Chicago Cubs fans - Rebuilding Year 2023

Brewers are reportedly limiting fan attendance those days to something like 10k, 23k, 23k. I'm not sure how to feel about the whole thing. Still kneading it in my brain. Probably ok in the end.
[COLOR=#ff0000 said:
UPDATE[/COLOR]: Jen-Ho Tseng will start this Thursday against the Mutt's , Monty will be in the pen


The article in says that Taylor Davis caught all of his Triple-A games. Wonder if they'll start him too.

Seems Joe is hoping for some magic he can use in some way while Arrieta recovers.


Almora just tripled... hope we're not jinxing ourselves for tomorrow. We don't have 2 of these outbursts in a row usually.

Wondering if Lester and Q switched bodies or something....but he righted the ship thanks to the other 8 fighting hard offensively and defensively. OK... JHey was robbed his RBI by Willy/Happ base running gaffe~they know what they did wrong(Willy seems to have some base running cobwebs in his head, and Happ still learning) they made up for it. Seeing those early runs come in on single's was beautiful! Great at bats, Zobie and Rizzo on the treadmill doing all that walking, lol. I don't think I have seen Rizzo get 2 walked in RBI's in one game before, did he? Maybe not. Schwarb's, the yo-yo hits again, I think 8 RISP for the night on his K's. KB's double, lol..give the man 100 skeeball points! Happ playing croquet right thru the SS legs, some wonky plays. That was for sure a dp. Javy's hits the basket for #22 Rene off the bench clutch again, and how about AAJ? 2 ab'S, HR/Triple 6 RBI's!..the guy would have had a cycle prob if he had played the whole game. Thrilled to see him hitting RHP (even if it is bullpen), and homering again off of it.
Thankfully Grimm didn't push things far enough to need Monty~and Pedro , thank you again for the life preserver. Duensing with another good outing, would have liked to see him be able to go further, but he has been solid & reliable for us. Pena didn't give up 10 runs!I'm staying positive the goose egg after a high scoring game does NOT happen tomorrow....Willy being back has already sparked a difference and the guys are gonna do all they can for Jen-Ho.
Lets keep it rolling!
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Brewers are reportedly limiting fan attendance those days to something like 10k, 23k, 23k. I'm not sure how to feel about the whole thing. Still kneading it in my brain. Probably ok in the end.
Limiting Brewer fans or overall attendance? I now quite a few people who were planning on heading up to root for the Marlin's instead of paying $$$$ for the Card series. Brewers trying to control THAT too?

pretty sure Joe West won't be Umping. Last time he was hit in the head by a fan throwing a ball. I don't know if it was a Marlin or Brewer fan, but someone in that stadium had to see who threw it. Keep it classy Milwaukee.
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Home again and road zoned for a while ... so why no post at 1:30 in the morning!

GREAT game! I was nervous there for a while but everything came out OK. 17 runs! We still left a boatload of men on base. You can't have everything.

As a QB - obviously. as a human being - sorry, he doesn't "measure up" (so to speak).

all in good nature - as my uncle always said: hate the team, respect the rivalry.
FWIW, Favre didn't send his crotch pics until 2010 when he was with the Jets. Deanna had cancer in 2004. So, I don't think you can spin the whole "recovering from breast cancer" thing. It's not like she was in the middle of chemotherapy. Again, I'm not a big Favre fan. He jerked around the Packers and ended up playing for our #1 rival. Sending a reporter crotch shots is bad ... but as least he didn't do it as a Packer! He did it as a Jersey Jet :crazy2:.

If you look back to this time of year last year you'll see how much I didn't like Chapman because he beat his wife. I understand not liking someone for the personal life. But if you gave me the choice of the 2016 Chapman and the 2017 Justin Grimm as our closer I would choose Chapman. I just wouldn't stand up and cheer for him.

