Is this realistic?

Sorry that you had a bad morning, but we all do so don't let it get to you. Do what you can and move on.

As for trying again tonight - no harm in trying, but depending on the cause you might face the same problem. Be prepared to bag it if you experience the same pain/cramping.

I am just going to try again tomorrow morning. It will be another early day, but I really want to push through this. Plus I was looking at the 10K Galloway app and it is 13 weeks long! :worried: I am really afraid of not being prepared in October. Heck I'm worried about making the 5k in 2 1/2 weeks!

We all end up with days we just aren't going to do what we set out to get done.

I would definitely look into getting fitted for shoes.

Also make sure you are stretching prior to working out.

I got new shoes before I started running so they probably only have about 15-20 miles on them so far and my feet/knees feel great. I just need to figure out the cramping thing. Lifting my knees higher is helpful and usually will make it so I don't get the cramping at all. Idk what my problem was this morning. As for the stretching, I have not been doing it before my run, but instead doing it after. :confused3
I got new shoes before I started running so they probably only have about 15-20 miles on them so far and my feet/knees feel great. I just need to figure out the cramping thing. Lifting my knees higher is helpful and usually will make it so I don't get the cramping at all. Idk what my problem was this morning. As for the stretching, I have not been doing it before my run, but instead doing it after. :confused3

I wouldn't be too concerned about just one workout, but as this cramping seems to be an ongoing thing, have you thought about going to see a physiotherapist? It might be something that can be easily fixed once you know what's causing it. I don't think lifting your knees higher is necessarily a good fix, as it will be expending much more energy than you need to, plus it increases your risk of other injuries. I have always been taught to stretch after a workout when your muscles are warm, but there's no reason why you couldn't do your warm-up, then stretch, then do the rest of your workout, if you think it might help.

Hang in there!
I'm going to make sure I am hydrated properly before trying to run again tomorrow. I know that I have not been drinking hardly anything so I will see if that makes a difference.

Any suggestions about transitioning from the 5k training to the 10 miler? I was going to do the 10k training but I'm not sure how to mesh it all together because there is not enough time to do it back to back. I run the Color Run on April 6th but my 5k program doesn't officially end until April 20th. The 10k program is 13 weeks and Galloway TOT program is 18 weeks...
I finished W4D2 today and I did get through the whole thing, but I did walk through 2 of my intervals. I didn't want to give up. The cramping was not bad today but I did stop halfway through and do some mild stretching. Then I spent a fair amount of time after I was done stretching as well.

I'm looking into a gym membership that offers classes. I found one between home and work that has ab/core classes and kickboxing which looks like a lot of fun. I'm going to see if any of it meshes with my schedule and talk to my hubby. :)

Starting to worry about the 5k in a couple of weeks even though I know I shouldn't. I could walk the whole thing, but that isn't what I want to do. Making tutus to run in on Sunday. Should be interesting lol.

Hope everyone has a great day! :goodvibes
Any suggestions about transitioning from the 5k training to the 10 miler? I was going to do the 10k training but I'm not sure how to mesh it all together because there is not enough time to do it back to back. I run the Color Run on April 6th but my 5k program doesn't officially end until April 20th. The 10k program is 13 weeks and Galloway TOT program is 18 weeks...

I would finish the 5k program then continue running 3 mile during the week and add a 1/4 mile each week to the weekend run until it is time to start the TOT program.
I would finish the 5k program then continue running 3 mile during the week and add a 1/4 mile each week to the weekend run until it is time to start the TOT program.

I think I did something similar to that when I wrote all the work outs in my calendar. Yes, I wrote them all in and highlighted them so I would feel bad if I stopped training. :faint: Yeah, I'm a little OCD. Or Type A. Whatever you want to call it. lol

In other news, I signed up for the Dirty Girl Run in May yesterday. I know it isn't your typical race, but it looks like so much fun! :cool1:
I think I did something similar to that when I wrote all the work outs in my calendar. Yes, I wrote them all in and highlighted them so I would feel bad if I stopped training. :faint: Yeah, I'm a little OCD. Or Type A. Whatever you want to call it. lol

I am the same OCD Type A person. I had printed out a plan for all my runs from January through Wine & Dine. Then decided it wasn't going to be a good plan unless I interested in an injury. So I redid it and printed it out again. Now that I need to find a 10k for W&D I might redo my plans again. LOL
I am the same OCD Type A person. I had printed out a plan for all my runs from January through Wine & Dine. Then decided it wasn't going to be a good plan unless I interested in an injury. So I redid it and printed it out again. Now that I need to find a 10k for W&D I might redo my plans again. LOL

I set up my training programs in spreadsheets. I think that everyone who is serious about a training goal does something similar. To have success in running, you have to have a plan, and you have to stick to it.
I am the same OCD Type A person. I had printed out a plan for all my runs from January through Wine & Dine. Then decided it wasn't going to be a good plan unless I interested in an injury. So I redid it and printed it out again. Now that I need to find a 10k for W&D I might redo my plans again. LOL

I set up my training programs in spreadsheets. I think that everyone who is serious about a training goal does something similar. To have success in running, you have to have a plan, and you have to stick to it.

