Is anyone else worried about opening up again

So this study would seem to indicate that opening up might not be nearly as dangerous as many think. Especially if services can be done outside. Outdoor church, outdoor dining, etc.
This gives me hope that if we can get more information on this, we can start opening up some of these locations. I work for a non-profit organization that supports our local zoo, and the zoo has been closed for 6 weeks. We’re still working due to processing memberships and donations and essential business operations (it’s awesome that so many of our members are still renewing/donating with the zoo closed indefinitely) but my particular position is a lot slower than normal due to events that have had to be cancelled. I hope info like this leads to some confidence that opening the zoo could be done safely in a few weeks or so, since while there are indoor buildings, it’s a big park where people can mainly be outside. Now, I don’t know if we’ll still be able to comfortably hold our events or education classes throughout the summer months (another big source of business), but at least opening is a start even if they have to limit and monitor traffic. People need safe activities to be able to do!
DDs school (DS graduated 2018) has a system where if you are absent 4 days in one marking period as unexcused (no official doctors note. Parent notes aren’t accepted) then you get a failure to pass. You are automatically given a failing grade and you get put on some kind of probation. Then if next marking period you don’t have 4 unexcused absences you get your real grades back.

I’m lucky because we have health insurance with low copays and I can afford to take my kids to the doctors so I can get a note if needed. Also I have an awesome pediatrician that doesn’t want kids in for normal stomach viruses or head colds so I can just call and get a note. Not everyone has that luxury. So what do they do? Kids go to school sick.

it’s a jacked up system.
We are in NJ and we had to fight the school to get my youngest son passed one year because of an illness. He had done the work (we picked it up/dropped it off daily) and had perfect grades, but NJ used some stupid system.

We fought it and won, but it was a struggle.
I thought they wore masks because of the chemicals. My old hairdresser has pretty severe COPD from chemicals (hair spray, perm and color solution, etc.). She never smoked.

I’m sorry. They all wear masks. I assume due to the chemicals. But only the ones doing pedicures also wear gloves.
I hate that people try to insinuate that I am a heartless wench for thinking about money right now. I am not talking about strapping Grandma to the firing range. But my divorce is final this month, and I just got laid off indefinitely. I have full custody of 3 kids, one with special needs. Unemployment is half of what my check was I am terrified about what is going to happen.

It is a luxury to be able to not think about whether you have a job and a paycheck. 43% of Americans have lost their jobs or had their hours reduced because of this.

I so agree with you. Our company announced there are going to be reduced hours and furloughs, but we don’t know who yet. It will last until at least August 31st. Unemployment with the extra 600 per week will be about half my normal check, if I can get enrolled and get paid -a big if right now. If I get hit, I will be cancelling any bills except necessary utilities, which puts more companies in jeopardy as well as the jobs of their employees. The economic situation is snowballing at an alarming rate, but we are being asked to close our eyes and look away.

We are facing two crises that will affect millions of Americans. It’s hard to walk the line between controlling the spread of the virus and making sure that families like yours don’t end up homeless. Both issues are equally as important, and it’s OK to express your fear and concerns, without taking anything away from people who are more concerned about the virus aspect of the situation. No one is being heartless toward anyone else for being worried that they can no longer provide for their family. Your concerns are just as valid as anyone else’s. I hope things go well for you, and you are able to get back to work soon.
We are in NJ and we had to fight the school to get my youngest son passed one year because of an illness. He had done the work (we picked it up/dropped it off daily) and had perfect grades, but NJ used some stupid system.

We fought it and won, but it was a struggle.

Were in NJ too. The rules are crazy in most districts.

I feel for parents who don’t have the means to take their kids to the doctors to get a note. Or quite frankly, who actually takes their kids to the doctor for a regular stomach bug or a head cold. Parent notes should count. I’m not going to run my kid to the doctor for a head cold because it’s not needed but I also won’t send them to school with them having a horrible runny nose with snot everywhere. Or coughing all over the place. Not every illness that warrants a kid staying home also warrants a doctors appointment.
Were in NJ too. The rules are crazy in most districts.

I feel for parents who don’t have the means to take their kids to the doctors to get a note. Or quite frankly, who actually takes their kids to the doctor for a regular stomach bug or a head cold. Parent notes should count. I’m not going to run my kid to the doctor for a head cold because it’s not needed but I also won’t send them to school with them having a horrible runny nose with snot everywhere. Or coughing all over the place. Not every illness that warrants a kid staying home also warrants a doctors appointment.

