A Grand Tour of The Entire Midwest, But Mostly Wisconsin (UPDATE 11/12--BONUS Texas TR NOW COMPLETE)

I'm glad you finally made it to Minneapolis ... but what an ordeal and what a depressing day at home Wednesday must have been.:sad2:

Paul Bunyan and Babe! I love those kitschy photo ops! We stopped at the Worlds Largest Prairie Chicken in Rothsay, MN on our way to ND last summer. This year, we hit the World's Largest Easel in Goodland, Iowa on our way back from the Grand Canyon.

Looking forward to your take on the thrilling landscape of ND!
You omitted describing the bacon that was surely on those burgers in the Alternate Universe.

I'm glad you're back on track. Soon those Alternate Universe conversations will be happening in the Real World, I know. Probably next chapter.
Chapter 2: Two Roads Diverged In a Wood, And I…I Was Stuck In (Mostly) Delaware

There, fixed it for you.

Cow print car seat? You guys truly are Sconnies.

Wawa is a Philadelphia-area institution and quite simply the greatest convenience store in the world. If you don’t have a Wawa near you, I feel sorry for you.
I mean, I'm sure it's fine and all, but it's no Kwik Trip.

It was even worse for my dad, who would be getting up at that hour just to drive us to the airport. He wouldn’t even get a vacation out of it.
I try to imagine what will happen in 20 or 30 years when my own kids get into a situation like this. I'm pretty sure I'd call them an Uber and go back to bed.


The Oblivious Family woke early, having thoroughly enjoyed the Phillies’ epic 9th-inning comeback against the Minnesota Twins the night before in which the Phils had ever-so-briefly recaptured the glory of their 2008 championship season.
In real life, the Vikings beat the Eagles by a field goal, 14-10. But what kid would want to go see a baseball game with that much offense anyway, amiright?

Alternate Universe Sarah was thrilled to help care for Alternate Universe Drew…

Does Alternate Universe Sarah talk with a British accent?

They took several family photos where all six of them were looking at the camera and smiling brightly with eyes open, and all of the strangers they asked to take the photos were happy to do so and composed the shots perfectly, never forgetting to include the spectacular sights in the background.
Or Redbull cans.

Then we took off on time. Also good. A couple of hours later, we landed…in Milwaukee. Our new flight gave us a layover here. We had a couple of hours before the hop to Minnesota, so we explored the Milwaukee airport a bit. I’d heard rumors of a strange magical location here before, and was on a quest to find it. And I did!

Do you ever find yourself totally discombobulated after doing the TSA Tango in the airport security line? Well, Milwaukee has you covered! They’ve helpfully provided a Recombobulation Area for you.

Because Milwaukee is awesome. Just ask the Bronze Fonz.

And you can’t kill time without taking Scotty to the crappy gift shops.

I think he looks amazing. "Regal", "Distinguished" and "Flippin' awesome" are also acceptable.

We drove about five miles and then stopped. We were all hungry. We had planned to shop for our food supplies once we’d arrived, but in this case hunger took precedence and we decided to buy lunch. Instead of the usual fast-food chains, we opted for a different fast-food chain: Culver’s. This is a Midwest chain that has no locations on the East Coast. So we figured we might as well try something new.
You're meal choice is FreezinRafiki approved.
Just remember, when you come to a fork in the road…
take it.

90% of trip reporting is half mental.

Yes, but even Casey gets a second chance…
Walt says so…

Dosen’t mean he won’t mess it up again, but still…

Cool. Haven't seen that one before.

Gawd… that sounds supremely awful.

Doesn't it? Blech.

Still don’t quite understand how they pulled that one off.


From “somewhere”?…
That might qualify as thrill seeking.

I'm just glad my parents were prepared for guests.

Somehow, that seems to suit him, though.

You don't want to know how the rest of us looked.

A true insult piled on top of that rest of the injury.

Truth. Wasting a vacation day is a cardinal sin. Like wasting bacon.

The Cascades are lovely that time of year.

So I hear...

Sound’s a lot like a “QT”
do y’all have those up there to compare?

No, I don't think I'm familiar with them.

First win of the trip.

(Hey, nearly any win is a win at this point, I’d ’ve been happy about it)

We're trying. It can only get better, right?

Yeah, I suspected that scenario as well…
OK, more of a tie then a win, I guess.


Hey, it was raining that day.
You can’t expect people to work under such extreme conditions.

My apologies. I'm just a slave-driver, I guess.

Cool! It’s like an episode of Star Trek.
There’s always a convent Temporal Rift in the Space-Time Continuum when you need one.

All I know is, when my minivan hits 88mph...you're gonna see some serious @#$%.

Also the year of the economic crash.

Not in the least.

And at a Super-8 of all places. Who knew!

:rotfl2: Even I wasn't willing to go that far over the top. I mean, you can only suspend disbelief so far.

No, no no…
Alternate universe!... Remember?

At worst it was one of these…

and in a more perfect galaxy it ought to be one of these pieces of junk…

No! That one's garbage!

Wrong Captain….

Aw, come on. Can't you see the resemblance?

You mean that not the actual Julie?

This can’t be so…
I’m crushed.

I didn't have to change much. I mean, her hair's a little longer.

Who says that the hemispheres have to be oriented the same in an alternate universe.

Or that there ARE hemispheres!

Now you’re just making stuff up.

I don't have you sold on the photography skills of strangers yet?

Hate you missed that one.
I’ll have to go back over to our local brew house for some of their divine burgers and homemade root beer (and porters and stouts and ales, oh my) to make up for this unfortunate missed opportunity.

I’ll raise a glass in your honor when I get there.

Which brew house is this, if you don't mind my asking?

I'm bummed about missing that one too. If I'm ever in Duluth someday...

But… but…
Then what on earth would you write about?

Fart jokes?:confused3

That will happen.
You probably won’t actually hear it first hand, but that one.
That’s happenin’.

I'll believe it when I (don't) hear it.

I do believe that would have been more of a hit than they’d know.

They were pretty bummed to miss out on the canoeing. I think everyone was looking forward to it. I had done it when I was a kid, so as the only person in the family who had been in a Voyageur canoe before, I would have been on the shore with Drew while the rest of them went out.

When were you in my house?

Hey, you found my production staff! That hurts my eyes.

Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.

There’s Captain America

In this case...yes.

Is that Dunkin’ or Drunkin’?

Too early to remember.

A true American Landmark worthy of being sought out.

That it is, Edward.

We’ll call it a win, then.

Close enough at this point.



