2010 Disneyland Half Registration !!!FULL!!! !!5k NOW FULL!! !!Kids Races NOW FULL!!

Is anyone making shirts to wear around the park on Saturday? My friend and I wanted to make them for her and I, and then some for our supporters. We were trying to come up with something cute to say, but everything we think of is so long. :laughing: We had, "Disneyland Half 1st Timers" (sounds so blah!) and for our supporters: "I'm supporting _____". Normally I am so creative, but I cannot think of anything. Can anyone help :) We are first time half marathon runners and both huge Disney fans. TIA!

So I can't think of anything specific, but what about something about running through the castle or 13 miles of disney or something like that?
I love your idea but I am horrible at coming up with creative sayings, terms, etc. I really wish I took pictures of all the shirts at the Princess Half in March. Some had me laughing for days but of course I can't remember them!! Won't make that same mistake twice!! :)
Is anyone making shirts to wear around the park on Saturday? My friend and I wanted to make them for her and I, and then some for our supporters. We were trying to come up with something cute to say, but everything we think of is so long. :laughing: We had, "Disneyland Half 1st Timers" (sounds so blah!) and for our supporters: "I'm supporting _____". Normally I am so creative, but I cannot think of anything. Can anyone help :) We are first time half marathon runners and both huge Disney fans. TIA!

"Team last name"
"13.1 magical miles" in a slightly smaller font.

Try adding Tink or some other character that you like :)
For your shirts you could down load the disney font..I think it is called waltograph. My DH downloaded it for free-just google it.
Is anyone making shirts to wear around the park on Saturday? My friend and I wanted to make them for her and I, and then some for our supporters. We were trying to come up with something cute to say, but everything we think of is so long. :laughing: We had, "Disneyland Half 1st Timers" (sounds so blah!) and for our supporters: "I'm supporting _____". Normally I am so creative, but I cannot think of anything. Can anyone help :) We are first time half marathon runners and both huge Disney fans. TIA!

I want to make shirt too, but also have to ideas...

tebi73 created this for me but I don't know if I just want to slap it on a shirt or include some type of writting.

Thanks guys! What cute ideas :) Thanks for posting that link too!
Hello everyone, I posted this in another Disneyland Half Marathon thread a few days ago, but wanted to ask here too just in case...if anyone registered, or knows someone who registered, for the 5k on saturday 9/4 and will not be running, I'm willing to help you recoup your registration expenses! I'd love to run it, but will not be getting into the airport (SNA) until around 7:30 on Friday so would not make it to the Expo in time. If you are interested in selling your bib, d-tag, t-shirt, etc. and can pick up everything on Friday at the Expo, I'd be happy to meet you Friday night to purchase just as soon as I can get off the plane and get my bags...I'd even meet you in your Anaheim-area hotel lobby if that's the most convenient for you! If this happens to fit anyone's needs, please let me know! Thanks! :flower3:
Cool, Jeff! :thumbsup2 This is the first time I've seen your video.
I knew it was "the guy from Hawaii" but I didn't take the time to go find your name. It is hard enough for me to post a link :lmao:

For all you DL half vets....Where will I see characters? Just in the parks or on the course or at the ballpark? Some one said miles 4-9 was just streets and boring...Is that true?
I knew it was "the guy from Hawaii" but I didn't take the time to go find your name. It is hard enough for me to post a link :lmao:

For all you DL half vets....Where will I see characters? Just in the parks or on the course or at the ballpark? Some one said miles 4-9 was just streets and boring...Is that true?

Good question. :thumbsup2

I would also like to know if there are photopass people along the race route or are there CM's with the characters that I can hand my camera to to take my pic with a character. Will there be lots of people waiting for pics that maybe I should just keep running by?
From what I can remember the characters are mainly in the parks. There are "handlers" with the characters willing to take you picture but no photopass people. The "boring" stretches have some bands, cheerleaders and dance groups for entertainment but not too many photo ops
Characters will only be at the start of the race, in the parks, and the finish line.

No photopass photographers film the race, only ASI photography. Hand your personal camera to a cast member for taking your picture with any characters.

Running from DL to the Duck Pond, there will be cheerleaders, marching bands, Mariachi bands and dancers, hula dancers, etc. Every few blocks or so.

Girls, Cubs, and Boy Scouts inside Angels stadium in the stands. Then more high school organizations heading back to CA Adventure.
Characters will only be at the start of the race, in the parks, and the finish line.

No photopass photographers film the race, only ASI photography. Hand your personal camera to a cast member for taking your picture with any characters.

Running from DL to the Duck Pond, there will be cheerleaders, marching bands, Mariachi bands and dancers, hula dancers, etc. Every few blocks or so.

Girls, Cubs, and Boy Scouts inside Angels stadium in the stands. Then more high school organizations heading back to CA Adventure.


Do you guys use a fanny pack or something else to carry anything with you during the race?

If so what do you use and what do you carry?
Thanks for all the info.

I like the spibelt. They could be at the expo selling them. I have run ahalf with one and love it.

I make a minnie skirt with side pockets and velco to keep stuff in...hope it works. I won't have a problem wearing it for the race, but I just can't bring myself to do a practice run with it on in my neighborhood.
Thanks for all the info.

I like the spibelt. They could be at the expo selling them. I have run ahalf with one and love it.

I make a minnie skirt with side pockets and velco to keep stuff in...hope it works. I won't have a problem wearing it for the race, but I just can't bring myself to do a practice run with it on in my neighborhood.

I actually have a SPIbelt. I use it to hold my iPhone while I run. I'm not sure if much else would fit in there with my iPhone. But then again I'm not sure what else I would need to carry. I may just use it for my camera and leave my phone in the hotel room.

Do you guys use a fanny pack or something else to carry anything with you during the race?

If so what do you use and what do you carry?

I have the Nike Running shirt with the pockets in the back. I carry my iPhone, my headset goes through the loop in the back, and I carry two Gu Roctane Gels. Nothing else. My family won't forget me so they can worry about the hotel room key, tickets, etc. After all, the majority of them will be sleeping in and meeting me after the race so they owe me big! ;) I looked at those Spi Belts at the Princess Expo - they were selling like hotcakes but ultimately decided against them. I got a fanny pack at WDW but then didn't use that either. It ended being fine not carrying a lot of stuff. I didn't even check anything. I had my hat at the Princess Half but am debating whether or not to wear one this time around. I am not going to wear sunglasses so maybe the hat would be a good idea.

I can't believe it is almost time!! :eek:


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