2009 Annual Scrapping Challenge GOALS Thread--Set Yours Now!!

Should we start another thread with our ban/money goals for the year. Maybe one with smilies or something that we can keep up with/earn by not spending money as we have done with the pages threads.


I think we should start a new thread.
I think we should start a new thread.

Do you want me to start one and keep up with who has made it each month? I can't make the smilies but if someone makes them I will be happy to keep tallies for everyone- as far as if they say they made it for a month or not. I don't plan on adding up everyones reciepts.

My third goal is not scrap related, but I want to get my family on a stricter budget than we have had in the past. I am tired of the "Feast or Famine" mentality we live with. We need to plan better and budget better and quit letting the money trickle away on "stuff".

I am soooooo with you on this goal. I just told my DH one of my New Years Resolutions is to stop spending on "stuff" and to embrace on the more important things in life than spending it in a store. I want to save more.
Do you want me to start one and keep up with who has made it each month? I can't make the smilies but if someone makes them I will be happy to keep tallies for everyone- as far as if they say they made it for a month or not. I don't plan on adding up everyones reciepts.


I'll go ahead and start the new one as a continuation of the 2008 BAN. It was such an inspiration for me that I definitely want to do it again. Let's talk out the smilies/clippies on the 2008 BAN thread so we can keep this on topic with goals.
Since I surpassed my goal of one page for every two days of the year, I'm going to ramp it up and try for a page a day. That puts me at 365 so I would make Journaling Genius if I achieve it. Heaven knows that I have plenty of stuff to scrap!

Here are my goals for 2009.

Scrapbooking Goals
Swap LESS!!!! - I will only achieve my page goal if I do this!
Stay on the Spending BAN - I've done really well in 2008 and I plan to continue.
Finish 2007 Life album - One layout left to be done!
Finish 2006 DL trip - Only about 15 layouts left.
Finish 2008 WDW digital Dining album
Finish 2008 WDW trip
Finish 2005 WDW trip
Start and work on pet albums
Start (and hopefully finish) 2008 Life album
Start 2009 Life album
Work on refinishing engagement photos and hopefully start digital album.
Scan in all wedding photos
Work on Junior Girl Scout album

General Crafty Goals
Can at least a half dozen jars each of Strawberry jam and Raspberry jam.
Can a year's supply of tomatoes (about 3 dozen jars)
Make a new Autumn wreath for the front door (my old one finally fell apart after 7 years)
Make a new Winter wreath for the front door.

Life Goals
Get back on budget - We have a good system that works for us when we follow it but I am always the one that hounds DH to follow it. I'm hoping to set a day every other week to sit down and update.
Exercise more - I had to really slow down because of my knee injury and I feel like my body has suffered for it. I would just like to feel healthier after a year of health problems and I'm hoping I'll have more energy.
Keep the house picked up more - If I do more day to day, I can spend less time cleaning on the weekend and more time scrapping!
I am looking to get more done in 2009 than I got done in 2008. I would like to finish my disney trips from 12/06, 9/07 and 12/08. I also want to catch up on mu current life album.
I would like to do 500 pages in 2009. I am going on a scrap weekend in January and would like to get at least 50 pages done that weekend. It would be a great start.

We had a big year this year. We retired and spent a total of 12 weeks traveling. We renovated the kitchen. We spent a LOT of money:scared1:

Goals for 2009

Stay home more.
Scrap more.
Spend less.

Maintain exercise routine.

Finish Christmas cook book.
Start and finish general cook book.
Start writing essays of my childhood. Goal 1/week.
I took the biggest step of all for me for 2009, I quit my job this past week!
I will be substituting for the preschool but I'm not afraid to say no when I dont want to work. I was there for 10years and it stopped b eing enjoyable and 3s should be enjoyed!

Creative Goals
Scrap more! Which means:
Start, complete and enjoy Italy Cruise 2007!
I will easily have 200 pages or more there! So I would like to reach Journaling Genius status.
Finish WDW 2008 trip, using swaps as much as possible.
Take 6 different classes at my scrap store and learn new techs to use for swaps.
Take part in more swaps, but only if they apply to what I need, such as no flocking but definitely the DL/DCA.
Clean and organize my craft room.

Personal Goals
I also have that last 30 ponds to lose!
Clean and organize my walk in closet so that I can walk in it again!:rotfl:
Clean and organize my part of the garage.