Oh, too bad but…
Sorry, no points this time; thanks for playing.

There is a Culver’s not five miles from my house.
Good greasy burgers, fried cheese, custard & malts…
What’s not to like.

Ok, yes: there is a whopping total of one (1) Culver's in North Carolina and three (3) in South Carolina. So yes, the East Coast is just smothered.

I think of you guys as the South, anyway. Still...pretty good place. Not bad for fast food.

No pictures?

I might have a Behind The Scenes one later on.

Just rolls off the tongue.
Rolls almost as well as:
Wile… E… Coyote… Suuuuuper… Geeeeeenius…

Ranks up there with such noble and historic place names as Murderkill, as well.

Don't forget Slaughter Beach!

Alright P. T.
Settle down there.

Too over the top? Me?

I’m shocked… Shocked, I tell you!
That actually lives up to the hype.

There was hype?

Wow… Just wow.
That’s just…. Ummm…


Just think of Anger in Inside Out. That's a good mental picture in this case.

And all was right with the world.


For now…

Hay, there’s missiles and henges and big rocks on the horizon
It’s all gonn’a be good.

It gets better, I promise!

The Real World Oblivious Family scenario sucked. Really hard. In about 30 years the kids will all look back and give a faint smile of nostalgic memory to their own kids around a family Thanksgiving. Until then, they'll wonder how they survived those 2 incredibly crappy days.

Sounds about right. We can smile about it, but nobody wants to live through it again!

But, HEY! You're really somewhere now seeing fantastic sights and landmarks. You know, like giant cement behemoths. LOL!

They sure are impressive, aren't they? A bucket list item, for sure.

And doing noble tasks like drying your own suitcase contents out. :crazy2: :sad2:

It's gotta be all uphill from here.... right? Right?!

It gets better, I promise!
Oddly enough... I'm not overly surprised.

Delaware...So Close To Where You'd Rather Be.

Don't be jealous. At least someone's having a nice vacation.


Urge to kill...rising...

Good to set goals.

It was all we had at that point.

Bad shape? Bad? This is what I plan to wear every day when I retire!


You should have seen the rest of the people in the van!

On second thought--no, you shouldn't.

I believe you. Nothing like a shower when you're beat.

Here's to the little pleasures.

Did he file a sexual assault charge against you?

Hey now!:scared1:

Ugh. The worst.
"Can I come in and work today and get the day tacked onto the end of my vacation?"

You know it's a horrible day if I'd rather be at work.

I know this! I know this!
"What are words said to people to get them to hang up and leave me alone!"

Hey, you must have dealt with customer service before!:rotfl:

I don't know if I should laugh at this.... for all I know... they are.

I'm sure they had a great time.

I can't stop thinking of the MASH episode where Klinger is cutting Potter's hair.
"You outta be in pictures... WAWA.
You're the picture of health... WAWA."

"Klinger, enough with the wawas."

Aw, man--I don't think I've seen that one.

Huh. I was sure you were going the other way. Interesting.

Not a chance! I love my Wawa.

Recently the Philadelphia Eagles signed a free agent offensive lineman from Houston. After arriving in town, he sent this tweet:


A day later:


I'm going to go with option #2.

I think that was the consensus here as well.

Good Lord. I'm sure getting the kids up then was a piece of cake.

The adults were hard enough!

Nah. Dads live for stuff like that.

You know...that's an incredibly true statement.

You may be over selling it dude.


Me? Over-selling it?

I'm officially in love with alternate universe Julie.

Hey, back off! She's mine!

Unfortunately, the Alternate Universe is the only place I can even come close to getting her to wear something like that. :duck:

Wait.... did you sedate him?
This is possible.

Anything's possible in the Alternate Universe!

Okay, now I know this didn't happen.
There's just no way.

Dang it! I had you going, I know.

Wow but that's pretty. Really sucks you didn't get to see that.

Agreed. That would have been a fun day.

It happens.

What, s---?

If all those strangers were professional photogs.... it could happen.

I never seem to meet the ones who are professionals.


Although they should be trained to say this. Even if it requires beatings at regular intervals.

Agreed! What's the secret?

You had me right up until "with"

Dang it!

Nah. I buy it.

There we go. I knew I could pull this off.

It doesn't get any realer than 1:30 am.

:faint: The only time you should see 1:30 a.m. is if you've had a really, really fun night. That wasn't it.

::yes:: I really don't mind driving to work at 6am. Zero traffic.

So you have that going for you, which is nice.

See above comment about Dads.

Yep. It's so true. We all want to be the hero. And then be recognized as such.

Can you imagine????

:faint: I don't want to!

Thank goodness. I mean... finally!


"You kids look alert and happy for the photo!"

Then you can go back to shoving each other and griping!

:laughing: That's great!

Fellow DisDad and native Sconnie Barry (@FreezinRafiki ) is the one who first pointed this place out. I had to go find it.

Wait, they did have a van? But not the one you wanted?

They did have a van. But the people at the desk didn't seem aware that I'd be showing up then and had me marked as a no-show from Tuesday. We got it straightened out pretty easily, though.

Seen the signs... never been in one, though.

Spoiler: this isn't the last time we see it.

mmmm.... custard.
Must stop next time.

Mmmm...more frozen fat...

Meh. That's what they're there for. As long as the adults are comfy, that's all that matters.

Works for me.

At work, we say it on occasion.
Never gets old.


Julie is also fond of Bisbee, Arizona.

I'll have to look. I'm pretty sure those are the same ones my folks saw in the 50s/early 60s.

Probably. I think they've been there for decades.

Oh, COME ON!!!

That's what we said, too! Minus the expletives.

What did they wind up doing for you?

We got some travel credit for all 6 of us. Should cover a nice chunk of our next vacation plan. Considering it was a weather delay, we weren't sure we'd get anything out of them.

God, I hope so!

It'll get better!

That's a right purty view, too.

We loved that room.

:sad1: Still not happy about that.

I know. Me too. I wish we could have pulled it off. We'll just have to look for more chances for our paths to cross.

Oh, yeah. It's all good.
But you know that now.

We got back on track. Thank goodness.

Don't mention the War!

Delaware...So Close To Where You'd Rather Be.

Rhymes with "rather be there"

Urge to kill...rising...


You should have seen the rest of the people in the van!

On second thought--no, you shouldn't.

Meh. Boys... grungy, disgusting. Girls... beautiful as always.

You know it's a horrible day if I'd rather be at work.

No kidding.

Hey, you must have dealt with customer service before!:rotfl:

True story time!

