2009 Annual Scrapping Challenge GOALS Thread--Set Yours Now!!

Welcome Nikki- we are happy to have you joining us. If you ever see anything here that you don't know how to do be sure to ask and we will do our best to explain. Taking classes is the best way to learn new techniques though.

I'm going to add to this/edit for sure, but here are my starting goals.

Overall pages - 500 pages. I met this in 2008, but I don't think I'll raise it.

Scrapping/Creative Goals:
- Deal with CKC Box o' projects - finish or strip down for parts
- Print pictures and finish ABC swap album
- Finish 2008 album DONE
- Keep 2009 album up to date Yes - Project 365
- Catch up on travel albums - WDW 10/07, 10/08, and any trips I may take in 09 (hopefully WDW 1/09 - fingers crossed)
- Scrap high school and college High School DONE
- Scan in all childhood pictures and negatives
- Continue working on park albums, using swap stash
- Wall art projects for scrap room and girls' bedrooms
- Use stash instead of shopping - reduce overall inventory of my scrap room by half

Personal goals:
- Continue the "be healthier" plan I've been on for a few weeks of eating better and excercising
- Increase my cooking knowledge and skill
- Get house up to snuff: paint 3 bedrooms DONE, hang photos and wall art in those rooms, deal with the disaster that is the cellar, continue to work on decluttering rest of the house, reorganize kitchen cabinets DONE
- Figure out our budget and get a better handle on $$ stuff
I don't know if I can come up with a number of pages, other than to aim for 3 a week. I really want to get to more all day crops and at least one weekend crop, like SDV. So my project goals are:

1.) Finish 2005 Disney Trip (by the end of January)
2.) Finish 2007 Family book
3.) Start and complete DS baby book
4.) Finish and complete 2008 family book
5.) Start 2009 Family album
6.) Start 2007 or 2008 Disney trip

I've actually thought about trying some digital pages to get more pages done quicker. So hopefully DH will take the hints to get me CM's SBC+. :rolleyes1
Lets see what goals do I want.

1. I need to scrap more.
2. I limited my swaps this year sicne having Noah and I need to continue that too.
3. Get more organized (my company decided to close the week of Christmas and I'm still paying daycare so I plan to get a big dent in this that week)
4. Use more of what I have. - As part of my organizing I'm going to try and clean out what I know I won't use and then get things where I can use them.
5. DH and I have talked and starting in the new year we are going to try at least one evening every other week that he has sole baby/house duty so I can get in my craft room and do something. Even if its only move stuff around. This will be hard for both of us since I naturally take over Noah once I get him home from daycare. I will have to work on letting DH take over that evening and it will be ok if the little guy is screaming (for a short period of time anyway - LOL) This will actually be good for both of us as he will get more time with Noah thats not rushed to get out the door in the morning and I will get some of my sanity back.

I'm sure to come up with more but thats my start.
Okay - I'm not sure just what I'll be able to accomplish next year, but I'm going to say 800 pages. I'll be just under that mark for this year and it'll at least give me a goal to shoot for!

I guess I should say that I want to get up-to-date on the kid's albums (I'm officially 5 years behind!), as well as finish the albums (& all of the accompanying stuff!) that are in boxes, uglifying my dining room. I want my dining room back! :rotfl2:
Welcome Nikki- we are happy to have you joining us. If you ever see anything here that you don't know how to do be sure to ask and we will do our best to explain. Taking classes is the best way to learn new techniques though.


Thank you. Everyone is so nice and supportive here on this board. I have learned a lot already and really enjoy looking at all the layouts posted.
:welcome: Have a great time on vacation and if for some reason I miss you between no and then on here... !!! C U when you get back!!! :)
Although I love the smilies higher up, I think I should aim for Scrap Princess, since that's probably a reachable goal. I could have done it this year, but I liked the Scraptacular Success smilie so much that I kinda slowed down here at the end (probably better for school anyway) I suppose the creative goal is to finish whatever happened after DL 2006...hmmm. Oh, there was Vegas 2007, and three WDW trips this year. Probably some more stuff in there too that I'm forgetting. Plenty of work to do! :thumbsup2
Okay.... since this year's goals were a bit of a joke, I guess I will be more realistic this coming year.

First off.... I will re-committ to the shopping ban. I did really well this year for the most part. DH got me a Cricut for Mother's Day and I did buy myself a few cartridges (only on sale or clearance), but other than that I stuck to mostly buying adhesive, page protectors, and basic solid cardstock only on sale, on clearance, or with a coupon... (oops, I also bought two DCWV packs on clearance at Joanne's). I definitely spent less than I have in past years. But my "stash" is still huge. I am talking to the entire family about a spending ban for the spring (until school ends :eek: ), and of course I will have to lead the way and set the example. It will be tough, but I am bound and determined to get our money to stop TRICKLING away!

Second goal.....

I want to complete TWO YEARS in the kids books. I mentioned that I wanted to do this on my last goals list, but forgot to mention where I was starting from!

I am currently mid-2004 on both kids chronological books. This would mean I would like to be mid-2006 by the end of 2009. This means starting and finishing our 2005 10 day New Mexico/Arizona/Grand Canyon/Hoover Dam/Disneyland trip. Our 8 day 2004 WDW trip took me ONE YEAR to scrap! So obviously this is a lofty goal for me. (I am a slow scrapper.) So I will leave my scrapping goal at just this. If I get anything else done (like DD's swim book, my family heritage book) that would be great, but I won't count on it.

