We took the kids to WDW! - All done, Now Bonus features! Festival of Holidays 2/23

She suggested Liberty Tavern and I thought they served a "Buffet at your table" style meal, but it turns out that's only for dinner.

We love LTT for dinner because of the family style serving. Although the toffee cake & crab dip for lunch makes me really tempted to tell DH to have another burger! lol

“tee many Tiki rums”

Bwahahaha! The Zombie Heads were eating your brain cells!

1. What time do we leave the room?

2. What do we do between check out and DME?

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?

6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page

Gah! This one is tough. I love all the furbabies though!!

1. 10:00 am
2. Visit with the guys
3. Cinnamon roll, doll whip, Tonga Toast, and bacon (because bacon makes everything better)
4. Went to one of the bars
5. Superman vs. Batman and Zootopia
6. Tesla
Ooh, we had the crab and lobster dip at LTT, too, and I never hear anyone else talk about it. It was yummy!

I had to remind myself, after reading about your closets, that since you live in CA, you probably don't have a basement. My closets are smaller, and less numerous, but the basement makes up for it.

Aaand...that was a lot of pity points!

I really enjoyed it, you're right, I have not heard it mentioned much. No, our house is on a slab, nothing is getting under there. We can't even install a gray water system.

Yes, that round was a tough one. We surprised everyone!

You are correct that the Tiki Goddess is from Enchanted Tiki Room: Under New Management - I believe she activates to the Uh-Oa but I am not 100% on that.

I'm pretty sure that the Uh-Oa activates her, but I totally can't remember what she did. Must be the rum. :scratchin

We like Carousel of Progress - thanks for the history lesson - I knew it was at Disneyland but didn't know much about it's history of moving. My mom went to the 1964 World's Fair (she was 24 at the time), so she got to see that and It's a Small World there. To me that is one of the few attractions that should stay open forever as an artifact of the history of Disney - though I do think they need to update that last scene every 20 years or so.

I think it definitely needs to stay open, it's classic Walt! But yeah, the last scene becomes dated really fast.

Wow, that is quite the feat!

I was amazed that it was available. I felt bad that they couldn't buy their tickets until 10 days before we left and then they were going to spend a night homeless.

:eek::faint: You have to make sure I'm sitting down before you spring something on me like that!

Don't worry, we made up for it this past weekend!

Well, it still serves it's purpose.

Now that part I did know!

Bonus points for you!

Hooray! :banana::woohoo::cool1:

Oh. Well, I guess that's there, too.

Maybe no bonus points!

Yes, very often!:rotfl:

I can't tell you how many times I've had to boil the water from the well.

No not really.

Heh. Suckers.


Good for you! I'm very proud of you.


That is pretty cool. Maybe not $60 cool, but it is cool.

She did think about it long and hard.

Whew. Now you're back on your game.


Sounds like a perfect dinner to me!

It was perfect for that night.

You were in pretty good company!

10:04 a.m.

More zombie drinks!

Oh, wait--too early for that. Ride the monorail around and shop?

A cinnamon roll. A Dole Whip. Bacon. And french toast.

Wander the Harry Potter stuff at the Universal store.

Aladdin and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Uh...one of the cats.:rolleyes1

Holy crap. That's a lot of felines.
All right. I'll pick Soprano, because it was a good show.


Thank Goodness for pity points! Wow, quite a few of us got none that round

I guess no one expected us to take a detour like that. DHS was in the plan until we got such a late start, besides I wanted to hit Trader Sam's and that was our last chance!

Nice day at MK! I love the Peoplemover and the COP (I am one that really misses "Now is the Time", I remember when they made the change, I was so sad)

I'll have to check out that song, it was already removed the first time I rode it.

Nice Lunch at Liberty Tree, I would like to try to eat there someday for lunch but mainly to try that Ooey Gooey Toffee Cake, the Dinner menu does appeal to me more.