One of my first jobs... actually, my last job before I went to work for my current company.
I worked at the airport, in the terminal. It was one counter, but we were the post office, foreign exchange, airport information and life (travel) insurance. Yep. Did it all. Frequently alone. (Busy periods, we had two people. One doing foreign exchange, the other doing the rest.)
We were told by the boss that the #1 priority was the insurance. So if we were dealing with a client and the phone rang, we'd put 'em on hold until we were done with the insurance.
Actually, I agree with this. If I come to the store, deal with me first and the phone call that comes in while I'm being served can wait. But I digress.

I was serving an insurance client and the phone rings. I pick it up, say "Winnipeg airport information, hold the line please." a woman's voice says "okay" and I put her on hold. A couple of minutes later I finish the insurance and pick up the phone. Line's dead.
Just then, another insurance customer walks up and I start dealing with them. Phone rings. "Winnipeg airport information, hold the line please."
The same woman's voice says "Don't you f@$#@ing put me on hold!"
I say "Okay."

and hang up.

They don't pay me enough to listen to abuse.
I finish with the customer and now I've got nothing to do.
Phone rings.
The same woman is on the line. "I'm sorry! Please! Please don't hang up on me! I'm so sorry! Please don't hang up!"

I was polite and gave her the ETA of the flight she was waiting for.
Made my day.

Aw, man--I don't think I've seen that one.

It's a classic.
They all are.

Not a chance! I love my Wawa.

Recently the Philadelphia Eagles signed a free agent offensive lineman from Houston. After arriving in town, he sent this tweet:


A day later:


:laughing: Well that didn't take long.

The adults were hard enough!

I believe you.

Me? Over-selling it?


Hey, back off! She's mine!

Unfortunately, the Alternate Universe is the only place I can even come close to getting her to wear something like that. :duck:


Dang it! I had you going, I know.


What, s---?


Agreed! What's the secret?

Did I not mention the regular beatings?

:faint: The only time you should see 1:30 a.m. is if you've had a really, really fun night. That wasn't it.

This is a long shot, but have you ever read "Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Ray Bradbury?
He's got the perfect definition of 3am.

“Oh God, midnight’s not bad, you wake and go back to sleep, one or two’s not bad, you toss but sleep again. Five or six in the morning, there’s hope, for dawn’s just under the horizon. But three, now, Christ, three A.M.! Doctors say the body’s at low tide then. The soul is out. The blood moves slow. You’re the nearest to dead you’ll ever be save dying. Sleep is a patch of death, but three in the morn, full wide-eyed staring, is living death! You dream with your eyes open. God, if you had strength to rouse up, you’d slaughter your half-dreams with buckshot! But no, you lie pinned to a deep well-bottom that’s burned dry. The moon rolls by to look at you down there, with its idiot face. It’s a long way back to sunset, a far way on to dawn, so you summon all the fool things of your life, the stupid lovely things done with people known so very well who are now so very dead – And wasn’t it true, had he read somewhere, more people in hospitals die at 3 A.M. than at any other time...”

Yep. It's so true. We all want to be the hero. And then be recognized as such.

That last bit doesn't happen

Then you can go back to shoving each other and griping!

:laughing: Funny... but true.

Fellow DisDad and native Sconnie Barry (@FreezinRafiki ) is the one who first pointed this place out. I had to go find it.

Ah! I think I saw that. Fairly recent?

They did have a van. But the people at the desk didn't seem aware that I'd be showing up then and had me marked as a no-show from Tuesday. We got it straightened out pretty easily, though.

Oh. Glad it got worked out.

Spoiler: this isn't the last time we see it.

TR ruined!

Mmmm...more frozen fat...


Julie is also fond of Bisbee, Arizona.

That's a good one.


We got some travel credit for all 6 of us. Should cover a nice chunk of our next vacation plan. Considering it was a weather delay, we weren't sure we'd get anything out of them.

Weather delay... sure. But returning your bags the next day... wet? Not okay.

We'll just have to look for more chances for our paths to cross.

90% of trip reporting is half mental.
And no one really goes to any of those places nowadays, they’re too crowded.

You don't want to know how the rest of us looked.
I can take a pretty good s.w.a.g at that one.

Truth. Wasting a vacation day is a cardinal sin. Like wasting bacon.
Or pouring out dole Whips..

No, I don't think I'm familiar with them.
Next time you head this direction, you’ll run across ‘em.
There expanding like mad around these parts.
Sounds like a very similar business model.

My apologies. I'm just a slave-driver, I guess.
Side effect of that recent promotion, I take it.

All I know is, when my minivan hits 88mph...you're gonna see some serious @#$%.
Whoa, that’s heavy…

(and in advance…. You’re welcome for the set up)

No! That one's garbage!
Yeah, but the one that you had reserved blew up before you got there, remember?

Which brew house is this, if you don't mind my asking?

Good lord this place is good.

Fart jokes?:confused3
Well there ya’ go.
You could increase your number of followers geometrically with that plan of attack.

When were you in my house?
The other day when Tim was standing out in your driveway.

Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot.
Whoa, now…
Let’s not be bringing the Chief of Ordnance in on this.

Ok, yes: there is a whopping total of one (1) Culver's in North Carolina and three (3) in South Carolina. So yes, the East Coast is just smothered.

I think of you guys as the South, anyway. Still...pretty good place. Not bad for fast food.
You forgot the two in Georgia. :laughing:

Exactly where is it precisely that the East Coast ends and The South begins?
(and is there anything south of The South?


Just think of Anger in Inside Out. That's a good mental picture in this case.
I say we lock ourselves in our room and use that one swear word we know.

It's a good one!

Ok, this was a fantastic start to your vacation! Wait, what? Maybe I need to review the meaning of "alternate"...

I wish it had worked that way. It would have been more fun.

Nice! I used to have a bonhomme jigger that coincidentally I painted exactly like Paul Bunyan. Except I made his mustache curl up at the ends, and he had no hat. 35 years later, and deja vu!

Glad this brought back some good memories! If nothing else, visiting the statues was worth it for that reason.

Wow. Misery. I got nothing else…

Yep. It sucked.

OK, sorry. The first bit was depressing. But now I’m smiling because I can’t help but think of waking up in the morning wearing nothing but a diaper and sandals and wondering what the heck I did the night before.

:rotfl2: That must have been some party at BWI.

What a bummer. The canoe trip sounds great. I enjoy canoeing when I get a chance, so something like that would be right up my alley.

Yeah, the kids all enjoy canoeing. They were pretty bummed to miss out on that one.

