***1st Week of December Thread ADR Plans, Park Hours, and dealing with Pop Warner***

I remember having to camp out at least an hour but maybe more before the parade and it was packed for MNSSHP in 2014. But I will take your word for it if 45 minutes is enough to get a prime main street location. If we decide to all meet up we might want to give it an hour so we can find a big enough spot for everyone together. I am a fan of ON main street personally but I am willing to negotiate :)
So does this mean DH and I are back to being human placeholders?? If people ask, I'll tell them I'm practicing planking. I'm sure that won't get any weird stares!:rotfl2:

yeah I meant to answer this - I don't think it's crazy at all to run! I think it sounds perfect actually. if I ran or anything. which if I don't. but if I did I'd run there. so there you have it :)

I read in one of my Disney books that FW is a great place to run or bike. I personally wouldn't know...but if you see me run, you'd better run too because that means something big and bad is chasing me!
Calm down, take a breath... I think your plans are great and the dessert party issue has been going on for months... stop looking at the computer :surfweb:

EDIT: what does your son think about the sleigh ride?
he said he would like to do it. I asked because I wanted to know if I should bother but I probably should not have until I knew. I told him it very likely would not be available but I'd see. I don't think I told him about the wishes dessert party at all. I think he'd be just as happy with a pumpkin spice waffle with hand scooped ice cream and holiday sprinkles. we missed out on the pumpkin spice waffle in 2014 and I still have not heard the end of it. They had it last year at the party only, hoping they still have it this year.


or maybe something even better!

the big thing for him was the star wars dessert party which I also should not have told him about. But he is fine with the christmas one, and I bought the DVD of the movie with the elves so we can watch it to get into the spirit. So he is very happy about that.
So does this mean DH and I are back to being human placeholders?? If people ask, I'll tell them I'm practicing planking. I'm sure that won't get any weird stares!:rotfl2:

I read in one of my Disney books that FW is a great place to run or bike. I personally wouldn't know...but if you see me run, you'd better run too because that means something big and bad is chasing me!
:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::lmao::lmao::lmao: You're making me look like a crazy person at work right now!
he said he would like to do it. I asked because I wanted to know if I should bother but I probably should not have until I knew. I told him it very likely would not be available but I'd see. I don't think I told him about the wishes dessert party at all. I think he'd be just as happy with a pumpkin spice waffle with hand scooped ice cream and holiday sprinkles. we missed out on the pumpkin spice waffle in 2014 and I still have not heard the end of it. They had it last year at the party only, hoping they still have it this year.


or maybe something even better!

the big thing for him was the star wars dessert party which I also should not have told him about. But he is fine with the christmas one, and I bought the DVD of the movie with the elves so we can watch it to get into the spirit. So he is very happy about that.
I really thought DH was going to be really upset with no SW party; but after I told him about the potential 3D effect of Jibjab, he was really excited. I'm still the bitter one over SWGS. LOL
he said he would like to do it. I asked because I wanted to know if I should bother but I probably should not have until I knew. I told him it very likely would not be available but I'd see. I don't think I told him about the wishes dessert party at all. I think he'd be just as happy with a pumpkin spice waffle with hand scooped ice cream and holiday sprinkles. we missed out on the pumpkin spice waffle in 2014 and I still have not heard the end of it. They had it last year at the party only, hoping they still have it this year.


or maybe something even better!

the big thing for him was the star wars dessert party which I also should not have told him about. But he is fine with the christmas one, and I bought the DVD of the movie with the elves so we can watch it to get into the spirit. So he is very happy about that.
That's good. I think if you cannot insert it anywhere he would be ok with it. There's so much going on already anyway that it's not really going to be missed. AND You can make a list for the next trip ;)
yeah I'm thinking maybe things happen for a reason and instead of being done with HDDR at 8:15 or so, hopping a bus or boat back to MK and then monorail or boat back to Poly and probably being there by 9-9:15 in plenty of time to grab a drink at the Tiki Terrace in a souvenir glass on the way back to the room, get back to room, start to pack, get in jammies, and be sitting outside on our balcony in time for the 10-10:15 holiday wishes I'd be frantically trying to get back after the sleigh ride and maybe catching the fireworks on the beach and then frantically packing before an early departure the next day to fit in my Boma ADR. I think it is just a step too far. maybe next time? lol