If I had known we would bail on the Boathouse I might have tried that.

1. What time do we leave the room?-----9:30

2. What do we do between check out and DME?-------- shop

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).
--------eggs, bacon, cinnamon roll, english muffin

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?-----update your TRs and general DISing

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they? ---------- Zootopia, The Jungle Book

6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.

Did you see my post on the previous page?

Wow you changed rooms again? I understand about the flight. Some days are much cheaper than others! And staying at the Poly looks like so much fun! Maybe someday I will get to stay there.

Love your cats! They are all so beautiful and healthy looking! I assume they all get along? My cat wouldn't tolerate another cat in his house.

Final Check out Day

1. What time do we leave the room?

2. What do we do between check out and DME?

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?

6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.

1. 6:30 am
2. Kona Cafe
3. Tonga toast, bacon, V-8 and eggs
4. Got a massage
5. Mary Poppins and The Good Dinosaur
6. Tesla
Yes, do tell! Pretty please! Settings...?

ISO 3200, 1/40 of a second, F 1.4 You're lucky, I copied this into the cache on the computer intending to respond on the phone, but I only got the other TR done, so I'm back on the computer and was able to access the specs.

I didn't know that! I always wondered where it'd come from. Thanks!

Glad I could solve a small mystery.

It's a better song. And more catchy...

Not having hears the other, I'd have to agree.

.. so thanks for this. :rolleyes:

Do you know how long it's been in my head? Especially since I actually wrote this update a couple weeks ago.

... and this. :rolleyes: LOL! all day long now.

The mere mention of the attraction launches the song in my brain.

If I'd known about this souvie mug, I might have planned my 'P' drink here.

There is still the opportunity for change!

No doubt!! Holy cow!

Yeah, I'm not used to hard alcohol, mostly wine drinker at home.

I hope you realize how jelly I am over this particular collection.

Well I'm glad you appreciate it. Come to Anaheim and we can start your collection.

1. What time do we leave the room?


2. What do we do between check out and DME?


3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).

Toast, cereal, juice, coffee

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?


5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?

Something Disney, and ??

6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.



Know the kitties, feel special, carry on......:teeth:

You are special! :goodvibes

Wow you changed rooms again? I understand about the flight. Some days are much cheaper than others! And staying at the Poly looks like so much fun! Maybe someday I will get to stay there.

When we booked our airfare, I thought J&A were leaving on the Friday. Plus I didn't have another 135 points to extend our stay in the Bungalow. Plus it gave us the chance to try a studio at the Poly. I'd do it again in a pinch, it was better than other studios as both sides of the bed had a nightstand, but I couldn't do it for a full trip. I'd miss the jacuzzi tub.

Love your cats! They are all so beautiful and healthy looking! I assume they all get along? My cat wouldn't tolerate another cat in his house.

For the most part, yes they get along. The house is big enough that there are "territories". The "grays" as we call them, hang out in the living room/family room area, as does one of the white things. The other white thing, as well as the blacks and whites, whites and blacks and mixed sleep in the bedroom with us at night. Then in the day, a few of them come into the rest of the house with us. Tesla likes to case anyone who will rum from him and he will randomly whap the other kids just to be a jerk. Occasionally small tiffs go on in the family room when one cat is on a cat tree that is perceived by another cat to be "theirs".

1. 6:30 am
2. Kona Cafe
3. Tonga toast, bacon, V-8 and eggs
4. Got a massage
5. Mary Poppins and The Good Dinosaur
6. Tesla


Wow, that was nice and early. I absolutely love the look of the studios at the Polynesian

I like that they have a split bathroom and both sides of the bed have nightstands.

I love this ride and have not done this in far too long. I think this has to go on the list for November.

And it's great that there is hardly ever a line!

I have a reservation there for November. I can't wait.

I really want to try it. Fran, not so much.


That makes this even sweeter.

It pays to know a bit about how the system works!


