Is this realistic?

I'm coming to the conclusion that I don't like to run, but I *want* to like to run. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. But I want to be able to do it and not feel foolish doing it. Idk. Thoughts like that are why I have my music. I would torture myself with crazy thinking otherwise.

I feel the same exact way. I really want to zone out and be one with the universe when I run and all but I just can't shut off like that.
I'm coming to the conclusion that I don't like to run, but I *want* to like to run. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. But I want to be able to do it and not feel foolish doing it. Idk. Thoughts like that are why I have my music. I would torture myself with crazy thinking otherwise.

I find I can zone out outside better than the treadmill. When I've been running to the dead end of my street and around to the main road, I can zone out by focusing on the driveways - like I'm going to run between 2 to 3 driveways then I get to walk one or two (depends on the distance as it isn't regular in anyway) When I was running to the gym, I focus on the cars driving by or the light poles. It helps push the negative thoughts out.

Whats on your playlist? I find the certain types of music works better for me while running. (The Divergent Soundtrack or Ke$ha or overall 'house' club type music)
I feel the same exact way. I really want to zone out and be one with the universe when I run and all but I just can't shut off like that.

My brain never stops. Sometimes I really wish there was a mute button! I'm just looking forward to the day when physically I can be a little more on autopilot and not have to focus so much on the act of running.

I find I can zone out outside better than the treadmill. When I've been running to the dead end of my street and around to the main road, I can zone out by focusing on the driveways - like I'm going to run between 2 to 3 driveways then I get to walk one or two (depends on the distance as it isn't regular in anyway) When I was running to the gym, I focus on the cars driving by or the light poles. It helps push the negative thoughts out.

Whats on your playlist? I find the certain types of music works better for me while running. (The Divergent Soundtrack or Ke$ha or overall 'house' club type music)

On the treadmill I cheat. I have ear buds in with music and Jeff Galloway and I have the tv on mute so I can watch a program. The combination lets me drift off mentally away from what I am doing. For some reason my breathing is much more even and I find it much easier to find my rhythm. Outside I live in a rural area so there is not too much to look at other than fields and a few spaced out houses. My playlist is generally upbeat music but comes from a variety of types of music. Happy, the theme from Rocky, SexyBack, Stronger, Fighter, Raise Your Glass... songs that keep me moving and make me smile. I tried to specifically pick ones that have a good beat.

I remeasured the distance I ran today and it was actually 1.4 miles so that makes me feel a little better. I just need to get out there and do it more. Hopefully that will make it easier. So my new goal is to run outside twice a week and inside once. I don't know how realistic that is with my work schedule but I am going to try. :crazy2:
Well I broke down today and went to one of those walk in orthopedic places. The PA did x-rays and she said that she sees a spot on my x-ray that is exactly where it hurts. So of course she puts her thumb in it and pushes. :scared1: She tells me that she is not sure what it is because you normally can't see stress fractures on x-ray. She starts talking about non-weight bearing and a boot and all I could think was "oh bleep! I have Dirty Girl in 1 1/2 weeks." :sad1: She said I don't have to wear the boot right now because it is feeling better. But no running/walking. I have a MRI for my foot scheduled for Friday morning. I'm hoping that it is nothing, but I have a feeling that I will be in a boot by the end of the week. So I'm wondering if I am even going to be able to try to do a qualifying race before Disney or not. The latest one I have found was in the middle of June and that was a 10k.
Well I broke down today and went to one of those walk in orthopedic places. The PA did x-rays and she said that she sees a spot on my x-ray that is exactly where it hurts. So of course she puts her thumb in it and pushes. :scared1: She tells me that she is not sure what it is because you normally can't see stress fractures on x-ray. She starts talking about non-weight bearing and a boot and all I could think was "oh bleep! I have Dirty Girl in 1 1/2 weeks." :sad1: She said I don't have to wear the boot right now because it is feeling better. But no running/walking. I have a MRI for my foot scheduled for Friday morning. I'm hoping that it is nothing, but I have a feeling that I will be in a boot by the end of the week. So I'm wondering if I am even going to be able to try to do a qualifying race before Disney or not. The latest one I have found was in the middle of June and that was a 10k.
Oh no! I hope you get an answer from the MRI.
I was in a boot after Princess last year and I will say it helped. I know there is also a kind of boot you can sleep in that helps. Keep us updated!
Well I broke down today and went to one of those walk in orthopedic places. The PA did x-rays and she said that she sees a spot on my x-ray that is exactly where it hurts. So of course she puts her thumb in it and pushes. :scared1: She tells me that she is not sure what it is because you normally can't see stress fractures on x-ray. She starts talking about non-weight bearing and a boot and all I could think was "oh bleep! I have Dirty Girl in 1 1/2 weeks." :sad1: She said I don't have to wear the boot right now because it is feeling better. But no running/walking. I have a MRI for my foot scheduled for Friday morning. I'm hoping that it is nothing, but I have a feeling that I will be in a boot by the end of the week. So I'm wondering if I am even going to be able to try to do a qualifying race before Disney or not. The latest one I have found was in the middle of June and that was a 10k.

