To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

5 Days to Go (IT IS TIME!)


Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Strength +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

9/21/16 - W - Medicine Ball Workout (MBW)
9/22/16 - R - 1.5 miles @ 9:20 min/mile + 11 miles @ 7:33 min/mile + 1.5 miles @ 9:20 min/mile (8/11)
9/23/16 - F - 7 miles @ 8:33 or slower min/mile (7/7)
9/24/16 - Sat - 8 miles @ 8:33 or slower min/mile (8/8) + MBW
9/25/16 - Sun - 8 miles @ 8:33 or slower min/mile (8/8)
9/26/16 - M - 7 miles @ 8:33 or slower min/mile (7/7)
9/27/16 - T - 6 miles @ 8:33 or slower min/mile (6/6)
9/28/16 - W - OFF
9/29/16 - R - 7 miles @ 8:33 or slower min/mile (7/7)
9/30/16 - F - 6 miles @ 8:33 or slower min/mile (6/6)
10/1/16 - Sat - 3 miles @ 8:33 or slower min/mile (3/3) + 3 surges up to marathon pace
10/2/16 - Sun - Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon

Total mileage = 50 miles + 16 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 60/63 (95%)

Thursday was going to be a long day at work (7:30am-6:00pm). So either the run had to occur in the early morning or late evening (late for me as I am in bed by 8:15-8:45 most nights). I set the alarm for 2:45am. Got up and checked the radar. There was a 90% chance of rain at 7:00pm and there was a significant storm heading my way in the morning. I estimated the storm would hit around 5:00am (with about 30 min remaining in the run), but there seemed to be an oddity to the storm as it didn't appear to really be moving. I guessed there was a front of some sort blocking the storm and thus took a chance that it would never make it to me. I was up, ate a gel, and out the door by 3:15am with a start of 3:30am. I had 14 miles and 11 at tempo to accomplish all before I would normally even be out of bed. As is typical for me (#earlymorningawareness) I didn't start off too quickly. My perception of effort was higher than normal because my focus was on safety more than speed. Once I completed a loop and was more comfortable with my surroundings my pace naturally started to quicken. My last training cycle 11 tempo mile splits were as follows:


Very happy with how the run went. It was a T+D of 126 with no sun (because you know, it's super EARLY). With how the weather has been tracking lately this is a good match or even race conditions are slightly better.

The bad news my foot got super sore/tender during the day on Thursday. Why? It happens to me sometimes. It's like your knuckles cracking except it happens to my ankles/foot bones. And sometimes it's really hard to get relief. I tried to stay off it as much as possible and tried not to change my gait at all when walking. I just slowly shuffled down the hallways. I wasn't terribly concerned because this tends to happen to me during my tapers as I believe this is a sign that my body is possibly healing minor things it's ignored for the last 20 weeks. They gradually got better and subsided by Sunday.

The rest of the runs have been unremarkable. Taper madness is real, because effort levels of EA and EB don't match the output paces of EA or EB. But I believe this is a motivation thing. I'm not motivated to go quickly in this last week of training because I know my body's energy is better spent on recovering and not pushing. I won't suddenly pick up the paces to ensure I can still do them. I know I can do them.

I also fell up the stairs yesterday after finishing my run and bruised my finger, but it feels better now. Between falling, ankles, and a sick kid I just need to go into a bubble for the next few days... Feeling good... Feeling strong... Feeling ready for the victory lap.

"If you want it, PROVE IT, by doing what is necessary to get it." I've PROVEN I want it with the training. Now it's time to PROVE it on race day. :car:

For the remainder of the schedule I've got:

Thursday - Make Prediction
Friday - Detail Carb Loading Strategy and Race Day Strategy
Saturday - Expo
Sunday - Victory Lap

Also, did you know I have completed 5 other marathons in the state of Wisconsin? I've run the Haunted Hustle (Middleton), Madison Marathon, Wisconsin Marathon x2 (Kenosha), and Lakefront Marathon (Milwaukee). 8-)

Edit - lol math...
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Yikes on falling up the stairs and the sore foot! I slipped and fell on ice on one of the last runs we did before we ran Goofy. Luckily nothing more than a slightly bruised hip, but man, after that I totally wanted to just walk around wrapped up in bubble wrap!
Ummm, with all the falling up the stairs and things...maybe stay away from this woman if she shows up on any of your runs.
Yikes on falling up the stairs and the sore foot! I slipped and fell on ice on one of the last runs we did before we ran Goofy. Luckily nothing more than a slightly bruised hip, but man, after that I totally wanted to just walk around wrapped up in bubble wrap!