NJ mom here, too. Thankfully, our kids’ doctor’s office has always let us call in and request that they fax over an excuse to the high school. They get how ridiculous the rules are.
NJ mom here, too. Thankfully, our kids’ doctor’s office has always let us call in and request that they fax over an excuse to the high school. They get how ridiculous the rules are.

Yes same here. They send it right over. Thankfully. But some pediatricians require visits. I always recommend my office to friends and family.
So we’ve been locked down since early March. One trip a week by my wife or I, groceries, food takeout or pharmacy. Only other thing was taking my beloved mini golden doodle out nightly around 10pm for a walk through our quieter than usual neighborhood. Really enjoyed doing that. Last night I encountered a neighbor who warned me there was a coyote roaming the neighborhood. Scooped my puppy up in my arms and now I’m Reluctant to even do that...seriously I just don’t want to play anymore!
There’s a coyote den in our backyard. We wait every year for when the babies learn to use their voices.
The little howls...🥰🥰🥰
We are in NJ and we had to fight the school to get my youngest son passed one year because of an illness. He had done the work (we picked it up/dropped it off daily) and had perfect grades, but NJ used some stupid system.

We fought it and won, but it was a struggle.

It’s more likely your local board of education rather than the state.

NJ’s school funding formula for state aid is attendance based. Local boards of education institute attendance policies (reward sometimes, but punishment more often) to maximize funding. NJ is not the only state that uses attendance to determine state aid. Major caveat - NJ doesn’t fully fund the formula.
It’s more likely your local board of education rather than the state.

NJ’s school funding formula for state aid is attendance based. Local boards of education institute attendance policies (reward sometimes, but punishment more often) to maximize funding. NJ is not the only state that uses attendance to determine state aid. Major caveat - NJ doesn’t fully fund the formula.
To be fair, I cannot remember, but I do not remember it being from our BoE. I know just about everyone on our BoE and we would not have had a problem getting it squashed.
I understand that many people are struggling financially and that is a problem that needs to be addressed somehow. But being bored is not an argument for getting back to work.
I am not bored, as you can see by name I'm a nurse (for the NHS in the UK) and have worked long hours during lockdown. But I miss my mum, sister, nephew, friends and other family members who I haven't seen for over a month. I miss going for a drive, eating a meal out, going on holiday, and all the other fun things I do after I've worked hard all week. It's only natural I should want that back.
I am not bored, as you can see by name I'm a nurse (for the NHS in the UK) and have worked long hours during lockdown. But I miss my mum, sister, nephew, friends and other family members who I haven't seen for over a month. I miss going for a drive, eating a meal out, going on holiday, and all the other fun things I do after I've worked hard all week. It's only natural I should want that back.
My apologies. We all want it back, but some sacrifices are worthwhile.
My apologies. We all want it back, but some sacrifices are worthwhile.
My original post answered the question in the name of the thread 'is anyone else worried about opening up again?' so I answered the question from my perspective, I wasn't advocating risky behavour or the breaking the lockdown rules, or moaning and whinging. I am leaving this thread now so I would appreciate no further replies on my comment.
My original post answered the question in the name of the thread 'is anyone else worried about opening up again?' so I answered the question from my perspective, I wasn't advocating risky behavour or the breaking the lockdown rules, or moaning and whinging. I am leaving this thread now so I would appreciate no further replies on my comment.
I am right there with you, sister, a continent away. It is hard for people to understand the stress and the emotions we have right now, and how difficult it is to even talk about, or try to explain, so I don’t blame you for leaving. Who needs it. Just know you’re not alone in your feelings. :hug:
So this is a tad interesting: one more county in the metro shortened their order from May 15th to May 3rd and a city opted to do that same right by those counties. As the way it started as a domino effect it'll end likely as a domino effect.

Also of note that no one knew and caused confusion is our state order on my side of the state line is only allowed to last until May 1st rather than previously extended by the governor to May 3rd. Appearantly, as has been found out, she does not have the authority to do so beyond May 1st as that is when our state's disaster of emergency ends (already had been extended once). The state's disaster of emergency granted temporary additional powers to the governor.

However, if the state of disaster of emergency ends the state has to reapply for the President's approval on a new emergency declaration that would allow for not only the governor to extend a state-wide stay at home if she chose to but also allow for approximately $17million in Federal funds that are being utilized by our state's National Guard that is presently helping with food distribution and drive-through testing clinics. That cost would just shift back to the state. Our governor though has mentioned though that things will likely be regional within the state in respects to responses so I'm not sure if she would opt to extend or not.

