Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

Good luck at your race. Since most of my training is after work, there are times when it's more difficult to get out there after a long hard day.
Also ... no more after work races for me. I'm grouchy (although that's not entirely my fault - I'm not the one who broke the thing I'm supposed to be working on), my knee hurts (even though I have the standing desk and I've been standing on and off), I'm not drinking enough water (although I have peed like 5 times in the last hour), I'm tired, and I'm actually weirdly nervous about changing in the office bathroom (that's the really weird part). Ugh.
Hopefully all this nerves/grouchy/whatever will go away by race time.
I have never done a night time race and I feel like if I did, I would feel this exact same way. Hoping they shake off. Just go and have fun! This is part of your 9+1, right?
Good luck at your race. Since most of my training is after work, there are times when it's more difficult to get out there after a long hard day.

I'm generally a morning runner, so this "I don't want to run after a day at work" thing is new to me. Hopefully I'll survive.

I have never done a night time race and I feel like if I did, I would feel this exact same way. Hoping they shake off. Just go and have fun! This is part of your 9+1, right?

Yep, this is #6 of the 9. Although really, there's a Sunday morning race in October (week before the marathon ... it's the start of marathon week) that I maybe should have done instead...
And ... I only got out of work 5 minutes later than I planned (my own fault, I should have started getting ready earlier). I'll be fine - my bib is already on, so all I have to do when I get there is change my shoes and try to shove a few more things into my already full bag check bag (my lunch containers take up a lot of space).
No Thank You, Humidity: R-U-N 5K Recap

*Sorry guys, no pictures in this one because I'm too lazy to grab them off my phone.

Packet Pickup - Stopped in at the NYRR RUNCENTER before work to grab my stuff. It was H-O-T and humid, and I was not optimistic about the weather for the race.

Getting There - I left work a little after 6 and it took me a little over half an hour to get there. Then I had to change my shoes (I wore my chucks on the train) and drop my bag before heading to the start corrals right as the race was getting ready to start.

Race Time:

Original plan for this race was easy intervals. I missed my tempo run this week (I have an alarm problem ... I keep forgetting to set alarms), so I was considering maybe trying to run this one at some sort of tempo, but with the weather, I nixed that idea.
I went out and started my easy intervals right away. I definitely went a little fast, especially in the first few intervals, but I tried to run at a relaxed pace. Stopped at both water stops (poured water over my head at the first one) and just generally tried to respect the weather. Wasn’t feeling great at the end, but finished strong.
Oh, and there was a part where we had to choose East Side or West Side. I chose West Side, because I would like to eventually get around to moving there. Apparently West Side won by a lot (they had something there measuring how many people went on each side).

Splits: (per Garmin, which was a drop off)
Mile 1: 11:35
Mile 2: 12:40
Mile 3: 11:54 (Interestingly, Strava had this mile as my fastest GAP, which means I finished faster than I started)

Overall Stats:
Gun Time: 49:35
Garmin Time: 37:40 (for 3.16 miles)
Chip Time: 37:35 (12:06/mile)
Overall Place: 4,133 of 4,719
Age Group (F 30-34) Place: 510 of 604
Gender Place: 2,068 of 2,513
(Age Graded Time: 37:35; Age Graded Place: 2,156; Age Graded %: 39.3%)

Considering the weather, I'm pretty happy with how this went. I don't think I'd do this race again, though ... too hot for me.


Grabbed water, a popsicle, and a bagel, and then my friend Tzippy saw me and grabbed me (and introduced me to a friend who she ran with, Caesar). I ate a little bit of my popsicle (I actually hate popsicles) and my bagel while we waited for photobooth pictures. After pictures I went to grab my stuff (which I almost missed because they had already broken down bag check), then ran a bit with Tzippy and Caesar to get to the subway. Then went home.

The Aftermath:

3 races to go! Those three races are currently planned as Manhattan 7-Mile (8/5), Bronx 10 Mile (9/30), and Staten Island Half (10/14).

What's Next:
Manhattan 7-Mile on August 5th (aka a week from Sunday). That's my "A" race for this training plan. Not sure yet what my goal is.
Current weather forecast is AM thunderstorms ... yay.
Overall Stats:
Gun Time: 49:35
Garmin Time: 37:40 (for 3.16 miles)
Chip Time: 37:35 (12:06/mile)
So I was actively tracking you because that was a lot more fun than doing work, and it said you were expected to finish in 31:39 for the entire race. Until you got to the finish and I swear it said you were at 3.1 for like 4 minutes. It was so weird. But then it come up with your finisher time and I was like, okay cool glitch.
So I was actively tracking you because that was a lot more fun than doing work, and it said you were expected to finish in 31:39 for the entire race. Until you got to the finish and I swear it said you were at 3.1 for like 4 minutes. It was so weird. But then it come up with your finisher time and I was like, okay cool glitch.