At least you know you have something going on & can make the moves to start dealing with it. Hopefully you'll get all the answers from the MRI!
I couldn't sleep last night so I spent the night thinking of this might mess up my plans for the next couple of months. :headache: No running, no riding my motorcycle, having to use crutches in DC for my son's school trip... Blah. I need a new direction for my thoughts. So here is my question: What kinds of exercises can I do that would be considered non-weight bearing? The only thing I can think of is weight training.
I couldn't sleep last night so I spent the night thinking of this might mess up my plans for the next couple of months. :headache: No running, no riding my motorcycle, having to use crutches in DC for my son's school trip... Blah. I need a new direction for my thoughts. So here is my question: What kinds of exercises can I do that would be considered non-weight bearing? The only thing I can think of is weight training.

Swimming is great. You get a lot of muscle workout without the weight bearing on your foot. Do you have access to a pool?
Swimming is great. You get a lot of muscle workout without the weight bearing on your foot. Do you have access to a pool?

I don't. I know there is an aqua-fit class nearby but I'm pretty sure it conflicts with my work schedule. I will have to do some digging.
Sorry to hear about your set-back. My Mum got a stress fracture when she started training for a half ironman. She was obviously able to continue her swimming training. She was also still allowed to do cycling training, she just had to back off on the hills. And for her running training, she was allowed to use the cross trainer. It was a big ask, but with the alternative training she managed to recover from the stress fracture and complete the event, and ran the whole 21km. Obviously it depends on your own circumstances. Can you ask your doctor about what sort of exercise you can do while you heal?
StayCool- I just found this thread today and I love it. There were so many things to comment on. As for your most recent news, get a bike. You can get many benefits to help toward your goal and it is non-impact.

I also signed up for the ToT this year. I hate running but I knew if I got to go to Disney as a reward for accomplishing this goal I would stick to it. I also have the calf issues you were talking about a while back. For me it is how I run. I am a toe runner so all the impact is on my lower legs as opposed to my knees (which still hurt but only because I have tendinitis).

I had 50-60 lbs to lose when I started so while it is not the 100 you said you were overweight, it is still a decent amount. But, I know we can do this.

The Endurox R4 someone mentioned before, it works great. I have been using it for years, ever since I first did P90X a few years ago.

If you aren't wearing a heartrate monitor, I would start. I saw it discussed earlier. I used to have an elliptical machine and I thought I was working hard but when I got my HRM and saw how hard I was working I saw that I wasn't really. Getting in your target heart rate is the most efficient and effective way to lose weight.

Back to the bike. Riding my bike has made a huge difference in my conditioning. You can do sprints on the bike. Climbing hills on the bike is just hard hard as running. Your legs will get super strong from it. I like it so much more than running. I know it is more money but I think it will keep you on pace for your goals. I paid less than $250 for my bike at Walmart last year. Its just a suggestion that has worked for me.

