9/18/04 Eastern Magic- We're in the home Stretch Now

Has anyone heard about/been watching/worried about tropical storm Ivan? I know Frances hasn't even made land fall yet but there's another one out there already. Is anyone else worried about how this will affect our trip?
I"m worried, not so much about Ivan, but about the possiblility of what will come after Ivan. It's 13 days until I leave, I am sure Frances will be gone by then, and I am sure Ivan will have come and gone by then also, but will there be another one after Ivan?
I am trying not to worry about it - Mother Nature will do as she pleases. But, I am still not doing very well with not worrying. I keep thinking if this was our week to go, how would we be handling it just like I did with Charley - and how would we get home if they extended our cruise for a few more days. And what happened to Castaway??? Then I feel guilty since I am worrying about my vacation and people are loosing their homes, vehicles, work places and maybe even lives. So, I just say another prayer for those in Frances' path and a little one for no more storms.
Hello There. I am a displaced by Frances cruiser joining YOUR sailing now. I was SUPPOSED to be sailing out tommorow, Sept 4 but am now rescheduled due to the hurricane fiasco.

I'm sad I'm not sailing tomorrow. In fact I would have been mid flight right now...:( ... but hopefully this new sailing will be a great cruise.
Welcome! As you can see we are 'stewing' here too but I hope that all will be well and we have smooth seas in 2 weeks.

I have made a spreadsheet of our fellow cruisers that I would be happy to add you to and also share the list with you. It just includes names, ages and any special events (birthday or anniversary). If you would like to be added PM me your information email address and I will be happy to send one to you.

Be sure to stop by the Promenade Lounge at 3:00 on the 18th for our DIS meet.
Sorry you had to delay your trip, I know I would be bummed if it was me!:(
Now that you're on our cruise, WELCOME:wave2: :wave2: Glad to have you, I hope you will join our meet. At least you have the next 14 days to read up on this post and get a feel for our group.:teeth:
We didn't realize this cruise stopped in Antigua. Assuming the intinerary doesn't change, that willl be an unexpected treat.

We will be belatedly celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary and our bring our 4 year old daughter. This is our 2nd cruise on DCL. We did a 4 day last September. We have a 2nd child on the way, so this will be our last vacation for a while...so we are looking forward to it.

I think we have all decided we're glad we rescheduled and aren't trying to go to Orlando in the midst of all the storms...not to mention the fact our cruise would have only been 5 days unstead of the 7...and a revised intinerary.

This will work out better..

NOW, if I just won't JINX this sailing a bring a hurricane to you!!!
On this cruise ,we don't believe in being jinx. If things get change, they just get changed. Have fun:sunny: :wave:
Have I signed up here yet? I'm rarely online anymore, so I forget what I've done! :crazy:
Go away Ivan!!! And Frances is long overdue for a departure too. Those poor folk in Florida and the islands.

I am trying to retain a respect and thoughfulness for all of them and still be excited about our cruise - it is beginning to be a difficult task but am working on it.

Do you realize that we go - not next year, or next season, or next month but NEXT WEEK!!!!! For me it almost starts now - the excitement of getting the first suitcase out, shopping for the little last minute stuff (film, camera batteries, Bonine) but it just isn't the same this time. Hopefully Frances is almost finished and Ivan will not cause much damage and go away too. And then another will not get started (that is where my biggest concern is).

I have a list question for everyone. Do we want to add our cabin numbers??? I can if we want to - would be a good way to get each other while on the ship. When is everyone leaving??? I can resend a final time next weekend (we have at least 2 additions since the last time I sent it). I would send Sunday maybe as the following week will be a busy one.

Have a good day everyone and see you all next week!
I too feel so bad for all the people in Florida. We have family there still trying to recover from Charley.

But we have been planning this cruise for a year now. My twin DDs are sailing with their very best friend (something that is never likely to happen again). I really want it to be good for them.