Wondering if Lester and Q switched bodies or something....but he righted the ship thanks to the other 8 fighting hard offensively and defensively. OK... JHey was robbed his RBI by Willy/Happ base running gaffe~they know what they did wrong(Willy seems to have some base running cobwebs in his head, and Happ still learning) they made up for it. Seeing those early runs come in on single's was beautiful! Great at bats, Zobie and Rizzo on the treadmill doing all that walking, lol. I don't think I have seen Rizzo get 2 walked in RBI's in one game before, did he? Maybe not. Schwarb's, the yo-yo hits again, I think 8 RISP for the night on his K's. KB's double, lol..give the man 100 skeeball points! Happ playing croquet right thru the SS legs, some wonky plays. That was for sure a dp. Javy's hits the basket for #22 Rene off the bench clutch again, and how about AAJ? 2 ab'S, HR/Triple 6 RBI's!..the guy would have had a cycle prob if he had played the whole game. Thrilled to see him hitting RHP (even if it is bullpen), and homering again off of it.
Thankfully Grimm didn't push things far enough to need Monty~and Pedro , thank you again for the life preserver. Duensing with another good outing, would have liked to see him be able to go further, but he has been solid & reliable for us. Pena didn't give up 10 runs!I'm staying positive the goose egg after a high scoring game does NOT happen tomorrow....Willy being back has already sparked a difference and the guys are gonna do all they can for Jen-Ho.
Lets keep it rolling!
Glad to see this this morning. I had to go to bed and I remember thinking if we lose by one run, that's on you Contreras. I know you always like to stay positive Fin, but that was just bone headed running. Score the run, don't be a spectator!! I give Joe a tip of the hat...if I were the manager, I would've been pretty upset about that and Joe was just kinda like, oh well. I think that's part of what makes him a great manager.
Glad to see this this morning. I had to go to bed and I remember thinking if we lose by one run, that's on you Contreras. I know you always like to stay positive Fin, but that was just bone headed running. Score the run, don't be a spectator!! I give Joe a tip of the hat...if I were the manager, I would've been pretty upset about that and Joe was just kinda like, oh well. I think that's part of what makes him a great manager.
It was a mistake for sure, tho a little more on Happ in that particular case (and not 'cause I'm a fan of Willy more than Happ) literally more on Happ as he should have slowed down, or even stopped to make sure Willy got home. I am more concerned that las night wasn't the first time that Happ has pushed it to get an extra base just to become a pivitol out. I know young and learning, but he's gonna find out you don't get second chances in the playoff's.Septemebr is accellearated education. The exact same thing Willy needed to do the night before when he ran outside the baseline~drag it out. You know Willy has been told to not push the hammy but that was a little TOO slow too far back. Willy's job to cross home. I have been trying to figure out why he turned around mid run, he had to hear the dugout yelling or something? I was thrilled to see/hear the crowd getting into it before the blow out is needed.Both will be nicked with a little *penalty* of sorts..the kind us fans never hear about, lol. Not sure if you saw Willy's next AB after the running error but he was lazered in...he knew he was making up for it. Happ had a decent AB as well, but he did luck out with the Mets SS letting it go right thru his legs. That had DP written all over it. It all worked out, so I'll take it.
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I'm going to Saturday's Cards game. I might just have to make a short road trip to Milwaukee root for the Marlins in my Cubbie Blue.
That would be awesome. I get the safety issue of amount of fan's, but don't state that your facility can handle the situation and have been thru this before and THEN turn around and imit sales to manage that. Marlin Park is structurally FINE for the game. The reason they aren't playing there is to not tax police and security as they are needed in the relief/recovery. If ticket sale were limited to 10K , I imagine they could have pulled it off at home. Again, total B.S. The hurricanE relief efforts pay the price because they are inept? Again, just think of the other teams that moved to neutral sites are being insulted~ but then again, Selig only owned the Brewers:rolleyes1. Here's the small silver lining to me tho...Brewers just tainted their run to me. If they pull ahead, especially during the Marlin Series, they did so with unfair advantage and everybody, including them, knows it. Karma for being greedy on accepting it be played at home and for not letting more $ be made for the relief efforts. Yes, the Cubs moved a day game back but that didn't inconvenience the Brewers, matter of fact they got 48 hours rest..Marlins not getting that in return for this. MLB absolutely screwed this up, but Brewers accepted it which makes them just as guilty.
I swear if they adjust the roof to affect the home run ball....well apparently that would very Brewer.
Home again and road zoned for a while ... so why no post at 1:30 in the morning!

GREAT game! I was nervous there for a while but everything came out OK. 17 runs! We still left a boatload of men on base. You can't have everything.

FWIW, Favre didn't send his crotch pics until 2010 when he was with the Jets. Deanna had cancer in 2004. So, I don't think you can spin the whole "recovering from breast cancer" thing. It's not like she was in the middle of chemotherapy. Again, I'm not a big Favre fan. He jerked around the Packers and ended up playing for our #1 rival. Sending a reporter crotch shots is bad ... but as least he didn't do it as a Packer! He did it as a Jersey Jet :crazy2:.