Also, there is a thread in the event section for the 2014 ToT race. Lots of helpful, and supportive people there if you haven't checked it out yet.
Sorry to hear about your set-back. My Mum got a stress fracture when she started training for a half ironman. She was obviously able to continue her swimming training. She was also still allowed to do cycling training, she just had to back off on the hills. And for her running training, she was allowed to use the cross trainer. It was a big ask, but with the alternative training she managed to recover from the stress fracture and complete the event, and ran the whole 21km. Obviously it depends on your own circumstances. Can you ask your doctor about what sort of exercise you can do while you heal?

I will ask and see what they recommend. At this point she pretty much told me to just stay off of it.

StayCool- I just found this thread today and I love it. There were so many things to comment on. As for your most recent news, get a bike. You can get many benefits to help toward your goal and it is non-impact.

If you aren't wearing a heartrate monitor, I would start. I saw it discussed earlier. I used to have an elliptical machine and I thought I was working hard but when I got my HRM and saw how hard I was working I saw that I wasn't really. Getting in your target heart rate is the most efficient and effective way to lose weight.

Back to the bike. Riding my bike has made a huge difference in my conditioning. You can do sprints on the bike. Climbing hills on the bike is just hard hard as running. Your legs will get super strong from it. I like it so much more than running. I know it is more money but I think it will keep you on pace for your goals. I paid less than $250 for my bike at Walmart last year. Its just a suggestion that has worked for me.

Also, there is a thread in the event section for the 2014 ToT race. Lots of helpful, and supportive people there if you haven't checked it out yet.

I had a HRM but it broke and I just have not replaced it. I was using the calories burned to calculate points for WW. I miss it. But I paid a lot of money for the stupid thing and it stopped communicating with the watch. :confused3
I do lurk on a lot of the training threads. :) I've gotten a lot of good ideas and it makes me feel better that I'm not alone in this journey. As far as the bike, I no longer own one. I did, but I really didn't use it much so I sold it. I may look into it again if that is all I can do for now though.

So this morning I got a call from the ortho office that my insurance has not approved the MRI yet so they cancelled my appointment for tomorrow and rescheduled me for a week from now. :( I really wanted to just get it done so I could move on. Now I don't know if I should just get the boot and use it until then or not. I don't want to do more damage. I did call and leave a message so hopefully they will call me and let me know. I spent all of yesterday with my foot up for the most part. I think I was in denial because now I'm noticing how much it actually does hurt. :headache: I was just willing it not to before. lol
I had a HRM but it broke and I just have not replaced it. I was using the calories burned to calculate points for WW. I miss it. But I paid a lot of money for the stupid thing and it stopped communicating with the watch. :confused3
I do lurk on a lot of the training threads. :) I've gotten a lot of good ideas and it makes me feel better that I'm not alone in this journey. As far as the bike, I no longer own one. I did, but I really didn't use it much so I sold it. I may look into it again if that is all I can do for now though.

So this morning I got a call from the ortho office that my insurance has not approved the MRI yet so they cancelled my appointment for tomorrow and rescheduled me for a week from now. :( I really wanted to just get it done so I could move on. Now I don't know if I should just get the boot and use it until then or not. I don't want to do more damage. I did call and leave a message so hopefully they will call me and let me know. I spent all of yesterday with my foot up for the most part. I think I was in denial because now I'm noticing how much it actually does hurt. :headache: I was just willing it not to before. lol

What kind of HRM do you have? Yes, they are pretty expensive. It might just need a new battery. I have to replace mine every 8-12 months depending on how much I use it. I bought a Reebok just for that purpose because I can replace the battery here at home in a minute. Some brands, like Polar, have to be sent to the factory to replace the battery. That is kind of a pain in the butt.

You are not alone in your journey at all. I struggle everyday to keep going. I was doing great but I keep having little roadblocks. I am just not giving up this time. Like you, I want this to be a lifestyle, not just a phase I am going through. I can't tell you how many times I have tried to talk myself into quitting but didn't because I have committed some money to this trip in October and I am not coming home without the medal from crossing the finish line.

