
WTG Michelle!! I like doing the measurements as well because if there is a week that the scale tells you that you didn't lose you've probably lost inches instead!
Great job Michelle! I agree w/Kels about the measurements. I used to have mine done at Physician's Weight Loss Center every two weeks and it always was encouraging. I would have a bad day on the scale but as long as I did my measurements I knew I was making progress. I will have to start doing my measurements again too. I had almost forgotten about that! Good job. I can't wait to hear about your progress in the future!
Welcome back to WISH Michelle!:wave:

You are doing a great job! I really like how you measure your progress each day and give yourself sunny's. Here's hoping for many :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: days for you!:teeth:

Congratulations on your weight loss to date!:Pinkbounc That is wonderful!! :hyper:

Have a great Sunday! Keep up the good work!::yes::

Bad weekend too huh? Wait until you read about my weekend. I ate enough for an entire week! Let's get it together!
Hey, Michelle, don't beat yourself up. Everybody has set backs...especially when you first start trying to lose weight and especially on the weekend! I had my setback 2 days ago if you remember. I am sure you will do fine this week! Wishing you lots of luck...I am sure you will do great.
Hi Michelle!
Weekends can be tough on us, can't they? That's okay because today is a brand new day!:sunny:

I hope this entire week is :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: for you! Have a great Monday!

I guess you had one of those weekends too:rolleyes: But the good thing is that you journaled it. So, you can get back with the plan today. All is not lost. The first few weeks of a "diet" are the worst. But don't give up!! You are doing great!!!!

I expect to see all five of the:sunny: when I read about your Monday!! You have been such an inspiration to me in my first week of journaling. After my awful weekend, all I could think about was that I had to write this in my journal...and it was just a relief to get it all written down. Now, I can get back to my focus and put the weekend behind me. You can do it!!!

They will go down quicker than you think. Good job fitting in the exercise even though it was late. I hope you can sleep now, I usually can't sleep if I exercise too late in the evening.
Hey, Michelle, sounds like you got back on track today. Good job! I figured you would. I know what you mean about fitting the exercise in. I did not exercise tonight until 10 p.m. I love exercise, but most of the time I have to make time for it or force myself to do it. I always feel better after I do it though. And Kels is right. Keep up the good work, and the inches will just start to melt off.
Btw, I know I already told you this, but I love the sunnies idea. I get really excited to know I can give myself 5 sunnies. I also get excited knowing that I can add another day to my cute bear clippie. Yeah, I am easily amused! :p
Looking forward to seeing how the rest of your week goes. :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Way to get in the exercise...although cleaning was an extra bonus. I have the advantage of not working during the summer months..so I get mine done early...once I take a shower...I know I won't exercise. Keep up the great work...and way to bounce back after the rough weekend!


How do you like those Slim in 6 exercise videos? I've been seeing more people post about these videos (here at DIS and at the WW boards).
A very good day!! I won't tell a soul that you really like bouncing on the ball...lol..whatever gets us moving right??
Great job, Michelle!!! After reading what you wrote about those exercise videos, I may get a set too. And, psst, I like bouncing on the ball too, so your secret is safe w/me! LOL! :tongue:


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