Talk DVC with the Dis Dads

Giggity. Ownage.

I'm with you on DP. 10 years ago, the DP included appetizer and gratuity. Now, it does not. I added it up - if you pay item for item, then the DP has value. But, I don't like those choc cake desserts at QS and would not normally order them. Plus, my family would to have an app with TS as opposed to 4 individual desserts. For us, the DP is not a value.

As for ownership, the math is not quite so favorable for new members. The cost of points is significantly higher, and the perks are almost non existent. Plus, the point chart allocations have changed quite often in recent years, and no other WDW resort takes as few points as OKW. I am happy with the current amount of points we own (outright) and may add-on as the dds get older and we need more room. A 1 BR with 2 bathrooms sounds good.
last night, i was just buzzing around the dif. sites and see all these people saying the deal they got w/ free dining etc... so just for fun, i wanted to see what disneys best shot at a deal for the two trips i take a year.
This may not be the best comparison, Dave, since most people who visit WDW won't rent DVC rooms. There is also a fairly steep difference between many Deluxe hotels (CR, Poly, YC, BC, etc) and DVC room prices. It is probably more accurate to compare a hotel where you may stay if the DVC resorts weren't even built. Our family would likely be in a moderate instead of the great deluxes of DVC (BTW, we are a 1BR family all the way :thumbsup2 <---thumb :lmao:). Even compared to the moderates, we come out ahead, since we take full advantage of the kitchen by eating 80% of our meals in the room (which is an important consideration, especially if free dining is accounted for in the rack rates). :)

Alright Disdads, here we go. My wife and I took the DVC tour on our 2007 honeymoon trip and fell in love.

My question is this, we love Beach Club. We want Beach Club. We need to go direct through Disney for various reasons though. How realistic would this be to accomplish even if it meant being on a wait list or a while?
It is definitely possible, but it will likely take a long time to get the deal done. However, it seems DVD does execute their Right of First Refusal power to get points for BCV to resell. If you want it relatively soon, you may need to consider resale (which would be cheaper by price point, despite loosing the ability to trade into the various "collections").

Good Luck!
i did the same thing for animal. same dates etc... free dining number gets bumped to almost $10500. points for okw is 335 animal is 348.
i looked back on my 1999 points chart: sorry only okw and bv at that time. one bedroom,standard view at bwv in 1999 was 162 points in 2011-2012 its 154 points. 2 bedroom 1999 was 222 points and in 2011 its 220. now, dont flame it, those points popped up in bwv points chart somewhere else. they can move a point here or there from season to season but they cant add. i have 400 points so im still under the radar. you will see as time goes, as a newer member, the numbers will start working out for you as well im sure. when we joined the rooms were alot less than they are so it didnt look this good. thats my point.:thumbsup2
This may not be the best comparison, Dave, since most people who visit WDW won't rent DVC rooms. There is also a fairly steep difference between many Deluxe hotels (CR, Poly, YC, BC, etc) and DVC room prices. It is probably more accurate to compare a hotel where you may stay if the DVC resorts weren't even built. Our family would likely be in a moderate instead of the great deluxes of DVC (BTW, we are a 1BR family all the way :thumbsup2 <---thumb :lmao:). Even compared to the moderates, we come out ahead, since we take full advantage of the kitchen by eating 80% of our meals in the room (which is an important consideration, especially if free dining is accounted for in the rack rates). :)

It is definitely possible, but it will likely take a long time to get the deal done. However, it seems DVD does execute their Right of First Refusal power to get points for BCV to resell. If you want it relatively soon, you may need to consider resale (which would be cheaper by price point, despite loosing the ability to trade into the various "collections").