I was the same with the bike. I had one that sat in my shed for over 10 years. I finally got it out. At first I couldn't do 2 miles on my BIKE without feeling like I would die. The other day I did 19.67 miles and only had to stop because I was getting light-headed because it was lunch time. Now I can run 4 miles and it doesn't wipe me out for the whole day. It gets me more energized for my day. All of it started with the bike. Not saying go buy one today, but if this injury keeps you from running, the bike can help you keep you working toward your goals until you can get back to running. I have actually been alternating my runs and bike rides because they work different parts of my legs so I don't need to take a day off on my conditioning, until mother nature tells me I need to take a day off that is.

Gotta love insurance companies. They are never late collecting their money but drag their feet when it's their turn to step up.

I just hope you keep with the positive attitude and don't let these minor setbacks get you down. When you are healthy, and in shape a year from now this will just have been a hurdle that made you stronger along the way.
I am also running the 10 miler!!!
I'm not over weight, but I do have Cystic Fibrosis and i've been having a lot of bad lung problems lately.
If motivation is your problem I can totally relate! I have a hard time keeping a good training schedule and getting the results i need.
I have some advice though! If you have an extra 15 minutes a day create a blog to track your training schedule, and find other people to follow and support. It will be like a little support group :)
If you ever need motivation you can always come find me and give me a little message!
I also have a blog it's only got a couple posts but if you want to give it a look see

best of luck to you! You can do it!
I have a HRM that came with my Garmin that I have never used and probably never will. Not sure if it's compatible with what you've got, but I'd be happy to send it to you if you think it would help?

From what I understand about stress fractures (mainly from what my Mum went through with hers), they are quite resilient because they're so tiny and everything is all still in place. Obviously with all injuries the more you can rest it the better, but they do tend to heal anyway, as long as you're not trying to keep doing high impact activities. I would just listen to your body and avoid doing things that cause you pain. I don't think a boot would be necessary, but if you're worried about overdoing it, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt.
What kind of HRM do you have? Yes, they are pretty expensive. It might just need a new battery. I have to replace mine every 8-12 months depending on how much I use it.

I can't tell you how many times I have tried to talk myself into quitting but didn't because I have committed some money to this trip in October and I am not coming home without the medal from crossing the finish line.

I was the same with the bike. I had one that sat in my shed for over 10 years. I finally got it out. At first I couldn't do 2 miles on my BIKE without feeling like I would die. The other day I did 19.67 miles and only had to stop because I was getting light-headed because it was lunch time. Now I can run 4 miles and it doesn't wipe me out for the whole day. It gets me more energized for my day. All of it started with the bike. Not saying go buy one today, but if this injury keeps you from running, the bike can help you keep you working toward your goals until you can get back to running. I have actually been alternating my runs and bike rides because they work different parts of my legs so I don't need to take a day off on my conditioning, until mother nature tells me I need to take a day off that is.

It was a Polar FT4 I think. Idk. I replaced the batteries in the watch and the HRM sensor and it worked for about 1 minute and then stopped again. I will say that spending the money has definitely made me work harder. To just sign up for the race was probably the best piece of advice I could have gotten.

I am also running the 10 miler!!!
I'm not over weight, but I do have Cystic Fibrosis and i've been having a lot of bad lung problems lately.
If motivation is your problem I can totally relate! I have a hard time keeping a good training schedule and getting the results i need.
I have some advice though! If you have an extra 15 minutes a day create a blog to track your training schedule, and find other people to follow and support. It will be like a little support group :)
If you ever need motivation you can always come find me and give me a little message!
I also have a blog it's only got a couple posts but if you want to give it a look see

best of luck to you! You can do it!

Wow, CF. You are awesome! :worship: I've got asthma and there are days I struggle but that doesn't even compare. You rock!

I have kind of turned this thread into my blog. lol It started because I had a lot of questions, but then I used it to just track my progress and emotions. I look to see how many times it has been read and it seems that a lot of people are checking it out. I figure that if my struggle helps even one other person start this same journey, then I'm doing something good. Even though I probably make myself sound crazy. :laughing: I will check out your blog.

I have a HRM that came with my Garmin that I have never used and probably never will. Not sure if it's compatible with what you've got, but I'd be happy to send it to you if you think it would help?