Shopping and lunch at the Grand Floridian Cafe.

Caramelized Onion Soup Au Gratin; Strawberry Salad; Grand Floridian Burger; Chocolate Fondue

Shopping and catching up online.

The Good Dinosaur and The Revenant


I did!
And now I'm on the first midnight of three.... blech.

So now you're done with your midnight stint?

That's where I saw it!!

::yes:: I steal ideas from the best!

I hear that. My room is occupied for about 6 or 7 hours out of every 24.

I think we were in that room for a good 13 or 14 hours.

Oh, really? Huh. I was under the impression that it was the other way around.

Oh, no pretty much she lets me do whatever I want on vacation or when we go out to Disney. It's at home that I rarely get to do what I want (unless she is asleep).

I wouldn't know. But I'd like to, some day.

Long Beach has somewhat of a history compared to other West Coast cities. From 1902 until 1910 it was the fastest growing city in the US. Our port has been running for over 100 years, so there's lots of old buildings downtown. At least the ones that didn't crumble in the Earthquake of 1933. Even so much of the city was rebuilt in the 30's. There's been several multi-billion dollar redevelopment programs going on over the last 40 years and it's actually a nice destination for tourism. That is if you just want a nice scenic, temperate place to relax with good food, weather and oceans.

I took Kay and was like "See if you remember this song! It was so catchy!" and then.... it wasn't the right one!


I like shrimp deveined, head off as a minimum. I'll gladly peel the rest if I have to, but prefer it nekkid.

I remember when shrimp came without heads, but nothing else done to it. I learned all about deveining and cleaning. Nowadays they have machines that do it for you, but I still check them carefully. Fran got a piece, in a restaurant, a classy one, no less, that still had it's vein. We didn't go back for quite some time, and still we are wary of eating shrimp there.


I knew it!

That sounds interesting. Can't recall that I've ever had something like that before.

I hadn't either, but it was good. I would eat it again.

You guys make a good team, sounds like.

Pretty much.

See? It's a popular glass.

When I was there with Michael earlier in the week, he ordered it for a friend who was buying his drink for the glass.

You're taking all the fun (and the illegality) out of it!

That's me!

I would never ask because
1. you wouldn't let me pay for it and it's $$$
2. it would almost certainly get broken in shipping.
3. if I'm that crazy about it... I'll just go get one in a couple of weeks!

Oh sure, I'd let you pay for it!

They're like magic.

I'll remember that next time I tie one on!

That cinnamon roll picture just made me drool on my keyboard. I want one right now!!!

Too bad you don't have a plan to go there soon. I'm sure you could use the distraction.

Looks like a nice leisurely day. Thanks for the history report on CoP. I knew a lot of the information you shared but I picked up a few new tidbits.

Always glad when I can fill in even the smallest gaps of information.

Sorry lunch at LTT wasn't exactly what you expected. I really like their family style dinner and I don't recall having ever been there for lunch.

No, it was just what we expected! I looked at the menu on my phone before making the reservation. It was great!

I'm jealous that you got to hang out at Trader Sam's twice. I think that was a good call to cancel your dinner reservation and enjoy some drinks and apps there.

Me too!

just another week or two hopefully- I think 38 weeks is considered term (I'm now 39 weeks) and they won't let you go past 41 weeks...I'm def ready for it to be out for sure! We don't know what we are having- not much longer to wait to find out now...
We are pondering a spring WDW trip while I'm still on maternity leave- from what I've read, might be a good age to take a baby

Good luck! I can tell you that @Leshaface has taken her young boys to both DL and WDW and said that they are easier as infants than once they hit 2 years or so.
So now you're done with your midnight stint?

No. One more. I had two in a row, today was off (I soooo expected a call to come in. Didn't happen... Woot! I went out and bought a light meter in celebration) and tonight is my last (for now) midnight. After tonight I have two evening shifts, two day shifts and a midnight and I'm done for three weeks!!!