What’s not healthy? The cheese is dairy and the breading is grain. There’s two food groups in one right there!

I like the way you think!

:sad2: Not cool, not cool at all.


That is a pretty awesome view to enjoy while drying clothes. I’ve had worse.

I usually get the prime "dumpster view" location in the hotel.

I'm glad you finally made it to Minneapolis ... but what an ordeal and what a depressing day at home Wednesday must have been.:sad2:

Tuesday was worse. Wednesday just felt like a total waste of a vacation day.

Paul Bunyan and Babe! I love those kitschy photo ops! We stopped at the Worlds Largest Prairie Chicken in Rothsay, MN on our way to ND last summer. This year, we hit the World's Largest Easel in Goodland, Iowa on our way back from the Grand Canyon.

I'll be the first one to admit that these places are useless tourist traps. But part of the fun is forcing the kids to visit just to see their reactions. These places are not for people who don't possess a sense of humor.

Looking forward to your take on the thrilling landscape of ND!

Be careful what you wish for!

You omitted describing the bacon that was surely on those burgers in the Alternate Universe.

Well, I figured that was implied when I said in that universe, all is as it should be.

I'm glad you're back on track. Soon those Alternate Universe conversations will be happening in the Real World, I know. Probably next chapter.

Well, I do appreciate the optimism.
There, fixed it for you.

Thanks! Glad you guys are looking out for me.

Cow print car seat? You guys truly are Sconnies.

When we research a trip, we leave no stones unturned.

I mean, I'm sure it's fine and all, but it's no Kwik Trip.

I did think Kwik Trip's bakery looked pretty tasty.

I try to imagine what will happen in 20 or 30 years when my own kids get into a situation like this. I'm pretty sure I'd call them an Uber and go back to bed.

I suppose we could have done that, except for the fact that we're cheap.

In real life, the Vikings beat the Eagles by a field goal, 14-10. But what kid would want to go see a baseball game with that much offense anyway, amiright?

You'd never see that much offense from the Phillies. More pop-ups, please!

Does Alternate Universe Sarah talk with a British accent?

Given her fondness for Sherlock, Dr. Who, and Harry Potter...I'll say yes.

Or Redbull cans.

Nobody would be dumb enough to put that in a family photo.

Because Milwaukee is awesome. Just ask the Bronze Fonz.

That was the one icon we missed on this trip. I had thought about trying to fit in AJ Bombers in town.

I think he looks amazing. "Regal", "Distinguished" and "Flippin' awesome" are also acceptable.

How about "happening"?

You're meal choice is FreezinRafiki approved.


Rhymes with "rather be there"

Where? Anywhere. Except New Jersey.

Meh. Boys... grungy, disgusting. Girls... beautiful as always.

Sounds about right.

True story time!

One of my first jobs... actually, my last job before I went to work for my current company.
I worked at the airport, in the terminal. It was one counter, but we were the post office, foreign exchange, airport information and life (travel) insurance. Yep. Did it all. Frequently alone. (Busy periods, we had two people. One doing foreign exchange, the other doing the rest.)
We were told by the boss that the #1 priority was the insurance. So if we were dealing with a client and the phone rang, we'd put 'em on hold until we were done with the insurance.
Actually, I agree with this. If I come to the store, deal with me first and the phone call that comes in while I'm being served can wait. But I digress.

I was serving an insurance client and the phone rings. I pick it up, say "Winnipeg airport information, hold the line please." a woman's voice says "okay" and I put her on hold. A couple of minutes later I finish the insurance and pick up the phone. Line's dead.
Just then, another insurance customer walks up and I start dealing with them. Phone rings. "Winnipeg airport information, hold the line please."
The same woman's voice says "Don't you f@$#@ing put me on hold!"
I say "Okay."

and hang up.

They don't pay me enough to listen to abuse.
I finish with the customer and now I've got nothing to do.
Phone rings.
The same woman is on the line. "I'm sorry! Please! Please don't hang up on me! I'm so sorry! Please don't hang up!"

I was polite and gave her the ETA of the flight she was waiting for.
Made my day.


That, my friend, is an awesome story. It's nice to know the good guys win once in a while.

It's a classic.
They all are.

I can't claim to have watched every episode, but yes--it was a great show.

:laughing: Well that didn't take long.

Another convert!

Did I not mention the regular beatings?

Oh, right. I knew I was forgetting something.

This is a long shot, but have you ever read "Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Ray Bradbury?
He's got the perfect definition of 3am.

Wow, that IS perfect! And if you add in a screaming toddler, you've passed through death and entered hell.

That last bit doesn't happen

Truth. We all wish it would.

Ah! I think I saw that. Fairly recent?

I think he's mentioned it a few times. It's funny every time.

TR ruined!

That never takes long!

That's a good one.


I almost forgot another favorite: Rancho Cucamonga, California!

Weather delay... sure. But returning your bags the next day... wet? Not okay.

Exactly. I think that's the part that spurred them to action. Without that, my email would have been met with a "sorry 'bout your luck".
And no one really goes to any of those places nowadays, they’re too crowded.

I don't know if the mental one is ever that crowded.

I can take a pretty good s.w.a.g at that one.

Please, keep it to yourself.

Or pouring out dole Whips..

:scared1: Perish the thought!

Next time you head this direction, you’ll run across ‘em.
There expanding like mad around these parts.
Sounds like a very similar business model.

One-stop shopping? It's a good one if you can pull it off.

Side effect of that recent promotion, I take it.

The beatings will continue until morale improves!

Whoa, that’s heavy…

There's that word again. Why is everything so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the earth's gravitational pull?

(and in advance…. You’re welcome for the set up)

Always nice when you can get an easy spike.:thumbsup2

Yeah, but the one that you had reserved blew up before you got there, remember?

Yes, that must have been it!


Good lord this place is good.

Hmmm...I might need to check this place out sometime...say, summer 2017. (hint)

Well there ya’ go.
You could increase your number of followers geometrically with that plan of attack.

That's my secret!

The other day when Tim was standing out in your driveway.

Gotcha. Tim actually did send me a text one time trying to convince me he was in my driveway when he was on the way to Ocean City, MD. Only problem was I was out of town that day anyway.

Whoa, now…
Let’s not be bringing the Chief of Ordnance in on this.

Good call.

You forgot the two in Georgia. :laughing:

Exactly where is it precisely that the East Coast ends and The South begins?
(and is there anything south of The South?


I tend to think of the South as the former Confederate States. So in that case, I guess Florida would be south of The South?

I say we lock ourselves in our room and use that one swear word we know.