I will start small with what I want to accomplish because when leaving the school yesterday I was already told that they will be calling me soon!
I think I will end up working 2 days a week!

And I wanted to add that I would like to become more computer literate so that I dont always have to depend on DH to add all my cute smilies my dis friends send me and do more on the computer!
I also have that last 30 ponds to lose!
Do you have a frog problem:rolleyes1 :lmao:

I'm with you on the lbs to lose - I'm a naughty girl when mince pies and amaretto are in the house :guilty:
2009 goals:

-Get back to scrapping. I haven't created any pages since end of September/early October. I have tons of supplies for our Disney '08 albums and no drive to work on them. I've never been in this kind of slump.
1. Complete Disney albums for 2008 trip.
2. Use as much swap stuff as possible.
3. Catch up the 2008 family album.
4. Stay current on 2009 family album.
Wow, I have had to really think about them.
Since DH died back in Sept., I've made many adjustments some of which required some major changes.
1. take more time to enjoy life as we never know how much time there is.
2. appreciate what we do have so much more
3. finish all the scrapbooks I began but put aside for the past few months - need to hang on to great memories.
4. remember to thank all the great friends who encourage and support me
5. get posting on here more often
OK, sign me up for Memories Maven.

I'm sorry but I can't participate in the money freeze as I'm too new and I don't have a ton of supplies. I just got a Circut & I just got a Xyron. And I have like no embellishments at all. I don't even know what ya'll are talking about when you discuss them. And I have tons of room as I have an entire room dedicated just to this & dh is totally supportive.

And I don't need to lose weight. Well, at least I didn't before December, ya know?

But I am a Weight Watchers leader & I'm a good budgeter. But can I still participate in those conversations even though I don't have goals as I always need support, ya know?

As for scrapping goals these are mine:

1) Finish Yellowstone
2) Start & Finish Disney 2007
3) Start & Finish Disney 2008
4) Begin a baby book for my 3rd baby (she's two & I have no photos printed!)
5) Organize & label my house with my new Cricut & vinyl

In addition to those very solid goals I have made a few rules for myself:

1) Do not obsess, do not spend over an hour an any 2 page layout.
2) Let the girls (6 & 8) scrapbook with me & keep yelling to a minimum.
3) Make gifts for others & share the love of paper & food with friends & needy.
4) Have at least 4 scrap parties where I don't scrap but just act as support for other newbies.

Those are my goals. What do you think?
I'll get all of our new goals updated tomorrow!! I'm inspired to kick off a great 2009!!
But I am a Weight Watchers leader & I'm a good budgeter. But can I still participate in those conversations even though I don't have goals as I always need support, ya know?

I can't speak for others, but I know I always can use some good advice input from someone who has achieved the goals I'm working towards. Besides, we always love to have input!
Ok, I'm gonna post my goals too! Things are a bit different since I'm digital, but here goes!

I am at about 365 pages for this year, I will probably be a few short, but that is ok. I am happy with a goal of 365 for next year as well. Since I do digital, I tend jump around more, or maybe you do too, who knows... but anyway I jump around a LOT! Sam was born in 2003 and I got the 2003 book printed this year and that was a nice feeling. 2004 and 2005 are fairly bare of layouts. I started digital scrapbooking in 2006, so 2006, 2007 & 2008 are mostly done already, but not complete. So, I would like to "finish" more yearly albums. And more vacation books, I have several unfinished trips. It's a nice feeling to be done!

about 365 pages for the year
complete at least 3 of the yearly albums
at least 1 of those years must be 2004 or 2005
complete 2 vacation albums (either WDW or other trips)

Personal goals:
Well, I need to lose weight. A lot! I was successful with WW a couple years ago, but the budget is not going to allow weekly visits to the center. I will buy a scale, dig out my WW books and write down EVERYTHING I eat! I will stay within the points allowed for my weight! I can say I will try to exercise, but I want to be realistic. Unrealistic goals never work. I hope to eventually add some exercise, but I don't anticipate that for a bit.

Thanks for the motivation! I am a list maker and will make some lists before December ends!
I am going to set my goal at 1 page per day, so 365. I know I won't get to do one page each day ... but hopefully I can make up for it on other days!
OK, sign me up for Memories Maven.