::yes:: I steal ideas from the best!

:laughing: Me too!

I think we were in that room for a good 13 or 14 hours.

Wait.. in total, or at a stretch?

Oh, no pretty much she lets me do whatever I want on vacation or when we go out to Disney. It's at home that I rarely get to do what I want (unless she is asleep).

Sooo.... you're hoping she's asleep a lot? :lmao:

Long Beach has somewhat of a history compared to other West Coast cities. From 1902 until 1910 it was the fastest growing city in the US. Our port has been running for over 100 years, so there's lots of old buildings downtown. At least the ones that didn't crumble in the Earthquake of 1933. Even so much of the city was rebuilt in the 30's. There's been several multi-billion dollar redevelopment programs going on over the last 40 years and it's actually a nice destination for tourism. That is if you just want a nice scenic, temperate place to relax with good food, weather and oceans.

Thanks for that. I'm pretty sure some day I'll go to take in the Indy. It's on my bucket list at least. As is the Milwaukee Mile and Road America. Heck any of the race venues really. The Milwaukee Mile might be tough since they didn't race there this year. Hopefully they'll go back.

I remember when shrimp came without heads, but nothing else done to it. I learned all about deveining and cleaning.

Ew. Deveining off your plate? No thanks.

Nowadays they have machines that do it for you, but I still check them carefully. Fran got a piece, in a restaurant, a classy one, no less, that still had it's vein. We didn't go back for quite some time, and still we are wary of eating shrimp there.

Yeah, that's something that just shouldn't be missed at a restaurant.

I knew it!


When I was there with Michael earlier in the week, he ordered it for a friend who was buying his drink for the glass.

Not a bad deal.

Oh sure, I'd let you pay for it!

:laughing: Okay, well that still leaves #2 and #3.
Getting my answers in for the final round...
1. left at 7:45 am
2. went to the Grand Floridian resort and Grand Floridian Café for some sustenance
3. all I know is that at one point there was a chocolate fondue with toasted marshmallows, pineapple, strawberries and brownie bites (that's four things right?)
4. made a serious dent in the trip report that we are finishing up
5. Inside Out and Superman vs. Batman
6. Milo
ISO 3200, 1/40 of a second, F 1.4 You're lucky, I copied this into the cache on the computer intending to respond on the phone, but I only got the other TR done, so I'm back on the computer and was able to access the specs.

Thanks, I know the "secret" to dark photos is the high ISO and slow shutter. I don't think my lens will allow that low of an f/stop. Hmmmm.....

There is still the opportunity for change!

Very true!

Yeah, I'm not used to hard alcohol, mostly wine drinker at home.

Me too. If I'm out for dinner or happy hour, I'm a cocktail girl.

Come to Anaheim and we can start your collection.

I am liking this plan!
Negative points? Yikes. I can't have that!

I went with the cop-out guess because I couldn't remember all of the cats' names. I'll go with Pepper.

I can understand that, which I why I gave a tutorial. Recorded.

We love LTT for dinner because of the family style serving. Although the toffee cake & crab dip for lunch makes me really tempted to tell DH to have another burger! lol

With just two of us family style often is a bit too much, but if we were to go with other folks who might like it, the menu sounds good.

Bwahahaha! The Zombie Heads were eating your brain cells!

:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl:

Gah! This one is tough. I love all the furbabies though!!

1. 10:00 am
2. Visit with the guys
3. Cinnamon roll, doll whip, Tonga Toast, and bacon (because bacon makes everything better)
4. Went to one of the bars
5. Superman vs. Batman and Zootopia
6. Tesla


Did you see my post on the previous page?

Yes I did. I replied earlier today. I've been busy this week and got a little bit behind on my replies. Not exactly sure what, I guess spending most of last week at the park really ate into my schedule!
No. One more. I had two in a row, today was off (I soooo expected a call to come in. Didn't happen... Woot! I went out and bought a light meter in celebration) and tonight is my last (for now) midnight. After tonight I have two evening shifts, two day shifts and a midnight and I'm done for three weeks!!!

