This is us..

Why is this a repeat tonight? Was that scheduled or due to the Trump press conference?

I can only assume it's the latter. It'll be back next week. We may be wishing for repeats once Jack/ William dies. I've been reading some interesting theories on how Jack does die.
Chrissy Metz has retracted the statements she had made that she is contractually obligated to lose weight. She said it isn't actually in her contract. This was in December.
It was scheduled in anticipation of Sweeps Week.
Question - how do ratings even work now in this age of DVR and on-demand? Are there still such a thing as Neilson boxes? Do people participate with "viewing logs" like in the Stone Age? We practically NEVER watch anything live and when we watch things on our DVR we never, ever watch the commercials. Since ratings are used to attract advertising dollars, how is any of the data collected even relevant to that anymore? :confused:
Question - how do ratings even work now in this age of DVR and on-demand? Are there still such a thing as Neilson boxes? Do people participate with "viewing logs" like in the Stone Age? We practically NEVER watch anything live and when we watch things on our DVR we never, ever watch the commercials. Since ratings are used to attract advertising dollars, how is any of the data collected even relevant to that anymore? :confused:

I've wondered the same thing. I bought the season on amazon and watch it the day after it airs - wonder if they take amazon sales into account too.

ETA: Guess that wouldn't really make sense since they don't have ads on amazon - thankfully!
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Question - how do ratings even work now in this age of DVR and on-demand? Are there still such a thing as Neilson boxes? Do people participate with "viewing logs" like in the Stone Age? We practically NEVER watch anything live and when we watch things on our DVR we never, ever watch the commercials. Since ratings are used to attract advertising dollars, how is any of the data collected even relevant to that anymore? :confused:

DVR viewings within 24 hrs count in the neilson ratings calculation. A lot of shows with low numbers are still continuing because networks take into account the other sources that consumers are viewing their shows.
Question - how do ratings even work now in this age of DVR and on-demand? Are there still such a thing as Neilson boxes? Do people participate with "viewing logs" like in the Stone Age? We practically NEVER watch anything live and when we watch things on our DVR we never, ever watch the commercials. Since ratings are used to attract advertising dollars, how is any of the data collected even relevant to that anymore? :confused:

Yes to the viewing logs. Our family was selected to log our viewing for a week a couple of months ago. The rest I don't know.
I'm more concerned for her health then a tv show. All I know is that losing weight for work. Isn't the right reason. She will ended up gain it back. She needs to do it for herself and only herself.

Or maybe she has been trying or has always wanted to lose the weight and she saw signing up for a hit show that has her character losing weight not only great for her career but also extra motivation to lose the weight? Who knows. I agree though. She has to want to make it happen and her weight isn't healthy. And I'm not putting her down because I need to lose weight too. ;)
Chrissy Metz has retracted the statements she had made that she is contractually obligated to lose weight. She said it isn't actually in her contract. This was in December.
I was thinking about her, and I understand all the reasoning why you should loose weight. But the first thing every one thinks, "oh wow, she better loose some weight." I get it, it is so difficult, I am really glad that they are exploring the emotional side of her being over weight. I truly believe some people can easily loose weight and the next person does everything they are suppose to do, and the weight just doesn't come off. Her story line is really hitting close to home with me.
Just got a notification from Amazon that the latest episode is available to watch. Sure enough, there it is - says it was released on Feb. 1st. I'll hold back on any spoilers until you all have watched it!
Back on the Sofie debate:

So, deprived of a new episode (before Dentam said I could get it!) I actually went back and watched the original pool episode yesterday. - I thought I'd look for the friend from the party to see if it was the same Sofie. Well, the note definitely said "Sofie"...buuuuut only Samantha and Vicky were actually at the pool! (- at one point with some girls who appeared to be older.) So the plot thickens. My guess for now is that Samantha signed Sofie's name. I'm hoping we see her stick up for Kate and tell Samantha off in a future episode.
Did anyone notice Randall's hand shaking in tonight's episode? Wonder what that's about? I wish he'd be more in the moment with William instead of wasting valuable time worrying about his death. Maybe this is something that comes with age. I had to learn this and sometimes still struggle with it, wishing for more time with family members who have passed.
Did anyone notice Randall's hand shaking in tonight's episode? Wonder what that's about? I wish he'd be more in the moment with William instead of wasting valuable time worrying about his death. Maybe this is something that comes with age. I had to learn this and sometimes still struggle with it, wishing for more time with family members who have passed.

He's a perfectionist. And everything in his world is off kilter.

He's just started a relationship with his bio dad who is dying and needs Randall's time. This is causing shifts in his family and with his girls and with his job.

I think he's having to deal with emotions and stuff he's suppressed for a long time.
Did anyone notice Randall's hand shaking in tonight's episode? Wonder what that's about? I wish he'd be more in the moment with William instead of wasting valuable time worrying about his death. Maybe this is something that comes with age. I had to learn this and sometimes still struggle with it, wishing for more time with family members who have passed.
I did notice. I guess the first thing I thought of was Parkinson's Disease because my cousin has it and that is the first symptom she experienced. I'm not sure what else would cause that but he is under tremendous stress which can bring out a host of things.
I swear to god if he has some terrible disease I'm done with this show. It's depressing enough as it is. I was thinking mental emotional breakdown precursor. But if they trot out Parkinson's, bye bye. I just found out my uncle has cancer and possible Alzheimer's. I have enough reality in real life, thanks.
I did notice. I guess the first thing I thought of was Parkinson's Disease because my cousin has it and that is the first symptom she experienced. I'm not sure what else would cause that but he is under tremendous stress which can bring out a host of things.
That was my first thought as well.
I am also hoping Randall is experiencing stress related issues and not something serious. I'm not sure how much more I can take. I am devastated at losing William. I love how he has become part of the family. Having him die will be gut-wrenching. Then losing Jack will also be a huge blow. Yes he will live on in flashbacks, but going through the death will also be gut-wrenching. Like someone upthread said, Randall is very organized, likes order and routine etc. His world has been turned upside own, both at home and work, so I hope it's just stress causing his problems.


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