ABCs of Yourself Game-Open to all Exchangers


I just got back from a great weekend with my family!

(and Bobbi, I love Friendly's!)
G-I am hoping to do something either in my garden, or with my plants each day.

*Bobbi, we do not have a Friendly's here, but chocolate ice cream sodas sounds yummy.
I love the WHITE CHERRY ICEES!! I think it is funky cool to not have color and flavor match... popcorn:: Does that make sense? :3dglasses
J is for my nephew Joseph...who just finished his sophomore year at UNC. He's pre med, and he's doing very well. And he's a great son, nephew, brother, cousin...just a great guy.
Looking forward to next week being less busy and finally working on the pictures from my trip.
Q is for quiet. It is very quiet in the house today, I think dad & I are just tired.
Yes there is :). Shall I ship it to you? :rotfl:

R-I think I will have a ice cold Root beer soon.

oh yes! And I am drinking a cold root beer right now myself!

S--is for Sound of Music. Dad & I went to a local community theater production of SOM last night--my niece Dana was Marta, the next to youngest Von Trapp kid, and my niece Samantha was a nun. Their mom, my sister Monica played violin in the orchestra. It was awesome!
V-I am very itch from working in the garden. I need to take a shower.

****Eva and anyone else, if a particular letter is hard, you can always skip it ;).


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