I don't like the word "frantically" going with anything Disney! Next time sounds great. Gotta have something new to look forward to. :)
So does this mean DH and I are back to being human placeholders?? If people ask, I'll tell them I'm practicing planking. I'm sure that won't get any weird stares!:rotfl2:

lol i've been so back and forth. it does not seem like a very long time to wait though. I think waiting in shifts is too overly complicated but if we could get up and stretch our legs somewhere in the middle of the wait, hit the potty, get some snacks and return that would be fine. or maybe we will save the snack getting for after parade but before fireworks. it sounds like from what @woodnymph is saying it might be nice to spread out a blanket and hang out and wait for the fireworks to start in the gardens by casey's. Which is also pretty close to sleepy hollow, so that might actually be the time to get the waffle. Kiddo will have pokemon Go available to him to play during that wait time so he is going to love that but he might want to walk around a bit. it's too crowded for me to let him go off on his own.
I have my own office. and walked into a pile of stress this morning!
from Disney or work? :P I'm lucky work is light today so I'm pretty much looking at Disney only and talking to DH about random stuff :P I went a little insane with shopping last night and thought to get my son a light green shirt, khakis and make him wear his gus gus hat to meet Cindy. :love: It would make a great picture...
So does this mean DH and I are back to being human placeholders?? If people ask, I'll tell them I'm practicing planking. I'm sure that won't get any weird stares!:rotfl2:

I read in one of my Disney books that FW is a great place to run or bike. I personally wouldn't know...but if you see me run, you'd better run too because that means something big and bad is chasing me!

I'm laughing at both of these comments, but the same goes for me. Unless there is an amazing sale and I mean amazing, you won't see me run unless I'm terrified.
We have, in the past, spread out a towel along the curb on Main Street to help stake out our place for the parade. It's nearly impossible for little guys to sit in one place for 45 minutes. Potty breaks, dancing in place, spinning around, getting snacks, fighting with one another takes it toll on place holding. We found that with a baby blanket or towel it gives a clear notice that this part of the curb is taken. People hesitate to sit on someone else's towel or blanket.

Plus it also makes it easier for the group to find each other upon returning from the little people fidgets.
Can you please gather up the names and PM them to me and I will add them to the 3rd post or whatever it is? I am very in and out lately... I'd be more than happy to add the info if someone else would spearhead the effort of collecting the names so I can just C&P

this thread moves fast too. no one be offended if you are missed, please just shout out again (or send me a private note!)

also if anyone has something to add/change please send it to me too. I will get to it as soon as I can (some stuff I can do more easily on my phone, some I can't!)

I've updated the Google docs file linked in my signature. It now contains pages for the following:

* ADRs needed or to cancel


* Jingle Bell, Jingle BAM! Dessert Party at HS

* Wishes Dessert Party at MK

* Illuminations Dessert Party at Epcot

Everyone can edit the document and add your name to any event nights. Just another place to have info available! :)
We have, in the past, spread out a towel along the curb on Main Street to help stake out our place for the parade. It's nearly impossible for little guys to sit in one place for 45 minutes. Potty breaks, dancing in place, spinning around, getting snacks, fighting with one another takes it toll on place holding. We found that with a baby blanket or towel it gives a clear notice that this part of the curb is taken. People hesitate to sit on someone else's towel or blanket.

Plus it also makes it easier for the group to find each other upon returning from the little people fidgets.
Hah! That's a great Idea. Will probably bring an old swaddle to use for that! :) Thanks!
I agree! I've done CP before, so I hope it's someone that doesn't suck!!
Rumor has it that any unannounced dates for CP are going to be headlined by Pope Francis........opening act will be Elvis those nights. It's all rumors and speculation at this point but it is expected to be announced by mid-November.

We could start a new thread about it. Maybe call it:
"Rumors of Night--time performers at CP."
Lol, I love all the running comments. I used to absolutely despise it. Now I'm addicted, lol. I just registered yesterday for the Tinker Bell Half Marathon in Disneyland in May, woot!

Oh, and I also have the Sleepy Hollow 10k this Saturday (yup, located in and around the actual Sleepy Hollow in NY, I live just across the river). Apparently people dress up in costumes because it's a Halloween race so I'm running as Belle! Just ordered my blue tutu, blue tank top, and white apron. Might throw a white t-shirt under the tank, depending on temps. And then I already have this small bag shaped like a book (Harry Potter) from Etsy that I'll wear.

Sorry, I know this isn't 1st week December related but I'm just excited! Lol



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