:banana: Woo-hoo for you!

Wait.. in total, or at a stretch?

In total. We spent probably an hour or so there before we took off to MK, waiting for the bellman to bring the bags and then for Jim and Alberto to come by. You already know we were back in the room before 8PM.

Sooo.... you're hoping she's asleep a lot? :lmao:

Yes and No. Yes because I can do my own stuff while she's alseep, but No because we have a crap ton of stuff that both of us need to do and I can't do it without her. If she sleeps all day, then we have a panic attack at the end of the day trying to get it done.

Thanks for that. I'm pretty sure some day I'll go to take in the Indy. It's on my bucket list at least. As is the Milwaukee Mile and Road America. Heck any of the race venues really. The Milwaukee Mile might be tough since they didn't race there this year. Hopefully they'll go back.

I'm still dumbstruck that you know about the Grand Prix. My BIL who is evidently into NASCAR was like, "There's a race in Long Beach? Must be something local as opposed to National."

Ew. Deveining off your plate? No thanks.

No, no, no! I meant that prior to cooking them I had to learn how to devein them. I don't know about Canada, but in the US most stores now sell the shrimp already deveined, but they don't get the one on the other side, so I still have to get that one.

Yeah, that's something that just shouldn't be missed at a restaurant.

Especially a swanky members only one.

Not a bad deal.

This time around Fran will be drinking one on someone else's tab!

:laughing: Okay, well that still leaves #2 and #3.

We are pretty good about packing things up for shipping (sales on eBay). But if you want it, you can go get it. Just keep in mind the box it comes in is pretty big. If you only take carry on luggage, it may not fit in your suitcase, the box was more than a foot long.

Getting my answers in for the final round...
1. left at 7:45 am
2. went to the Grand Floridian resort and Grand Floridian Café for some sustenance
3. all I know is that at one point there was a chocolate fondue with toasted marshmallows, pineapple, strawberries and brownie bites (that's four things right?)
4. made a serious dent in the trip report that we are finishing up
5. Inside Out and Superman vs. Batman
6. Milo

Who said anything about Final round?


Thanks, I know the "secret" to dark photos is the high ISO and slow shutter. I don't think my lens will allow that low of an f/stop. Hmmmm.....

I call this my "Dark ride lens". It was quite the saga, and I've had it less than a year, though it was originally purchased in late September last year.

Me too. If I'm out for dinner or happy hour, I'm a cocktail girl.

I have my one cocktail before dinner, and then generally switch to wine.

I am liking this plan!

:banana: Woo-hoo for you!

You're not going to believe this.
So I'm finishing up my last bit of my shift this morning when my supervisor walks in.
"Did Joe talk to you about Friday night?"
Uh... no? Apparently, Joe, who's a good friend/co-worker wants to take some time off. I know his DD is going through some stuff right now so it's probably about that. So of course I want to make sure he can get the time off. But that means I'll have to work Friday afternoon from 2:30pm until Saturday morning 7am and go back to work at 2:30 pm that afternoon. I told him to see if there was anything else he could do and call me after 3pm when I should be awake. I wake up at 2 (stupid dog barking) and call him.
"Well, you can either work 16 hours from afternoon til morning, or you can come in Friday morning (at 6:30) and work 16 hours then."

Upshot was that the supervisor said he would work the midnight shift to make sure Joe got his leave... and I said no to the day/evening shift.

I just... can't. I can hardly think straight right now.

Yes and No. Yes because I can do my own stuff while she's alseep, but No because we have a crap ton of stuff that both of us need to do and I can't do it without her. If she sleeps all day, then we have a panic attack at the end of the day trying to get it done.

Life. It's not for the meek.