From what I understand about stress fractures (mainly from what my Mum went through with hers), they are quite resilient because they're so tiny and everything is all still in place. Obviously with all injuries the more you can rest it the better, but they do tend to heal anyway, as long as you're not trying to keep doing high impact activities. I would just listen to your body and avoid doing things that cause you pain. I don't think a boot would be necessary, but if you're worried about overdoing it, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt.

I'm ok without the HRM for now. I think it is probably going to be a month or so before I'm going to get back in the swing of things unfortunately. I called the ortho office today and they recommended that I get the boot since it is going to be another week before I get my MRI. So right now I am thinking better safe than sorry. If it will help me heal faster, then I will do it.
I miss having something to post. :worried: I've been wearing the boot since Friday and it is really annoying the crap out of me. It is slowing me down which is making me not want to move and round and round I go. My MRI is on Thursday, so hopefully I will have answers by Friday. Dirty Girl is on Sunday but it looks like I will just be going to cheer on my friend. I'm really bummed that I am not going to be able to move on into the 10k program and will most likely have to repeat my 5k program. I am nervous that I just won't be ready in October! :eek:
I miss having something to post. :worried: I've been wearing the boot since Friday and it is really annoying the crap out of me. It is slowing me down which is making me not want to move and round and round I go. My MRI is on Thursday, so hopefully I will have answers by Friday. Dirty Girl is on Sunday but it looks like I will just be going to cheer on my friend. I'm really bummed that I am not going to be able to move on into the 10k program and will most likely have to repeat my 5k program. I am nervous that I just won't be ready in October! :eek:

Hi! I've been following your thread and just wanted to say I started training for a 10-mile in Philly on March 1--just about two months before the race. I haven't run since high school--which is 20 years ago at this point. Anyway, I worked my way through the 5K Runner app and 10K Runner app rather quickly, but I've done every workout.

I was about 20-25 lbs over the weight I wanted to be at, but I've lost 11 lbs already and feel really strong going into the race. So, I'm sure once you are out of the boot, you can do it! I will say I really bunched up my running/walking in the beginning, which was good because now I'm at the run 50 minutes part, and I'm having to go to every other day now. Good luck!
I miss having something to post. :worried: I've been wearing the boot since Friday and it is really annoying the crap out of me. It is slowing me down which is making me not want to move and round and round I go. My MRI is on Thursday, so hopefully I will have answers by Friday. Dirty Girl is on Sunday but it looks like I will just be going to cheer on my friend. I'm really bummed that I am not going to be able to move on into the 10k program and will most likely have to repeat my 5k program. I am nervous that I just won't be ready in October! :eek:

Training plans are only just starting for the DL half marathon weekend in August, I think you'll be fine :thumbsup2 Even if you have to repeat the 5k program, you'll probably get through it a bit quicker now that you have a bit of a base. Plus, you want to make sure you don't peak too early either!
I miss having something to post. :worried: I've been wearing the boot since Friday and it is really annoying the crap out of me. It is slowing me down which is making me not want to move and round and round I go. My MRI is on Thursday, so hopefully I will have answers by Friday. Dirty Girl is on Sunday but it looks like I will just be going to cheer on my friend. I'm really bummed that I am not going to be able to move on into the 10k program and will most likely have to repeat my 5k program. I am nervous that I just won't be ready in October! :eek:

The original training plan I was going to use for the ToT is for a 1/2 marathon (My APP doesn't have a plan for 10 miles so I went for the 1/2 figuring the better shape I was in the better chance I'd have to finish.) Anyway, it starts on 5/4 and ends in August and that is for 13.1 miles. Some other things to consider. You have more time than that. You have done some work already. You have a shorter distance to run. And, I'm not sure if you watch the Biggest Loser but the people who make it to the end run a FULL MARATHON and that is within 3-4 months of starting the show. Now, they have trainers, and doctors, etc... But, I bring it up because it is possible.

I have no doubt that if you don't have a major injury that keeps you out of the race that you will be able to finish it. The positive attitude you had since the beginning of the thread will pull you through. It is what caused me to respond to the thread.

If you find out you can't run for a while strongly consider the bike idea I mentioned (assuming the doctor says that OK). It will build your endurance and strengthen the legs until you are able to start running again.

Let us know how the MRI goes.


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