2010 Annual Goals: What will you accomplish this year?

Steph--I chatted with you on the Disneyland board :) Glad to see you over here on the scrapping boards. Just post your goals and jump right in :) Also, we have monthly challenges to help keep us motivated and there are page layout challenges too. Everyone on this board is so nice. I noticed you already posted pages to the virtual scrapbook--good for you :) I love your work :)
Hi All! :cheer2:

I'm going for the Paper and Pixel level. Considering that I have not scrapped much in the last two years this will be a nice way of easing my way back in.

Scrapbook equipment goal:
Santa brought me a Cricut for Christmas. My goal is to learn how to use it this year.

Scrapbook goal:
DCL trip May 2008 Done
Sonoma trip April 2006 Done
New York trip Jan 2007 Done
New York trip October 2008 Done

Mickey's Not So Scarey Halloween Party:
2007 Done
2008 Done

Woo hoo everything that I set out to do is finished!! No I'm working on our Disney Cruise Line 2009 album. :wizard:
Well I did good this year when it came to number of pages I got done. I just didn't do so hot on the projects list.

So for 2010:
Complete 200 pages (hopefully I can get to another SDV weekend this year)
Finish 2008 album by Feb Finished Feb 21
Finish 2009 album by end of 2010Have not finished 2009. I think I am up to June :confused:
Start Disney 2007 tripStrarted it and have about 8 pages done
Start DS baby book still haven't started
ETA Start 2010 and stay current so I don't feel so behind.As of May 24 I am up to date for 2010Well now I'm waaaaay behind. I'm only on July

If I can get away from the computer I should be able to get that done.

Happy Scrapping Everyone!

I'm sure I did over 200 pages, but I didn't make as much head way on the rest of my list as I had hoped. Well, here's to 2011!
Hi, My scrap goals for 2010:
Memories Maven (200-299 pages) didn't make it
Get more organized didn't happen
Not purchase another thing until at least April

Personal goals:
Find a happy medium with my job. Right now I hate it!!!
Pay down our debt didn't work as I was out of work all summer having a baby
Get through girl scout cookie time without hurting someone completed not so sure I will be able to not hurt someone this year
One more that will have to be reveled soon stay tuned that was that I was pregnant and that was a success with our Drew

Other craft goals:
learn to use my sewing machine that I have had for at least 6 yearsdidn't happen
Yep, I know I didn't make headway with mine. But I'm even more motivated and determined that 2011 will be a SUCCESS!!!
Okay I think I have my list now.

Overall Page Goal - 500 pages, Master Scrapper Not quite - just over 400 I think

- Finish WDW 2009 album DONE
- Finish 2009 album DONE
- Finish Lucky's album DONE
- Finish Avandaryl's albums
- Baby album for BFF's 2nd baby, due in August DONE
- Work on park albums, using swap stash
- Re-do Mom's Rose Bowl trip album in safer album
- Scan all slides DONE
- Work on scanning negatives, childhood photos Negatives done
- Have a stash of handmade cards ready to go
- Make more pages as wall art to hang in the house
- Keep to the ban, use up stash, shop less, use more

This has been a difficult year and not a lot of time for scrapping (or any of my other loftier goals!)

I'm going to set some realistic goals for the last part of the year:
- Finish BFF's baby album DONE
- Finish 2009 regular album DONE
- Finish 2009 fall travel album DONE

Make more progress on:
- 2009 WDW album DONE
- 2010 DL album Prob 2/3 done
- 2010 regular album. updated through August

Anything else is gravy!

Not too bad, considering. I've already started working on my 2011 to-do list.

Ok, I'm in! Please put me down for Priceless Memories Preserver - 100-199 pages.

I am the world's slowest scrapper! I really savor each layout and nudge things around for days while it sits out on my desk - before the FINAL stickdown. Maybe I'll pick up momentum as I get moving...

This is a goal I think I can achieve - and that is perfect for my first attempt. (Hard to believe I only started scrapping exactly a year ago - feels like I've know you all a lot longer!!!)

I didn't post many updates during 2010 - I kept forgetting which thread to post on! (DUH!) But, I did about 130 pages during the year! For me, that was incredible and I met my goal! Gonna try to double that for 2011 - going for 250!
Okay, I'm in :) I'll try for master scrapper.

Scrapping goals:

Create 1 digital album (I've never done digital--just store my pics digitally) :) DONE 4/10 :)
Get current both DDs school albums (these are 5 years behind!!!) by Feb 1:)DONE 1/10:)
Get current both DDs baby books (these are also 5 years behind) by Feb 1 :)DONE 1/18:)
**added**Get current family portrait album:)DONE 1/18:)
Start and complete WDW ABC album for 2007 trip by March 15
Start and complete 2009 album by June
Start and complete family albums for 2004:) DONE 7/11, 2006
print and organize pics from 2004,2006:)DONE 1/19:)
DH's Navy album (he finally gave me all of his pics!)
Get all pics loaded onto my new laptop (and of course backed up :))2008-current DONE :)

Use up my stash instead of buying more ;)
**pages completed this year**635
Personal goals:

Exercise 4-5 times per week :) yay I'm excercising
Lose 30 pounds

I think that is it for now :) Good luck to everyone. Cheryl

Congrats to everyone for doing so well on their goals :)

This is where I stand:) I'm really pleased with what I accomplished, I found it helped to have the goals in writing. I'm off to set goals for 2011 :flower3:
Goals for 2010

If I join, I will limit my groups to 3 or 4. This will cut down on spending (postage) as well.
Use my stash! Unless I have absolutely nothing that works with what I'm making, use what I have.
Limit swaps to one every few months. - Yeah, not so great on staying out of swaps, but I definitely did better, especially during the last half of the year.

