Is this realistic?

They are calling for temps in the 20's tomorrow morning. Yikes. I will *have* to run just to stay warm!!
Today was the 5k. I finished it in 51:52 so about 18 minutes/mile. I was pretty disappointed in myself today but I learned a lot. And as my hubby so thoughtfully pointed out, I finished and it was something I had never done before.

So what did I learn?
-No running partners. My friend and I were going to go together and she ended up being much fast than me. I tried to keep up in the beginning and it made me feel awful.
-Stay warm before starting. It was 20 degrees out. I was warmed up and then we had the walk to the starting line and I got cold again. :( My legs instantly cramped as soon as I started walking.
-I need to run outside at least once a week. Treadmill running does not equal outside running.
-Don't give up. I was pretty upset from the start as soon as my legs cramped. My attitude was awful until my husband pretty much told me to stop taking it so seriously.
-Bring my music. It helps me get out of my head and right now I need that.

I don't know why I thought it would be so much better. I pretty much overestimated myself and thought that running on the treadmill would prepare me more than it did.

Ultimately I did have fun and it was cool to see everyone all dressed up. They said there was 5500 people running today. It gave me an idea of how it is going to be in October and kind of what to expect. I'm taking Tuesday off to give my foot some more time to recover, but I am going to try to run a mile on Wednesday *outside*.
Today was the 5k. I finished it in 51:52 so about 18 minutes/mile. I was pretty disappointed in myself today but I learned a lot. And as my hubby so thoughtfully pointed out, I finished and it was something I had never done before. So what did I learn? -No running partners. My friend and I were going to go together and she ended up being much fast than me. I tried to keep up in the beginning and it made me feel awful. -Stay warm before starting. It was 20 degrees out. I was warmed up and then we had the walk to the starting line and I got cold again. :( My legs instantly cramped as soon as I started walking. -I need to run outside at least once a week. Treadmill running does not equal outside running. -Don't give up. I was pretty upset from the start as soon as my legs cramped. My attitude was awful until my husband pretty much told me to stop taking it so seriously. -Bring my music. It helps me get out of my head and right now I need that. I don't know why I thought it would be so much better. I pretty much overestimated myself and thought that running on the treadmill would prepare me more than it did. Ultimately I did have fun and it was cool to see everyone all dressed up. They said there was 5500 people running today. It gave me an idea of how it is going to be in October and kind of what to expect. I'm taking Tuesday off to give my foot some more time to recover, but I am going to try to run a mile on Wednesday *outside*.

Every finish is a win! Good job today! Can't wait for October and all the awesome costumes
Every finish is a win! Good job today! Can't wait for October and all the awesome costumes

You are totally right! I need to remember that 6 weeks ago I could not have done this as well as I did today. Progress is progress and I have 6 months to improve. I need to stop expecting so much out of myself and just stick with the plan. ::yes::

But, I did forget that Wednesday I will be on my way to Boston for a conference so probably no running until Friday and I'm thinking that is probably a good thing. :rolleyes2
You finished so thats awesome! It also helped you learn a lot before your next race.

When is your next race?
You finished so thats awesome! It also helped you learn a lot before your next race.

When is your next race?

My next "race" is a Dirty Girl mud run in a month. I'm looking to just go have a good time with this. I haven't signed up for any more races after that except TOT in October. I'm hoping to be ready to run a 10k in the beginning of June so I can at least submit a time. That will likely be the longest race that I will run before TOT.

So, I'm thinking that I need more arch support and that is what is causing my pain instead of tendonitis. Maybe both. But my foot is swollen today and it is on the top of my foot above the center of my arch. I'm going to take it easy for this week (going to be out of town anyway), and then see how it goes on Sunday.
I did a mud race and let me warn you: injuries are common. I saw lots of runners limping/cut etc. please be careful and stay safe!
I did a mud race and let me warn you: injuries are common. I saw lots of runners limping/cut etc. please be careful and stay safe!

Thanks for the warning. I'm really just doing it for the experience, so I will be sure to take it easy.

Right now I'm mapping out what race to run for submission to Disney. I do not want to be in the corral if I can help it. I have 2 choices... One on June 7th and the other on June 14th and both of them are 10k's. I'm leaning toward the second one because, 1-it looks like more fun and 2- it gives me another week to train. I have no illusion that I will suddenly run less than a 16 minute mile but I do want to finish it. How does submitting a time work? Do I find out at the race what my time is?
Thanks for the warning. I'm really just doing it for the experience, so I will be sure to take it easy.

Right now I'm mapping out what race to run for submission to Disney. I do not want to be in the corral if I can help it. I have 2 choices... One on June 7th and the other on June 14th and both of them are 10k's. I'm leaning toward the second one because, 1-it looks like more fun and 2- it gives me another week to train. I have no illusion that I will suddenly run less than a 16 minute mile but I do want to finish it. How does submitting a time work? Do I find out at the race what my time is?