I'm still dumbstruck that you know about the Grand Prix. My BIL who is evidently into NASCAR was like, "There's a race in Long Beach? Must be something local as opposed to National."

More International actually. Although currently the Indycars only race in two countries, they have in recent years raced in Mexico, Brazil, Japan, England (and I think one other Euro country, don't remember.)
Plus drivers are from several countries as well. USA, Canada, France, Brazil, Russia come to mind.

No, no, no! I meant that prior to cooking them I had to learn how to devein them.

Oh! Okay. Phew.

I don't know about Canada, but in the US most stores now sell the shrimp already deveined, but they don't get the one on the other side, so I still have to get that one.

Here too.

This time around Fran will be drinking one on someone else's tab!

Betcha it'll taste better.

We are pretty good about packing things up for shipping (sales on eBay). But if you want it, you can go get it. Just keep in mind the box it comes in is pretty big. If you only take carry on luggage, it may not fit in your suitcase, the box was more than a foot long.

Okay, thanks for the heads up. Haven't made up my mind one way or the other.
More International actually. Although currently the Indycars only race in two countries, they have in recent years raced in Mexico, Brazil, Japan, England (and I think one other Euro country, don't remember.)
Plus drivers are from several countries as well. USA, Canada, France, Brazil, Russia come to mind.
Yes Toronto is their only international stop now and I watch all series of racing - F1, Indy Car and Nascar so am quite familiar with the Long Beach race. Have been watching it for years. OH and one of our Canadian Indy Car Drivers James Hinchcliffe will be competing in Dancing with the Stars this season.
Now back to your trip report oh and yea for pity/ bonus points. I didn't do too well this round but I am still hanging in there.
Final Check out Day

1. What time do we leave the room?

2. What do we do between check out and DME?
Eat drink and be merry - I don't really know so I will guess - tour the Polynesian resort.

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).
Waffles, bacon, dole whip, pineapple

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?
Prepared your trip report.

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?
Mary Poppins and the Batman vs Superman

6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.
Well still pregnant here...nothing like being over due :charac2:
Better get some answers in! With assistance from the DH- he likes participating now so some of the picks are his contributions

Final Check out Day

1. What time do we leave the room?
2. What do we do between check out and DME?
Have breakfast, finish off last minute shopping
3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).
Tonga Toast, Bacon, Mac Pineapple pancakes, coffee
4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?
Worked on TR
5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?
The Good Dinosaur, Star Wars -TFA (DH picked this one- he's hoping for our little thing to "awaken" and exit!)
6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.
I'm going to go with a white thing- Alto - older cats can really miss their people!
You're not going to believe this.
So I'm finishing up my last bit of my shift this morning when my supervisor walks in.
"Did Joe talk to you about Friday night?"
Uh... no? Apparently, Joe, who's a good friend/co-worker wants to take some time off. I know his DD is going through some stuff right now so it's probably about that. So of course I want to make sure he can get the time off. But that means I'll have to work Friday afternoon from 2:30pm until Saturday morning 7am and go back to work at 2:30 pm that afternoon. I told him to see if there was anything else he could do and call me after 3pm when I should be awake. I wake up at 2 (stupid dog barking) and call him.
"Well, you can either work 16 hours from afternoon til morning, or you can come in Friday morning (at 6:30) and work 16 hours then."

Upshot was that the supervisor said he would work the midnight shift to make sure Joe got his leave... and I said no to the day/evening shift.

That sounds almost as bad as them calling you on vacation!

I just... can't. I can hardly think straight right now.

Hopefully by now you have caught up on your sleep and are all ready for WDW.

Life. It's not for the meek.

You got that right!

More International actually. Although currently the Indycars only race in two countries, they have in recent years raced in Mexico, Brazil, Japan, England (and I think one other Euro country, don't remember.)
Plus drivers are from several countries as well. USA, Canada, France, Brazil, Russia come to mind.