It's a good one!

:rotfl2: I love that line.

Be careful, or I may lower the bar when you come to the PNW. Not everything is magnificent waterfalls and Painted Hills.

Well, of course! I seem to remember something about milkshakes too.:rolleyes1
Always nice when you can get an easy spike.:thumbsup2
Wing Man is a job I’m suited to.

Hmmm...I might need to check this place out sometime...say, summer 2017. (hint)
You thinkin’ a return to Buena Vista, or are we talkin’ about another grand loop across the map?
I notice the map on the wall don’t seem to have any pins in TN, AL, MS, LA, or AK.

Gotcha. Tim actually did send me a text one time trying to convince me he was in my driveway when he was on the way to Ocean City, MD. Only problem was I was out of town that day anyway.
Bad timing has fouled up many a Dis Meet

I tend to think of the South as the former Confederate States. So in that case, I guess Florida would be south of The South?
I see the logic, but the assumption would therefore include Fla (and for that matter all that kept MD in the union was that the Army was stationed there). I however agree that parts of Florida are no more South’rn than New Brunswick. I’d divide it up into three fairly distinct pieces.
Alison (@franandaj ) likes to brag about the SoCal weather too. The rest of us live in constant jealousy.

Hi Alison! :wave:

eah, except we can't take baths without feeling totally guilty and our showers are taken with buckets to conserve extra water for the plants (when waiting for the warm water).

What - you get buckets of water? I get a spray from the hose - cold water too! Seriously - we have quick showers down to a science.

Seriously, we were in bad shape here. Drew made the trip home wearing nothing but a diaper and sandals.

Too cute for 1 (also like the cow print seat!). My first thought was something you referenced in a prior TR. Scotty and he lost a shoe....a shoe! That commercial cracked me up every time it was on and I burst out laughing reading it in your TR. That is my visual of the entire family upon your arrival at your parents house.
We had some breakfast and scrounged up some toothbrushes from somewhere and then packed ourselves into the van to drive back to our house. Our goals were modest: a shower and a change of clothes.

Goals are always good, sometimes those are mine and Fran's goals for the day as well.

Seriously, we were in bad shape here. Drew made the trip home wearing nothing but a diaper and sandals.

He doesn't seem to mind.

I was still feeling grumpy, though—it felt awful to be in my house knowing I was wasting another day of precious annual leave from work.

I can see where that would suck, watching your vacation days slip through the hourglass. It's good to be retired, sort of.

Gail hadn’t seen our bags yet, but she promised to let us know if she did. Awesome.

Yeah right.

Part of the drill in vacation preparation is eating everything in the fridge and pantry before you go so nothing is left to spoil and give you a nasty surprise when you return.

Huh, we should adopt this practice. Instead we tell Naked Jim to eat everything in the fridge while he's staying over, but rarely does he do that so we come home to some science projects.

Wawa is a Philadelphia-area institution and quite simply the greatest convenience store in the world. If you don’t have a Wawa near you, I feel sorry for you. But don’t worry, they are expanding. I even saw a few in Florida last time I was there. Anyway, they were having their annual summer “Hoagiefest” where their 10-inch subs are $5 apiece. Their food is surprisingly good for a convenience store.

I will keep this in mind. What did they have on them, mystery meat, italian cold cuts, turkey, roast beef, ham, gasp vegetarian?

Of course, this means that they probably were still in Baltimore on Tuesday night when we were trying to retrieve them and hadn’t traveled until Wednesday morning, so we could have gotten them back except for airport workers who were either clueless as to what bags they actually held or just too lazy to get them for us.


There’s not much to tell about the rest of the day Wednesday. We had a 6 a.m. flight out of Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C. on Thursday morning. Figuring a couple hours for travel and a couple hours for security, breakfast, etc., that meant we needed to spend the night at my parents’ house and wake up at 1:30 a.m.


I can't even imagine the proposed bedtime for this kind of flight. The sun must have still been up. Ugh. doesn't even describe it. I would say we would have just stayed up all night, but with the luggage supposedly already on it's way we wouldn't have had anything to pack.

they jumped into the rented minivan/limousine and drove to get grocery supplies at Whole Foods, where everything in the store was always on sale.

OK now I know you're lying. When would the Oblivious Family eat at Whole Foods, they don't have Cheetos, Doritos, or anything in the major food groups! I can't see you all stocking up on Kale Trail Mix or Tofu Snax!

There’s no way to make that sound good. Because it isn’t good. It sucks.

The only way to make it sound better would be that you didn't even sleep at all that night and just went for 44 hours straight.

We reached the terminal at Reagan Airport around 4 a.m., where my father wished us well and heroically drove our van back to his house in Delaware. He really went above and beyond the call of duty for us on this trip.

That was very nice of him. Good to have family local, and that cares, because I'm not sure if my parents were local they would even do us that service.

We boarded the plane on time. That was a good first step.


Do you ever find yourself totally discombobulated after doing the TSA Tango in the airport security line? Well, Milwaukee has you covered! They’ve helpfully provided a Recombobulation Area for you.

That's a good one! Glad you could get Recombobulated!

They also had a nice little play area to keep Drew busy.

Also a plus!

Finally, two days later, we were ready to start the vacation.

Yay! :banana:

As it turned out, the communication there hadn’t been perfect, but they did indeed have a van for us and honored our original rate. With that, we could finally relax and start traveling!

Well glad that worked out, even if it wasn't the way it was planned.

It’s still greasy fast food, but they had a couple of things going for them. One: fried cheese curds. These little bits of heaven are like mozzarella sticks, except with little melted nuggets of cheddar cheese inside instead. Excellent! And very nutritious, because the Midwest is known for nothing if not for healthy eating.

Mmmmmm...fried cheese! Our doctor told us this fun thing today. If at every meal you say, "this is going to be good for me and make me thinner" the power of suggestion will work for you and it will happen.

we found a Wal-mart nearby and loaded up on our road trip supplies. This is our way of saving money on the trip so we can afford to be on the road for two weeks and see so many things.

We do that too, but normally we do road trips from home, however we did the same thing for our Cleveand/Indiana Road trip.

Nevertheless, I didn’t want to have to keep changing and cancelling reservations, so we’d made the decision to drive there from the airport and then catch up with our plan. Also, Julie really likes saying “Bemidji”, and I didn’t want to deprive her of the chance to see it.

Totally understand that as well. I'm not sure Bemidji is really that cool especially when we live near a place called Cucumonga.

Because we could see giant concrete statues of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.

