
LOL...whatever gets you moving. Way to go with the exercise and eating on plan!!! Sounds like you need a bonus:sunny: for sweating your butt off at therapy!!
Oh, yeah, we all definitely need to get one of those big balls! Michelle, you are doing so great! You have definitely done well this week. Keep it up! You deserve that extra :sunny: again today.
Yep I know the joys of bouncing up on a ball! I used an exercise ball a lot to help relieve pelvic pain. It was great until my son decided to see if he could stab it with a ball point pen. :Pinkbounc
Way to go passing up the second cheeseburger and making it 9 laps in the time it used to take yo to do 5 or 6! Good luck with the weigh in! You've been working your butt off..so, I'm sure there will be some positive results!! Sending good thoughts to your scale:p

You are really making so much progress. I am sure you will lose something after all of the work you have put into this...if not on the scale then in inches. Oh, man! I just realized that I forgot to take my measurements today! Oops! :teeth: I will check back Sunday to see how you have been doing and if you lost anything in your weigh in. I am sending good luck your way.
Way to go Michelle on those inches lost!!!! And that is a positive result! You know how mean that scale is! You know you've been working your butt off and it is showing with the inches. So, you must be gaining some fabulous muscle!! You are doing so great...I bet next week that the scale will catch up. But I do know how you feel about the 2 lb gain...it makes you wonder why you deprived yourself all week for that....but look at those measurements!!! I'm so glad kelscross reminded us to do that also. Keep it up!!!! Have a good weekend:D

Great job on losing those inches!! I agree with Gail...that scale is definately mean! It should catch up though. Don't beat yourself up about the no exercise day. You are allowed a day off here and there. Seems like weekends are the hardest for some reason.

Hang in there. You have all week to make up for today :grouphug:


Don't beat yourself up on yesterday, we all go through that! Sometimes you have to give into the temptation. Sometimes, if you deprive yourself of those "cheat days", you begin to hate the process more.

I hope today is better for you. :wizard: I had a "cheat day" yesterday but I don't feel a bit guilty over it....Even my trainer said to me, don't beat yourself up over one cheat day, as long as you get back to your routine- there is no real harm done.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.:sunny:
Michelle...I totally agree with Jodistar! I even decided yesterday that I was incorporating a "cheat day" to help keep me focused the rest of the week! Depriving yourself makes you want it more! Just get yourself back on track today! You can do it! Don't let that negative result on the scale make you think you have failed. You have done a wonderful job!! You have been such a positive role model to myself and others on this board! We are all here for you!

Congratulations on all those lost inches! Don't worry too much about the pounds, sometimes we take one step back for three steps forward.

I also had a cheat day yesterday...well and the day before. I devoured 3 rice krispie treats yesterday and I wasn't even hungry. I just WANTED it. Oh well. As long as my cheat free days outnumber the days that I cheat, I figure I'm still doing okay.

I hope you have a better :sunny: Sunny:sunny: day today.
First of all, congrats on the inches lost! Don't worry about what that evil scale says. If you lost in inches then you probably just gained muscle. The inches tell more than the scale anyway. Also, don't feel bad about your cheat day. I think maybe most of us had a cheat day yesterday. I know I did. Here is something that might make you feel better. I am doing WW and they give you extra pts. during the week in case you do have a cheat day. That way it does not count against you. Even WW realizes the need for a cheat day every now and then. If they can recognize it then maybe it is not so bad. I hope next week is better for you and I am sure it will be!


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