Need more bubble wrap!

Ummm, with all the falling up the stairs and things...maybe stay away from this woman if she shows up on any of your runs.

Don't worry, I thought ahead! Only green apples this week. That way I'm safe...
Gaaaaah! You have to warn people when there will be scary IT clowns in your thread. A "clown alert" perhaps?

Or was this some kind of strange "heart rate zone" test for us?

:clown::scared::crazy2::eek::scared1: I agree with @roxymama! I needed a trigger warning.

LOL! :clown:

Didn't realize there were so many readers with coulrophobia, apologies.

Just be happy the "IT" gifs I found didn't work (too large file size or just too creepy). ::yes::

If you'd like to see all of them - click here. here. here. here. here. here. (<---- This one's a bit creepy)
Apparently I missed a photo of Pennywise...I am not mad about that. :eek:

LOL! Yea, I decided to remove him from the post because of the rampant coulrophobia among the readers. But I did link several gifs if you'd like to re-remind yourself of his creepiness... :clown:
I'm hoping this will be the 4th time to go under 4 hours in a marathon. This was one of my original goals from 2012 so when I finally broke it in Oct 2015 it made me a happy guy.

Oct 2015 - Lakefront Marathon - 3:38:53
Jan 2016 - Disney Marathon - 3:55:35
May 2016 - Wisconsin Marathon - 3:28:35
2016 Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon Training Summary

“If you want it, PROVE IT, by doing what is necessary to get it!”

Below is a summary of the 2016 Wisconsin Marathon training cycle.

Custom Training Plan
Nutrition Plan

19 Weeks to Go (And we’re off!)
Started the training plan in recovery from the May Wisconsin Marathon
Total mileage = 15 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 15/15 (100%)

18 Weeks to Go (Recovery Phase – COMPLETE!)
Still easy and adjusting to the new paces
Total mileage = 41 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 33/41 (80%)

17 Weeks to Go (Is this too much?)
Crashed hard on first Tempo and did really well on first Speed
Total mileage = 46.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 34/43 (79%)

16 Weeks to Go (Is it HOT, HOT, HOT or a Cool, Cool Summer…)
Crazy hot days and nice cool summer days
Total mileage = 50.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 40/53 (75%)

15 Weeks to Go (Hot2Trot was Hot, but no Trot to be found)
First ever non-Disney 10K. Good race, but was out-kicked at the end for AG 4th.
Total mileage = 46.45 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 28/36 (78%)

14 Weeks to Go (Swimmer’s Ear and I’m not even a triathlete)
LOL! Guess you can get swimmer’s ear from dousing your head in water to cool down too much…
Total mileage = 61 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 46/54 (85%)

13 Weeks to Go (Lightning and Neighbors and Blisters, Oh MY!)
This week saw it all. Lightning, an impromptu group run, and one of my worst training runs ever.
Total mileage = 60.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 31/53 (58%)

12 Weeks to Go (Quick Update)
Didn’t have time for an in-depth post because of “something”, but did complete the hardest workout of the training cycle: The Hyper Speed Ladder!
Total mileage = 62.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 34/59 (58%)

75 Days to Go (Running Rhythm)
First tempo run with 100% intervals within pace window, but then an almost dead watch battery, a bad easy day, and a speed day without the speed.
Total mileage = 63.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 31/55 (56%)

67 Days to Go (Santarem, Brazil)
It was finally time to make a confession. I don’t live in WI. I actually live in Santarem, Brazil. Man is it hot and humid where I live!
Total mileage = 62.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 24/58 (41%)

60 Days to Go (I’m BLIND!)
Blinded tempo run and a long run both put my estimated marathon finish time at 3:10-3:11 if the weather is T+D of 120-130 with no sun.
Total mileage = 65.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 30/57 (53%)

53 Days to Go (Specificity)
GRRRR! My first missed run…
Total mileage = 54.25 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 40/47 (85%)

46 Days to Go (Taking it to the Max)
First time at taking the “long run” to the max of 2.5 hours (18 miles). One of the easiest 18 mile training runs I’ve ever had.
Total mileage = 68.5 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 37/58 (64%)