My third goal is not scrap related, but I want to get my family on a stricter budget than we have had in the past. I am tired of the "Feast or Famine" mentality we live with. We need to plan better and budget better and quit letting the money trickle away on "stuff". It will be tough, because we have NEVER had a strick budget in all of the years we have been married. We do okay with saving, but not great. And our new septic system took a huge chunk from our emergency fund (as in... all of it!). So we MUST rebuild that and start saving MORE. PLus the kids are BEGGING to plan a WDW trip and we only do those with cash. And we can't save for a trip until the emergency fund is adequate again... so we have a "long road" to go.

Thanks for starting us on our 2009 goals!.........................P
Well I'm going to make a goal of 200...to reach the Memory maven level:goodvibes

I want to complete/get up to date these albums
  • Allison's Gymnastics Book
  • Allison's Dance book
  • Ellie's Dance Book
  • 2008 (which I haven't started yet)
  • Feb 08 Girls WDW Vacation Book

If I get all that done...I'll EASILY hit 200 pages:goodvibes

Scrapbooking Goals for 2009:
- Finish our 2008 trip to DC book (I really need to get this done!).
- Finish the 2008 book. I'm in July right now but so far I'm getting a lot done this month.
- Keep current with 2009 book.
- Catch up on old pictures. I inherited a box full of old pictures from my daddy's side of the family and I've got them in a CM Power Sorter but not in order - I have to get them in order and then find an album that they will all fit in. Fortunately, daddy already scanned them in with descriptions so that part, the hard part for me, is done, thank goodness!
- Buy less and use more of what I have. I have tons of paper, stickers, die-cuts, plus a Cricut - there's no reason to spend tons of money on anything other than developing, adhesive, and refill pages if needed.

DIY Goals for 2009:
- Refinish the nursery furniture. It's my childhood furniture and needs to be sanded and stained.
- New carpet in the master bedroom (if I can find a good deal).
- Possibly install a second shower head in the master bath shower - that would be so cool! (This depends entirely on cost and mess involved).
- New closet doors in the front bedrooms.

I'm sure there's more but that's what I can think of right now.
Should we start another thread with our ban/money goals for the year. Maybe one with smilies or something that we can keep up with/earn by not spending money as we have done with the pages threads.

My creative goals are the same this year as last since I accomplished NONE of 2008s.


1) Keep 2009 yearly book up-to-date
2) Finish the Fall and Holidays of 2008, aka complete the 2008 books
3) Finish Holiday 2007 and the few "large events" I have been avoiding scrapping because they are time intense- so finish 2007
4) Finish Holiday 2006 (do you see a pattern? I always seem to get sidetracked in December and can never finish a book!)
5) Get some cards stockpiled-yeah, never gonna happen! :rotfl2:
6) Take a class to learn a new technique (always plan to, never actually do)

Some other more personal goals,

1) Start dealing in cash. You put things on plastic and forget you did and come December your balance has gone up by $3,000! :scared: oops
1a) Paying off that $3,000 would also be nice, but with the current economy, I don't know how feasible that will be.
2) Finally hunker down and get to my goal weight. That is about 30lbs away! :scared1:
3) Do chores daily-ideally if dishes are put in the dishwasher every night and other things are put away daily, I wouldn't have to spend Sunday cleaning and I could get my scrapping goals accomplished!
4) Run a 5k in 20 minutes. There is really no reason why I cant accomplish this and it will help with the weight loss. :thumbsup2
I think we need to start a new shopping ban. If you make it to the end of each month we could get new blinkies or something. What do y'all think??

I like that idea! I added up my scrap spending for 2008 (not including my recent "stock-up -for 2009" binge) I spent $1,300. I want that under $1,000 this year! Under $500 would be better, but we have to be realistic! :lmao:
My goal will be 365. One per day.

Take a picture & journal for everyday. One for family & maybe one for the new baby for the majority of his baby book.
Get DD Chesire Cat's bits & pieces done in her baby books (like 10 pages max).
I want to be completely done w/ DS Mickey's 1st year right after his 1st b-day. So that will actually put me just into 2010.
Make an ABC albulm for DS Pluto.
Put a photo family tree on the wall in the boys' bedroom.
Work on our Disney trips.
Our pre-wedding activity albulm & our Ireland honeymoon trip albulm.

Get all my pages scanned or photoed onto discs & sent to my mommy.
Use up most of my paper supplies so I can go digital.
Scrap all family events within a week of them happening.

I'm going to make myself a list of my goals. So, when I finish one of them I can cross it off. This group has helped me feel so accomplished & successful. I can't wait to carry that over to 2009.
I have our goals updated to here!! 2009 is going to be a terrific year! I need to get my scraproom cleaned up so I can actually get in there and work once 2009 gets here! :banana:
I 'd like to scrap atleast 400 pages. I think that is doable since I have almost scrapped a page a day this year. With DD's graduation, all 3 kids running track, and DD going off to college, I should have plenty of more pics that normal. I also keep working on my mom's pics so that helps.

My goals are to...

have DD caught up at graduation
keep boys and family albums current (which I am)
and get into the year 2000 with my mom's pics

It's not a lot, but DH is going to finish the basement this winter and I'm not sure how much time I will lose since I will have to pack up all my stuff. I can move some of it to our bedroom, but not all of it.

Don't forget about homecoming, prom, grad party, etc. Also, if you can work on getting kits together before he starts the basemant, all you'll need is adhesive, scissors, & pens. And your kits of course.


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