Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

OMG that dress. :lovestruc LOVE IT. I want it. Where did you get it? I have no place to wear a dress like that, but I still want it. Haha.

Burlington! It was $40. I went to a wedding last night and had nothing to wear with the shoes I wanted to wear, so I went on an emergency shopping trip after work on Monday.
They have it online, but only in 2 sizes:

HA! Sometimes I feel like I overshare random feelings on twitter, so I downloaded a journal app and unload on there once in a while.

See, I don't need a journal app. I just overshare here :).
Sometimes oversharing here is safer. We understand each other. We get why adults may actually want to meet characters without children or why we choose to spend vacation time at Disneyland, Disney World, or both.

Truth. You people understand some of my "fun-ness" (which would be known as weirdness/craziness elsewhere). In the real world people think it's weird that I go to WDW/Disneyland on vacation and not Europe or something like that (not that I wouldn't like to go to Europe, it just probably has to wait until after marathon weekend).
EDIT: Also, 7-Eleven cold brew is disgusting. Almost undrinkable. I should have put some sort of flavoring in it. Gonna go throw in a little more milk, which hopefully will make it lightly drinkable.

Bleh. I went to a different coffee shop a few days ago and paid like $5 for the worst iced coffee ever. I feel your pain.
So ... I'm trying to write up my race plans post and I wanted to go back to my last goal race and re-read that one for "inspiration", which was the Run As One 4M in April ... that post is on page 33. We're on page 74 right now.
Just saying.
Manhattan 7 Mile: Race Plans

Getting My Stuff:
I went to the NYRR RUNCENTER after work and grabbed my stuff. Nice and easy.

Last I checked (ie yesterday), T+D for this race was supposed to be around 148ish. So lightweight clothing is a must. I'm doing laundry tonight so I have all of my wardrobe open to me ... but I think I've settled on the same outfit I wore to the Japan Run in May - INKnBURN Kaze Tech shirt, black skirt. This time with my new black capris, I think.
This outfit (minus the jacket, which I will once again check in my bag check bag, and with a different pair of capris):

Getting To The Race:
I honestly have no idea what the trains are doing on Sunday. The F may or may not be running on the E line. The E may or may not be running on the F line. So here's what I'm gonna do:
Get off at Lexington.
If the F is on the F line, then that's Lex and 63rd, and I can walk to the race. If the F is on the E line, Lex is Lex and 53rd, so I'll transfer to the 6 and take that up to 68th (and walk from there).
I just hope that if I do end up at Lex and 53rd the escalators are working. I haven't taken the 6 at all this week (I'm lightly avoiding it), but for the past few weeks one of the escalators has been out of commission and it's been a giant PITA during rush hour. Especially because I hate stairs, so I've been dying walking up the stairs (because I'm not waiting on the super long line for the one escalator).
Probably gonna leave around 6:15-6:30ish.

Race Plan & Goals:
The goal for this race is to run it continuously.
Going into this, I thought that was an achievable goal, especially because I wasn't tying myself to a particular pace and could slow down if necessary.
In my Sunday night message to Coach, I took that goal off the table. Coach tried to talk me back into it, and I ended up agreeing.
Plan is to start at a 13:00 min/mi pace, speed up as the race progresses, and slow down if it stops feeling easy (this is especially true on the hills, of which there are several, because Central Park).
7 miles @13 min/mi is 91 minutes. I'm setting my time goal as 1:31, but I'm hoping I can come in below that. (Yes, I do know that I will probably run more than 7 miles. But if I speed up for a few minutes, I'll probably still make it.

This race is the "A" goal of my second @DopeyBadger plan. This plan was really interesting because it had a variety of days, paces, and run lengths that meant that no two weeks were the same.
(I'm sure Coach Billy will disagree with me on this, but ...) Training for this race went pretty badly. There were so many days when I just didn't want to go out and run. There were runs that were shortened. Tempo runs that became easy runs. Runs that were nowhere near their scheduled pace. There were even a few skipped runs.
The big mental test for me was supposed to be my long run July 15th, which was 2.5 mi Easy/LR Intervals + 5 mi Long Run Continuous Pace + 2.5 mi Easy/LR Intervals. That run went fairly badly, and I lost a lot of my confidence in my training for this race. But I had a 3.5(ish) run at Easy Continuous pace on Tuesday (in the heat + humidity + rain) that went really well, so I'm starting to get my confidence back. Coach is helping with that too.

I would like to head home sooner rather than later because I have stuff to do at home. So I'll probably pack a snack for the ride home, maybe stop somewhere for coffee, and just head home. Nothing exciting.