39 Days to Go (Crash and Burn)
T+D of 159 + TEMPO run = CRASH AND BURN! And a mid-race challenge from the girl with streamers on her bike. Didn't end well for me. (S/O to @cburnett11)
Total mileage = 65 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 33/55 (60%)

32 Days to Go (Welcome to the Valley!)
To be a peak, there needs to be a valley…
Total mileage = 69 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 41/58 (71%)

26 Days to Go (We are now on our final ascent to the PEAK!)
Two EA days suggest my marathon time will be around 3:09 under ideal conditions. And the strange disappearance of my water bottles and the even stranger reappearance of my water bottles. (S/O to @cburnett11)
Total mileage = 64 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 26/55 (47%)

Treadmill guy, tightness in my right calf, and JELLY LEGS!!!
Total mileage = 70.5 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 41/61 (67%)

12 Days to Go (Almost 100%...)
Getting healthy, not pushing it, hitting the Last of types of workouts, and starting to wonder whether a goal Marathon time faster than current HM time (pace-wise) was a good idea.
Total mileage = 62.25 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 33/55 (60%)

5 Days to Go (IT IS TIME!)
Final week of taper
Total mileage = 50 miles + 16 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 60/63 (95%)

Total scheduled mileage = 1110.2 miles
Total mileage completed = 1100.5 miles
% of scheduled mileage completed = 99.1%
Total scheduled duration = 159:22:25 hours
Total duration completed = 158:05:00 hours
% of scheduled duration completed = 99.2%
Average miles per week completed after recovery phase = 62.1 miles
Average duration per week completed after recovery phase = 8:54 hours
Peak week mileage = 71.1 miles (9/5/16-9/11/16)
Peak week duration = 10:08 hours (9/5/16-9/11/16)
Peak month mileage = 289.4 miles (July 2016)
Peak month duration = 41:43:03 hours
Total Elevation Gain = 34,300 ft
Elevation of Mount Everest = 29,029 ft
Number of intervals within pace = 657/976 (67.3%)
Number of workouts scheduled = 115
Number of workouts missed = 1
Number of workouts I didn't want to do = 0 (S/O to @disneydaydreamer33)


Well I put together one of the most aggressive training plans I've ever conceived. I wasn't positive whether I was going to be able to do it. But I was interested to see what would happen when I pushed myself to the max. Overall, a very successful training cycle. I hit on 99.1% of the scheduled mileage and 67.3% of intervals were within either 5 seconds or 10 seconds depending on the workout. The intervals within window was a bit down from the winter/spring cycle mostly because the heat/humidity was intense this summer. Always fun to look back and see how each week unfolded.
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Ah, great summary of your training journal. I guess that's one of the reasons to have one! Thank you for taking down that picture of Pennywise, yikes! :scared1: There's a reason why creepy clowns in the woods have been in the news recently!
Ah, great summary of your training journal. I guess that's one of the reasons to have one! Thank you for taking down that picture of Pennywise, yikes! :scared1: There's a reason why creepy clowns in the woods have been in the news recently!

Thanks! I like having a single summary post at the end with links so that if anyone (or me) wants to go back to a certain week it's easier to find. It also enables someone catching up late to see a quick glance down the line of mileage and intervals within pace to get a read on how the ebb and flow of training went.
Ah, great summary of your training journal. I guess that's one of the reasons to have one! Thank you for taking down that picture of Pennywise, yikes! :scared1: There's a reason why creepy clowns in the woods have been in the news recently!

Oh, and you're welcome on taking down Pennywise. I think my brother also hates clowns so I can understand. And those people in the woods are such dinks.
2016 Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon Training Summary

“If you want it, PROVE IT, by doing what is necessary to get it!”

Below is a summary of the 2016 Wisconsin Marathon training cycle.

Custom Training Plan
Nutrition Plan

19 Weeks to Go (And we’re off!)
Started the training plan in recovery from the May Wisconsin Marathon
Total mileage = 15 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 15/15 (100%)

18 Weeks to Go (Recovery Phase – COMPLETE!)
Still easy and adjusting to the new paces
Total mileage = 41 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 33/41 (80%)

17 Weeks to Go (Is this too much?)
Crashed hard on first Tempo and did really well on first Speed
Total mileage = 46.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 34/43 (79%)

16 Weeks to Go (Is it HOT, HOT, HOT or a Cool, Cool Summer…)
Crazy hot days and nice cool summer days
Total mileage = 50.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 40/53 (75%)

