Does Santa wrap presents or doesn't wrap?

In our house, Santa brings one gift (usually the ‘big’ asked for gift) and it is unwrapped. All stocking gifts are wrapped and they are smaller gifts, not things like socks or deodorant.
Santa wraps his one present and has his own unique gift wrap. I suspect Mrs. Claus shops the flea markets for smaller rolls.
When I was a kid, Santa did not WRAP my presents...
but apparently he did wrap my wife's presents when she was a kid... so Santa now wraps our kids presents (PIA! :( )
Growing up and as adults.
Wrapped. Each year a specific Santa paper is decided upon so all gifts from Santa are wrapped in the same paper.
Santa brings both kids and adults gifts.
In our house, Santa brings one gift (usually the ‘big’ asked for gift) and it is unwrapped. All stocking gifts are wrapped and they are smaller gifts, not things like socks or deodorant.
Similar. In our house, Santa brings one gift, not wrapped...the kids know to ask for one big thing from Santa.
Santa also fills kid stockings, but he does not wrap.

I did the not wrapping to avoid the handwriting and/or kids finding the wrapping paper issue. Also, a lot of times it is nice that Santa's gift will be ready to play with, assembled, etc. The idea of one gift has helped us a lot with explaining why we do charitable giving at Christmas (Angel Trees, Toys for Tots, etc.). Also nice for mom and dad to get some credit.
Santa "mostly" wrapped here when DS was little. - Usually, one or two large or awkwardly-shaped items were left unwrapped (and assembled, if necessary) in front of the tree, but other things were wrapped (and always in different paper than Mom and Dad's.)

Even now, we put some presents under the tree as they are wrapped but don't put the last batch out until Christmas Eve.
Wrapped in fancy/different wrapping paper than our typical wrapping paper. Kept hidden and when DH and I wrap the Santa gifts on Christmas Eve, any leftover paper goes to the bottom of the recycle bin. Instead of using gift tags, I just write directly on the package in sharpie with "To: DS" and "From: Santa" -- in a calligraphy-type writing that looks nothing like my handwriting. Probably our last year of doing it since I'm sure this will be younger DS's last year of believing.
Santa didn't wrap, when I was growing up. For DS, the packages are always wrapped. By the time DS was about 4, Santa started disposing of the paper, after one use. From the time he became a teen, Santa has just reused the same paper from year to year, until it's gone. Some of the things that would be extremely difficult to wrap have been placed under the tree in those huge Santa sacks.
Santa always wrapped at my house growing up, and he wraps for our house now. Even all the stocking stuffers have always been wrapped. He doesn't, however, use ribbons and bows here. I'm sure he wrapped much more meticulously when I was growing up than he does at my house now. I don't remember if he used special paper when I was growing up, but he does pick a different, special paper for each of my kids that only he uses that year.

Santa brings almost all the presents with a token few from mom and dad.
For both DH & me, growing up, gifts from Santa were NOT wrapped. We both also had presents under the tree from our parents that WERE wrapped.

So, that's how we've continued things w/ our own children.

Our children receive gifts from Santa which are not wrapped. Instead, everything from Santa is set up in 3 "displays" = one for each child. If Santa is bringing a toy, the toy is unboxed & put together. Santa brings the "big" gift plus 1 or 2 smaller gifts plus some other things (a book, movie, winter scarf, etc.) to round out the display.

Items in the stocking are not wrapped either, &, most of the time, there's always something like a stuffed animal or similar sticking out of the stocking.

Santa comes after everyone goes to bed on Christmas Eve, &, on Christmas morning, everyone rushes downstairs to see what he's left.

There are presents under the tree from family. I keep a spreadsheet & decide what's going to be from Santa & what's going to be from DH & me. Once I'm done shopping, I wrap the presents that are going to be from DH & me & go ahead & put them under the tree - hopefully, well before Christmas Eve!

A little off-topic - Each child has the same number of gifts from Santa & gets the same number of presents to open under the tree. And I try very, very hard to spend the same amount on each child - or, if I'm not spending the exact same dollar amount, the gifts have the same "value" amount, if that makes sense. Even though they're different ages & one is a girl while the other 2 are boys, I try to get them similar things or things that match up.

As they've gotten older, this has gotten harder & harder. This year, their lists are impossible. DD hasn't asked for anything that expensive, plus she hasn't asked for the same amount of items for which her brothers have asked. For instance, DD has asked for decorative pillows for her bed, while our animal-loving younger DS has asked for several different stuffed animals - that's easy to match. But there's nothing on older DS's list that "matches" pillows or stuffed animals. Older DS has asked for a particular model car kit, & younger DS has asked for a remote controlled jeep which, again, are easy to match. But there's nothing on DD's list w/ which I can match. I've got blanks all over my spreadsheet, & it's driving me crazy! LOL!
Santa wraps his presents in special wrapping paper that is hidden away. Typically the wrap reappears the following Christmas in the general wrapping inventory. No one remembers what was used the previous year, so a special Santa wrap is purchased new.
This is Santa Clause. I have temporarily hijacked this account.

Santa's rule 1.
I am not Burger King. You get the presents my way. Some I wrap. Some I do not. Some I deliver early. Some I deliver Christmas Eve.

Santa's Rule 2 Any complaints about rule 1 can be directed to my complaint hotline


1 iwa-ntc-oall
Santa wrapped each kid's present in their own paper.
I still use different paper for each and I don't put the tags on them so when I put them under the tree nobody knows which ones are theirs.
Santa wraps, and he uses the same wrapping paper for every gift. Paper that is never on any other gifts.


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