Try to do 6 pages per month...This is attainable, so anything extra is gravy! (This does not include my weekend crop in April). This would put me at 72 pages for the year, but I'm aiming for 100 with the weekend crop. This would make me a Priceless Memories Preserver.
Use up completed pages I have from swaps.
USE my stuff! I am notorious for "What if I need it for something else and I've already used it?" This is is that time! - I did over 100 pages, so that's good for me, but that did include almost 60 for Sophie's album, not many for myself. Use my stash, LOL, I have so much stuff it's not even funny. Time to reorganize.

I would like to make my Christmas cards this year. If I choose a design and get started early, making 10 a month, I can be done by July. I would also like to have a "stash" of cards on hand for birthdays and other events. So, I'm going to set a goal of 15 cards a month. - I made a few cards, but I don't think I came anywhere near 15 a month. I just found a bazillion card blanks while I had to move stuff in the basement, so I am going to try this again in 2011.

For my April Weekend Crop:
Bring Brownie/Junior album up-to-date (this will involve some photo printing).
Aiming for 30 pages for the weekend. - Nope, did Sophie's album instead.
Try not to, ahem, overspend at the store there. She has such pretty paypurrrrrrrrrrrs, but I have to cut back.
(This will be paid for by cash from my (hopefully to be received soon) year end bonus - which will cover all my crop fees, meals, room, liquor (!!), gas, tolls, and supplies). I didn't spend as much as I have in past years, but I did get a lot more paper than I needed.

More dates with DH. - Some
More family game nights. - Definitely more than 2009
Patience! - Stupid people make this hard.
Make a weekly meal calendar and stick to it. - NOPE
Have way more fun! - Mostly
Spend more time with my friends. - YES!

Go back to Weight Watchers. - Petered out after a bit.
Aim for 20 pounds lost by the cruise. - NOPE
EXER-CISE (two of my least favorite four letter words!) - NOPE
Following the meal calendar will help the spending and weight; exercising will help with the mental health and patience!

This is a tough one. I don't want to set a goal that I know I can't attain, but I really need to pay down my debt, so I can't go hog wild like I would like to every week. I am going to set an amount of $40 per month on supplies. However, I will really try my hardest to keep it below this. Everything must be bought on sale or with a coupon (which is what I usually do anyhow). And, I must think two or three times before buying something - "Do I need this? Will I use this? Can I live without this?"
Any Cricut carts must be $35 or less.
AVOID clearance sales unless it is part of my monthly budget.
My monthly budget will not include adhesive or photo printing (but I shouldn't need either for at least a few months) or crop fees, which Holly doesn't allow me to pay anyway :rolleyes1
My monthly budget, however, will include any SVG files that I can't live without!
I may need to make some purchases as far as organization products. I will shop sales though!
Coupons! Cut out and USE coupons at the grocery store!
Eating out - Limit to once a week and this includes McDonald's and other take out. There is no need for my family to be eating out several times a week. No more lunches out on my days off either. This will help with the weight goals too!
Pay off! Do not use credit cards, keep paying down. If you don't have the cash for it, you don't neeeeeeeeeed it!

I failed miserably at most of this. It's time to put up or shut up.

House: (this list is probably way more than possibly can be done in 2010, since I'll be working on paying down debt, but this is what I'd eventually like to get done)
Morgan's room redo - January/February - DONE
Kitchen Ceiling - Paint - January/February with Morgan's room? - DONE
Bathroom - Paint - January/February with Morgan's room? - DONE
Dining Room, Living Room, and Bedroom Floors (and stair treads) - We have hardwood under our rugs. I'd love to rip up the rugs and get the floors re-done. - April? - Nope
Kitchen and Bathroom Floors - TILE. I want to tile them, but that involves being out of the house for a few days since it can't be walked on - October/November (while we're on our cruise?). - Nope

Learn how to use my camera. - A bit
Learn how to use my Gypsy. - A bit more.
Learn how to use SCAL and Inkscape better. - Definitely better at SCAL don't really need to know Inkscape
Get my kid to help out with chores. There is no reason the little bratty girl can't be washing dishes! - She did great from June-October, when she wanted money for the cruise - got to get back to it!

Not great, but not horrible either. This is the year I make some major changes.
Isn't it funny to look back at our goals and see where we were/are?! I really did not meet many of my scrapping goals, but I met some BIG personal ones so 2010 was a huge success! My family is in a much better place now than it was 1 or even 2 years ago at this time! I am so so greatful for that! :goodvibes


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