4/7 Hot and What Not (HAWN)

Well my food diary is bad enough not to make it on here (no, really) but to my benefit I put Wii Sports on earlier and actually got som excercise today.

Food diary starts tomorrow... promise!
Oh and that sweetie DH, he did go to Target for me. I'll be testing out the side ups tonight.

Most of my weight loss that wasn't from being sick was from cutting back on the HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) in my foods. Finding healthier alternatives and just cutting out most of the junk foods helped.

Which video did he get?

I want to cut out HFCS but man, is it tough. It's everywhere!!! I just had yogurt and it was in that!
Which video did he get?

I want to cut out HFCS but man, is it tough. It's everywhere!!! I just had yogurt and it was in that!

It came with "2 total-body workouts w/beginner to advance instructions" and "balanceball bonus work out 2 bonus workouts"

Which one do you use?

I went with the smaller ball. I'm 5'6", but the large ball went up 5'11" and I was afraid that would be too big. I figure I'm only going to shrink as I get older. :rotfl2:

The HFCS is everywhere and it is almost impossible to cut out completely unless you want to make your bread, make your own syrup, etc. We still eat some, but try to keep it to a minimum if possible. My yogurt today had it. I forgot and got the wrong brand. Even getting organic doesn't mean it won't have HFCS in it. You have to read the labels. Takes forever somedays.
I do the total body workout. Is it the compilation sampler? That's the one I have, it's good because it doesn't take long but you get a great over all work out.

You are so gonna hate me after 2 days of full extension crunches with the ball. LOL
Oh my goodness. I am soo out of shape. I tried, mind you tried, to do the abs part. I thought she was tryin' to kill me.
Okay, I can do this, but I do need the bigger ball after all. My legs were bent way too much. So this goes back tomorrow to get the bigger one.
My muscles still feel like they are twitching!!! It's so funny.. I can feel it in my lower back now... but then again that could be the cruddy mood I'm in right now....it'll get better tonight... when I have time to think clearly!!! Sometimes you just have to remember.. "it is.. what it is"
My muscles still feel like they are twitching!!! It's so funny.. I can feel it in my lower back now... but then again that could be the cruddy mood I'm in right now....it'll get better tonight... when I have time to think clearly!!! Sometimes you just have to remember.. "it is.. what it is"

:hug: :flower3:
Oh my goodness. I am soo out of shape. I tried, mind you tried, to do the abs part. I thought she was tryin' to kill me.
Okay, I can do this, but I do need the bigger ball after all. My legs were bent way too much. So this goes back tomorrow to get the bigger one.

keep trying, it gets better I swear. Did you do the hold the ball over your head with your feet out and elevated and draw arms and legs in at the same time??

that's a killer!!!!
now I need help. This is the time of day that kills me. The kids are ready to go to bed and I want to unwind, with a guy named Hershey. :rotfl2:
I hear you! I have some Panera three cheese & country white calling my name. I'm gonna save them for breakfast with an egg. Lots of calories, but it'll get me through the day at school.
now I need help. This is the time of day that kills me. The kids are ready to go to bed and I want to unwind, with a guy named Hershey. :rotfl2:

OOH, I want to find something to snack on.. these kids are driving me crazy.. now off to find flat Stanley for DS.. He is all excited.. is actually talking about taking him to school tomorrow.... :cool1:
oh, get the kids in class to write a note or something. DS6 said you just need to e-mail the pic back but did he give you an e-mail addy? I'm sure I can get it.
He doesn't think Stanley needs to be mailed back, I don't know. LO
oh, get the kids in class to write a note or something. DS6 said you just need to e-mail the pic back but did he give you an e-mail addy? I'm sure I can get it.
He doesn't think Stanley needs to be mailed back, I don't know. LO

I will email his (my DS's) teacher and ask her to email the class (your DS's) back.. Yes, your little guy gave me his contact email at school... I'll still plan to mail Stanley back w/ photos!! We are going to get photos at school tomorrow and on the playground..and than at the soccer fields... and Kroger... Poor Stanley will be glad to return to your DS for a vacation!!!
Poor teacher will never know what hit her! See what happens when you send Stanley to a scrapper.

Maybe we should send him to AWM next? :rotfl2:
OMG! We could get him on the walk up and down her 500 ft. drive!!!

You know I'll have to make him a good itinerary.. maybe I'll even have him do a load of laundry!!! :)
Actually, DS and I are going to find that book at the library tomorrow and read it... He thought it was totally COOL from your DS's letter...


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