I just started reading your thread and congrats on how far you've come since you began the thread! I just started running in earnest this year and ToT is going to be my first Disney race as well. As far as the timing, at the local races I've done there is usually a clock of some sort showing the time when you cross the finish line so you have some idea of your time. The official results are generally available online later that day. The clock at the finish is based on when the first runner crossed the start line. So if it's a bigger race where there is a lot of time between the first runner starting and later runners starting, the clock time is not necessarily accurate. Those races generally have chip timing for the official times. I always go by the official times that are published online.
I just started reading your thread and congrats on how far you've come since you began the thread! I just started running in earnest this year and ToT is going to be my first Disney race as well. As far as the timing, at the local races I've done there is usually a clock of some sort showing the time when you cross the finish line so you have some idea of your time. The official results are generally available online later that day. The clock at the finish is based on when the first runner crossed the start line. So if it's a bigger race where there is a lot of time between the first runner starting and later runners starting, the clock time is not necessarily accurate. Those races generally have chip timing for the official times. I always go by the official times that are published online.

Thanks! :thumbsup2

So my friend that I ran with yesterday had a great race. Now she is super excited to set up more races. lol I have a built in race buddy now. She spent a lot of her morning looking at all the races this summer that we could do. She found a Returning Warrior 10 miler in November that she really wants to do. Both of our husbands are veterans so it would mean a lot to us. So that went in the calendar! :banana: I'm glad to see it is going to go past my Disney race. :goodvibes
Today is supposed to be one of my running days. I am skipping it and thankfully my foot is feeling better today. I am feeling very antsy about not being able to exercise though. Every time I hear a song from my running play list I get the itch to run anyway. lol Guess that is a good thing. I don't think I am going to wait until Sunday though. I might use the gym at the hotel on Friday and start with a walk and see how it goes.
So glad I found this thread! :wave2:

I wanted to get your opinion! Do you think 25 year old (me!) who hasn't run much in almost a year and NEVER ran more than a 5K in the past - would be able to do the Glass Slipper Challenge (Sat - 10K; Sun - Half Marathon) in February 2015????!
So glad I found this thread! :wave2:

I wanted to get your opinion! Do you think 25 year old (me!) who hasn't run much in almost a year and NEVER ran more than a 5K in the past - would be able to do the Glass Slipper Challenge (Sat - 10K; Sun - Half Marathon) in February 2015????!

I would think that if you are dedicated you could do it. I'm 10 years older than you and overweight and I'm going to stick with it. It would depend on if you have any serious medical conditions, but if you are just out of shape you should be fine. :) I would definitely plan some races this summer and fall though! Good luck!:thumbsup2
So the good news is that my foot did not swell at all today! :cool1: It is still sore though. Other good news is that I found inserts today. I walked around in them this evening for a little while in my running shoes and they felt amazing! :thumbsup2 So I may try a quick run tomorrow morning to see how I feel. :goodvibes I'm excited.
So the good news is that my foot did not swell at all today! :cool1: It is still sore though. Other good news is that I found inserts today. I walked around in them this evening for a little while in my running shoes and they felt amazing! :thumbsup2 So I may try a quick run tomorrow morning to see how I feel. :goodvibes I'm excited.

I'm glad that your foot seems to be on the mend and that you found some inserts that may help :)
I would think that if you are dedicated you could do it. I'm 10 years older than you and overweight and I'm going to stick with it. It would depend on if you have any serious medical conditions, but if you are just out of shape you should be fine. :) I would definitely plan some races this summer and fall though! Good luck!:thumbsup2

I'm just out of shape hahaha - I have the weakest core ever and that is the problem! I need to do something about that but thank you so much!!! I will be planning a 5K in the Summer and 10K in the early fall so I can update my pace before the deadline later this year! :thumbsup2
Well I am finally back from Boston. It has been 2 weeks since I have ran and I'm bumming. My foot no longer hurts but does swell up at random times. Today I wore sneakers to work just to see if it prevents it from swelling. If it does then I am just going to go buy a pair of black sneakers to wear with my dress pants every day! Since I don't have pain I am going to get on the treadmill tomorrow and see what happens. If it starts to hurt I will stop. And I will probably make an appointment to see my dr. Blah. I need to get moving. Dirty Girl is in 3 weeks...
Ok, so sneakers at work = no swelling!!! :cool1: I'm sure I looked pretty funny wearing them with dress clothes, but oh well. So this morning I got on the treadmill for a quick 1/2 mile. I pushed myself while I did it and now I wait. I'm going to see if any pain returns or if it begins to swell up again. If not, then I am going to start running 3 times a week again. I'm going to have to abandon my plan of start Galloway's 10k program now because I've lost some of my conditioning. :( But I'm keeping one foot in front of the other. I'm thinking of adding the squat challenge to my work out routine along with Jillian and the TOT training.
My foot doesn't hurt and is not swollen!!! :cool1::cool1::cool1: I am running tomorrow! :) I have a half day so I think I will wait until I get home and get the kids to run with me outside. I'm so excited!!!
Well I finally got outside and ran today for the first time in a couple of weeks. I've been seriously lacking in motivation. I haven't had any issues with my right foot in a few days now so that makes me very happy. It is amazingly warm today in the 60's already so I figured it was time to get out there. I did put a hat on to cover my face so I couldn't be recognized though. lol It kicked my butt and I only went a mile. That kind of frustrated me because I felt like I should have been able to go further, but I guess not. I did lose some endurance from not running for a couple of weeks. Also the reality of the differences between the treadmill and outside hit me in the face pretty hard as well.

I'm coming to the conclusion that I don't like to run, but I *want* to like to run. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. But I want to be able to do it and not feel foolish doing it. Idk. Thoughts like that are why I have my music. I would torture myself with crazy thinking otherwise.


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