15 Weeks to Go (Hot2Trot was Hot, but no Trot to be found)
First ever non-Disney 10K. Good race, but was out-kicked at the end for AG 4th.
Total mileage = 46.45 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 28/36 (78%)

14 Weeks to Go (Swimmer’s Ear and I’m not even a triathlete)
LOL! Guess you can get swimmer’s ear from dousing your head in water to cool down too much…
Total mileage = 61 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 46/54 (85%)

13 Weeks to Go (Lightning and Neighbors and Blisters, Oh MY!)
This week saw it all. Lightning, an impromptu group run, and one of my worst training runs ever.
Total mileage = 60.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 31/53 (58%)

12 Weeks to Go (Quick Update)
Didn’t have time for an in-depth post because of “something”, but did complete the hardest workout of the training cycle: The Hyper Speed Ladder!
Total mileage = 62.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 34/59 (58%)

75 Days to Go (Running Rhythm)
First tempo run with 100% intervals within pace window, but then an almost dead watch battery, a bad easy day, and a speed day without the speed.
Total mileage = 63.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 31/55 (56%)

67 Days to Go (Santarem, Brazil)
It was finally time to make a confession. I don’t live in WI. I actually live in Santarem, Brazil. Man is it hot and humid where I live!
Total mileage = 62.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 24/58 (41%)

60 Days to Go (I’m BLIND!)
Blinded tempo run and a long run both put my estimated marathon finish time at 3:10-3:11 if the weather is T+D of 120-130 with no sun.
Total mileage = 65.75 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 30/57 (53%)

53 Days to Go (Specificity)
GRRRR! My first missed run…
Total mileage = 54.25 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 40/47 (85%)

46 Days to Go (Taking it to the Max)
First time at taking the “long run” to the max of 2.5 hours (18 miles). One of the easiest 18 mile training runs I’ve ever had.
Total mileage = 68.5 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 37/58 (64%)

39 Days to Go (Crash and Burn)
T+D of 159 + TEMPO run = CRASH AND BURN!
Total mileage = 65 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 33/55 (60%)

32 Days to Go (Welcome to the Valley!)
To be a peak, there needs to be a valley…
Total mileage = 69 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 41/58 (71%)

26 Days to Go (We are now on our final ascent to the PEAK!)
Two EA days suggest my marathon time will be around 3:09 under ideal conditions.
Total mileage = 64 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 26/55 (47%)

Treadmill guy, tightness in my right calf, and JELLY LEGS!!!
Total mileage = 70.5 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 41/61 (67%)

12 Days to Go (Almost 100%...)
Getting healthy, not pushing it, hitting the Last of types of workouts, and starting to wonder whether a goal Marathon time faster than current HM time (pace-wise) was a good idea.
Total mileage = 62.25 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 33/55 (60%)

5 Days to Go (IT IS TIME!)
Final week of taper
Total mileage = 50 miles + 16 miles
Number of intervals within pace = 60/63 (95%)

Total scheduled mileage = 1110.2 miles
Total mileage completed = 1100.5 miles
% of scheduled mileage completed = 99.1%
Total scheduled duration = 159:22:25 hours
Total duration completed = 158:05:00 hours
% of scheduled duration completed = 99.2%
Average miles per week completed after recovery phase = 62.1 miles
Average duration per week completed after recovery phase = 8:54 hours
Peak week mileage = 71.1 miles (9/5/16-9/11/16)
Peak week duration = 10:08 hours (9/5/16-9/11/16)
Peak month mileage = 289.4 miles (July 2016)
Peak month duration = 41:43:03 hours
Total Elevation Gain = 34,300 ft
Elevation of Mount Everest = 29,029 ft
Number of intervals within pace = 657/976 (67.3%)
Number of workouts scheduled = 115
Number of workouts missed = 1


Well I put together one of the most aggressive training plans I've ever conceived. I wasn't positive whether I was going to be able to do it. But I was interested to see what would happen when I pushed myself to the max. Overall, a very successful training cycle. I hit on 99.1% of the scheduled mileage and 67.3% of intervals were within either 5 seconds or 10 seconds depending on the workout. The intervals within window was a bit down from the winter/spring cycle mostly because the heat/humidity was intense this summer. Always fun to look back and see how each week unfolded.
That right there is honestly amazing. It is so inspiring to see someone take on a big challenge, and that training schedule you followed is definitely a big challenge!


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