20030831--Official Cape Cod meet--INDEXED

Patty--I'll have to try and find you. This will make my 10th yr.

sorry for the slight hijack Glo--but we are also doing our part keeping this bumped up! :teeth:
LOL...hey O do not mind at all...:) WIsh I could go there and do this... :)
Maybe Patty could hijack Mr. Buffet in that purple bus and bring him to Glo's house!!!!
I think I want to go and meet some DIS people. If Buffet's there that's just a BONUS!
This looks like a really good time. I'll have to see if I can talk my wife into it.

I know it is bad! Thank Goodness DH is very understanding and good to me that day!:p
No kidding Glo!

sorry to hijack your thread for a while there:p

If we have SAT tix it will motivate me to stay semi-sober (or at least conciouse) so we can make it on Sunday;)
I am so done with all this snow!:rolleyes: I am more than ready for the weather to be warm and the drinks to be cold.
I would like to be included in the Cape Cod meet.

I would love to meet some people for DIS. Hopefully someone will give me some info about it. We would drive down to the Cape, don't live to far from there.

I have a 8 year DD that would like to meet new friends and by the pictures there is quite a few children around her age.

So please count me in.

Originally posted by glo
maybe the snow will be gone by then :p

I doubt it!!!!
This sounding like an extravaganza and one not to be missed... Hey.. where is my date from last year.. if he is game, I will make the drive..
Marsha and Joe, Alex and Glo? Well it does sound like it will be quite the happening meet.

Cthia and paras4ri my dd will be 8 by the date of the party too.

Beth, my girls will be 7 by then, and oldest 12 :)

It will be the hot spot this summer...not like that other meet out west :p


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