Well then I guess I fit right in! :goodvibes

Today I did W4D3 and survived! I went 2.25 miles! :cool1: I had some cramping issues in the first mile but I kind of got mad and just decided to push through. I avoided looking at my time or distance but when I finally did I had hit 1.6 miles and just decided that I WAS going to do this. Then the cramping went away and I felt good! At the end I was running out of energy, but I did it!! First 5k in 2 weeks. :goodvibes
My husband told me tonight that he wants to be there with the kids when I cross the finish line. :cool1: That means more to me than he will ever know! :cloud9: W5D1 tomorrow morning!

Yesterday I met the girls that I will be doing the color run with. We made shirts and tutus. I'm not too sure about the tutus, but I figure that at the least I will cover my bottom! :rotfl:
I got information on the Color Run in my email last night. :) I'm excited to pick up my stuff next Friday. 10 days to go! :cool1:

I'm starting to notice the positive effects of working out in my every day life. I'm less tired, less short of breath when I'm rushing (or speed walking to my kids' orthodontic appts because we are late!). I feel strong and a bit more confident in general. The changes aren't visible and I haven't lost much weight but for me that is not all that this is about. I want to be in control of my life again. So here I am. Tomorrow is W5D2... :thumbsup2
W5D2 complete and no cramping! :cool1: I think I'm ready to add in more cross training because doing Jillian's 30 day Shred did not affect my run. So for now I am going to keep running 3 times a week and do one day of 30 Day Shred. Eventually I will up it to 2 days and then I will have 2 rest days a week. I'm looking forward to seeing the differences in my shape soon! :goodvibes I'm happy to say that my short runs are up to a mile+ now when a month ago I couldn't even go a mile at all! :thumbsup2
Question about how to push myself harder and improve altogether. I am using Galloway's program so I am doing intervals. my intervals are very short. 20s run and 40s walk. :eek: Speed is very slow. 2.5-3 mph for the walk and 3.7-4.3 mph for the run portion. My question is, do I try to lengthen my intervals and keep the speed the same? Or do I keep my intervals the same and bump up the speed? Does it even matter which I do first?

W5D3 = 2.7 miles for me! :) Next Sunday is my first 5k. Now I feel like I can do it. I've noticed that the first mile is the hardest for me but once I get past that things seem to settle into a good rhythm and I don't have any pain and my breathing settles into a nice rhythm. It's so funny because when I played soccer in high school I hated running and could never run any distance. And I was much smaller then! Now, I'm enjoying myself. :goodvibes
I would work on trying to increase your speed a little bit before moving to longer strides. Like having your run at 4.6 to 4.7 and the walk to a 3.5.

Good luck on your 5k on Saturday!
I would work on trying to increase your speed a little bit before moving to longer strides. Like having your run at 4.6 to 4.7 and the walk to a 3.5.

Good luck on your 5k on Saturday!

Thanks! I will give that a try. I just want to progress, with speed and the length of my intervals. I don't want to run 10 miles in October with such short intervals. But I also need to stay in front of the balloon ladies... lol

Since I am going to be running a 5k this weekend and then a 10k (hopefully) in 2 more months I'm planning to end my Galloway 5k training with the race. Then I am going to start with his 10k training program. That will get me to week 8 (out of 13) before the 10k. Then I will focus on the TOT 10 miler training from the beginning of June to the TOT race. Does that sound reasonable? I will still have about 18 weeks to specifically train for TOT.
I bumped up the speed today and I had cramping for the first time in a couple of weeks. So I think for me it is caused by going faster than my body is prepared for. I ended up cutting my run short but my heart wasn't into it. It was my ADR day so all I could think of was getting my reservations at 6! Lol. I will put more effort in on Friday.
I'm having pain on the top of my left foot where it meets my lower leg. It feels bruised but doesn't look bruised. Idk what happened. It did not hurt until a full 24 hours after my run so I don't think it is related to that. Hopefully it won't interfere with my 5k on Sunday. I'm starting to get a little anxious and am wondering if I can really do this. :scared: I know I did almost 3 miles on the treadmill but I haven't run outside yet. Erf.

Yesterday I did the 30 day shred and I'm feeling it a little bit today. Then in the afternoon my son wanted to ride his bike on the road so off we went. The dog and I walked and he rode. We went a full mile and it was a great day for it!

Other good news; I asked my kids if they wanted to start running with me and do a couple of 5ks this summer and they were excited. I explained what it meant and they were all for it. Then my HUSBAND said that maybe the 5k in August could be a FAMILY 5k! That's huge. I'm really hoping he means it. :banana:

Tomorrow is my last day of training before the race. :scared1:
The top of my left foot is still swollen today and feels sore. I ended up skipping my run this morning because I want to be sure I can do the 5k this Sunday. That kind of bummed me out. I put an ace wrap on it this morning and I'm going to ask the doctor here when she gets in what she thinks. I don't even know what I did. :confused3
Take care of your foot today. At least on Sunday you will be able to walk most of it if you need to :)
Take care of your foot today. At least on Sunday you will be able to walk most of it if you need to :)

I could walk it, but I didn't get up at 5 am for 6 weeks to walk! :rotfl: I spoke with the doc today and she said tendonitis. Sooo... I guess the ace wrap will be a permanent part of my wardrobe for a while. Going to load up on ibuprofen for the race and ice it before and after. Hopefully that will hold me. She said it is because of the way I am holding my foot while I run. Time to learn new form. :worried:


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