Good Luck!

just comparing apples to apples on my vacations. rooms, tickets etc... thats what the numbers would be if i still wanted to vacation without being a member at those places,, for that amount of time. could i afford it? no :lmao: when we joined, i wasnt sure we could swing the cost of dvc and taking the trips. dw said if it came down to it, we could go shopping when we got there and eat all our meals in the room. i just stayed at the contemp in the tower in june for 8 nights mk view. spent $2800 for the room, ate every meal out and had to carry my wet laundry through the 4th floor because chef mickey visitors had the elevators tied up. at the contemp you must take the elevator to the rooms, no stairs or esc.,and spent $30 in the washer and dryers. i only made the post to compare my stays and for my party size. there are alot of factors and many price ranges of rooms. point being how far my $3500.00 goes, resort, tickets as opp. to what i would get for my $3500.00 every year waiting for disney deals. people make comments like, it must be nice or your rich, no, just joined dvc!!:lmao:
i looked back on my 1999 points chart: sorry only okw and bv at that time.
Ooo! The ancient time :rotfl: :rotfl2:

just comparing apples to apples on my vacations.
I agree, as I do the same thing to "wow" the friends and family that go with us (it also serves to let them know what they are saving by joining us :thumbsup2). This is the fair way to get a saving comparison, and I wanted to point out the other way, since this method generally causes irritation on the Mousellaneous and Operations boards ;)

DVC is definitely a good value for long-term WDW and DLR visitors! Also, I was following your CR trip report; thanks for all the effort and I can't believe you drive instead of fly :woohoo:. Strong are you :yoda:
Ooo! The ancient time :rotfl: :rotfl2:

I agree, as I do the same thing to "wow" the friends and family that go with us (it also serves to let them know what they are saving by joining us :thumbsup2). This is the fair way to get a saving comparison, and I wanted to point out the other way, since this method generally causes irritation on the Mousellaneous and Operations boards ;)

DVC is definitely a good value for long-term WDW and DLR visitors! Also, I was following your CR trip report; thanks for all the effort and I can't believe you drive instead of fly :woohoo:. Strong are you :yoda:

FLY!!!! just kidding:lmao: my wife wont fly, scared to death. one of my best friends is a captain for american and before 911, took us into the hanger so she could see a 757 up close. very cool!!! but, didnt help. the best man in my wedding has his pilots lic. wont sit in the plane much less go up in it.:lmao:i drive about 50k a year for work so driving to me is no big deal. we leave home at 3 am and pull into okw at 7:30 pm. im up at 3:30am everyday so its no biggy for me. not to mention, i would have to pay 5k in extra baggage fees for what she packs and brings along.:lmao: we have fun, met alot of nice people along the way over the years. in 2010 we were down over christmas to okw. friends of our came down , members also but they said, drive!! your nuts, were flying. well, i had there bags in my van so they had nothing to check. they took a cab to the airport at 4am from okw the same morning we departed at 3am. they had a lay over in d.c. flights were delayed. long story short, i got home at 7:15pm, they got home at 8pm.:lmao: they were on a puddle jumper from d.c to newark, the two kids tossed there cookies, no barf bags, she had them do it in her coat, they had nothing else. she tossed her coat when they landed in the garbage. we stopped over the next morning to get theres bags back to them and she said "never again, im drivin!!!":lmao:
A few question here...I called DVC and talked for a few and still dont get it...The man told me I can get the pack-edge That cost about 19000 dollars...Its sounds good he said all we have to do is put 2000 that we can just take it from or trip and put it towerds the DVC sounds good and randy...then i ask how will it work for tickets and food...he said well you have 4800 minus 2000 so we can work something out...then he selling me on a villa in animal kingdom SOLD haha no not yet....then we are going over it and he said we can use the points this year and next year, so that means noooo disney NOT SOLD....So here is the breackdown 2000 down not a problem nice a.. rooms not a problem tickets problem about 2500...dinning plane major problem what do I do...I see were it would be worth it in the long run...but eight kids it just does not seem it to me right about now.
A few question here...I called DVC and talked for a few and still dont get it...The man told me I can get the pack-edge That cost about 19000 dollars...Its sounds good he said all we have to do is put 2000 that we can just take it from or trip and put it towerds the DVC sounds good and randy...then i ask how will it work for tickets and food...he said well you have 4800 minus 2000 so we can work something out...then he selling me on a villa in animal kingdom SOLD haha no not yet....then we are going over it and he said we can use the points this year and next year, so that means noooo disney NOT SOLD....So here is the breackdown 2000 down not a problem nice a.. rooms not a problem tickets problem about 2500...dinning plane major problem what do I do...I see were it would be worth it in the long run...but eight kids it just does not seem it to me right about now.
look, i didnt do the math for feeding 8 kids.:lmao: i couldnt imagine.:worship: wow, unless you have alot of money, you would have to get a grand villa each time. (thats alot of points) the only thing it would save you i think would be when the kids get alittle older, that you would be able to eat most of your meals in the room. but, if free dining sticks around, i think free dining would be the way to go in your case of a family of 10! :thumbsup2 that would be intresting to figure that out, what 3 rooms would cost, there park tickets and meals for the 10 of you. more so when the kids all hit "disney adult" age. let me do some figuring and ill get back to you.:lmao:
A few question here...I called DVC and talked for a few and still dont get it...The man told me I can get the pack-edge That cost about 19000 dollars...Its sounds good he said all we have to do is put 2000 that we can just take it from or trip and put it towerds the DVC sounds good and randy...then i ask how will it work for tickets and food...he said well you have 4800 minus 2000 so we can work something out...then he selling me on a villa in animal kingdom SOLD haha no not yet....then we are going over it and he said we can use the points this year and next year, so that means noooo disney NOT SOLD....So here is the breackdown 2000 down not a problem nice a.. rooms not a problem tickets problem about 2500...dinning plane major problem what do I do...I see were it would be worth it in the long run...but eight kids it just does not seem it to me right about now.