Track Me:
Tracking Link:
Bib Numer: 2090
So ... if my bib number doesn't have instant significance to me (which this doesn't), I usually google the number to see what comes up. Guys, I have some bad news. Thanks to climate change, we're all gonna be dead by the year 2090. Fun stuff.
Thankfully, I didn't stop my googling on that note. I eventually discovered "DL 2090":

The fact that it's a flight to MCO is exciting. But there's more.
As some of you may know, I lived in the Boston area for a few years when I was in middle school. My first trip to Walt Disney World (and my only trip with the whole family) was when we were living up there. We flew from Logan International Airport to Orlando International Airport.
But there's more. I'm fairly certain we were not on flight DL2090. But we did fly Delta ... or at least their (now defunct) low-budget airline, Delta Express. So this kind of evokes memories of my first Disney trip.
Based on the bib number alone ... It's gonna be a good race.
Excellent pre-race karma!

Also, I absolutely believe in you. Even with training plans where you didn't hit them perfectly, I'm still sure you are well-prepared for this race and that you'll do great!
Yay! Have a great race! Also, I love reading about your transportation to and from is just fascinating to this small town Southern girl. LOL. My only option is driving to races unless I want to get 20+ miles in before my race.
Excellent pre-race karma!


Also, I absolutely believe in you. Even with training plans where you didn't hit them perfectly, I'm still sure you are well-prepared for this race and that you'll do great!

Thank you!

Have a good race! I agree that pre-race karma is with you.

Thank you!

One time, I got this. I didn't have to google it to figure out what it meant.


I'm guessing this was for a half...

Have a great race!

Thank you!

Yay! Have a great race! Also, I love reading about your transportation to and from is just fascinating to this small town Southern girl. LOL. My only option is driving to races unless I want to get 20+ miles in before my race.

Thank you!
Parking in Manhattan can be a nightmare sometimes, so I'm glad I don't drive. I do have a friend who runs to and from races sometimes ... but she lives about 4-5 blocks from Central Park. I like that I can relax on the subway pre-race ... I can't imagine having to driver and then run (although I wouldn't know since I don't drive :rotfl:).
Also ... I pulled a you today and forgot to charge my Garmin. Thankfully it didn't die on me, but I did get the low battery alert during my barre3 class.
Thank you!
Parking in Manhattan can be a nightmare sometimes, so I'm glad I don't drive. I do have a friend who runs to and from races sometimes ... but she lives about 4-5 blocks from Central Park. I like that I can relax on the subway pre-race ... I can't imagine having to driver and then run (although I wouldn't know since I don't drive :rotfl:).
Also ... I pulled a you today and forgot to charge my Garmin. Thankfully it didn't die on me, but I did get the low battery alert during my barre3 class.

It is just so fascinating to me. I've been to NYC twice and love it, but I'm not sure I could live there without some major adjustments. Kinda like you'd never want to live in Auburn, Alabama I am sure! LOL.

Gosh I am so horrible with that! I need to start keeping my charger in my purse or something. I am glad yours made it through!
Based on the bib number alone ... It's gonna be a good race.
Reminds me of when I flew to Orlando for the 2017 Dark Side Challenge. Frontier has mascots for their planes and my flight to Orlando had a cougar for the mascot. Cougars is the nickname for my alma mater, BYU, and I'm a huge BYU sports fan. I knew that was a good start to the trip.
It is just so fascinating to me. I've been to NYC twice and love it, but I'm not sure I could live there without some major adjustments. Kinda like you'd never want to live in Auburn, Alabama I am sure! LOL.

To me Boston is kind of a small town ... so I do not think I could ever adjust to Auburn, Alabama. I don't think I could adjust to anywhere in Alabama ... I'm sure it's a nice state, but it's not for me.

Reminds me of when I flew to Orlando for the 2017 Dark Side Challenge. Frontier has mascots for their planes and my flight to Orlando had a cougar for the mascot. Cougars is the nickname for my alma mater, BYU, and I'm a huge BYU sports fan. I knew that was a good start to the trip.

Nice! It's always great when a race (or race trip) starts out with something that you have a special connection with.
(Although I'm not sure how I feel about planes having mascots, but ... I guess when you charge for soda, you can afford a mascot)
By the way ... so many life things I wanted to share. Too tired to post. Will forget them all by tomorrow. Too tired to clean my bathroom, which means I get to wake up at 5:30am tomorrow to do it.
Also ... I don't remember when I put my laundry in the dryer so I don't know if it's done.

Send naps.
I love that dress and what a great price!

Are the subways in NYC easy to figure out? DH started a new job and HQ are in Manhattan (I don’t remember the address). Hoping to be able to tag along on one of his work trips and do some sight seeing with the kids.


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