Chicago Cubs fans - Rebuilding Year 2023

OK - let's assess where we are.

Hmmm.. looks like FIRST PLACE!!! With a 2 game lead. Even after being swept! The Brewers and Cards realize it took all the running they could do just to still be looking up at the Cubs.

Choke? Hardly. They have been a streaky team all year. The hangover thing is real (don't have the stats but it's typical for WS winners to miss the playoffs the next year.)

The Cubs were overconfident I'm afraid - the post I made where they only had to win 3 of 7 against each of the Brewers and Cards probably was how the Cubs themselves were thinking. That is - they had no urgency. That's fine for fans like me - not players.

But I trust Madden will get their heads straight. Maybe a lineup shock is in order?

Buckle up - it's going to be GREAT when they prevail and end up in first again!

People keep throwing out the stat but it's light on analysis. The Cubs team wasn't built for a single season run. They were built to last for the next 4-5 years. They returned almost the entire team. Most people though the Cubs won earlier than expected. What that means is that many of the Cubs players should be getting better, not worse.

It's been an incredibly disappointing season so far. As far as fans booing go, it makes sense. Cubs forgot how to hit the ball against the Brewers so the fans boo'd. When players play well, they get rewarded with cheers. When they play poorly, they get rewarded with boos. Simple stuff.
Well, I'm back home and ready for some more baseball. What a disappointing weekend. It hurts to lose that many games to the Brewers. I hope that our boys have a nice day off and a rest. I think they need some Maddon goofiness to get them back into having fun.
Well, I'm back home and ready for some more baseball. What a disappointing weekend. It hurts to lose that many games to the Brewers. I hope that our boys have a nice day off and a rest. I think they need some Maddon goofiness to get them back into having fun.
All I know is I don't think Willy busted his a$$ to come back for only 3 weeks of baseball......
LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!
and for the next 3 days I am gonna be like KB and be a HUGE Votto fan. With Billy Hamilton out, STL will pounce. I would say even-steven with Dex out, but honestly STL is used to covering for Dex at this point~I think the Red's might miss Billy more.
Tenative 2018 schedule~Home Opener against Pittsburgh...But lets take care of business tonight!

Travel looks to not be kind, lots of bouncing & quite a few 4 game series (I am not a fan of those, personally)..and CO in April? :cold: Also not sure what I think of the CrossTown at the end of Sept when things could be muy importante'. Well, guess they have to come out strong and dominate early!
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You know, while I'm certainly not happy about what happened this weekend, it would be nice if you could post something positive after a win, instead of only posting something negative after a loss.
Well, I have that person blocked, but sadly, I know EXACTLY who you are talking to just by what you said.
OK - let's assess where we are.

Hmmm.. looks like FIRST PLACE!!! With a 2 game lead. Even after being swept! The Brewers and Cards realize it took all the running they could do just to still be looking up at the Cubs.

Choke? Hardly. They have been a streaky team all year. The hangover thing is real (don't have the stats but it's typical for WS winners to miss the playoffs the next year.)

The Cubs were overconfident I'm afraid - the post I made where they only had to win 3 of 7 against each of the Brewers and Cards probably was how the Cubs themselves were thinking. That is - they had no urgency. That's fine for fans like me - not players.

But I trust Madden will get their heads straight. Maybe a lineup shock is in order?

Buckle up - it's going to be GREAT when they prevail and end up in first again!

FINFAN - a lot of truth in your post. The fans DO need to act like they are supporting a team continuing to learn how to win; strange to say given they are World Champs - but a lot of times young players taste success early and think it's a given to some extent.

As a 65 year old guy who accepted I'd never see the Cubs win the WS - I can't accept booing them under these circumstances. But I guess it's a sign of progress - expectations are far higher now than they were in "my day".

All very well said and wish I'd said it because I agree completely (except the 65 year old guy part...not there yet ;))

I hope Maddon and the boys will say, let's just clinch this thing and rest a bit before the playoffs. That would be the ideal scenario vs. having to scramble and fight up until the playoffs just to get there. The fact that as the reigning WS champions, we're still in it is fantastic in my book and although this hasn't been the greatest year, it is BY FAR not the worst.
I believe Willy is starting tonight. Might be in LF..