I'm sorry but I can't participate in the money freeze as I'm too new and I don't have a ton of supplies. I just got a Circut & I just got a Xyron. And I have like no embellishments at all. I don't even know what ya'll are talking about when you discuss them. And I have tons of room as I have an entire room dedicated just to this & dh is totally supportive.

Those are my goals. What do you think?

When you are new it is common to need to spend money to buy the things you need and we can totally support you in doing that- just look at all our enabler alerts.

Your goals all look great and I would love to have someone pushing me on toward wieght loss and spending goals- although I can be very good about spending when I need to be.

I can't speak for others, but I know I always can use some good advice input from someone who has achieved the goals I'm working towards. Besides, we always love to have input!


Personal goals:
Well, I need to lose weight. A lot! I was successful with WW a couple years ago, but the budget is not going to allow weekly visits to the center. I will buy a scale, dig out my WW books and write down EVERYTHING I eat! I will stay within the points allowed for my weight! I can say I will try to exercise, but I want to be realistic. Unrealistic goals never work. I hope to eventually add some exercise, but I don't anticipate that for a bit.

For me, I always lose more when I attend meetings, especially when I'm competing with my sister :lmao: . But I agree on the unrealistic goals. So if you can't go to meetings make sure you lower how much your goals are to lose each week as it will be less.

As for exercise, I lost my first 30 lbs without doing one lick of exercise. Weight loss is about 80 % food and 20 % exercise. Now, if you want to maintain your weight loss, exercise is the ticket. And of course it raises your self esteem, reduces your risk of cancer & heart disease, etc. But for straight ole weight loss (& if you have a lot to lose, losing should be your priority) I recommend following the "If you bite it you write" rule & forgetting all the other health info you know.

I know this sounds terrible but the reality is, we can't be perfect. We simply can't. And if we start to make all kinds of rules like no artificial sweeteners or only organic or exercise every day, then we get overwhelmed and quit. Much better to say, "Maybe someday I'll work on going organic (or whatever) but today I'm going to do the most important thing. Lose the weight."

You can do it. I had 5 members in 2008 who went from needing to lose over 50 lbs to being Lifetime members in just that one year. They told me this week that it is thrilling to start 2009 not saying, "I need to lose weight." You can make 2010 or 2011 the year you say that!

OK, I'm taking off my Leader hat. :banana: ;) :banana:

When you are new it is common to need to spend money to buy the things you need and we can totally support you in doing that- just look at all our enabler alerts.

Your goals all look great and I would love to have someone pushing me on toward wieght loss and spending goals- although I can be very good about spending when I need to be.


Thanks! I'll try not to spend outrageous amounts & make sure you all point me in the right direction so I spend intelligently (and when there are sales) on things I'll truly use. I'm a big internet shopper as my closest JoAnn's, Michael's, A.C.Moore, etc. is 45 minutes away. So if you see any online deals on things you adore, PLEASE give me the shout out! And maybe knowing I'll have to report here will keep me in check with how much I spend. Not having any stores keeps me in check too!
I took the biggest step of all for me for 2009, I quit my job this past week!



2009 goals:

Hey stranger!!!

Wow, I have had to really think about them.
Since DH died back in Sept., I've made many adjustments some of which required some major changes.
1. take more time to enjoy life as we never know how much time there is.
2. appreciate what we do have so much more
3. finish all the scrapbooks I began but put aside for the past few months - need to hang on to great memories.
4. remember to thank all the great friends who encourage and support me
5. get posting on here more often

Amen sister, to all 5 things. :hug:


Thanks! I'll try not to spend outrageous amounts & make sure you all point me in the right direction so I spend intelligently (and when there are sales) on things I'll truly use. I'm a big internet shopper as my closest JoAnn's, Michael's, A.C.Moore, etc. is 45 minutes away. So if you see any online deals on things you adore, PLEASE give me the shout out! And maybe knowing I'll have to report here will keep me in check with how much I spend. Not having any stores keeps me in check too!

Yes! Yes! Yes!! Bolded for importance!!! You are so on the ball with spending wisely!

Welcome to all our newcomers!!!!
I am looking to do lots more scrappin' in 2009 than previous years. I get myself going for a couple of weeks and then stop. I have years & years of pictures that I want to get organized and scrap.

My goal is 10 pages per month. That seems small compared to some of your goals but after scrapping for 6 years off & on, I probably have a total of 50 pages altogether.


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