If you look back to this time of year last year you'll see how much I didn't like Chapman because he beat his wife. I understand not liking someone for the personal life. But if you gave me the choice of the 2016 Chapman and the 2017 Justin Grimm as our closer I would choose Chapman. I just wouldn't stand up and cheer for him.
Can't imagine the nerves...was it the LO HR Jon gave up?;) You met Wayne and touched the was going to be a W. Grimm....the guy is the product of getting it all too soon. When he went in for most of last year, the dynamics were totally different. We had a huge lead most of the time in the standings, and then offensively our bats were blasting teams in the later innings, when he was out there. Not the same scenario this year and he's got a case of the second guesses and I've already got the ring-itis. He has the speed..I think his head is messing with trusting his command. Bullpen guys have to have very thick skin and in Grimm's case it is almost too thick. I honestly think he feels like he still has a spot on the team no matter what, and seeing aquisitions like Wilson sketchy in panning out..just allows Grimm to have the "they need me" buffer. That and they get paid no matter what. Justin may not like how this ends up for him over winter break. He witnessed Miggy, Hammel, Wood....wake up Grimmer.
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Glad to see this this morning. I had to go to bed and I remember thinking if we lose by one run, that's on you Contreras. I know you always like to stay positive Fin, but that was just bone headed running.

Same thing was said here. And yes, bone headed running describes it very well. :confused:

It was a mistake for sure, tho a little more on Happ in that particular case (and not 'cause I'm a fan of Willy more than Happ) literally more on Happ as he should have slowed down, or even stopped to make sure Willy got home. I am more concerned that las night wasn't the first time that Happ has pushed it to get an extra base just to become a pivitol out. I know young and learning, but he's gonna find out you don't get second chances in the playoff's.Septemebr is accellearated education. The exact same thing Willy needed to do the night before when he ran outside the baseline~drag it out. You know Willy has been told to not push the hammy but that was a little TOO slow too far back. Willy's job to cross home. I have been trying to figure out why he turned around mid run, he had to hear the dugout yelling or something? I was thrilled to see/hear the crowd getting into it before the blow out is needed.Both will be nicked with a little *penalty* of sorts..the kind us fans never hear about, lol. Not sure if you saw Willy's next AB after the running error but he was lazered in...he knew he was making up for it.

Len & JD commented that he (Willy) was making up for his last AB. Haha. Great minds thinking alike... :)
Same thing was said here. And yes, bone headed running describes it very well. :confused:

Len & JD commented that he (Willy) was making up for his last AB. Haha. Great minds thinking alike... :)
I was listening to Pat & Ron so didn't hear Len &JD...but as bad as the Willy / Happ mistake was...had Scwarb's not struck out 3x's with RISP we would have not been tied at that point either. (well, 2 x's at that point I think)It HAS to be frustrating for JHey too...had another RBI in the bag...the hit that lifts the team up with the lead~ESPECIALLY since JHey is like, the king of telling guys to drag out a run down..use your head on the bases.
Not to keep the Favre thing going other than to thank Robinb for correcting me on the timing of Deanna's chemo.

Go Cubs!
Darn! I had to pick up my college girl and missed the 10:00 am sale for the Brewers tix for tomorrow. Only single tix are left 20 minutes into the sale.
Darn! I had to pick up my college girl and missed the 10:00 am sale for the Brewers tix for tomorrow. Only single tix are left 20 minutes into the sale.
Just proves how much more $ could have been raised.

Thoughts of Zambrano's no-hitter (on this day, at Miller Park during Houston floods/ NEUTRAL site ) I am really hoping the Marlin's get this same juju.Would be the second NONO ever at Miller Park
So today is Willy's day off as planned. Rene sure was clutch last night so wonder if he's in. I know TD has been Jen-Ho's catcher, but we need to put up runs early. Guess we will see.
I was listening to Pat & Ron so didn't hear Len &JD...but as bad as the Willy / Happ mistake was...had Scwarb's not struck out 3x's with RISP we would have not been tied at that point either. (well, 2 x's at that point I think)It HAS to be frustrating for JHey too...had another RBI in the bag...the hit that lifts the team up with the lead~ESPECIALLY since JHey is like, the king of telling guys to drag out a run down..use your head on the bases.

I agree it was a bit of both, but personally, I think more on Willy. Score the run, THEN watch.
I was thinking Happ was crazy for trying for 3rd...I mean he was rounding the bag just about the same time the center fielder was picking up the ball...they were in the same camera shot. 1) He should've stayed at 2nd, 2) he should've delayed the tag at 3rd, 3) Willy should've scored.

I think in order of importance...
#3 - #1 & #2 are moot point
#1 - Getting out at 3rd not possible
#2 - Okay, I messed I need to delay this


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