Yes, the buy in costs get you. They are a lot higher now than 10+ years ago. Do you all go to WDW each year? If so, DVC is worth it. If every 3 years, then you can borrow, bank, and UY for a trip with 1/3 the points. You may want to check out resale market. I went thru TimeShare Store and they are great. I was able to get points for maybe 70% of the direct price. Good luck.
i looked up the points needed for a grand villa. the most cheapest way of going. you would need 350 points per year to stay at okw in a grandvilla for one week in september. i would forget about park ticket price, dont matter where you stay, you will have to buy park tickets.figure $180.00 per point through disney. thats 63k. divide by 42 years thats $1500.00 per year initial investment. figure another $1500.00 for taxs and maintain.. total room per year is $3000.00 (can maintain and taxs go up, sure, but i have my bills from 1999 and the room rates out paced my t&m bill. i think my t&m bill went up $10 per month. if you look back on this thread you will see i posted the amounts and offered to send copies. throw your food number on there. :-)lmao: i wouldnt even want to guess buddy!:lmao:) and come to a total. the biggest problem is finding 63k. also, i only had one kid to brain wash and keep her intrest in disney. tammy and i where already so we dont have that problem. but that woulod be a big commitment for a long time.
i looked up the points needed for a grand villa. the most cheapest way of going. you would need 350 points per year to stay at okw in a grandvilla for one week in september. i would forget about park ticket price, dont matter where you stay, you will have to buy park tickets.figure $180.00 per point through disney. thats 63k. divide by 42 years thats $1500.00 per year initial investment. figure another $1500.00 for taxs and maintain.. total room per year is $3000.00 (can maintain and taxs go up, sure, but i have my bills from 1999 and the room rates out paced my t&m bill. i think my t&m bill went up $10 per month. if you look back on this thread you will see i posted the amounts and offered to send copies. throw your food number on there. :-)lmao: i wouldnt even want to guess buddy!:lmao:) and come to a total. the biggest problem is finding 63k. also, i only had one kid to brain wash and keep her intrest in disney. tammy and i where already so we dont have that problem. but that woulod be a big commitment for a long time.

Did you check points on a 2 BR + studio. Or, when one child reaches an age and doesn't want to travel, then they could get by with a 1 BR and studio. Lock all the kids in one villa and the adults can hide in the studio. I can't imagine 8. I can hardly keep up with the 2 I have. But, there may be cheaper points on resale market.
Yes, the buy in costs get you. They are a lot higher now than 10+ years ago. Do you all go to WDW each year? If so, DVC is worth it. If every 3 years, then you can borrow, bank, and UY for a trip with 1/3 the points. You may want to check out resale market. I went thru TimeShare Store and they are great. I was able to get points for maybe 70% of the direct price. Good luck.

resale market is a good idea.:thumbsup2 sure cost are more to buy in than 10 years ago but so are rooms.thats the point of dvc, thats why we save alot of money. with dvc, you prepaid your room at the prices when you jumped in. my cost of a point is $56.00 per point in 1999.your gambling on the cost of rooms will go up and they did. but im paying 1999 rates. thats why my numbers look good and for other dvc members who have been in it. its just numbers as you can see. no magic, no government smoke and mirrors.:lmao:, i have another 31 years to go at those numbers and if the price of rooms go up, it will only make my numbers look better.
Did you check points on a 2 BR + studio. Lock all the kids in one villa and the adults can hide in the studio. I can't imagine 8. I can hardly keep up with the 2 I have. But, there may be cheaper points on resale market.