Well now that is certainly worthy!

Our clothes were wet.

Now that totally sucks. I hope that they weren't moldy. I would have had to wash them after finding that out.

We finally collapsed into bed. The nightmare was over (we hoped) and we would hopefully be back on track the next day. We still had a great deal of the country to explore.

I hope that the nightmare is over! You guys have been through enough!
Hi Alison! :wave:

What - you get buckets of water? I get a spray from the hose - cold water too! Seriously - we have quick showers down to a science.

HI back atcha! :wave2:

We can't deal with cold showers! But we limit them and try to only take 1-3 per week depending on how much activity we get and how smelly we are. While the water warms up, we capture the water that would otherwise go down the drain in buckets and use it to water our potted plants. I turn off the water in between washing/conditioning my hair and lathering up my body.
Wing Man is a job I’m suited to.

Everyone needs a good wingman.

You thinkin’ a return to Buena Vista, or are we talkin’ about another grand loop across the map?
I notice the map on the wall don’t seem to have any pins in TN, AL, MS, LA, or AK.

I'm always thinking about a return to Buena Vista. Drew will have to have his first Disney World trip sometime. But right now I'm inclined to wait and see when Star Wars/Toy Story Lands are scheduled to open. It might be worth holding off the trip if we can include those places for his first visit.

So, next summer is more of the latter idea. Ideally I'd like to use our Southwest travel credit and hit Texas/New Mexico over spring break. Then we'll do a road trip from our house over the summer to try and cover the rest of the South. I have a rough idea of the itinerary in mind but am still figuring it out.

Bad timing has fouled up many a Dis Meet

He was just messing with me anyway. He never stopped at our place.

I see the logic, but the assumption would therefore include Fla (and for that matter all that kept MD in the union was that the Army was stationed there). I however agree that parts of Florida are no more South’rn than New Brunswick. I’d divide it up into three fairly distinct pieces.

I never hear much about Florida fighting for the Confederacy, so I guess that's why I have a distinction in my mind. And they now have so many retirees/transplants living there. And yes, Maryland was definitely a "border state". So was Delaware, actually.

What - you get buckets of water? I get a spray from the hose - cold water too! Seriously - we have quick showers down to a science.

This just sounds like so much fun. Ugh.

Too cute for 1 (also like the cow print seat!). My first thought was something you referenced in a prior TR. Scotty and he lost a shoe....a shoe! That commercial cracked me up every time it was on and I burst out laughing reading it in your TR. That is my visual of the entire family upon your arrival at your parents house.

You're not far off! :rotfl2: I still can't believe Scotty did that.

Goals are always good, sometimes those are mine and Fran's goals for the day as well.

Priorities. Sitting around the house in your pajamas is underrated.

He doesn't seem to mind.

I sure hope not. Because we'd hear about it!

I can see where that would suck, watching your vacation days slip through the hourglass. It's good to be retired, sort of.

Yep. Not a good place to be. Hopefully someday I'll experience this "retirement" gig. Sometimes it sounds like a pipe dream!

Huh, we should adopt this practice. Instead we tell Naked Jim to eat everything in the fridge while he's staying over, but rarely does he do that so we come home to some science projects.

:crazy2: That's what we want to avoid! I just hate to waste food.

I will keep this in mind. What did they have on them, mystery meat, italian cold cuts, turkey, roast beef, ham, gasp vegetarian?

Julie loves Italian subs, so she went with that. I think the kids had glorified ham-and-cheese sandwiches. I had a hot meatball sub. They also have cheese steaks, hot chicken parm sandwiches, and paninis. All made fresh while you wait. Good stuff.

I can't even imagine the proposed bedtime for this kind of flight. The sun must have still been up. Ugh. doesn't even describe it. I would say we would have just stayed up all night, but with the luggage supposedly already on it's way we wouldn't have had anything to pack.

I think it was around 8:30 or 9:00 when Julie and I went to bed. We had to make sure everyone else was down and that we had everything we need. And it was still earlier than usual so I had a hard time getting to sleep. We had just resigned ourselves to being tired the next day.

OK now I know you're lying. When would the Oblivious Family eat at Whole Foods, they don't have Cheetos, Doritos, or anything in the major food groups! I can't see you all stocking up on Kale Trail Mix or Tofu Snax!

:rotfl2::rotfl2:Yeah, you got me. I was in a Whole Foods...once. I don't think the concept of a "sale" applies there.

The only way to make it sound better would be that you didn't even sleep at all that night and just went for 44 hours straight.

:faint: I'm too old to pull a stunt like that!

That was very nice of him. Good to have family local, and that cares, because I'm not sure if my parents were local they would even do us that service.

I'm sorry to hear that. I am thankful that my parents are close enough and willing to help us out. They both have really generous, giving hearts.

That's a good one! Glad you could get Recombobulated!

You never know when you need it!

Well glad that worked out, even if it wasn't the way it was planned.

Me too! It would have been awkward standing there with no vehicle.

Mmmmmm...fried cheese! Our doctor told us this fun thing today. If at every meal you say, "this is going to be good for me and make me thinner" the power of suggestion will work for you and it will happen.

I will try this with my daily serving of fried cheese.

We do that too, but normally we do road trips from home, however we did the same thing for our Cleveand/Indiana Road trip.


Totally understand that as well. I'm not sure Bemidji is really that cool especially when we live near a place called Cucumonga.

Rancho Cucamonga is another one of our favorite names! And they have a Slater's 50/50, so they get extra bonus points.

Well now that is certainly worthy!

Especially after all that effort!

Now that totally sucks. I hope that they weren't moldy. I would have had to wash them after finding that out.

We found one of my t-shirts later on that was moldy due to the rain. Thankfully we were able to save it when we got home.

I hope that the nightmare is over! You guys have been through enough!

Yes--it's over! I promise. Although we still have to drive across North Dakota.

We can't deal with cold showers! But we limit them and try to only take 1-3 per week depending on how much activity we get and how smelly we are. While the water warms up, we capture the water that would otherwise go down the drain in buckets and use it to water our potted plants. I turn off the water in between washing/conditioning my hair and lathering up my body.

This all sounds like such a pain! I hope this drought ends soon.
Chapter 3: This Place Is The Wurst.

I had forgotten to post one of my favorite photos of Lake Bemidji from the previous night, so here’s a bonus photo for you:


Friday morning, June 24. It was a beautiful day in Bemidji. We were up early, because nobody sleeps in on vacation, right? Also, we’d bought a couple of air mattresses to help the kids sleeping on the floor have a better night, but it had backfired because we’d put Drew on one of them and he’d had a horrible night and kept climbing into bed with us. Thankfully, coffee was in plentiful supply at the hotel breakfast.

