Marathon Weekend 2017!

You are not a loser and you certainly don't suck at everything you try. Don't get in the quicksand of success around here - it's really easy for us to come on these boards and talk about how awesome things are going, but it's a lot harder to talk about when things go really s#!++y during training.

So much this!!! I've had a crappy training year this year too. They happen to all of us, but you're sticking with it and that's what matters. The people on this board are great and there is such a wide variety of skills and experience that I find it really helpful when I'm feeling bad about how things are going to know that things can and will get better.
So much this!!! I've had a crappy training year this year too. They happen to all of us, but you're sticking with it and that's what matters. The people on this board are great and there is such a wide variety of skills and experience that I find it really helpful when I'm feeling bad about how things are going to know that things can and will get better.
Agreed! The runDisney community on the DIS is better than any other board here, and I visit a lot of them on a daily basis.
Yeah, good points. I don't exceed 2:30 on my runs thus far - even with having to go slower. I keep my long runs to about 9:40-10:00 min/miles and my longest so far has been 16 miles. I will do one 20 mile in 3 weeks and a couple of 18s as well, but will likely be doing run/walk on those to avoid injury. At this point I've given up on a good marathon because 2016 has been so horrible - all due to these stupid cuboid bones. I agree with FFigawi that I need to probably pull back but I actually have done that a lot already - to the point that my conditioning sucks. Really hoping these orthotics will allow me to return to my previous form where I was running at 8:20 half-marathon pace and was on track for even faster in training.

I can't wait for 2016 to be OVER!!!! 2017 won't start off great because the marathon will be slow again since my conditioning is shot right now, but as long as I don't get hurt then 2017 will finish great and I'll be ready for Dopey 2018 no matter what!

I really should listen to the advice, especially from FFigawi, but I am currently not feeling that great about myself. Since I can't change my loser status I can at least change my fat status, so that's my focus for these next few months. I know I'll still get hurt as a result, but to be honest I need to try. Its really frustrating because you all have such great progress while I seem to suck at everything I try.

Adding my support for whatever it's worth. I've been having a really tough year of races and training as well; although I haven't really had any injury difficulties on which to place some of the blame. I made some really lofty goals and it's hard not to get angry at myself for not achieving them (or really ever getting on track). I know, at this point, that I am not going to achieve all of the goals that I made for myself for Dopey 2017 and I have really beat myself up about it. Unfortunately, there's no way to cram for Dopey and I know that I've left it too late to get to the point that I wanted to be; but I've got a month to do the best preparation that I can possibly do and that has become my focus.

I love this community and I am so happy for everyone and all of their successes, but I can completely relate to the frustration at being unable to revel in those triumphs when I'm not having the same success in my endeavors. I know that this reaction is silly and petty, but it's hard to avoid. I've probably been too tough on myself because of it and I'm sure that has been detrimental in some ways for me.

I have confidence that there are no losers here and that we all prove that every time we head out for a run/walk/bike/whatever. Good luck with the remainder of your training. I'm sure you'll nail it!
So, I'm not running this time around, but so excited for you all as it gets closer! and hey no one is a loser on here, you run, who cares how fast, how slow or if you walk too, heck if you crawl that's fine. You're out doing it, which is more than many people can say. Everyone has struggles, running is not easy, take the stories on here and use them as inspiration and keep your mind positive! Good luck in your finals training days, may the pixie dust be ever in your favor!
Adding my support for whatever it's worth. I've been having a really tough year of races and training as well; although I haven't really had any injury difficulties on which to place some of the blame. I made some really lofty goals and it's hard not to get angry at myself for not achieving them (or really ever getting on track). I know, at this point, that I am not going to achieve all of the goals that I made for myself for Dopey 2017 and I have really beat myself up about it. Unfortunately, there's no way to cram for Dopey and I know that I've left it too late to get to the point that I wanted to be; but I've got a month to do the best preparation that I can possibly do and that has become my focus.

Don't beat yourself up too bad. If you feel like you failed at accomplishing a goal - no matter HOW lofty - that just shows how important that goal is to you. You'll get there, sometimes you just have to fall before you can really fly.
Don't beat yourself up too bad. If you feel like you failed at accomplishing a goal - no matter HOW lofty - that just shows how important that goal is to you. You'll get there, sometimes you just have to fall before you can really fly.

Thanks for the encouragement. Eeyore is my spirit animal, but I'm getting better at being optimistic. I'm excited to move forward and achieve all of my goals. I've just pushed the timetable back a little.
This house was near my old neighborhood,amazing work they turn out year after year for a great cause.

That's awesome! And in Kendall? I remember when I was a lowly university student and we'd drive around the Gables and vicinity for the spectacular lights displays. Good times. :)
This will be my second 10k at WDW. I turn 65 soon and accomplished 10k last year. This has been a beginning for me in the 2016 World Marathon. I have been training but started experiencing pain in my left ankle. My daughter who got me into running (she runs...I walk/run,..but I mostly powerwalk ) said its probably tendinitis. I have been off it for 2 weeks (justbeen doing moderate walking). My plan is 5k next week, then skip a week and then 4 miles Christmas week. I will do moderate walking (1 mile every or every other day) in between. Will this be enough to be prepared for 10k on Jan. 6th?
I so bad want to have costumes for all 4 races!! But I've been looking online for ideas and, at this time of the year, I just can't justify spending that much money. I have zero sewing ability, so I'm thinking of maybe getting a couple of sparkle skirts and reuse them with different shirts. For the Tot race I tied together a tulle skirt, cute but itchy.

Do you all dress up for each/all the races?
If the PoT submitted occurred AFTER the PoT Deadline, it will not be accepted. My girlfriend did this when she registered late for Pixie Dust Challenge and she was placed in the last corral. When she went to race relations, she was told explicitly that she was flagged because the date she entered for PoT occurred AFTER the deadline.

Ugh. I emailed track shack today and they said it should be fine to use my wine and dine time, so I went with it. I will be printing out those emails! And taking my last two proof of times. If they do not honor it, I will be that person throwing a hissy fit. Is there some kind of supervisor From RD I can ask for if they get confused I wonder?
Thanks for the encouragement. Eeyore is my spirit animal, but I'm getting better at being optimistic. I'm excited to move forward and achieve all of my goals. I've just pushed the timetable back a little.

Excited to move forward as well.

2016 seemed to be a 'step-back' year for me for races. There was some good training early on and for this marathon cycle but mid-year was not good and no races that I want to remember.
This will be my second 10k at WDW. I turn 65 soon and accomplished 10k last year. This has been a beginning for me in the 2016 World Marathon. I have been training but started experiencing pain in my left ankle. My daughter who got me into running (she runs...I walk/run,..but I mostly powerwalk ) said its probably tendinitis. I have been off it for 2 weeks (justbeen doing moderate walking). My plan is 5k next week, then skip a week and then 4 miles Christmas week. I will do moderate walking (1 mile every or every other day) in between. Will this be enough to be prepared for 10k on Jan. 6th?

Is your ankle feeling better? I would think you would be ok as long as your ankle isn't hurting. You have to keep a 16 minute pace so if you think you do that then you should be fine. How was your training before your ankle starting hurting? And how did you do for your last 10k?


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