Interesting. As I said, we either try to get out of town, or now that we have a big cushy house on the other side of town we can't even hear the race from our house so we just stay put.

Okay, thanks for the heads up. Haven't made up my mind one way or the other

Have you made your mind up now? We are going to the local one today for a special Halloweentime mug. I hope the drink doesn't have coconut in it.

Yes Toronto is their only international stop now and I watch all series of racing - F1, Indy Car and Nascar so am quite familiar with the Long Beach race. Have been watching it for years. OH and one of our Canadian Indy Car Drivers James Hinchcliffe will be competing in Dancing with the Stars this season.

Huh. Look at all this edumacation that I am getting from folks who don't even live in my area.

Now back to your trip report oh and yea for pity/ bonus points. I didn't do too well this round but I am still hanging in there

Actually you're doing fairly well.

Final Check out Day

1. What time do we leave the room?

2. What do we do between check out and DME?
Eat drink and be merry - I don't really know so I will guess - tour the Polynesian resort.

3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).
Waffles, bacon, dole whip, pineapple

4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?
Prepared your trip report.

5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?
Mary Poppins and the Batman vs Superman

6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.


will be back for a full read and answers/reply :)

Okey dokey!

Well still pregnant here...nothing like being over due :charac2:
Better get some answers in! With assistance from the DH- he likes participating now so

Well hopefully your little one has awakened!

Final Check out Day

1. What time do we leave the room?
2. What do we do between check out and DME?
Have breakfast, finish off last minute shopping
3. What did we eat for our last meal on property? (be specific, there are four items which are worth 10 points each).
Tonga Toast, Bacon, Mac Pineapple pancakes, coffee
4. What did I do at the Airport to kill some time?
Worked on TR
5. I watched two movies on the plane, what were they?
The Good Dinosaur, Star Wars -TFA (DH picked this one- he's hoping for our little thing to "awaken" and exit!)
6. Which cat missed me the most at home? Hint: FB friends might have an advantage on this one. For a complete listing see next page.
I'm going to go with a white thing- Alto - older cats can really miss their people!

Hopefully by now you have caught up on your sleep and are all ready for WDW.

Still a little groggy, but it's getting better.
Having trouble getting to bed early, but still getting up early to drive Kay to school. First week, so...

Interesting. As I said, we either try to get out of town, or now that we have a big cushy house on the other side of town we can't even hear the race from our house so we just stay put.

How far is it from Long Beach to DL?
I'm thinking....... based on all your kind offers....

This is what I'm thinking... Indy race gets me to Long Beach... and then... stay a bit longer for DL?

Have you made your mind up now? We are going to the local one today for a special Halloweentime mug. I hope the drink doesn't have coconut in it.

Yup. If I want it, I'll get it. I assume Trader Sam's is open late (i.e. past park close.)
But... probably not. I wouldn't have a spot for it!
Still a little groggy, but it's getting better.
Having trouble getting to bed early, but still getting up early to drive Kay to school. First week, so...

I always have trouble getting to bed early, but I rarely have be up early for much of anything so that's why I have so much trouble with getting up early when I need to!

How far is it from Long Beach to DL?

Google says 20 miles. Generally it's about 27-32 minutes, but I have made it as quickly as 23 minutes on a day without traffic.

I'm thinking....... based on all your kind offers....

This is what I'm thinking... Indy race gets me to Long Beach... and then... stay a bit longer for DL?

That works. When you go to DL, you'll want to stay nearby, like at one of the Good Neighbor hotels. I will certainly come out during the day to spread pixie dust, but I don't do rope drop when traveling from home. Also I won't be able to keep up late night hours. My idea of a trip to the park is 5-6 hours, even an 8 hour day kills me. That way you be there at rope drop and close the park down.

Yup. If I want it, I'll get it. I assume Trader Sam's is open late (i.e. past park close.)
But... probably not. I wouldn't have a spot for it!