We drove into town because Julie wanted something to commemorate her visit to Bemidji—namely, a t-shirt with “Bemidji” printed on it. Not only is the word fun to say, but the town had also featured in one of our favorite current TV shows, “Fargo” on FX. And no, obviously the show doesn’t entirely take place in Fargo.

We figured the easiest place to accomplish Julie’s Bemidji t-shirt dream was at the bookstore on the campus of Bemidji State University. So we found the campus, right on the lake in town, and wandered a bit. I took a photo of the gate because it reminded me of Monsters University.


We found the bookstore and got Julie’s prized t-shirt. I also grabbed a coffee mug, because I wanted to be able to confirm my friends’ suspicions that I have, indeed, been to B.S. University.


We set out on our drive, leaving Bemidji in our rear-view mirror.

Whenever we travel, our general strategy is to fly into some city, rent a van, and then drive a big loop starting and ending in that city while trying to see as many points of interest along the way as we can. There are typically a few days along the way in which we have to do a lot of driving in order to re-position ourselves for the next sightseeing location. On those long driving days, I look for ways to break up the drives so that we’re not stuck in the car for too many hours at a time. Sometimes, I’m successful. Sometimes, we pray the DVD player doesn’t break down.

In this case, the best stop I could find came early on in the drive. We drove to the north entrance of Lake Itasca State Park. This is Minnesota’s oldest state park, having been established way back in 1891. This lake forms the headwaters of the Mississippi River, which flows 2,350 miles from this point south before emptying into the Gulf of Mexico in Louisiana.

(Note: the state park itself claims the length of the Mississippi is 2,552 miles. Wikipedia says 2,320. The National Park Service says 2,350—that’s the number I went with. If any of you wants to take a float trip and measure it accurately, just let me know your results and I’ll update the chapter.)

Upon entering the park, we were immediately put on alert by the elaborate warning system.


From the north entrance, you take a short drive to a visitor center with some small exhibits about the river. There’s a short walking path that leads you to the lake and the headwaters of the river. It wasn’t long before we were here:



It’s a nice, quiet spot, and several people were taking the opportunity to wade in the Mississippi on a hot summer day. We thought that sounded like a good idea. Behold the Mighty Mississippi River!


It’s kind of neat to be able to say you crossed the Mississippi River on a log bridge.


The big kids decided to wade back across on the rocks.


Drew and I opted for the safer route.


The visitor center took its cues from Disney World and included a gift shop, which always draws us touristy types in like a magnet. Not much to see in there, although I did start to worry Julie would start to get some bad ideas.


We got back on the road, twisting our way through the back roads of Minnesota. Eventually, the roads got bigger and right about at lunch time, we crossed the border of our second new state of the trip.


We were in Fargo, North Dakota. Try to contain your enthusiasm.

One of our other tricks to break up long drives is to forego the standard peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwiches for lunch and eat out somewhere instead. After a few days of those sandwiches, even McDonald’s will start to look appealing. But we had something much better in mind here.

Way back in the planning stages of this trip, I’d been scanning Google Maps (this is how I plan my route). I was planning the drive from Bemidji across North Dakota and saw that we’d be passing through Fargo (another landmark for fans of the show). A casual glance to the north revealed that the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada) lay directly to the north. I guess my Canadian geography was rusty, because I had thought Winnipeg was further to the west. Of course, when you live on the east coast, everything is further west. Anyway, this was important because Winnipeg is the home of the world-renowned DISBoard Trip Reporter Supreme, @pkondz .

So I sent him a message to tell him we were (sort of) going to be in the area. He jumped on the chance to meet up right away, suggesting a place in Fargo that he and his family had visited before and enjoyed. Sounded great to me! But as I looked at the map, I ran the numbers and saw that it was a 3-hour drive from Winnipeg to Fargo (one way). So poor pkondz would be driving six hours just to eat lunch with us. That’s far above and beyond the call of duty, but to his immense credit, he was willing to do it.

He also said his daughter was willing to travel to the ends of the earth to eat spaetzle, so that helped with the decision.

We both tried to make Winnipeg fit into the itinerary so he didn’t have to go so far, but no matter what routes I tried, I couldn’t make it work. Any way I sliced it, it would add hundreds of miles and 2 extra days of travel to what was already a 3,600-mile road trip—the longest we’d ever attempted as a family, with a 2-year-old tagging along. I was already worried about how Drew would hold up through all this driving, and thought adding more would be biting off more than we could chew. So we settled on Fargo. Knowing that pkondz’s work schedule can change on the fly, we hoped things would work out so we could meet for lunch.

In the end, his work schedule wasn’t the problem. As we got closer to the trip, he checked to confirm the date and realized he had a conflict—a friend’s daughter was graduating that day, and he had agreed to photograph the ceremony for them. So, rather than take the simple step of having the school cancel or re-schedule the ceremony and driving six hours to meet a stranger, he took the easy way out and kept his promise to his friend. Thanks a lot, pkondz. I see where I rate.

We were both bummed we couldn’t make it work. At that point, I had already made all of my reservations and the travel dates were set; some of them were paid in advance and would not have been eligible for a refund if I’d cancelled them. So we just had to chalk it up as a missed opportunity.

I really wish it could have happened. As most of you know, pkondz is one of the most entertaining writers on this site, as well as perhaps the funniest. I’ve greatly enjoyed getting to know him as I’ve read his TR’s, and I think would have had a blast meeting him and his family over lunch while they checked their watches repeatedly wondering how much longer they had to spend with these idiots. I hope one day we do get to meet up. Surely we’ll be back in Fargo many times over the coming years.

Ok, maybe not. And stop calling me Shirley. Anyway, we’ll figure it out.

Pkondz still helped our trip immensely, because we went with his recommendation for lunch: The Wurst Bier Hall in Fargo.


This place specializes in German dishes, especially sausages (hence the name). As if that wasn’t enough, pkondz highly recommended the house root beer on draft. Well, that sounded delicious. So we all got root beers, and raised a glass in spirit to our missing DIS-friend.


This place was the gift that kept on giving. And no, I don’t mean they had a Jelly-of-the-Month Club. Not only was it a haven for Dad Jokes…


But I looked at the appetizers on the menu, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but:


What? No, why would I want a cold spinach dip?

