A, B, C...tell something about yourself!

D is for Walt Disney, who's legacy continues to inspire the young and old. Last Christmas my 14 year old son asked me for a biography of Walt Disney, he is so in awe of Walt's dreams and ambitions and his ability to realize them. What impact just one man can have for the entire world!

One of my happiest memories is sitting on a rocking chair in front of the WL lobby and seeing a bald Eagle fly over Bay Lake!
F is for my favorite cut of beef, the Filet Mignon. My favorite Filet, yes hype and all, I still love the Filet at Le Cellier! F is for Fried chicken, preferably Popeye's Spicy Fried chicken, maybe not so healthy, but gosh it's so good!
Gis for the Garden Grocer, who does the shopping so my villa fridge is well-stocked.
H is for the Hoop Dee Doo Review which I will be going to for the first time on May 31st.
I is for Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular which our son has to see every trip
K is for my favorite chocolate bar, Kit-Kat. They've made it even better by using dark chocolate, however I seldomly come across them!

"M,M,M,M,&J:lmao: The initials of the Floridian branch of our family!
One of the most under-rated values of being a DVC owner and staying in a one or two bedroom villa while kids stay in the other bedroom...Nookie!!
S is for the savanna view will have on our next Halloween trip to AKV. Love watching the animals!
U is for unwind, as well as being uninformed & almost unconscious for a week!:cool1: I know, it the altitude change, from 200' above sea level to 20' above sea level:banana:
V for the beautiful Vine lady at Animal Kingdom, I think her name is Devine! She's a beautiful piece of living art!


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