Yeah, it does weird things like that. I think it's because they only have timing mats at the start and finish, so they estimate your finish time when you start based on previous race times and don't adjust it at all until after you finish ... even when it thinks you should have finished, it doesn't change anything. It's a little weird. But kinda makes sense, I guess, since they only have the two timing mats.
1) Just got an email about the Manhattan 7 Mile. Bib pickup starts tomorrow. Not sure when I will go - I'll have to play it by ear. Expect a pre-race update later in the week once I have a bit of a handle on goals. Also ... I really like the logo for this race. It would look great on a medal. (But alas, no medal for this one)
2) I now have access to Hulu. Please suggest your favorite half hour shows that are available on Hulu (I'm currently watching hour long shows on Netflix, so I'm gonna finish those before moving to my Dawson's Creek re-watch on Hulu. But I need shorter entertainment.)
3) There was a 3, but I don't remember what it is. I'm tired. Send naps.
WDW July 2018 Recap: Day 6, Friday July 6th - Departure Day

So ... departure day. DME pickup was at 6:25ish (I think) for our 9:44am (I think) flight. Beth had a bag to check and I did not, so I went inside to check out while Beth went to Resort Airline Check-In. When I came outside, Beth was emptying things out of her suitcase. Because she was overweight (remember that she had been in Florida for almost a month at this point, so she had 4 weeks worth of clothing). I tried to help, but my suitcase was full, and I couldn't take liquids because I wasn't checking a bag. So that was fun. While Beth was trying to get her suitcase to where it should be, the RAC woman asked if she had paid for the suitcase - because her records said that Beth's fare didn't include a checked bag. ***? One of the reasons why Beth and I booked our flights separately (and this isn't the main reason, it was just one of the contributing factors) was because she was paying for a checked bag and I was not, and on JetBlue that's two separate fare categories. Thankfully, Beth looked at the boarding pass they had printed for her ... and handed it to me because it had my name on it. The genius at RAC didn't even think to check that she was looking at the right person's reservation. Ugh.

Anyway ... eventually Beth got her bag to where it should be, we waited for our bus, got to the airport, went through security (and we had to take all of our food out of our bags, which I had never had to do before), I waited in the super long line for Starbucks, we went to the gate, we boarded eventually, I ended up having an empty seat next to me but didn't move because I'm lazy, we flew, and we had the sassiest flight crew ever (which I loved until I discovered that it was because they're based out of Boston).

Our plane landed and got itself to the gate (which was actually a question mark at one point, because the pilot announced that there was an issue with the hydraulics and while we'd definitely be able to land, he wasn't sure we'd be able to steer to the gate, so I'm glad that ended up going well). We texted my mom that we had landed and she said my dad was on his way ... and we were going to Costco. Costco is about 5 inches from JFK, so we thought that meant we were going on the way home and we weren't happy. But we ended up going home first, eating, and then going to Costco.

The End.
Also ... I'm trying to write a training plan for my 10-miler in September (which I may not end up using, but that's a post for later in the week) and I am not. in. the. mood.
This is why I stopped writing my own plans in the first place ...
Guys ... I just went to a family thing and even though I could have taken cookies to go, I didnt (and I didnt have any cookies while I was there either). Go me!
Headed to a baseball game now (because Sunday). I haven't had coffee, so its gonna be interesting (I'm not super tired so I should be okay for a few hours).
I’ve never attempted to write my own training plan. I would probably end up with something way too ambitious and hurt myself. That and I’m lazy.
I’ve never attempted to write my own training plan. I would probably end up with something way too ambitious and hurt myself. That and I’m lazy.

I started writing my own plans as soon as I started running. I was always afraid of injury so I rarely went too ambitious.
Working with Coach Billy has been the first time I've used plans that I didn't write myself, and while I like his plans, it's been a tough adjustment for me to not be 100% in control of my own plan. So I'm trying to come up with something myself and see if I can make it work. But most likely I'll just end up going with another DopeyBadger Plan.


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