They had a bacon flight! There is absolutely positively no way I am not ordering that. I’m going to post a photo of this glorious dish, but please be warned: you may be overcome by pure, unadulterated joy. Imagine tasting it, and feeling an overwhelming, sublime transcendence that brings the strongest of us to tears as we ponder the existence of something so beautiful and perfect. I am also required by law to include musical accompaniment worthy of the dish.

I humbly present the Bacon Flight:


There was almost a fighting match over the tray, and in the end we had to split the dish six ways, which of course results in everyone getting not enough bacon. I wish I had the budget to buy everyone appetizers at $5 a pop, but that adds up quickly with a large family. In any case, I liked the brown sugar bacon. Julie adores pepper bacon, so that was her favorite. But I also liked regular ol’ hickory-smoked bacon, because really—does bacon ever need any improvement?

The answer is no.

For lunch, we figured if the place specialized in German sausages, we might as well give them a shot. So everyone got a different kind of sausage. I can’t remember what everyone ordered, but Julie got a Hawaiian, I got a regular bratwurst (with onions and bbq sauce) and Dave shocked us all by ordering a Philly cheesesteak sausage.


We passed around bites of everyone’s sandwiches and they were uniformly terrific. Even the cheesesteak sausage. They also had various dipping sauces for the fries, and Sarah fell in love with the chipotle ranch, practically drinking it out of the container. It should be no surprise, then, that we are awarding the Wurst Bier Hall our best prize, the Drooling Homer Award for Unpretentious Dining. Pkondz, thanks a million for steering us to this place. Now, let’s figure out a way to make this meet happen! When will you next be in Delaware?


In most of my trip report chapters, I break up the day into halves because there’s generally enough material in half a day to fill a standard chapter. But in this case, I’m going to plow ahead. Why?

After lunch, we had to drive across North Dakota. I apologize. There is no way to make this interesting. J.K. Rowling could not make this drive interesting. My favorite travel writer, Bill Bryson, could not make this drive interesting. Steven Spielberg would struggle to make this drive interesting, even if he were allowed to add UFO’s and exploding helicopters (although they would help). The drive across North Dakota involves hours and hours of this:


The shoes are not there to make the photo interesting, they’re just in the redneck dryer after having taken a dip in the Mississippi earlier in the day.

We just tried to blast through the state as fast as we could while Drew took his afternoon nap in the back seat. On the plus side, the speed limit on the interstate is 80 mph. Here ends the plus side.

My father once attended a national conference of highway engineers. They had representatives from each state introduce themselves to the room, and asked them to add a little tidbit about their home state. When it was time for the North Dakota representative to introduce himself, he stood and said, “North Dakota is so flat, it’s possible to stand on top of a beer can at one end of the state and see clear across the other side.”

Later, the New Hampshire representative stood and said, “The highest point in New Hampshire is Mt. Washington, at an elevation of 6,289 feet. On an especially clear day, you can look way out to the west…and see some idiot standing on a beer can in North Dakota.”

You might also be able to see a statue of a giant cow.


Or whatever this thing is:


The only real highlight was that occasionally we’d see a field covered in yellow wildflowers, which nicely broke up all of the browns and greens.


We continued on through four long hours of that. I’ve never been in the Sahara Desert, but I’ve heard stories of weary travelers mounting a ridge and stumbling upon an oasis. I imagine that was the same feeling we had when we climbed a hill and saw the capital city of Bismarck before us. Not that there was anything special about Bismarck, but trees, billboards, and Mobil gas station signs at least gave us something different to see.

We finally made it to the town of Dickinson, which was our stop for the night and where we deployed another road trip strategy: the Pizza and Pool Party ®. After a long day of boring drives, sometimes the last thing you want to do is get back in the car and hunt for a place to eat. Also, with four kids cooped up in the van all day, they need to let some pent-up energy out. So we’ll just call Domino’s or whatever the local equivalent is, order pizza to the room, and send the kids to the pool. In this case, I’d found a Holiday Inn Express just off the highway that had a big 3-story waterslide. Win.





That slide was fun--eventually. It went outside the building and then at the point where you re-entered the building there was a sharp turn. We always hit that turn with such speed that there was a loud crash below and some water would splash down into the pool. We quickly learned to have our shoulders braced for impact, or else it would be taken by the head. But once we figured that out, it was a good time.

We put Drew in a bed at night for the rest of the trip, which worked much better. That meant two of the big kids were stuck with the floor. But hey, at least they had air mattresses.

Coming Up Next: Five days in, and we start to see some actual sights!
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All those travel delays sound like a perfect nightmare!! And the waterfalls that only the alternate universe family got to see seemed to be quite lovely. So sorry for that horrible start to the vacation.

While I am not convinced of the "German-ness" of the "German" restaurant, I do appreciate you accompanying the bacon flight with German music!! :thumbsup2

And the food did look really good - just not German. But then, you would say the same on a number of "American" restaurants. One of Michael's favorite restaurants here in Nuremberg is "Mexican" and he thinks it is hilarious what Germans think is Mexican. And what kind of music they are playing. The Nuremberg Tiki Bar for example plays the music that ought to play in the Mexican restaurant in his opinion.
Upon entering the park, we were immediately put on alert by the elaborate warning system.

Lol! Classic.

From the north entrance, you take a short drive to a visitor center with some small exhibits about the river. There’s a short walking path that leads you to the lake and the headwaters of the river. It wasn’t long before we were here:

I've been there! Many, many eons ago, when my family went on what we called The Big Trip West. I'm pretty sure that's the same sign that I have in a photo somewhere.

The visitor center took its cues from Disney World and included a gift shop, which always draws us touristy types in like a magnet. Not much to see in there, although I did start to worry Julie would start to get some bad ideas.

That, however, was not there.

After lunch, we had to drive across North Dakota. I apologize. There is no way to make this interesting. J.K. Rowling could not make this drive interesting. My favorite travel writer, Bill Bryson, could not make this drive interesting. Steven Spielberg would struggle to make this drive interesting, even if he were allowed to add UFO’s and exploding helicopters (although they would help). The drive across North Dakota involves hours and hours of this:

Reminds me of a song from an incredibly obscure band I saw at a folk festival once (and then my dad bought the tape): I Hate to Wake up Sober in Nebraska. Nothing but miles and miles of miles and miles...
Since Milwaukee is my local airport, I never thought that the Recombobulation area was something to take note of. Funny!!

Yes, the cheesehead and cheese tie are cliche. What can I say, we are born to consume cheese!

Culvers is completely awesome! Cheese curds are a food group in my household. The custard flavors change daily....and I renew my gym membership every January:D


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