20030831--Official Cape Cod meet--INDEXED


Has a heart bigger then all of
Aug 18, 1999
On Aug 31 will be the official day. We will have stuff going on , I am sure, the day before and after. The all day picnic will be in Falmouth, MA at my place...Webmaster Alex will also be hosting something...it should be a ton of fun for all :)

Hope to see everyone there.
Wahhhh!!!! Once again this will be the day I return home from WDW. :(
What is this cape cod meet? Is this for members of the dis board? I live on the cape and just joined this board recently and seeing this post caught my eye. I have no clue what it is about so I just thought I'd ask
Looks like a visit to the in-laws in Osterville will be n order. Should be fun.
Pam , some of us DISers get together once in the summer in Cape Cod, we call it Glo-Con because Glo is the one mainly organizing it. I'ts open to whoever wants to go so if you want to some over and meet some of us with your family or alone, you are more than welcome to do so. Everyone brings something.
Glo, count me in for this one, me and DD's will be there!
We're definitely going to try to be there. Thanks Glo for hosting it again this year. We had a great time when we came two years ago.
Hi ,

I am planning to be in Marshfield this wknd visiting my sister and WOULD LOVE TO MEET YOU ALL! Count me in!
Not sure if it will be just me or the whole family though.

we make a great teryaki chicken wing and buffalo wing
or pasta salad or fruit pizza? Let me know what you guys want me to bring and I'll put the order into the chef of the house(DH) when the time comes.;)
Since the official "big" meet is on sunday we will have the pre-meet here in Plymouth the afternoon/evening before. That should help the people travelling!
Pam.. the "cape cod meet" or glo-con... is one of the biggest of the dis meets.. for the last 2 years we have had over 60 people some travelling from as far as Michigan and Canada!
Glo hosted it 2 years ago with a pre-party at Amid Chao's house. It was at my place last year. This year we are going to join forces for what should be an Awesome party!!
Here are some pics from the meet 2 year ago...








And here are a few from last year.....



Great pictures Alex...thanks
We're definately going to try to make this...I've been looking for an excuse to go to the cape....
Oh bum! Not sure about this weekend but it looks like bob (11) may be playing in a baseball tournament at the Wide World of Sports at WDW that weekend. We will know more by summer.

If not, we're there!

oh Alex....uh, thanks for the pictures, i think!

Pam, where on the cape are you? I'm in Falmouth and please come, we had so much fun!
Oooh!!! This is a pretty good looking date for us!

We'll be back from Colorado the weekend before.

I sure had a great time last time - would love to do it again!

Put us down as definite maybes! :)
awesome Bernie...we would love to see you and everyone else :)
Awww, I'll be on the Cape the whole summer but this will be right after I go back to New York. :(
Barry, all we really have up here in MA is Six Flags in Agawam (Springfield) MA....and it's open till at least Halloween on weekends.

But.... my dad runs a charter fishing boat on the Cape. If there's a hurricane...we can always arrange a REAL FUN ADVENTUROUS RIDE for you. :teeth:
most parks up here do not close til mid Oct or so....

Will you be joining us SplahMnt?

Oh I have my fingers and toes all crossed Barb, would love to see you :)
Not sure yet Glo.

But it's kinda funny that you & I will be driving all the way to Riddlecon. LOL

I'm sending you a PM.


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