:lmao: my butt is clench just thinking about feeding 8 kids much less going to disney. :lmao:
well thanks guys...I think I should hit the bank in the morning and grab 63k for my DVC....:lmao:...the man never told me all that and more...It did not seem like a good idea after all. it sounded too good to be true...Plus me and claire wanted to stay at different resorts every time we go. So for now we will stay at are original plan and stay at POP oh I love me some POP:lmao:...We here it goes last year we jumped on free dining and made off...on Average we spent over $250 a day on food..So with 8 kids I love free. I have two under three so I can do two rooms at POP this year. next year lets see were Walt takes me..

and throw a phillies in there too:lmao:
well thanks guys...I think I should hit the bank in the morning and grab 63k for my DVC....:lmao:...the man never told me all that and more...It did not seem like a good idea after all. it sounded too good to be true...Plus me and claire wanted to stay at different resorts every time we go. So for now we will stay at are original plan and stay at POP oh I love me some POP:lmao:...We here it goes last year we jumped on free dining and made off...on Average we spent over $250 a day on food..So with 8 kids I love free. I have two under three so I can do two rooms at POP this year. next year lets see were Walt takes me..

and throw a phillies in there too:lmao:

i see your phillies sqeeked another game out of another team with a losing record. whos next, the mets??????:lmao: when you say $250 per day on food, thats in disney?
i see your phillies sqeeked another game out of another team with a losing record. whos next, the mets??????:lmao: when you say $250 per day on food, thats in disney?

everyone is a losing team against the fighting phillis:cool1: Yes that is in disney :lmao:....every time I went to swipe last year I was like holly penutbutter. thank god for free dinning.
everyone is a losing team against the fighting phillis:cool1: Yes that is in disney :lmao:....every time I went to swipe last year I was like holly penutbutter. thank god for free dinning.

your tip is more than our meal.:scared1: so when are coming up north????
your tip is more than our meal.:scared1: so when are coming up north????

I am trying to make a day. since I am working two jobs now for this magical trip, oh so magical:lmao:.When are you leaving again...because dont mind the eagles duffel bag weighing 240lbs. they way its looking I will probably miss half the season..who cares Ill see them in the superbowl...great now I should plan on working two jobs till February to buy superbowl tickets..thanks Lehigh valley guy
I am trying to make a day. since I am working two jobs now for this magical trip, oh so magical:lmao:.When are you leaving again...because dont mind the eagles duffel bag weighing 240lbs. they way its looking I will probably miss half the season..who cares Ill see them in the superbowl...great now I should plan on working two jobs till February to buy superbowl tickets..thanks Lehigh valley guy

:lmao: id spend the money your planing on using for superbowls tickets, bunch of rookies and still have the brains of the operation still in charge.:lmao: but im sure he'll work on that.:lmao: we are leaving sept. 27th. hopefully. i have to take tammy to jefferson unv. hosp. on the 21st for another mri and a dr. appointment. hopefully the spot on her brain is what they think it is. its hard to get excited about a trip that you dont know if your going till a week before. but the trip means nothing to me as long as shes ok.
Just to clarify, the old hats?

YUP!!![/B] If there's still one available!!!
Well that I can anwer for you..... YES... I know several people that own DVC and dont make $100k a yr.

when we bought in ,we made alot less than 100k.:thumbsup2

I'm on board here!!! And we're members!!!

With the ability to bank and borrow points, as well as to rent points to others, DVC can still be a value, even if you only go every other year.

That's what we do, bank and borrow!! We can't afford to go every year!! OH HOW I WISH WE COULD!!! But I've also learned that being a DCL loving family I made out better renting my points and paying cash for our DCL trip this November!! IT'LL BE HERE SOON!!!

everyone is a losing team against the fighting phillis:cool1:


GO E-A-G-L-E-S!!!


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