Nope...catching. Will be in for a few innings~but it sureis nice to see his name there, and in clean-up!
Kelly Crull:
Per Maddon- Contreras will not play 9inns tonight. He'll get 2 starts & then a day off completely. No LF assignment likely

Here's your @ lineup for Social Media night!

Gotta get this one, boys!!!!!!!!!!!


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So you know how I brought up the Fan's are part of the equation?That the guys have said more than once, the crowd is a huge factor?
From Rizzo himself today (Per Mark Grote)
Rizzo: "I think everyone needs to start rallying around us even more because we need it even more instead of maybe panicking a little bit."

If you are at a game, know of someone at a game...friggin' SUPPORT THE CUBS and cut the Booing!!!!!!!!!!! Make the momentum happen!
So you know how I brought up the Fan's are part of the equation?That the guys have said more than once, the crowd is a huge factor?
From Rizzo himself today (Per Mark Grote)
Rizzo: "I think everyone needs to start rallying around us even more because we need it even more instead of maybe panicking a little bit."

If you are at a game, know of someone at a game...friggin' SUPPORT THE CUBS and cut the Booing!!!!!!!!!!! Make the momentum happen!
I do have to say that Friday's game was a loud hubbub with NO cheering. I attributed that to the (literally) thousands of Georgia fans there to catch a baseball game before Saturday's football game. They were all socializing and really didn;t give a hoot about the game. I tried to start a couple of cheers but nothing took hold.

I'm going to tomorrow's game. Wish me luck.
I do have to say that Friday's game was a loud hubbub with NO cheering. I attributed that to the (literally) thousands of Georgia fans there to catch a baseball game before Saturday's football game. They were all socializing and really didn;t give a hoot about the game. I tried to start a couple of cheers but nothing took hold.

I'm going to tomorrow's game. Wish me luck.
Wishing you boatload's of luck! Guess my big mouth is needed at Wrigley, lol....not a fan AT ALL of the stadiums that prompt the fan's to cheer...but if I get desperate :rolleyes1
We've been waiting for months for next year's schedule to come out. Our son graduates in May and has decided he wants to do a Cubs-centered trip.

So where will they be playing the week after graduation? Atlanta. Seriously? We were hoping for somewhere a little farther away! :lmao:
We've been waiting for months for next year's schedule to come out. Our son graduates in May and has decided he wants to do a Cubs-centered trip.

So where will they be playing the week after graduation? Atlanta. Seriously? We were hoping for somewhere a little farther away! :lmao:
on the up side, you got the W there this year! Tradition has begun

KB! Boy was that just what the doctor ordered! Rizzo's bomb foul onto Sheffield was like a big ST*U to all the naysayer's. Geeze the Mutt's have a revolving door of bullpen guys. Great night for Zobie, Schwarb's...Q with another great game and Rally bunt :thumbsup2 Willy a little rusty on the base-running but great patience at the KNOW he was dying to hammer one. 2 out team...We never quit! Dang Brewer's and Card's both won, but the calendar is moving along.....Woo-hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Theo dodn't sleep much last night~ Otani's coming to the U.S. !

THIS talent and money is SECONDARY?!?!?!?!?!(I didn't sleep much either, lol)
Shohei Otani will be posted this winter and play Major League Baseball next season, per multiple Japanese reports. By him coming for 2018 he will basically get bonu$ his first year,( minor league contract)~THEN the million's. Cubs can go after him just like everybody else, need to have that secondary contract be the winner. While Darvish is one of Otani's Hero's(go away Dodger's)...maybe, just maybe he has seen the worldwide support the Cubs have gotten, like's historic ballparks can envision Joe allowing him to do his thing? Maddon one of the few managers out there who would not only encourage it but flourish in this role. OK Cub's...while the baseball world is distracted over this fantastic news, let's get those Mutt's tonight!


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