Roundabout way of saying it's an example of how different states will and can handle and order directives on a state level vs a community level.

Reopening plans are underway here though and there's more pushback on further extension the other aspects that have taken a toll. Largely though regardless of whether this order ends on May 1st or my county elects to redo a stay at home order (set to expire tomorrow though we're still controlled under the state's) our behaviors won't change from what they are now not for a while-same precautions as now, same limiting of outings and close contact with people. It will be a while longer before that changes.
This is what concerns me. I'm in TN and they're opening businesses next week. Not only will those businesses not have enough hand sanitizer for employees (or customers, if needed), but people who go back out to their cars after being inside a business to then sanitize their hands (which is what I do) are running out, if they haven't already.

Just like businesses had to step up to make PPE, someone really needs to step it up on producing hand sanitizer -- it can't be found anywhere. Even the distilleries making it around here say that it's reserved for first responders.

You're in Memphis, right? I thought that Shelby, Davidson (Nashville), and 3 other counties aren't opening up with the rest of TN? I know Nashville's mayor said they're not. I'm just outside of Davidson County and we're opening up, but I think people won't go crazy (at least not around here). I think the learned behaviors (physical distancing, hand washing, respecting other people's space, some mask wearing) will still be adhered to for quite some time.
We are in Knox County so we are exempt—and hopefully our city mayor will continue to be more aggressive than Lee. However, all the rural counties around use Knox for shopping, medical, etc
I wish that healthcare organizations would act as you suggest. But at this point they aren’t.
DD is a pharmacist. She was not initially permitted to wear a mask. At some point a non medical manager had the pharmacy masks collected. Then about four weeks ago she was issued a mask and a brown paper bag, for storage. She is still using the same mask, can’t get a new one. There is no way to tell how effective it still is after close to 200 hours of use.
DSIL works in a hospital cardiac catheterization lab. Until recently they were required to perform procedures with little PPE. They were doing things that would have gotten them fired under normal circumstances. Expediency and cost seemed to trump good practice during times when good practice is clearly necessary.
I agree.....I had to wear my N-95 mask for 4 12 hour shifts a couple of weeks ago...gross...they are meant to be used for 1 day at most...Infection control/management would have at the least written me up for using a mask any longer than a shift, but now it's ok...I understand there is/was a shortage, but it just seems sooo hypocritical to me. I will have 30 years in healthcare this June,,,,I remember the days when safety, and patient care were the #1 priority...then everything changed when " bean counters", and business people took control out of the hands of Healthcare Professionals like Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers etc... and made EVERYTHING about the Almighty Dollar, and made the people we care for an afterthought....I hate that it has turned out this way!!!
Children's Mercy in my area is furloughing 575 employee for up to 60 days; they are not the only hospital in the area experiencing issues though.

Here was part of their statement: "In order to keep our community safe and to care for COVID-19 patients, last month we suspended elective procedures and limited outpatient visits. This has caused a significant financial strain on our hospital. Surgeries and outpatient volumes are down more than 70%. Our Urgent Care and ED volumes are off by 67% and 57%, respectively. All in, our net revenue is down $1 million per day."

Bolding is mine.
We are in Knox County so we are exempt—and hopefully our city mayor will continue to be more aggressive than Lee. However, all the rural counties around use Knox for shopping, medical, etc

The mayor of Nashville outlined their plan today. Gov. Lee is supposed to provide the TN one tomorrow. Below is a link for the Nashville plan. I don't think Lee's will be quite as aggressive as this, but it gives you an idea. We got an email from our HR Department at work today that starting the week of May 4th, we'll be going back to the office on staggered days, that they'll be taking temps, etc. I think businesses will just have to police a lot of this to the best of their abilities (and of course, individuals taking personal responsibility).
Children's Mercy in my area is furloughing 575 employee for up to 60 days; they are not the only hospital in the area experiencing issues though.

Here was part of their statement: "In order to keep our community safe and to care for COVID-19 patients, last month we suspended elective procedures and limited outpatient visits. This has caused a significant financial strain on our hospital. Surgeries and outpatient volumes are down more than 70%. Our Urgent Care and ED volumes are off by 67% and 57%, respectively. All in, our net revenue is down $1 million per day."

Bolding is mine.
The bill being ironed out now has money to help these facilities. Let's hope it gets passed soon.


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