms of the clear ones, they are in the floral dept near the vases, either hanging on the side of an endcap or in the clearance dept. They are called Decorator Accents.

Oh and you didn't hear any of this from me, you are to close of a neighbor for your DH to not let me come play.

PS blame Maggie! She needs a turn in the hot seat! :rotfl2:
what was the original price on these cute little things anyhow? maggie
Original price was 3.99- theyare on clearance now for $2.00

OMG i do have to have those!!!!! and how do i attach them to the page?? and you say michaels huh???:rolleyes1
WELCOME TO THE DARKSIDE!!! They attach with glue- plain and simple

so do i need sharpies to color them too?? and are they in the scrap department? because i was just there sat and i did not see them. do they have a REAL name??
now i'll be skittle crazy.......:scared1:

If you have alcohol markers or alcohol inks they will dye the skittles as well- color the bottoms with the markers OR drop clear skittles into a ziplock bag with a couple of drops of the alcohol ink and shake. that'll do it!

Aren't they pretty??

I have some clear ones to share if anyone is interested. Just pm me.
PS blame Maggie! She needs a turn in the hot seat! :rotfl2:


the bottles at ac moore are pretty stinking cute, many different sizes and shapes and they are only a buck. And if you are blaming me for this, I want some of your dark blue skittles!!!! :) maggie


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