I just broke the news to them this morning about CC and how it won't be a stop for us this time. We have 14 in our party and many are there for their first (and only) Disney cruise, and I am more sad for them for missing CC than I am for us (we have been there 4 times and will be back again).

Let's just all pray that Ivan turns away or fizzles out. Florida can't take any more!

I am 'hoping' in a few days I can feel happy about our trip again. Right now, I just look at CNN or the Weather Channel and all I feel is sadness. But I don't want my kids to feel like that, so we are still doing our 'count down' and talking about all the fun we will have.

How do you know the Magic won't be stopping at CC? Disney has not said anything official.
Welcome mbaker! On one of the other threads on the regular cruise board a DCL customer service (what is their official title) siad that CC was off the itinerary for "awhile". Considering how long it hung over CC I would not be surprised if we don't go there. I, along with everyone else I would guess, remain hopeful that the damage is not as extensive as we are all thinking it is. But, I am also trying to be realistic - I would rather think I am not going there and end up with a gift of a visit than thinking that we will stop - and not.

Just thought I'd check in..

We live 20 mi south of Punta Gorda, FL - "ground zero" for Charley. We rode out the storm in my bedroom closet, lost the double carport then listened as the roof over the bedroom started to giveway (it's still there but with lots of holes), then the lanai (screened patio) got damaged. We were and are glad to be alive when it was all done! Because of our location, we actually were within the 30-mi "hurricane force" wind field for 2 hours!

We're still waiting for the roof to be repaired and here comes Frances! Thankfully we just had to "bail" out what was our bedroom and listen to the wind blow. The roof held :bounce:

We are really going to need this cruise :crazy: Since we've bought a mattress and put it literally in the middle of our "living space" (we have a small house), my husband and I will also enjoy some privacy on the cruise, too ;)

I can't believe how much I miss having a bedroom just to be able to take a nap or "escape" from the kids for a bit during the day.

Our homeschooling "curriculum" has been filled with lots of life lessons learned and I'm so thankful that we are all okay and looking forward to our first cruise.

I join everyone else in praying for those on the E.Coast of FL and for now more disruptions to anyone's vacation/cruise plans.

Go away IVAN!

See you all REAL SOON! :Pinkbounc
Since I'm in the news business I never believe second hand nor do I count "awhile" as an answer. What's the definition of "awhile".

If we're guessing, Ivan has a path that could take it near the U.S. at the end of this week. Again the storm would pass through the islands as a Cat. 3 or 4. My guess would be Disney would abandon ship on the Eastern Caribbean and take us on a Western run since the 9-18 is a repositioning cruise.

The latest from AP...
Ivan threatens the Caribbean

UNDATED (AP) - Forecasters aren't yet predicting whether
Hurricane Ivan will be a threat to Florida. It's approaching
Barbados in the Caribbean, with winds of about 125 miles-an-hour.
The hurricane is due to reach Barbados tomorrow. Forecasters say
it's still at least six days away from affecting Florida.
Time will tell how long "awhile" is as well as what our Eastern Intinerary will become. I will keep my speculations to myself.
Hi Everyone!
I just found this thread after 5 days addicted to this web-site! We booked late(2weeks ago). We were gonna do a week at Animal Kingdom Lodge but we found the Disney Cruise video tape and then fell in love with cruising(Disney style). This is our first cruise(I always thought a cruise was a bunch of people getting drunk and gambling!) and we will be travelling with DS4(his birthday is the 22nd and the reason for our trip!) and DD3(she's convinced she is a princess, sleeping beauty this week!) and my wonderful wife(she is MY princess princess: )
We are Disney nuts and whenever we travel we compare everything to Disney, which always leads to "It's just not Disney".
We are all really excited and can't wait until NEXT WEEK!

Welcome Drew and family! Glad to have you aboard with us. I will add you to the cruise list and would be happy to email you a copy if you PM me your email address.

In case you have not read all the way through this thread there will be a DIS meet in the Promenade Lounge at 3:00 a week from this coming Saturday (sounds good, doesn't it??).

Stay safe!


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