It is pretty big to put in your luggage, unless you have four oversized suitcases!
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I know that there are a lot of folks who are on trips and stuff. There are other folks who have stuff going on. I am giving you the 24 hour notice that I may post the last update.
But don't fret, there is a whole contest that even if you sucked on the whole contest, you might be able to make it up if you are interested in doing research. I have some questions that allow you to make up points if you were paying attention, in fact it is a notes included test. I think thats what we called it back in HS!
While we're waiting for a few more stragglers to chime in on the Contest, I thought I'd share another day trip out to Disneyland that I took almost three weeks ago.

It had been a long long time since we had been out to Disneyland, very possibly, the last time we were there was for the Premiere of Frozen back in May! The Horror! I had DIS friends who were coming into town the third weekend in August and I had arranged to meet them several different days while they were visiting. In fact that week I was at Disney 5 out of 7 days. It has taken me this long to catch up on daily life so that I can post about our exploits!

It turns out that the first day that I went out there was the last day that the Haunted Mansion was going to be open for a while. It was going down the next day to install the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay. I’m a little sick of that, at first it was a cute novelty, but now half the year the attraction is NBC, and that gets a bit tiresome, after however many years they have been doing it. I didn’t bring my dark lens, but I actually got a few shots in there that I haven’t been able to get before. Not the stretching room portraits, but on the ride itself.

After we narrowly avoided becoming the 1000th ghost we hopped over to DCA for a ride on

I won’t spoil anything for those of you who have not been on it, I really enjoyed it, but was missing the old version as soon as we were exiting the ride. What I thought was especially well done was the transitions between the sequences. I can’t wait to ride it again!

After our world travels, we headed over to the Hyperion Theater to see Frozen. Goofy was out in his Sunday finest.

So we made our way over to the theatre.

Skip ahead to where you see food and drinks, if you don’t want to see Frozen spoilers. I didn't capture some of the surprise special effects, but you get a gist of some of the traditional staging in the feature.

They did a great job on the remodeled theater.

The men in the ice fields.

Young Christoph and Sven.

Anna, wanting to build a snowman.

We’re going to have a party!

It’s all fine and dandy until someone wants to get married.

Someone’s chill pill was overreacting!

Anna and Christoph team up to find Elsa and bring her back.

But first Olaf has to bask in the sunlight!

When Christoph realizes that Anna is sick he takes her to visit the Trolls who raised him.

Because her injury was to the heart she needs true love to save her. When the true love she thought she had turned out to be a schmuck, in the end her sister came to her rescue and they saved the kingdom. Even Olaf.

Everyone lived Happily Ever After in Arrendell and it was all hunky dory. I left out some key scenes because there are some really cool scenes that are better left to seeing live. It is a great show with all the effects of a Broadway style show. I’ve said this before, but I don’t want to give away the surprises, but at least wanted to show how cool it was. I’m not going to go see it on my own just to see it, but if any of you come to town, and want to see it, I will try to do my best to get you great seats to see it.

After the show everyone who had been touring all day was ready to chill out and have a few drinks and just relax.

So we hit up a lounge that was nice and close. I got the Diamond Vodka Martini.

@Leshafaces’s DH got the Manhattan with the Diamond Ice cube. He wasn’t happy. If you’ve seen my previous TRs you know that they used to have a spherical ice cube and her DH was totally enthralled with that ice cube.

I had not eaten all day, and by this time I was starving so I ordered this queso with chips. No one else seemed to be hungry and I ended up eating the whole thing myself. It was really hot when it came and I actually burned my mouth on the first bite and it plagued me for almost two weeks after this day! :sad2:

After our first drink with the Diamond Ice Cube Leshaface’s DH wanted his sphere Ice Cube. So he got the bartender to make us some.

The drinks were much better with the Sphere ice cube. I’m hoping that now that the 60th is over they will be back to making the spheres instead of the diamond.

Before we said goodnight, we all took a group photo.



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