Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

1) Just got an email about the Manhattan 7 Mile. Bib pickup starts tomorrow. Not sure when I will go - I'll have to play it by ear. Expect a pre-race update later in the week once I have a bit of a handle on goals. Also ... I really like the logo for this race. It would look great on a medal. (But alas, no medal for this one)
2) I now have access to Hulu. Please suggest your favorite half hour shows that are available on Hulu (I'm currently watching hour long shows on Netflix, so I'm gonna finish those before moving to my Dawson's Creek re-watch on Hulu. But I need shorter entertainment.)
3) There was a 3, but I don't remember what it is. I'm tired. Send naps.
I vote Seinfeld. Plus it has a great episode involving a race and John Williams music. Plus, it's in New York. I would actually love to go to the Brooklyn Cyclones Seinfeld Night some time.

Also ... I'm trying to write a training plan for my 10-miler in September (which I may not end up using, but that's a post for later in the week) and I am not. in. the. mood.
This is why I stopped writing my own plans in the first place ...
I can't imagine trying to write my own plan. The closest I came was when I modified a 4 week half marathon training plan into 3 weeks. I'm on my first @DopeyBadger plan for the San Francisco Giant Race Half Marathon in September. It's a new experience for me and he's been tremendous about answering my questions and in general putting up with me as he walks me through the process.
Congrats on being 3 races away from the race entry!

Writing your own training plan sounds intimidating, but at least it would be tailored to what you want to do.

Half hour shows on Hulu...I liked watching the Middle and Parks and Recreation.
I vote Seinfeld. Plus it has a great episode involving a race and John Williams music. Plus, it's in New York. I would actually love to go to the Brooklyn Cyclones Seinfeld Night some time.

Good call. I haven't watched Seinfeld (other than the occasional episode being shown during a baseball rain delay) in years. That's classic awesome.
I'm actually going to the Cyclones next week ... but not for Seinfeld night. I basically go for the bobbleheads - next week is Amed Rosario.

I can't imagine trying to write my own plan. The closest I came was when I modified a 4 week half marathon training plan into 3 weeks. I'm on my first @DopeyBadger plan for the San Francisco Giant Race Half Marathon in September. It's a new experience for me and he's been tremendous about answering my questions and in general putting up with me as he walks me through the process.

I started writing my own plans pretty much when I started running. It's more work, but also more personalized than pre-written plans and I'm fully in control of everything I do.
I've been working with @DopeyBadger for a few months now and he's awesome. Just ... less control for me. But we'll see what happens - I have most of my plan written while it's okay, it's not great, so I may very well end up turning to Coach Billy for my next plan.

Congrats on being 3 races away from the race entry!

Thank you!

Writing your own training plan sounds intimidating, but at least it would be tailored to what you want to do.

It does sound intimidating ... but I did it for so long that it's just normal for me. Although now that I've been working with a coach for a few months, it's less normal than it used to be. But for a while it was all I ever did.

Half hour shows on Hulu...I liked watching the Middle and Parks and Recreation.

Good call - I love both of those shows and definitely need a rewatch of both!
I'm here for you in any way I can help. And if that means me taking a step back on control, so you can take a step forward, then I'm all for it. At the end of the day, my only goal in helping is to help you achieve whatever goals you lay out for yourself. Excited for race week!
I'm here for you in any way I can help. And if that means me taking a step back on control, so you can take a step forward, then I'm all for it. At the end of the day, my only goal in helping is to help you achieve whatever goals you lay out for yourself. Excited for race week!

Thanks. I think there are definitely going to need to be some changes in how we do things, but we'll see what those changes are after Sunday's race.
I'm glad someone's excited for race week ... I'm not particularly. But we'll see if that changes as the race gets closer.
Also ... I ate all the things today. Especially all the chocolate. I'm having a very Monday Monday and it's just ... Monday.
Also ... someone posted something in my Facebook running group and some of the comments reminded me how different I am from other people and how I will always be that awkward outlier and while it works in some contexts, mostly it just makes me feel sad and I shouldn't even try to interact with people most of the time.

Like I said ... Monday.
I've been telling myself for two weeks I need to get serious about controlling my eating again after our vacation.

I'll let you guess how well that's been going. ;)

Our pharmacy downstairs sells Reeces pieces and I probably them in business all on my own.
I've been telling myself for two weeks I need to get serious about controlling my eating again after our vacation.

I'll let you guess how well that's been going. ;)

Our pharmacy downstairs sells Reeces pieces and I probably them in business all on my own.

Man, you're so lucky! I have no idea what they have in the store downstairs, since I've been there all of twice, but the vending machine doesn't have anything that good. I do tend to make a lot of visits for Reese's Cups and Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies.
Although there is an ice cream vending machine two floors up ... I just don't leave my floor that often (we have 4 floors of the building and the only time I'm not on my floor is meetings)
(Also ... I usually (not today because I'm out :() have chocolate on my desk for my coworkers' enjoyment ... guess who eats most of that chocolate)
(Also ... I usually (not today because I'm out :() have chocolate on my desk for my coworkers' enjoyment ... guess who eats most of that chocolate)
I used to keep a bowl of M&Ms on my desk, but then I ate them all and decided it was probably best for me to not replenish them.
Very much regretting not getting the rose gold vivoactive since I think it would go nicely with my dress.
But I dont know that I'm ever going to wear this dress again, so I'm sure I'll be fine with the one I have tomorrow.
The dress:
Ignore the orange shirt and sneakers. That was me trying it on and sending a picture to my mom. I'm wearing it with a gold shirt and navy pumps.
That dress is :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc

Thank you!!


In other news ... it sounds like we're moving my daily team meeting up 10 minutes, which means I lose 10 minutes of running time. Which really isn't a big deal because I'm usually there at least 45 minutes before meeting time anyway :rotfl2:.
Also ... expect a race update soonish. Like today or tomorrow. Finally have a little bit of a handle on race goals. Thinking about stopping at NYRR on my way home from work today to get my stuff. If not it'll probably be Friday.

EDIT: Also, 7-Eleven cold brew is disgusting. Almost undrinkable. I should have put some sort of flavoring in it. Gonna go throw in a little more milk, which hopefully will make it lightly drinkable.
OMG that dress. :lovestruc LOVE IT. I want it. Where did you get it? I have no place to wear a dress like that, but I still want it. Haha.

7-Eleven cold brew is disgusting. Almost undrinkable.
Undrinkable coffee is the worsttt.

Dude, I don't work for you.
(Sorry, there are just some things I can't say at work that really need to be said)
HA! Sometimes I feel like I overshare random feelings on twitter, so I downloaded a journal app and unload on there once in a while.


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